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- BBGopher 1.6 (UNIX)
- Copyright (c) 1993 Mark Morley
- BBGopher/amiga 1.0 (20.4.95)
- Copyright (c) 1995 Jason M. Weber
- All commands in BBGopher can be abbreviated to the first character. In fact,
- only the first character is checked. This means that 'Q', 'Quit', 'QQQ', etc.
- will all have the same effect. BBGopher is NOT case sensitive.
- The following commands are available when you are looking at a gopher menu:
- (H)elp This command displays this file (obviously).
- (Q)uit This command exits BBGopher immediately.
- (=) Without a numeric argument, this command displays the details
- about the current gopher site. If you specify a number, then
- the details about the numbered menu item are displayed instead.
- Details include Type, Title, Host Name, Port Number, and
- Selector.
- (B)ookmarks This command calls up your menu of bookmarks. Bookmarks are
- menu items that you've previously saved for future quick
- reference. This command is not available when you're already
- looking at your bookmark menu.
- (S)ave This command is followed by the number of an item you wish
- to save as a bookmark. You can later retrieve a menu of your
- saved bookmarks with the (B) command above. This command is
- not available while you are looking at your bookmark menu.
- (D)elete This command is followed by the number of an item you wish
- to delete from your bookmark list. This command is available
- only while you are looking at your bookmark menu.
- (L)ist This command will redisplay the menu. Use this if your
- display gets messed up somehow, or if it's scrolled off the
- screen.
- (P)revious This command backs up one level in the gopher tree. You
- cannot backup past the top level menu. You would also use
- this command to exit your bookmark menu.
- (U)p This command causes the previous screen of a multi-screen
- menu to be displayed. At the beginning of a menu it will
- wrap around to the end.
- (D)own This command causes the next screen of a multi-screen menu
- to be displayed. At the end of a menu it will wrap around
- to the beginning. Simply pressing ENTER without typing in
- a command has the same effect.
- number Entering the number of a menu item causes that menu item
- to be selected. What happens when you select a menu item
- depends on what type of menu item it is. The currently
- supported types are listed later on.
- NOTE: Occasionally you will find yourself at a menu that has no items
- available. This can be due to a host being down, a flakey connection,
- an inproperly configured server, or any number of other reasons. In
- these cases your command options are limited.
- BBGopher displays gopher menus much like any other gopher client. Each menu
- item is shown as a number followed by the item's type, followed by a
- description of the item. BBGopher currently supports the following types of
- menu items:
- <TXT> Text Document
- Selecting a TXT item will cause the text file associated with
- that item to be displayed for you. After reading the text
- you will have the option of mailing or saving the file.
- <DIR> Directory
- Selecting a DIR item simply leads you to another gopher menu.
- <TEL> Telnet
- Selecting a TEL item will cause a Telnet session to be
- established. If the host recommends a username, it will be
- displayed for you.
- <TN3> TN3270
- Selecting a TN3 item will cause a TN3270 session to be
- established. These are generally connections to IBM mainframe
- systems.
- <HQX> Macintosh HQX File
- <DOS> DOS Binary File
- <UUE> UU Encoded File
- <BIN> Generic Binary File
- Selecting any of these types of items will allow you to receive
- a file. BBGopher will prompt you to enter the local name
- for the file to be retrieved. It will then retrieve the file
- and save it under the name you provide.
- <IDX> Index Search
- Selecting an IDX item allows you to perform keyword searches
- on various databases. BBGopher will prompt you to enter
- your criteria. You simply list one or more keywords that you
- are looking for. You may use AND and OR to combine the
- keywords into a fairly complex query.
- There is one other menu type that BBGopher supports. It is
- the 'i' type (for 'information'). Items of type 'i' are
- strictly informational. They are displayed without a type and
- cannot be selected.