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- TS Data Master - Help (for Version 1.01 04.07.1994)
- Menus and Gadgets in the main program
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Arrow Gadgets
- - - - - - - - - -
- |< the Numeric Keypad 7 - Go to the first record
- << - Rewind
- < NK 4 - Go to the previous record
- <> NK 5 - Asks where to go
- > NK 6 - Go to the next record
- >> - Forward
- >| NK 1 - Go to the last record
- H NK 9 - Go to the first field
- U Cursor Key Up, NK 8 - Go to the previous field
- D Cursor Key Down, NK 2 - Go to the next field
- E NK 3 - Go to the last field
- The Project Menu
- - - - - - - - - -
- New Database n - Open a new database
- Load Database l - Load the database from the disk drive
- Save Database s - Save the database with the old name
- Save As a - Save the database with the new name
- Field Editor f - Call the Field Editor
- Settings p - Change the program preferences
- Help y - Show this text
- About A - Tell about the program and the author
- Quit <ESC>, q - Exit the program
- The Edit Menu
- - - - - - - -
- Insert i - Insert a new record
- Delete d - Delete the current record
- Change h - Change the places of two records
- Move m - Move the current record to a new position
- Copy c - Copy the record data to another record
- Clear j - Clear the record
- Number of Records U - Change the Number of the Records
- Delete Unedited Records E - Delete the unused/unedited records
- The Block Menu
- - - - - - - - -
- Mark Block b - Set the block begin/end
- Unmark Block B - Unset the block
- Delete Block D - Delete the block records
- Change Block H - Change the block with another one
- Move Block M - Move the block to a new position
- Copy Block C - Copy the block records to another block
- Clear Block J - Clear the block records
- The Search Menu
- - - - - - - - -
- Search String S - Search for a string
- Search Next String N - Go to the next string searched earlier
- Edit Search Criteria e - Change the search criteria
- Show Matching Records r - Show only the matching records (or
- 'Show all records', a switch item)
- Check Again R - Check the matching records again
- Inverse Search Criteria v - Inverse the search criteria
- Delete Unmatching Records u - Delete the unmatching records
- The Show Menu
- - - - - - - -
- Print P - Print the database for the printer
- Show o - Show the database on the screen
- Save ASCII V - Save the database as an ASCII file
- Diagram g - Compare records graphically
- Form Editor G - Call the Form Editor
- The Special Menu
- - - - - - - - - -
- Set Key Fields F - Set the key fields for sorting
- Sort Incremental z - Sort the records in alphabetic order
- Sort Decremental Z - Sort the records in inversed alphabetic order
- Edit Title Page t - Edit the title page
- Edit Explanation Page x - Edit the field explanations
- Show Field Explanation X - Show the field explanation
- Set Main Field k - Set the main field
- Set Step Size T - Set the step size exponent (for
- example, give 2, step size = 10e2=100)
- Status w - Show the program status
- Reset W - Reset the program
- Gadgets in the file functions
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Directory - The open drawer
- File - The selected file
- Parent p - Return one drawer back in the root directory
- Cancel <ESC> - Exit without any operations
- Load/Save <ENTER> - Alternatively load or save
- Gadgets in the Edit Search Criteria, the Edit Title Page and
- the Edit Explanation Page functions
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Clear j - Clear the current line
- ClearAll J - Clear all lines
- Cancel <ESC> - Exit canceling the changes
- OK O - Exit
- The Print, the Show and the Save ASCII functions
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- First Record - The first record in the print-out
- Last Record - The last record in the print-out
- First Field - The first field in the print-out
- Last Field - The last field in the print-out
- Space Record - The number of empty lines between records
- Space Field - The number of empty lines between fields
- Max Length - The maximum length of the field title
- and explanation
- Max Title Len - The maximum length of the field title
- Field Title - Show the field title in the print-out
- Field Unit - Attach the unit to the field data
- Field Number - Attach the field number to the title
- Record Title - Show the record title
- Database Title - Show the title page
- Database Explanation - Show the field explanations
- Cancel <ESC> - Exit without any operations
- OK <ENTER> - Print, show or save the database
- Gadgets in the Diagram function
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Min - The minimum value of the scale
- Max - The maximum value of the scale
- Step Size - The step size of the scale
- Title Length - The maximum length of the record title
- Field - The field used in comparision (only
- number fields)
- Sort z - Sort the records
- AddNumbs - Display the field values as numbers too
- Gadgets in the Settings function
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Alphabet - The language of alphabet and the
- alphabet string
- Colours - The colour gadgets
- Cancel <ESC> - Exit without any operations
- Use O - Exit and use new settings
- Save&Use <ENTER> - Exit, and save and use new settings
- Default d - Return the default settings
- ShowUnit - Attach the unit to the field data
- ShowFNum - Attach the field number to the title
- Gadgets and Menus in the Form Editor
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Project Menu
- - - - - - - - - -
- Print P - Print the database for the printer
- Show o - Show the database on the screen
- Save ASCII V - Save the database as an ASCII file
- Load Form Data a - Load the form data file
- Save Form Data A - Save the form data to the disk
- Exit q - Exit the Editor
- The Flags Menu
- - - - - - -
- Field Unit u - Attach the unit to the field data
- Field Number n - Attach the field number to the title
- Database Title t - Show the database title
- Database Explanation e - Show the field explanations
- Split Words s - Allow the program to split words on two lines
- Delete Empty Lines d - Delete empty lines from the print-out
- Field Titles Before Recs b - The field titles are showed only
- once and before the records
- Set First Record f - Set the first record
- Set Last Record l - Set the last record
- Set Record Space c - Set the number of empty lines between records
- Gadgets
- - - - -
- Field - The current field
- X, Y - The coordinates of the field data
- Width - The width of the field data
- Height - The height of the field data
- TitleX, TitleY - The coordinates of the field title
- TitleLength - The length of the field title