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- ** ProNET-Driver `internal-parallel'
- **
- ** 07-05-95 Started
- ** 29-05-95 bset -> or etc..
- ** 31-05-95 machine priority system :-(
- ** 05-06-95 init: flags argument
- ; Format of one packet is:
- ; 2bytes LENGTH of data including next two words in WORDS-1 !!!!!
- ; 2bytes Destination port
- ; 2bytes Source port
- ; xbytes DATA
- move.w #$4000,$dff09a
- endm
- move.w #$c000,$dff09a
- endm
- include "A:OSmacros.i"
- include "exec/exec.i"
- include "resources/misc.i"
- include "hardware/cia.i"
- include "a:ProNET/include/devices/pronet.i"
- include "exec_lib.i"
- include "intuition_lib.i"
- include "dos_lib.i"
- ; -- Initialization routine
- Init ; a0 *DriverData
- ; a1 *ConfigString after driver ID
- ; d0 "RST!" for Identification
- ; d1 Flags
- ; RETURNS d0 <>0 if everything OK, else NULL!
- movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a4
- move.l a1,a5
- cmp.l #"RST!",d0 ;compare ID
- bne .error
- tst.l d1
- bne .error ;unknown Flags!
- bsr AllocPPort
- tst.w d0
- bne .error
- move.l a5,a0
- bsr dec2slong
- move.w d1,MACHINE
- bsr dec2slong
- move.w d1,PRIORITY
- bsr InitTransfer
- bsr TrapOpenDevice
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l ThisTask(a6),a1
- move.w PRIORITY(pc),d0
- LIBCALL SetTaskPri
- move.b INTsigbit(pc),(a4) ;Read Signalbit
- move.l #ReadQuery,2(a4)
- move.l #Read,6(a4)
- move.l #Write,10(a4)
- moveq #-1,d0
- bra.s .ende
- .error moveq #0,d0
- .ende movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- dc.b "$VER: pronet-driver `internal-parallel' (05-06-95)",13,10,0
- even
- PRIORITY dc.w 0
- MACHINE dc.w 0
- dec2slong ; konvertiert Dezimalstring ab (a0) zu Longword in D1 !!
- moveq #0,d1
- moveq #0,d3
- move.b (a0),d0
- cmp.b #"-",d0
- bne.s .loop
- addq.l #1,a0
- st d3
- .loop moveq #0,d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0
- sub.b #"0",d0
- cmp.b #9,d0
- bhi.s .oki
- move.l d1,d2
- lsl.l #3,d1
- add.l d2,d1
- add.l d2,d1
- add.l d0,d1
- bra.s .loop
- .oki tst.w d3
- beq.s .ende
- neg.l d1
- .ende rts
- ; -- Read Query routine
- ReadQuery ; RETURNS d0 length of pure data to come or NULL
- ; d1 destport
- ; d2 sourceport
- movem.l d3-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- lea $bfd000,a2 ; test if packet is pending
- btst #0,(a2)
- bne.s .error
- lea $bfd200,a3 ; ciab ddra
- bset #1,(a3) ; set ack line to output
- lea buffer-2(pc),a4 ; first word is `empty'
- moveq #3,d4 ; (due to handshake init)
- bsr ReceiveData
- movem.w buffer(pc),d0-d2
- subq.w #2-1,d0
- add.w d0,d0
- movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- .error moveq #0,d0
- movem.l (sp)+,d3-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- ; -- Read routine
- Read ; a0 *destination
- movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- move.l a0,a4
- move.w buffer(pc),d4
- subq.w #2,d4
- bsr ReceiveData
- lea $bfd200,a3 ; ciab ddra
- bclr #1,(a3) ; set ack line to input
- movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- ; -- Write routine
- Write ; a0 *data1
- ; d0.l datalength1 (even)
- ; a1 *data2
- ; d1.l datalength2 (even)
- ; d2 Destination Port
- ; d3 Source Port
- ; d0+d1 <= $4000
- ; d1=0 --> only first chunk is sent, else second is appended
- ; to first one and sent as one chunk!
- ; RETURNS d0 <>0 on error, else NULL
- movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
- lea buffer(pc),a5
- movem.l d0/d1/a0/a1,6(a5)
- move.w d2,(a5)
- move.w d3,2(a5)
- move.w d0,d4
- add.w d1,d4
- lsr.w #1,d4
- addq.w #2-1,d4
- bsr AcquireLine
- tst.w d0 ;Line is busy now! Try later
- bne.s .ende
- move.l a5,a4
- moveq #1,d4
- moveq #0,d6
- bsr SendData
- move.l 14(a5),a4
- move.l 6(a5),d4
- lsr.w #1,d4
- subq.w #1,d4
- tst.w 12(a5)
- beq.s .0
- bsr SendData
- move.l 18(a5),a4
- move.l 10(a5),d4
- lsr.w #1,d4
- subq.w #1,d4
- .0 subq.w #1,d4
- bmi.s .lastone
- bsr SendData
- .lastone DISABLEINTS * We don't take too long here
- moveq #0,d4 * in case the other machine wants
- bsr SendData * to send something...
- lea $bfd200,a3
- and.b #%11111000,(a3) ; all control lines input
- lea $bfe301,a1
- sf (a1) ; data lines input, too
- lea $bfd000,a2 ; ciab pra ==> CONTROL LINES
- or.b #%00000111,(a2)
- moveq #0,d0
- .ende movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
- rts
- dc.w 0
- buffer dc.w 0,0,0
- dc.l 0,0,0,0
- ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- ** Parallel.device trapping
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- ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- TrapOpenDevice move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l a6,a1
- move.l #_LVOOpenDevice,a0
- move.l #.trap,d0
- LIBCALL SetFunction
- move.l d0,orgopendev
- rts
- .trap movem.l a0/a1/d0/d1,-(sp)
- lea parname(pc),a1
- bsr CompareStrings
- tst.w d0
- bne.s .openit
- movem.l (sp)+,a0/a1/d0/d1
- move.b #-1,IO_ERROR(a1)
- moveq #-1,d0 ;IOERR_OPENFAIL
- rts
- .openit movem.l (sp)+,a0/a1/d0/d1
- move.l a2,-(sp)
- move.l orgopendev(pc),a2
- jsr (a2)
- move.l (sp)+,a2
- rts
- orgopendev dc.l 0
- ; -- Compare two null-terminated strings. Case-insensitive
- CompareStrings ; a0 *String1
- ; a1 *String2
- ; RETURNS d0 = 0 --> Strings equal
- move.l d2,-(sp)
- moveq #-1,d0
- .loop move.b (a0)+,d1
- move.b (a1)+,d2
- bclr #5,d1
- bclr #5,d2
- cmp.b d1,d2
- bne.s .ende
- tst.b d1
- bne.s .loop
- moveq #0,d0
- .ende move.l (sp)+,d2
- rts
- parname dc.b "parallel.device",0
- ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- ** Built-in Parallel Port Transfer routines
- **
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- ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; -- Allocate Parallel Port Registers
- AllocPPort lea miscname(pc),a1
- move.l 4.w,a6
- LIBCALL OpenResource
- move.l d0,a6
- move.l #MR_PARALLELPORT,d0
- lea INTname(pc),a1
- jsr -6(a6) ;AllocMiscResource
- tst.w d0
- bne.s .err1
- move.l #MR_PARALLELBITS,d0
- lea INTname(pc),a1
- jsr -6(a6)
- tst.w d0
- bne.s .err2
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- .err2 move.l #MR_PARALLELPORT,d0
- jsr -12(a6) ;FreeMiscResource
- .err1 move.l 4.w,a6
- moveq #-1,d0
- rts
- miscname dc.b "misc.resource",0
- ciaaname dc.b "ciaa.resource",0
- even
- ciaabase dc.l 0
- ; -- Init Transfer routines
- InitTransfer movem.l d7/a2/a3/a6,-(sp)
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l ThisTask(a6),INTsigtask
- moveq #-1,d0
- LIBCALL AllocSignal
- move.b d0,INTsigbit
- bsr InitParallel
- lea ciaaname(pc),a1
- move.l 4.w,a6
- LIBCALL OpenResource
- move.l d0,a6
- move.l d0,ciaabase
- moveq #CIAICRB_FLG,d0
- lea INTstruct(pc),a1
- jsr -6(a6)
- movem.l (sp)+,d7/a2/a3/a6
- rts
- INTsigtask dc.l 0
- INTsigbit dc.w 0
- INTstruct dc.l 0,0
- dc.b 2,127
- dc.l INTname
- dc.l 0,INTcode
- INTname dc.b "ProNET Internal-Parallel Driver",0
- even
- INTcode lea $bfd000,a0 ;check if the interrupt
- btst #0,(a0) ;was `correct' or caused
- bne.s .no ;by switching on the remote
- move.l 4.w,a6 ;machine
- move.l INTsigtask(pc),a1
- move.b INTsigbit(pc),d1
- moveq #0,d0
- bset d1,d0
- LIBCALL Signal
- .no moveq #1,d0
- rts
- ;:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;:-- InitParallel
- InitParallel
- lea $bfe101,a0 ; ciaa prb ==> DATA LINES
- lea $bfe301,a1 ; ciaa ddrb
- lea $bfd000,a2 ; ciab pra ==> CONTROL LINES
- lea $bfd200,a3 ; ciab ddra
- and.b #%11111000,(a3) ; all control lines input ---|
- sf (a1) ; [[data lines input, too]] v
- or.b #%00000111,(a2) ; and 1 when we set them to output
- rts
- ;:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;:-- AcquireLine
- ;:-- d4 Number of words-1 that will be sent !
- ;:-- !!!!!! RETURNS d0=0 if no error
- ;:-- d0<>0 if line was busy
- AcquireLine
- lea $bfd000,a2 ; ciab pra ==> CONTROL LINES
- lea $bfd200,a3 ; ciab ddra
- btst #0,(a2)
- bne.s .free
- moveq #-1,d0
- rts
- .free bset #0,(a3)
- bclr #0,(a2)
- bset #2,(a3) ; cause interrupt by quickly toggling
- bclr #2,(a2) ; the FLAG input of the other
- bset #2,(a2) ; machine
- bclr #2,(a3)
- move.l ciaabase(pc),a6 ; reset interrupt flag which was
- moveq #CIAICRF_FLG,d0 ; set on our machine, too
- jsr -24(a6) ; (SEL&ACK connected at parallel port)
- lea $bfe101,a0 ; ciaa prb ==> DATA LINES
- lea $bfe301,a1 ; ciaa ddrb
- tst.w firstpacketflag ; no timeout for the first packet!
- beq.s .acknotimeout
- tst.w MACHINE ; no timeout for machine 1!
- bne.s .acknotimeout
- move.l #100000,d0
- .ack0 btst #1,(a2) ; wait for it to respond...
- beq.s .ack0ok
- subq.l #1,d0
- bne.s .ack0
- bset #0,(a2)
- and.b #%11111000,(a3) ; TIMEOUT! reset all lines
- or.b #%00000111,(a2)
- bsr INTcode
- moveq #-1,d0
- rts
- .acknotimeout btst #1,(a2)
- bne.s .acknotimeout
- .ack0ok st firstpacketflag
- bset #0,(a2) ; and initialize handshake sequence
- .ack1 btst #1,(a2)
- beq.s .ack1
- st (a1) ; set data lines to output now
- ror.w #8,d4 ; and hand the length word over
- move.b d4,(a0) ; to the remote machine
- bclr #0,(a2)
- ror.w #8,d4
- .ack2 btst #1,(a2)
- bne.s .ack2
- move.b d4,(a0)
- bset #0,(a2)
- .ack3 btst #1,(a2)
- beq.s .ack3
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- firstpacketflag dc.w 0
- ;:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;:-- SendData
- ;:-- a4 *data
- ;:-- d4 datalength in words-1
- SendData
- lea $bfe101,a0 ; ciaa prb ==> DATA LINES
- lea $bfd000,a2 ; ciab pra ==> CONTROL LINES
- move.b #%11111110,d0
- move.b #%00000001,d1
- .loop move.b (a4)+,(a0) ; fully handshaked data txfer
- and.b d0,(a2)
- .ack0 btst #1,(a2)
- bne.s .ack0
- move.b (a4)+,(a0)
- or.b d1,(a2)
- .ack1 btst #1,(a2)
- beq.s .ack1
- dbra d4,.loop
- rts
- ;:---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;:-- ReceiveData
- ;:-- a4 *datadest
- ;:-- d4 datalength in words-1
- ReceiveData
- lea $bfe101,a0 ; ciaa prb ==> DATA LINES
- lea $bfd000,a2 ; ciab pra ==> CONTROL LINES
- move.b #%11111101,d0
- move.b #%00000010,d1
- .loop btst #0,(a2)
- bne.s .loop
- move.b (a0),(a4)+
- and.b d0,(a2)
- .ack0 btst #0,(a2)
- beq.s .ack0
- move.b (a0),(a4)+
- or.b d1,(a2)
- dbra d4,.loop
- rts