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- /****************************************************************************
- * *
- * *
- * $VER: GEDCOM2Scion.rexx 2.11 (23 May 1995)
- * *
- * Written by Freddy Ariës *
- * *
- * This program was created to import GEDCOM data into the Scion database. *
- * It is still very basic, which means it will only be able to parse the *
- * most basic GEDCOM files, and I can't even guarantee that it will handle *
- * these correctly... *
- * *
- * This version uses (by default) the rexxreqtools.library (which requires *
- * a version of reqtools larger than 2.0 and rexxsyslib.library) *
- * If you do not have these, you need to supply the NOREQ argument (for *
- * Shell output), or the QUIET argument (for no output at all). *
- * *
- * Even though this script does no parsing of dates, it's safer if they are *
- * in the exact format "DD MMM YYYY". *
- * All unrecognized fields or fields that Scion doesn't use, are skipped. *
- * The database must be running for this AREXX script to work. *
- * *
- * New (requested by Robbie): progress indicator, using rexxarplib.library *
- * *
- * NOTE: The program generates a file DATABASE.err (where DATABASE is the *
- * name of the GEDCOM file read), in the directory where the GEDCOM file *
- * is located. This .err file contains parsing info about which lines were *
- * skipped and which non-fatal errors were encountered. It may be a good *
- * idea to read this file! *
- * FAMS and FAMC fields, and EVEN structures will always be skipped, *
- * because I use another method of establishing family (spouse & children) *
- * relationships. If no relationships are established, this probably means *
- * that the imported file does not support that other method. If you *
- * encounter such a file, please send it to me, and tell me what program *
- * generated it. If this happens a lot, I will add support for the parsing *
- * of these relations in a future version. *
- * *
- * (still TO DO, but low priority, unless someone really wants this): *
- * - Better parsing of dates *
- * Recognition and use of ABT, BEF, AFT notations *
- * - Add support for EVEN(t) structures *
- * - I'm thinking of a way to allow modifying an existing database. The *
- * current version will only add to a database, and doesn't care for *
- * double entries. *
- * *
- ****************************************************************************/
- options failat 20; options results
- arg inname inval
- versionstr = "2.11"
- lnum = 0; outp = 1; output = stdout
- usereq = 1; /* change this to 0 if you don't want to use reqtools */
- prgrs = 1; pgopen = 0; /* use RexxArp progress indicator */
- /* change prgrs to 0 for not using it */
- NL = '0A'x
- signal on IOERR
- /* parse command line options, to enable calling the script automatically,
- * eg. from a function key
- */
- do while inname = '?'
- writeln(stdout, "INFILE/A,QUIET/S,NOREQ/S ")
- pull inname inval
- end
- if inname ~= "" then do
- if inname = "QUIET" | inname = "NOREQ" then do
- inval = inname; inname = ""
- end
- end
- if inval = "QUIET" then do
- outp = 0; usereq = 0
- end
- else if inval = "NOREQ" then usereq = 0
- if usereq & ~show('l','rexxreqtools.library') then do
- if exists('libs:rexxreqtools.library') then
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- else do
- usereq = 0; outp = 1
- Tell("Unable to open rexxreqtools.library - using text output")
- end
- end
- if ~usereq then prgrs = 0
- if prgrs & ~show('l','rexxarplib.library') then do
- if exists('libs:rexxarplib.library') then
- call addlib('rexxarplib.library',0,-30,0)
- else
- prgrs = 0
- end
- /* These first few lines are stolen from Peter Billings - thanks Peter ;-) */
- if ~show('P','SCIONGEN') then do
- TermError('I am sorry to say that the SCION Genealogist' || NL ||,
- 'database is not available. Please start the' || NL ||,
- 'SCION program BEFORE using this script!')
- end
- myport = "SCIONGEN"
- address value myport
- dbname = upper(RESULT)
- if outp & ~usereq then do
- Tell("GEDCOM to Scion conversion script v"||versionstr||" by Freddy Ariës")
- Tell("Scion (output) database: "||dbname)
- end
- if inname = "" then do
- /* ignore the value of outp; if we can't ask for the input file,
- * we can't do anything!
- */
- if usereq then do
- /* We need a file requester for further data */
- inname = rtfilerequest(,,'GEDCOM Input File',,'rtfi_buffer = true rt_pubscrname = SCIONGEN rtfi_initialpath = RAM:',)
- end
- else do
- Tell("Please enter the filename (with complete path) of the GEDCOM file:")
- TellNN("Input file: ")
- pull inname
- end
- if inname = '' then
- TermError("ERROR: No Input File!")
- end
- if ~open(infile, inname, "r") then
- TermError("ERROR: Input file '"inname"' not found!")
- if ~usereq then
- Tell("Be patient - this may take a while...")
- /* Initialize line count, individual counter and family counter */
- ink = GetNextLine()
- if left(ink, 6) ~= "0 HEAD" then do
- close(infile)
- TermError("ERROR: Invalid beginning of file - not a valid GEDCOM format")
- end
- lvlstr = '0'; lvl = 1; atlvl = 1
- IRNArr. = 0; FGRNArr. = 0
- /* Read the "HEAD" section until we find something else of level "0" */
- prstot = ""
- ink = ParseHeader(atlvl)
- prsr = RESULT
- prsr = "Destination: Scion Genealogist "||prsr
- if ~usereq then
- Tell(prsr)
- else
- prstot = prstot||prsr||NL
- prsr = "Dest. file: "||dbname
- if ~usereq then
- Tell(prsr)
- else do
- prstot=prstot||prsr||NL||NL||"Parsing will take a while - be patient."||,
- NL||"Click `Continue' to start parsing..."
- rv = rtezrequest(prstot,'_Continue| _Abort ','Converter Message:','rt_pubscrname = SCIONGEN')
- if rv = 0 then EXIT
- end
- /* TO DO: if inname ends on .GED, strip the extension */
- if ~open(errfile, inname||".err", "w") then
- errfile = stdout
- /* Now scan the following level "0" fields for individuals;
- * skip the families, for the moment
- */
- irn = 0
- if prgrs then do
- Postmsg(10, 10, "GEDCOM to Scion (by Freddy Ariës)\Database: "||,
- StripPath(inname)||"\Persons parsed: "||irn||"\", "SCIONGEN")
- pgopen = 1
- end
- replay = 0
- do while ~eof(infile)
- lvlstr = word(ink, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if lvl = atlvl then do
- tagstr = upper(word(ink, words(ink)))
- if tagstr = "INDI" then do
- nstr = strip(word(ink, 2),'B','@'||xrange('A','Z'))
- if DATATYPE(nstr) = 'NUM' then do
- tp = GGetIRN(nstr)
- if tp ~= 0 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: Duplicate person encountered: "||nstr||" (IRN "||tp||") (line: "||lnum||")")
- irn = irn + 1
- if pgopen then Postmsg(,, "\\Persons parsed: "||irn||"\", "SCIONGEN")
- ink = ParsePerson(nstr, lvl)
- if ink ~= "" then replay = 1
- end
- else TermError("ERROR: Cannot determine the Individual Record Number! (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- end
- /* Skip all lines with level ~= current level (0) */
- if replay = 0 then ink = GetNextLine()
- else replay = 0
- end
- if ~usereq then do
- Tell("Number of persons parsed: "||irn)
- tot = RESULT
- /* optional, as extra check:
- Tell("Total number of persons in the Scion database: "||tot)
- */
- end
- /* Now rescan the entire file for families; I know it is quite
- * inefficient this way, but it's better to add all the persons first,
- * and then establish the relations...
- */
- close(infile)
- if ~open(infile, inname, "r") then
- TermError("ERROR: Unable to read relations!")
- if ~usereq then
- Tell("Scanning file again to establish relations...")
- lvlstr = '0'; lvl = 1; atlvl = 1
- fgrn = 0; lnum = 0; fxs = 0; finp = 0; ffile = 0
- if pgopen then Postmsg(,, "\\\Families parsed: "||fgrn, "SCIONGEN")
- replay = 0
- do while ~eof(infile)
- if replay = 0 then ink = GetNextLine()
- else replay = 0
- lvlstr = word(ink, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if lvl = atlvl then do
- tagstr = upper(word(ink, words(ink)))
- if tagstr = "FAM" then do
- nstr = strip(word(ink, 2),'B','@'||xrange('A','Z'))
- if DATATYPE(nstr) = 'NUM' then do
- fp = GGetFGRN(nstr)
- if fp ~= 0 then
- writeln(errfile, "WARNING: Duplicate family encountered: "||nstr||" (FGRN "||fp||") (line: "||lnum||")")
- /* TO DO: if the above necessary? Or can we go on parsing? */
- else
- fgrn = fgrn + 1
- if pgopen then Postmsg(,, "\\\Families parsed: "||fgrn, "SCIONGEN")
- ink = ParseFamily(nstr, lvl)
- if ink ~= "" then replay = 1
- end
- else TermError("ERROR: Cannot determine the Family Group Record Number! (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- else if tagstr = "TRLR" then do
- close(infile)
- if pgopen then do
- Postmsg()
- pgopen = 0
- end
- ftot = RESULT
- if usereq then do
- itot = RESULT
- TermError("PARSING DONE:"||NL||"Number of persons parsed: "||irn||,
- NL||"Number of families parsed: "||fgrn||,
- /* optional, as extra check:
- NL||"Total number of persons in the Scion database: "||itot||,
- NL||"Total number of families in the Scion database: "||ftot||,
- */
- end
- else do
- Tell("Number of families parsed: "||fgrn)
- /* optional, as extra check:
- Tell("Total number of families in the Scion database: "||ftot)
- */
- end
- end
- end
- /* Skip all the fields at lvl ~= this level */
- end
- close(infile)
- if ink ~= "0 TRLR" then
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file")
- else
- TermError("ERROR: Trailer not recognized! (line: "||lnum||")")
- ParseHeader: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile prstot NL outp usereq lnum
- parse arg inilvl
- do while ~eof(infile)
- ins = GetNextLine()
- if ins = "" then
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file")
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if lvl <= inilvl then RETURN ins
- if lvl = inilvl+1 then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr)))
- curr = upper(word(lstr, 1))
- if curr = "SOUR" then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- prsr = "Source system: "||lstr
- if ~usereq then
- Tell(prsr)
- else
- prstot = prstot||prsr||NL
- ins = ParseSource(lvl)
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = lvlstr + 1
- if lvl <= inilvl then RETURN ins
- if lvl = inilvl+1 then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr)))
- curr = upper(word(lstr, 1))
- end
- else TermError("ERROR: This should never happen [1] (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- if curr = "DATE" then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- prsr = "Creation date: "||lstr
- if ~usereq then
- Tell(prsr)
- else
- prstot = prstot||prsr||NL
- end
- else if curr = "FILE" then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- prsr = "Source file: "||lstr
- if ~usereq then
- Tell(prsr)
- else
- prstot = prstot||prsr||NL
- end
- /* add COPR (copyright) and GEDC VERS parsing
- */
- end
- end
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file")
- ParseSource: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile prstot NL outp usereq lnum
- parse arg namlvl
- /* Scan for "NAME" and "VERS" */
- do while ~eof(infile)
- ins = GetNextLine()
- if ins = "" then
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file")
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if lvl <= namlvl then RETURN ins
- if lvl = namlvl+1 then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr)))
- curr = upper(word(lstr, 1))
- if curr = "VERS" then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- prsr = "Version: "||lstr
- if ~usereq then
- Tell(prsr)
- else
- prstot = prstot||prsr||NL
- end
- else if curr = "NAME" then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- prsr = "Created by: "||lstr
- if ~usereq then
- Tell(prsr)
- else
- prstot = prstot||prsr||NL
- end
- end
- end
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file")
- ParsePerson: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile IrnArr. errfile outp usereq lnum
- parse arg pnum, inilvl
- replay = 0
- prn = GetNewPerson()
- IRNArr.pnum = prn
- do while ~eof(infile)
- if replay = 0 then ins = GetNextLine()
- else replay = 0
- if ins = "" then
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file")
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if lvl <= inilvl then RETURN ins
- if lvl = inilvl + 1 then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr)))
- curr = upper(word(lstr, 1))
- end
- if curr = "NAME" then StorePersName(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr))), prn)
- else if curr = "SEX" then StorePersSex(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr))), prn)
- else if curr = "BIRT" | curr = "DEAT" | curr = "BURI" then do
- ins = ParsePersDatePlace(curr, prn, lvl)
- replay = 1
- end
- else if curr = "CHR" | curr = "BAPM" | curr = "BAPL" | curr = "CHRA" | curr = "CONF" then
- do
- /* only here because it made the 'BIRT' line too long :-( */
- ins = ParsePersDatePlace(curr, prn, lvl)
- replay = 1
- end
- else if curr = "OCCU" then StoreOccup(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr))), prn)
- else if curr = "EDUC" then StoreEduc(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr))), prn)
- else if curr = "RELI" then StoreRelig(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr))), prn)
- else if curr = "STIL" then StoreCOD("stillborn", prn)
- /* Note: 'STIL' is not part of the official GEDCOM standard */
- else if curr = "NOTE" then do
- ins = StorePersComment(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr))), prn, lvl)
- replay = 1
- end
- else if curr = "FAMC" | curr = "FAMS" | curr = "NUMB" then do
- /* nothing - children and spouse relationships are established later
- * and NUMB fields are irrelevant
- * Note: we do not output a "Skipped" message for these fields.
- */
- end
- else if curr = "CHAN" then do
- ins = SkipChanged(lvl)
- replay = 1
- /* no 'SKIPPED' message for these fields */
- end
- else do
- olv = lvl - 1
- writeln(errfile, "SKIPPED: Level "||olv||" field "||curr||" for person "||prn||"! (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- end
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file")
- ParseFamily: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile ffile errfile outp usereq lnum fxs finp FGRNArr. IRNArr.
- parse arg fnum, inilvl
- replay = 0; fxs = 0; finp = 0; fins = 0
- /* replay: parse the currently read line, don't read the next one
- * fxs : family exists; if 0, only allow HUSB and WIFE, rest to tempfile
- * ~= 0, then contains FGRN (family number)
- * finp : file input; 0 = from sourcefile (GEDCOM), 1 = from tempfile
- */
- open(ffile, "T:Scion.GPF", "w")
- do while (finp = 0 & ~eof(infile)) | (finp = 1 & ~eof(ffile))
- if replay = 0 then ins = GetNextFLine()
- else
- replay = 0
- if ins = "" & finp = 0 then
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file!")
- if finp = 1 & eof(ffile) then do
- close(ffile)
- RETURN fins
- end
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if (lvl <= inilvl) & (finp = 0) then do
- finp = 1
- close(ffile)
- if ~open(ffile, "T:Scion.GPF", "r") | eof(ffile) then do
- close(ffile)
- RETURN ins
- end
- fins = ins
- end
- if lvl = inilvl + 1 then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr)))
- curr = upper(word(lstr, 1))
- end
- if curr = "HUSB" then fxs = StoreFamHusband(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)), 'B', ' @'), fnum)
- else if curr = "WIFE" then fxs = StoreFamWife(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)), 'B', ' @'), fnum)
- else if curr = "CHIL" then do
- if lvl > inilvl + 1 then do
- /* TO DO: for now, "ADOP" etc. fields are skipped */
- olv = lvl - 1
- lostr = upper(word(strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr))), 1))
- writeln(errfile, "SKIPPED: Level "||olv||" field "||lostr||" for family "||fnum||"! (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- if fxs = 0 then do
- if finp = 1 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: Family for "||lstr||" does not exist!")
- else
- FOutput(ins)
- end
- else StoreFamChild(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)), 'B', ' @'), fxs)
- end
- else if curr = "MARR" | curr = "DIV" | curr = "ANUL" | curr = "ENGA" then do
- if fxs = 0 then do
- if finp = 1 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: Family for "||lstr||" does not exist!")
- else
- FOutput(ins)
- end
- ins = ParseFamDatePlace(curr, fxs, lvl)
- if ins ~= 0 then
- replay = 1
- end
- else if curr = "NOTE" then do
- if lvl > inilvl + 1 then do
- olv = lvl - 1
- lostr = upper(word(strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr))), 1))
- writeln(errfile, "SKIPPED: Level "||olv||" field "||lostr||" for family "||fnum||"! (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- if fxs = 0 then do
- if finp = 1 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: Family for "||lstr||" does not exist!")
- else
- FOutput(ins)
- end
- ins = StoreFamComment(strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr))), fxs, lvl)
- replay = 1
- end
- else if curr = "NUMB" then do
- /* nothing - NUMB fields are irrelevant
- * Note: we do not output a "Skipped" message for these fields.
- */
- end
- else if curr = "CHAN" then do
- ins = SkipChanged(lvl)
- replay = 1
- /* no 'SKIPPED' message for these fields */
- end
- else do
- olv = lvl - 1
- writeln(errfile, "SKIPPED: Level "||olv||" field "||curr||" in family "||fnum||"! (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- end
- close(ffile)
- if finp = 1 then
- RETURN fins
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file!")
- GetNumType: PROCEDURE EXPOSE outp infile usereq lnum
- parse arg str
- if DATATYPE(str) ~= 'NUM' then
- TermError("ERROR: Level indicator expected -> error in GEDCOM specification? String is "||str||" (line: "||lnum||")")
- return str + 1
- GetNextFLine: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile ffile lnum finp
- if finp = 0 then return GetNextLine()
- ignl = ""
- do while ignl = "" & ~eof(ffile)
- ignl = readln(ffile)
- if ignl ~= "" then ignl = strip(ignl)
- /* so we can check if strip(ignl) is still ~= "" */
- end
- return ignl
- GetNextLine: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile lnum
- lnum = lnum + 1
- ignl = ""
- do while ignl = "" & ~eof(infile)
- ignl = readln(infile)
- if ignl ~= "" then ignl = strip(ignl)
- /* so we can check if strip(ignl) is still ~= "" */
- end
- return ignl
- FOutput: PROCEDURE EXPOSE ffile errfile
- parse arg iline
- if ~exists("T:Scion.GPF") then do
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: no tempfile for line: "||iline)
- return 0
- end
- else writeln(ffile, iline)
- return 0
- StorePersName: PROCEDURE
- parse arg nstr, pnum
- nstr = strip(nstr, 'B', '/')
- ps = pos('/', nstr)
- if ps = 0 then do
- fname = ""
- lname = nstr
- end
- else do
- fname = left(nstr, ps-1)
- lname = right(nstr, length(nstr)-ps)
- end
- PUTLASTNAME pnum lname
- PUTFIRSTNAME pnum fname
- return 1
- StorePersSex: PROCEDURE
- parse arg nstr, pnum
- sxstr = upper(left(nstr, 1))
- if sxstr ~= 'M' then sxstr = 'F'
- PUTSEX pnum sxstr
- return 1
- ParsePersDatePlace: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile outp usereq lnum
- parse arg idstr, pnum, inilvl
- datstr = ""
- plcstr = ""
- causestr = ""
- do while ~eof(infile)
- ins = GetNextLine()
- if eof(infile) then
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file!")
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if lvl <= inilvl then do
- select
- when idstr = "BIRT" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTBIRTHDATE pnum datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- PUTBIRTHPLACE pnum plcstr
- end
- when idstr = "DEAT" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTDEATHDATE pnum datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- PUTDEATHPLACE pnum plcstr
- if causestr ~= "" then
- PUTDIEDOF pnum causestr
- end
- when idstr = "BURI" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTBURIALDATE pnum datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- PUTBURIALPLACE pnum plcstr
- end
- when idstr = "BAPL" | idstr = "BAPM" | idstr = "CHR" | idstr = "CHRA" | idstr = "CONF" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTBAPTISMDATE pnum datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- end
- otherwise
- /* do nothing */
- end
- RETURN ins
- end
- if lvl = inilvl+1 then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr)))
- curr = upper(word(lstr, 1))
- if curr = "DATE" then do
- datstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- end
- else if curr = "PLAC" then do
- plcstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- end
- else if curr = "QUAY" then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- if DATATYPE(lstr) = 'NUM' & lstr < 2 then do
- if datstr ~= "" then datstr = datstr||'?'
- if plcstr ~= "" then plcstr = plcstr||'?'
- end
- end
- else if curr = "CAUS" then do
- causestr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- end
- end
- /* Skip all fields of lvl > inilvl */
- end
- return 0
- ParseFamDatePlace: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile ffile errfile outp usereq lnum finp FGRNArr.
- parse arg idstr, ff, inilvl
- datstr = ""; plcstr = ""; clbrnt = ""
- do while ~eof(infile) | ~eof(ffile)
- ins = GetNextFLine()
- if finp = 0 & ins = "" then
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file (Parsing Family Events)!")
- if finp = 1 & eof(ffile) then do
- if ff ~= 0 then do
- if idstr = "MARR" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTMARRYDATE ff datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- if clbrnt ~= "" then
- PUTCELEBRANT ff clbrnt
- end
- else if idstr = "ANUL" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTENDDATE ff datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- PUTENDPLACE ff plcstr
- end
- else if idstr = "DIV" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTENDDATE ff datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- PUTENDPLACE ff plcstr
- /* TO DO: if 'DIV' has a "2 TYPE SEPARAT*" line behind it,
- * set ending to 'Separation'
- */
- end
- else if idstr = "ENGA" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- end
- end
- end
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- if lvl <= inilvl then do
- if ff ~= 0 then do
- if idstr = "MARR" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTMARRYDATE ff datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- if clbrnt ~= "" then
- PUTCELEBRANT ff clbrnt
- end
- else if idstr = "DIV" | idstr = "ANUL" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- PUTENDDATE ff datstr
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- PUTENDPLACE ff plcstr
- if idstr = "DIV" then PUTENDING ff 2
- else idstr = "ANUL" then PUTENDING ff 4
- end
- else if idstr = "ENGA" then do
- if datstr ~= "" then
- if plcstr ~= "" then
- end
- end
- RETURN ins
- end
- if finp = 0 & ff = 0 then FOutput(ins)
- else do
- if lvl = inilvl+1 then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(ins, 1, length(lvlstr)))
- curr = upper(word(lstr, 1))
- if curr = "DATE" then do
- datstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- end
- else if curr = "PLAC" then do
- plcstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- end
- else if curr = "OFFI" then do
- clbrnt = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- /* only for "MARR" */
- end
- else if curr = "QUAY" then do
- lstr = strip(delstr(lstr, 1, length(curr)))
- if DATATYPE(lstr) = 'NUM' & lstr <= 1 then do
- if datstr ~= "" then datstr = datstr||'?'
- if plcstr ~= "" then plcstr = plcstr||'?'
- end
- end
- end
- /* Skip all fields of lvl > inilvl */
- end
- end
- TermError("ERROR: Unexpected end of file (Parsed Family Events)!")
- GetNewPerson: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile outp usereq
- newpnum = RESULT
- if newpnum = 0 then TermError("ERROR: Cannot allocate new person!")
- /* if you want to see Scion in action, uncomment the next line */
- /* GETPERSONWIN newpnum */
- return newpnum
- GetNewFamily: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile outp usereq
- parse arg irn
- newfnum = RESULT
- if newfnum = 0 then TermError("ERROR: Cannot allocate new family!")
- /* if you want to see Scion in action, uncomment the next line */
- /* GETFAMILYWIN newfnum */
- return newfnum
- StoreOccup: PROCEDURE
- parse arg nstr, pnum
- return 1
- StoreEduc: PROCEDURE
- parse arg nstr, pnum
- PUTEDUCATION pnum nstr
- return 1
- StoreRelig: PROCEDURE
- parse arg nstr, pnum
- PUTRELIGION pnum nstr
- return 1
- parse arg nstr, pnum
- PUTDIEDOF pnum nstr
- return 1
- StorePersComment: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile outp usereq lnum
- parse arg nstr, pnum, lvl
- l1 = lvl||" CONT"
- l2 = length(l1)
- ins = GetNextLine()
- if length(ins) > l2 & left(ins, l2) = l1 then do
- StorePersRefs(right(ins, length(ins)-l2), pnum)
- ins = GetNextLine()
- end
- return ins
- StorePersRefs: PROCEDURE
- parse arg nstr, pnum
- PUTPERSREFS pnum nstr
- return 1
- StoreFamHusband: PROCEDURE EXPOSE errfile infile outp usereq lnum IRNArr. FGRNArr.
- parse arg nstr, fnum
- nstr = strip(nstr,'B','@'||xrange('A','Z'))
- ff = 0
- if DATATYPE(nstr) = 'NUM' then
- do
- ii = GGetIRN(nstr)
- if ii = 0 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: Missing Personal Record for HUSBAND "||nstr||" (line: "||lnum||")")
- else do
- ff = GGetFGRN(fnum)
- if ff = 0 then do
- ff = GetNewFamily(ii)
- FGRNArr.fnum = ff
- end
- else do
- /* There already is a family, so there is a principal; assume
- * that that is the wife - add the husband as spouse
- */
- ers = RESULT
- if ers ~= 1 then do
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR "||ers||" in PUTSPOUSE (HUSB) "||ff||' '||ii)
- prc = RESULT
- spc = RESULT
- writeln(errfile, "Principal: "||prc||", Spouse: "||spc)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ff
- StoreFamWife: PROCEDURE EXPOSE errfile infile outp usereq lnum IRNArr. FGRNArr.
- parse arg nstr, fnum
- nstr = strip(nstr,'B','@'||xrange('A','Z'))
- ff = 0
- if DATATYPE(nstr) = 'NUM' then
- do
- ii = GGetIRN(nstr)
- if ii = 0 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: Missing Personal Record for WIFE "||nstr||" (line: "||lnum||")")
- else do
- ff = GGetFGRN(fnum)
- if ff = 0 then do
- ff = GetNewFamily(ii)
- FGRNArr.fnum = ff
- end
- else do
- ers = RESULT
- if ers ~= 1 then do
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR "||ers||" in PUTSPOUSE (WIFE) "||ff||' '||ii)
- prc = RESULT
- spc = RESULT
- writeln(errfile, "Principal: "||prc||", Spouse: "||spc)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ff
- StoreFamChild: PROCEDURE EXPOSE errfile infile outp usereq lnum IRNArr. FGRNArr.
- parse arg nstr, fnum
- /* TO DO: improve this function, to allow definition of children here,
- * instead of in a separate personal record. Also look for "ADOP"
- * field (adopted children)
- */
- if fnum = 0 then RETURN 0
- /* we cannot parse a child when there is no family yet */
- nstr = strip(nstr,'B','@'||xrange('A','Z'))
- if DATATYPE(nstr) = 'NUM' then
- do
- ii = GGetIRN(nstr)
- if ii = 0 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR: Missing Personal Record for CHILD "||nstr||" (line: "||lnum||")")
- else do
- PUTCHILD fnum ii
- ers = RESULT
- if ers ~= 1 then
- writeln(errfile, "ERROR "||ers||" in PUTCHILD "||fnum||' '||ii||" (line: "||lnum||")")
- end
- end
- return 1
- StoreFamRefs: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile outp usereq
- parse arg nstr, fnum
- if fnum ~= 0 then
- PUTFAMREFS fnum nstr
- /* Note: I use it as a CONT field for comments */
- return 1
- StoreFamComment: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile ffile outp usereq lnum finp FGRNArr.
- parse arg nstr, ff, lvl
- if ff ~= 0 then
- l1 = lvl||" CONT"
- l2 = length(l1)
- ins = GetNextFLine()
- if length(ins) > l2 & left(ins, l2) = l1 then do
- if finp = 0 & ff = 0 then
- FOutput(ins)
- else
- StoreFamRefs(right(ins, length(ins)-l2), ff)
- ins = GetNextFLine()
- end
- return ins
- /* Return the Scion IRN belonging to the GEDCOM Personal number pnum */
- /* If there is no entry yet, allocate one! */
- parse arg pnum
- return IRNArr.pnum
- /* Return the Scion FGRN belonging to the GEDCOM Family number fnum */
- parse arg fnum
- if FGRNArr.fnum = '' then
- writeln(stdout, "ERROR: empty field in FGRN Array (line: "||lnum||")")
- return FGRNArr.fnum
- SkipChanged: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile lnum
- parse arg inlvl
- lvl = inlvl + 1
- do until lvl <= inlvl
- ins = GetNextLine()
- lvlstr = word(ins, 1)
- lvl = GetNumType(lvlstr)
- end
- return ins
- /*
- * Procedure to strip the directory path from the string,
- * only leaving the filename
- */
- StripPath: PROCEDURE
- parse arg str
- p = lastpos('/', str)
- if p > 0 then ret1 = delstr(str,1,p)
- else ret1 = str
- p = lastpos(':', ret1)
- if p > 0 then retstr = delstr(ret1,1,p)
- else retstr = ret1
- return retstr
- parse arg str
- if outp then writeln(stdout, str)
- return 0
- parse arg str
- if outp then writech(stdout, str)
- return 0
- TermError: PROCEDURE EXPOSE infile outp usereq pgopen
- parse arg str
- if pgopen then Postmsg()
- /* If you turned off stdout, no error messages will be shown! */
- if usereq then
- rtezrequest(str,'E_xit','Converter Message:','rt_pubscrname = SCIONGEN')
- else
- Tell(str || '0A'x)
- close(infile)
- /* Let's make sure you get a nice message when you turn off the printer :-) */
- bline = SIGL
- say "I/O error #"||RC||" detected in line "||bline||":"
- say sourceline(bline)
- if pgopen then Postmsg()