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- /****************************************************************************
- * *
- * $VER: Help 1.12 (12 Jun 1995)
- * *
- * Written by Freddy Ariës, with modifications by Robbie Akins *
- * *
- * Just a simple menu, for those who can't remember under which function *
- * key they have stored a certain function. *
- * *
- * This script will output a requester on the Scion window, in which it *
- * will display the current settings of Scion's function keys. *
- * It requires a version of Scion Genealogist >= 4.04, as well as *
- * rexxreqtools.library, which in turn needs reqtools.library (>=2.0) *
- * and rexxsyslib.library. *
- * *
- * For this script to be of any use to you, you will have to add the *
- * Help.rexx command to the list of function keys that you have set in *
- * the ScionPrefs program (eg. under F1 or F10). *
- * *
- * 1 June 1995: added "stripstring" option, and handling of long results *
- * - Robbie Akins *
- * *
- ****************************************************************************/
- options results
- NL = '0A'x
- PSCR = 'SCIONGEN'; /* public screen to open the requesters on */
- versionstr = "1.12"
- /* stripstring: 1 = strip directory path from string, 0 = don't strip */
- stripstring.1 = 0
- stripstring.2 = 0
- stripstring.3 = 0
- stripstring.4 = 0
- stripstring.5 = 0
- stripstring.6 = 0
- stripstring.7 = 0
- stripstring.8 = 0
- stripstring.9 = 0
- stripstring.10 = 0
- if ~show('l','rexxreqtools.library') then do
- if exists('libs:rexxreqtools.library') then
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- else do
- say "Unable to open rexxreqtools.library"
- exit
- end
- end
- /* These few lines were stolen from Peter Billings - thanks Peter ;-) */
- if ~show('P','SCIONGEN') then do
- TermError('I am sorry to say that the SCION Genealogist' || NL ||,
- 'database is not available. Please start the' || NL ||,
- 'SCION program BEFORE using this script!')
- end
- myport = "SCIONGEN"
- address value myport
- /*
- * Now let's get funky... (get the current function key settings) ;-)
- */
- do i=1 to 10
- fun.i = TruncString(StripPath(RESULT, i))
- end
- rtn = rtezrequest('Current Scion Function Keys: '||NL||,
- NL||' F1 = '||fun.1||,
- NL||' F2 = '||fun.2||,
- NL||' F3 = '||fun.3||,
- NL||' F4 = '||fun.4||,
- NL||' F5 = '||fun.5||,
- NL||' F6 = '||fun.6||,
- NL||' F7 = '||fun.7||,
- NL||' F8 = '||fun.8||,
- NL||' F9 = '||fun.9||,
- NL||' F10 = '||fun.10||,
- '','_Ok','Help v'||versionstr||' by F.Ariës & R.Akins','rt_pubscrname = '||PSCR)
- TermError:
- parse arg str
- rtezrequest(str,'E_xit','Help Message:','rt_pubscrname = '||PSCR)
- /*
- * Procedure to strip the directory path from the string.
- * It will cut off the entire left part of the string, until (and including)
- * the path name, only leaving the filename.
- * If you don't want the path to be left off, use the stripstring flags
- */
- StripPath: PROCEDURE EXPOSE stripstring.
- parse arg str, ix
- if stripstring.ix then /* test by Robbie Akins */
- do
- p = lastpos('/', str)
- if p > 0 then ret1 = delstr(str,1,p)
- else ret1 = str
- p = lastpos(':', ret1)
- if p > 0 then retstr = delstr(ret1,1,p)
- else retstr = ret1
- end
- else
- retstr = str
- return retstr
- /*
- * Procedure to truncate long strings and add ellipsis (...) at the end
- * Written by Robbie Akins
- */
- TruncString: PROCEDURE
- parse arg trstr
- if length(trstr) > 60 then
- rtnstr = trim(left(trstr, 60))||"..."
- else
- rtnstr = trstr
- return rtnstr