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- /*
- DeleteRecs.QuickFile
- Deletes all records in the current index (hopefully a selection)
- Asks for confirmation before it alters the file
- Run this from the 'Options/Arexx macro' menu item
- Author: Alan Wigginton
- Date: March 1995
- */
- options results
- if ~open(console,"con:20/40/460/120/SetField","W") then
- do
- say "Could not open window"
- exit(20)
- end
- "setindex" /* get the current index name */
- ixname = result
- "query index ixfld '"ixname"'" /* get the index field names */
- if rc > 0 then
- call ErrorProc "Error getting index details"
- call writeln(console, "Mass delete of records")
- call writeln(console, "- deletes all records in the current index")
- /*
- Confirm operation and number of records to be deleted
- */
- "numrecs" /* ask quickfile for the number of records */
- numrecs = result
- call writeln(console, "About to delete" numrecs "records")
- call writeln(console, "Enter Y to continue")
- ans = upper(readln(console))
- if ans ~= "Y" then
- do
- call writeln(console, "Request cancelled - press any key")
- ans = readln(console)
- exit
- end
- "next -32000" /* This goes to top of file */
- /*
- Delete the records
- */
- do count = 1 to numrecs
- "delrec"
- if rc > 0 then
- do
- call writeln(console, "Error from DelRec after")
- call ErrorProc count "records deleted"
- end
- end
- /*
- Tell the user that we completed it OK
- */
- call writeln(console, numrecs "records deleted")
- call writeln(console, "Press RETURN to continue")
- ans = readln(console)
- exit
- /*
- Display error message and exit
- ------------------------------
- */
- ErrorProc:
- arg errmsg
- call writeln(console, errmsg)
- call writeln(console, "Press RETURN to continue")
- ans = readln(console)
- exit(10)