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- /****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Tafel.rexx */
- /* */
- /* Written by: Peter Billing, RMB 1240, Yinnar 3869, Australia */
- /* */
- /* Last saved: Wednesday 29-Sep-93 */
- /* */
- /* This program should show the Ancestors of a person in the SCION database.*/
- /* The database must be running for this AREXX script to work. */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Return the Database Name */
- options results
- /*test = show('P','SCIONGEN')
- if test = 0 then
- say
- say "I am sorry to say that the SCION Genealogist database is not available."
- say "Please start the SCION program BEFORE using this script."
- say
- exit */
- myport = "SCIONGEN"
- address value myport
- getdbname
- database = upper(result)
- heading = "Tafel listing of a person in the" database "database on" date()
- output = "STDOUT"
- code1 = "" /* Bold */
- code2 = "" /* Normal */
- writeln(output, "")
- writeln(output,center("This script will give you a",80))
- writeln(output,center(heading,80))
- writech(output, "Type in the IRN of the person you want ")
- pull IRN
- say
- call MakeName(irn)
- person = name
- writech(output, "You have asked about "code1 person code2"is this correct? Yes/No ")
- pull answer
- say
- answer = left(answer,1)
- if upper(answer) = "N"
- then exit
- writech(output, "How many Generations do you want displayed? 1-12 ")
- pull generations
- say
- if generations > 12 then
- exit
- say center("The output to screen may have some place names cut short",80)
- say center("but the file output will contain the full names.",80)
- writech(output,"Output to Screen or File. No formfeeds are in file. S/F ")
- pull out
- if out = "" then out = "S"
- say
- output = "STDOUT"
- if out = "F" then do
- code1 = "" /* Bold on */
- code2 = "" /* Bold off */
- filename = "RAM:Tafel_"word(person,1)"_"word(person,words(person))".Scion"
- open(w_file,filename,"w")
- output = w_file
- writeln(stdout,"")
- writeln(stdout,"Writing file to" filename)
- end
- generations = generations-1
- personnumber=1
- writeln(output, center("Parents of" person,80))
- writeln(output, center("--------------------------------------------------------",80))
- j=1
- Parents(irn)
- irn.j = irn.a
- j = j + 1
- irn.j = irn.b
- if generations = 0
- then exit
- x = 1
- Great = 2
- do c = 1 to generations
- /* personnumber=0 */
- j = x*2+1 /* This increases j */
- writeln(output, center(Great "generation of Ancestors of" person,80))
- writeln(output, center("--------------------------------------------------------",80))
- do i = x to x*2
- Parents(irn.i)
- irn.j = irn.a
- j = j + 1
- irn.j = irn.b
- j = j + 1
- end
- x = i
- Great = Great + 1
- end
- exit
- MakeName:
- parse arg irn
- getfirstname irn
- name = result
- getlastname irn
- name = name result
- return name
- AddCodes:
- parse arg irn
- getfirstname irn
- name = left(result,16)
- getlastname irn
- name = name code1 left(result,12)code2
- return name
- Parents:
- parse arg irn
- getparents irn
- fgrn = result
- getprincipal fgrn
- irn.a = result
- MakeName(result)
- personnumber= personnumber+1
- if out = "S" then do
- len = 25
- end
- else
- len = 40
- birth = ""
- death = ""
- marrydate = ""
- birthplace = ""
- deathplace = ""
- marryplace = ""
- if length(name) > 1 then do
- AddCodes(irn.a)
- father = name
- getbirthdate irn.a
- birth = result
- getbirthplace irn.a
- birthplace = substr(result,1,len)
- getdeathdate irn.a
- death = result
- getdeathplace irn.a
- deathplace = substr(result,1,len)
- getmarrydate fgrn
- marrydate = result
- getmarryplace fgrn
- marryplace = substr(result,1,len)
- writeln(output, right(personnumber,4)" "name "Born: "left(birth,14) birthplace)
- if length(death) > 1 then do
- writeln(output, right(" Died:",42) left(death,14) deathplace)
- end
- if length(marrydate) > 1 then do
- writeln(output, right("Married:",42) left(marrydate,14) marryplace)
- end
- end
- getspouse fgrn
- irn.b = result
- MakeName(result)
- personnumber= personnumber+1
- birth = ""
- death = ""
- marrydate = ""
- birthplace = ""
- deathplace = ""
- if length(name) > 1 then do
- AddCodes(irn.b)
- mother = name
- getbirthdate irn.b
- birth = result
- getbirthplace irn.b
- birthplace = substr(result,1,len)
- getdeathdate irn.b
- death = result
- getdeathplace irn.b
- deathplace = substr(result,1,len)
- writeln(output, right(personnumber,4)" "name "Born: "left(birth,14) birthplace)
- if length(death) > 1 then do
- writeln(output, right(" Died:",42) left(death,14) deathplace)
- end
- writeln(output,"")
- end
- return irn.a irn.b