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- 3.16.1 12 July 1995
- - Added Print to File.
- - Fixed problem causing a crash if > 200 records added per session.
- Usually only a problem with import
- - Added requester at start and close of program (unregistered only).
- - Added ARexx Find/Replace macro
- 3.16 24 Jun 1995
- - Added font sensitivity.
- - Fixed bug. Calc field values not being returned to ARexx.
- - Revert to allowing field to be added anywhere in view.
- - Added Config menu option for fonts, help and memory save.
- - Played with field alignment (again). Any suggestions welcomed.
- - Changed handling of open of Image file to work with XFH. XFH does
- not support OpenFromLock().
- 3.15 07 May 1995
- - Only allow fields to be added to the end of a view. Previously fields
- could be inserted anywhere but would always display at the end. Not
- perfect but avoids confusion. I may change my mind on this.
- - Search ListView was getting confused as to which item was currently
- selected.
- - Removed useless And/Or buttons from search item requester for first
- item in list.
- 3.14 30 April 1995
- - Fixed some low memory problems. Usual low memory indication is now
- a recoverable alert trying to open a requester.
- 3.13 6 April 1995
- - Using wrong name for library base for iffparse.library which caused
- DICE (compiler) to open it automatically. DICE does not provide a
- message if the open fails - program just loads and quits.
- 3.12 29 March 1995
- - Fixed a nasty bug in GoTo processing that was trashing memory. In one
- of my files this was in the middle of the data buffer!!!. Introduced
- with changes for Rexx I think.
- 3.11 24 March 1995
- - Added ARexx interface
- - Display either filename or image not both at once.
- - Field names are now case insensitive
- 3.10 05 March 1995
- - Fixed to display whole view if a field is moved so that view now fits
- in the window.
- - Index sometimes not correctly updated when you changed an index
- field value.
- 3.09 18 February 1995
- - Added Cycle, Image and External field types.
- - Rehashed field resizing code
- - Removed bug that was chopping last character off print lines.
- - Changed string gadget border to more standard imagery.
- - Fixed nasty bugs in Report Groups
- . Deleting the first group and adding another immediately would
- crash the machine
- . Would not allow you to change a Report group to another type. If
- you deleted it then added the new one you were caught by the
- previous bug - Catch 22.
- - Cancelling out of the report requester after adding or deleting the
- first report group was causing a crash.
- - Fixed Lock error in SaveAs/Reorg - broke it with XFH fix in 3.08.
- 3.08 04 February 1995
- - Replace call to ExamineFH with Examine so QuickFile can work with XFH.
- Thanks to Peter Bagnato for reporting this one.
- - Field resizing by dragging on the form display.
- - Refuse to accept : or / in index name as this is used in the index
- file name.
- 3.07 19 January 1995
- - Keep highlighted line in sideways scroll of list display.
- - Use highlighted record as current record in insert (for copy).
- - Reintroduce name of registered user in about requester.
- - Disable summary checkboxes (Tot, Cnt, Avg) if no field selected.
- 3.06 16 January 1995
- - Fixed bug causing a crash of rebuild index with old format file def.
- - Cleaned up code for dragging fields in form view.
- 3.5 08 January 1995
- - Fixed bug in export requester. Cycle gadgets should only be enabled
- for CUSTOM format. Could cause a crash.
- - TAB now activates first string gadget, ESC exits from string gadget.
- - Fixed bug in field requester. Any non ASCII key would be treated as
- help key. Used to work - looks like a line of code went missing.
- - Stopped crashes when tiny windows were used. Added iconify function.
- - Show wait pointer at appropriate times.
- - Some code optimisations.
- - Stop errors if help key pressed and no amigaguide docs present
- 3.4 28 November 1994
- - Parse expressions after all fields loaded to prevent invalid field
- requester if referenced field is defined after calc field.
- - Fix to always use correct colours for print to screen
- 3.3 20 November 1994
- - Default number of decimals were displayed but not accepted unless
- RETURN was pressed.
- - Title bar info not displayed for first file opened
- - Use path from current window as a default when opening a new file
- 3.2 27 October 1994
- - Set min window size for definition to prevent crash
- - Losing drawer name after loading old style view definition
- - Loading a new view was updating title in wrong window
- - Tightened up date validation. Was allowing months > 13.
- - Some code optimisation
- 3.1 23 October 1994
- - Combined definition code with main program.
- - Fixed many bugs introduced with version 3.0
- . Crashes trying to display error message for long file name
- . Crashes selecting format in import/export requester
- . Long string in search trashing other auto variables
- . Excessive alloc/freeing of formula string and tree in definition
- . Several memory leaks
- 3.00b September 1994
- Major Upgrade (beta)
- - Calculated fields.
- - Extended field attributes to include:
- Mandatory
- Left/right justification
- Number of decimals
- - Indexes can allow or prevent duplicates
- - Multiple open files in separate windows
- - Requesters are now moveable windows
- - Control via keyboard as well as mouse
- - Context sensitive AmigaGuide help
- - Grouping and summaries (total, count and average) in reports.
- - Reports can be directed to screen or printer
- - Prompt on exit if a view is changed but not saved.
- - Improved error detection and reporting
- - Faster sort. Now uses QuickSort. Stack doesn't seem to be a problem.
- 2.02.05 26 June 1994
- - Handle empty selection when updating a field that is part of an index
- 2.02.04 23 March 1994
- - Put up requester if view being loaded references fields that are not
- in the file definition.
- - Fix cursor positioning for incorrect fields when OK is pressed in
- Modify or Insert. Cursor now always go to the field in error.
- - Prevent duplicate field names being defined.
- - Fix QFDefine so it displays a message if it can't find the file passed
- as a parameter.
- - Provide defaults for a new file in QFDefine.
- - Improved sorting where many records are equal. It was extremely slow.
- 2.02.03 26 January 1994
- - Enlarged size of default window
- - Added "Reset Form" menu item
- 2.02.02 26 December 1993
- - Used ChangeWindowBox to size screen for a new view. (I bought a v37
- ROM manual).
- - Corrected initialisation of path for ASL requester
- - Include /AUTO on console window specification. It will now only
- open if it is written to.
- 2.02.01 18 December 1993
- - Added preset formats to export.
- - Allow specification of each control code used for import/export.
- - Removed bug in list report that sometimes suppressed field names
- 2.01.03 26 November 1993
- - Replaced Backup/Restore with Save As and Reorganise
- - Empty date field left old value on form display
- 2.01.02 18 November 1993
- - Cleaned up Search panels
- - Open new window if new view requires a different window size
- - GoTo fixed to work with dates and number fields
- - Fixed some problems with report formatting
- 2.01.01 10 November 1993
- Major upgrade including many significant new features including:
- - Support for multiple views that can be saved and loaded as
- required. Includes window size.
- - Form view can be tailored by dragging fields around.
- - Multi column label printing now properly supported.
- - Search facility vastly improved by adding equal, between, not_like
- sounds_like. Now allows multiple search conditions with and/or.
- - Descending sequence added to sort.
- 1.3.5 22 September 1993
- 1. Bug Fix. Various problems when sorting a file with a sort table
- exceeding 32767 bytes (over 4000 records).
- 2. Prevented rebuild of temporary indexes used for sort and selection
- 1.3.4 9 September 1993
- 1. Bug fix. Crashing machine on export of part of field. Trying to fit
- full field length into shorter area.
- 1.3.3 1 September 1993
- 1. Fixed problem in list display that was trashing memory if a
- database had a small record size.
- 2. Definition was allowing block size to be changed if you increased
- the record size past the maximum for the block.
- 3. Positioning now maintained correctly in list display when you
- change indexes.
- 1.3.2 28 August 1993 (not released)
- 1. Added List button to form screen
- 2. Added Insert, Modify and Delete buttons to list screen.
- 3. Fixed problem where searching a previous selection would search
- the entire data base
- 4. Removed spurious message being displayed when a missing index
- is created.
- 1.3.1 4 August 1993 (Bug Fixes)
- 1. Index search used length of first index for all indexes -> ka-boom.
- 2. Deleted field names were blanked but kept in the definition.
- 1.3.0 23 July 1993 (not released)
- 1. Character, date, number and integer data types.
- 2. Up to 255 fields per record
- 3. Vertical slider gadget added for scrolling through records
- 4. Horizontal slider gadget added for scrolling through fields on one
- record. (Both form and list screens).
- 5. File definition is now in a separate program
- 6. Import/Export of ASCII files
- 7. Removed problem that caused a crash when adding more than 12 fields.
- 1.2.2 (not released)
- 1 Bug fix. Sort index not updated for a delete if records
- had been selected but selection did not contain the record.
- Error message incorrectly being displayed for the selection.
- 1.2.1 16 Feb 93
- 1 Included list style reports
- 2 Included ASL and ARP file requesters
- 3 New print requester to improve control of reports
- 4 The index field size is now updated correctly when you change the
- length of an existing field used as an index.
- 5 Index record memory dynamically reallocated if necessary.
- 6 If you add an index to an existing file, the index will be
- rebuilt automatically when you open the file again.
- 7 You are now warned if you attempt a backup while displaying
- selected records. Only the selected records will be written to the
- backup file.
- 8 You can now open a file where the drawer contains only a drive or
- disk name with no directory. eg df0:
- 1.0.0 24 Nov 92
- Initial Release