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- This file is generated automatically from the product info files
- included in this tree. See the 'CONTENTS' file for additional
- information about each item.
- 262144 1.0 Shows >262144 colors on screen.
- AFile 4.03 A datafile manager
- AFSDemo 14.2 Demo of Ami-FileSafe (New filing system)
- AGAiff 1.99beta IFF-to-RAW Conv for demo/game programmer
- AGA_Morphy ?.? AGA_Morphy Anim by Eric Schwartz
- AmigaE 3.2a An Amiga specific E compiler
- AmigaXv 2.18 Amiga port of the popular unix displayer
- AmiWin 2.0 A port of the X11R6 software package
- AmyWB 1 a collection 32 color icons/docks
- Analay 1.11 Graphing with integrated page layout
- AntiCicloVir 2.4a Link/File/BB/Validator/Memory virus elim
- Ascii-Send 3.3 Converts text file to input events
- AT-Logo ?.? Alt Logo Backdrops for WB & Windows
- BatMan ?.? Batman Anim by Eric Schwartz
- BBGopher 1.0 Gopher client for AmiTCP/CNet
- BDH 1.0 base-converter
- Beast ?.? 3D fantasy pic Lightwave generated
- BeaverDream ?.? Raytrace in Imagine
- BGUI-Exchange 1.0 BGUI replacement for 'Exchange'
- BibleScramble 1.0 A scrabble-like word game.
- BlitzBlank 2.60 Modular screenblanker, lots of features
- BluffTitler 1.1 A Realtime 3D Titling System
- BootBlk_Checker 1.00 Can check/remove/install bootblocks
- bootpic ?.? Amiga Workbench Bootpics
- BootUte 2.5 System degrader
- BorderSprites 1.0 Make mouse visible outside screens
- Bud 1.01 Personal Budget Utility
- CastleRoom ?.? 1024x768x8 GIF - Castle room/furnishings
- CCC 0.6 Destroy a large city with your monster
- Chaos 5.5 Manages swiss pairing tournaments
- CX 2.3 Exchange clone; ARexx, localized, ...
- CyberShow 2.0 Universal picture viewer (inc. PhotoCD!)
- C_dt 39.11 C datatype, highlights c/c++ keywords
- DataMaster 1.02N Flat file database.
- db 2.6 Database with GadTool look
- DCatDiskCopy 1.05 Simple disk copier with source.
- DemoFOB demo Fields of Battle (Demo Version)
- DiamondCaves 2.1 Great Boulder dash clone
- DiamondEdit 1.4 Level Editor for Diamond Caves
- DiamondPrefs 1.3 Prefs program for Diamond Caves
- DiamondSfx 1.1 Use custom samples within Diamond Caves
- DICE 2.06.37 Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment
- DiskMatter 1.14a Disk Formatter/bootblock installer
- DiskSalv2 11.32 Disk repair, salvage, and undelete util
- DISK_K 2.1 Disk formatting/naming utilitiy
- DLError 1.0 Error admin for DICE Pro and GoldED.
- DoogBench7 ?.? A few snapshots and icons of doog's WB
- DSC_B ?.? Funny Parachute Anim
- E-1441 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; E-1441 in flight
- E-USAF-YF-22 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of YF-22 in flight
- EC68-2101 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; XB-70 on ground
- EC68-2131 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; XB-70 in flight
- EC80-13848 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG XV-15 tilt rotor plane
- EC82-21135 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Shuttle & 747
- EC83-24318 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Enterprise & 747 mate
- EC85-33180-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Atlantis landg
- EC85-33297-23 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of X-29 in flight
- EC86-33385-5 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; AFTI F-111 in flight
- EC86-33491-09 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of F-14 in flight
- EC86-33555 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of X-Wing on runway
- EC87-0014-8 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Daedalus (human pwr)
- EC88-0197-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; STS-26 liftoff
- EC90-065-13 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Shuttle mating device
- EC90-129-6 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; STS-31 after landing
- EC90-224 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; F-104 in flight
- EC90-257-32 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; B-52 landing w/chute
- EC91-0365-7 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; SR-71 on runway
- EC91-491-6 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of X-29 in flight
- EC91-630-8 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of F-16 in flight
- EC91-659-05 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Shuttle & 747 mating
- EC92-05169-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG Shuttle mate facility
- EC92-07074-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; artist concept of SCW
- EC92-09241-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of an SR-71 in flight
- EC92-10061-10 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of F-16 in flight
- EC93-042025-3 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of F-15 in flight
- EC93-41056-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of X-31 in flight
- EC93-42253-3 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; STS-51 shuttle launch
- EC94-42454-3 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; 2 YF-23 in flight
- EC94-42531 ?.? 950x1280x24 JPEG; SR-71 top view
- EC94-42750-6 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Shuttle & 747 flyaway
- EC94-42789-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG STS-68 shuttle landing
- EC94-42789-2 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; Endeavour landing
- EC94-42816-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG hubble space telescope
- EC94-42816-2 ?.? 950x1280x24 JPEG hubble space telescope
- EC94-42816-3 ?.? 950x1280x24 JPEG astronaut and telescope
- EC94-42816-4 ?.? 950x1280x24 JPEG astronaut and telescope
- EC94-42816-5 ?.? 950x1280x24 JPEG astronaut and telescope
- EC94-42845-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG astronaut on spacewalk
- EC94-42845-2 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG astronaut on spacewalk
- EC94-42845-3 ?.? 950x1280x24 JPEG astronaut on spacewalk
- EC94-42883-1 ?.? 950x1280x24 JPEG of SR-71 cockpits
- EC94-42883-2 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of SR-71 in flight
- EC94-42883-4 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of SR-71 in flight
- EC95-43011-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG STS-67 shuttle landing
- eCalc 2.5 Program to calculate e (2.71828...)
- ECN-11648 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of F-14 in flight
- ECN-1289 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; HL-10 lifting body
- ECN-14280 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of HiMAT in flight.
- ECN-15846 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG AD-1 (experimental)
- ECN-2006 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of X-24A on runway
- ECN-21064 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; B-57B plane in flight
- ECN-2461 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG of M2-F3 on ground
- ECN-33507-1 ?.? 1280x1024x24 JPEG; HL-10 lifting body
- emubench ?.? Workbench Pic showing misc platforms!
- Engine ?.? Engine animation
- EntPreview ?.? Gorgeous Enterprise 1701D for Imagine2+
- EShow 0,4 ECS/AGA IFF Viewer w/AppWindow
- ExCalc 1.10 GUI/CLI calculator w/ 52 digit accuracy
- ExtraInfo 1.1 Deluxe Replacement for WB2+ Info
- Falconia 2.00 Demoversion of Legend of Falconia
- Ferry ?.? Cool Spaceship (Reflections 2.5)
- FFonts ?.? Sampler of fonts from FreshFonts II CD
- FileMaster 3.0ß2.2 Dirutil with internal multitasking
- fmdesk ?.? Imagine 3.2 render of a desk
- Font_dt 1.1 DataType for Amiga fonts
- Genealogist 4.07 Specialized genealogical info database
- GNUChessFix ?.? 3 programs to convert ouput of GNUChess
- GoldED 3.1.3 Programmer's editor
- GrabEcran ?.? 2 WB pics featuring the author's progs
- gregorwb ?.? Picture of Gregors WB screen
- GUICreator 1.2 Interface Builder for OS3.0+
- HWGRCS 5.6pl12 GNU Revision Control System, Sources
- IBrowse ?.? GIFs of IBrowse, a new Amiga WWW Browser
- ICON_TOOLBOX 2.12 Manipulates/organizes icons.
- ILBM_Killer 1.01 IFF/AGA ILBM file viewer/remover
- Image2C 1.2 Convert IFF images to C code
- IncludeGuide 1.0 Guide with links to all asm includes
- InfraRexx 1.6a Amiga as infrared remote control/slave
- IntuiDex 2.1 Mailing list manager
- IRMaster 3.30 Use Amiga as an infrared remote
- ITF 1.70 Infocom data file interpreter
- JIV 1.22f Picture viewer GIF/BMP/ILBM/PNM/PCX/JPEG
- Juggler_Jr ?.? Juggler Jr Anim by Eric Schwartz
- jurassic ?.? Fantasy JPEG picture - 800 x 600.
- JureWb ?.? Fancy 16 color MWB based desktop
- Knight ?.? Fantasy JPEG picture - 800 x 600.
- LaguardiaWB ?.? IFF of Laguardia's 1024x768 WB on EGS
- Lamda 0.7 A Scheme interpreter with GUI
- LazyMines 3.1 Minesweeper game
- LControl 1.52 Control cameras (LANC/5-Pin-ED) w/ Amiga
- LimBoLand ?.? Comic of Rush Limbaugh
- LINO 1.0 LINO is a file to file packer
- Lottery 1.0 Tries to predict numbers for lottery
- Lynx 1.01ß Image Processing package. FFT processing
- ManageCDPics 1.303 A program to manage all your pictures
- MangaJin ?.? Japanese Manga and Anime characters
- MantisFly ?.? Raytraced crossbreed of dragonfly/mantis
- MemoryX v0.5ß View the contents of any memory address
- Memory_Monitory 1.03 Monitors the amount of memory in use.
- ModPack 1.4b Packs soudtracker-modules
- MousoMeter 3.13 Measures mouse movement
- MULTI-PRED ?.? A powerful prediction tool for Lotto.
- MultiCX 2.0ß Powerfully small Multifunction commodity
- NetInput 37.3 Remote control Amiga over AmiTCP network
- NewLogo ?.? Should this be the new Amiga Tech. logo?
- NextStep 1.6 icon toolbar
- Nudel-Pix ?.? Definitive ECS WBench & DOpus5 Screens!
- Oberon 0.10aß Oberon System V4
- Oberon-A 1.6 A freely-distributable Oberon-2 compiler
- Oberon-NoFPU 0.10 Non-FPU supplement to Oberon V4
- OctaMED 6.0 Demo of a music editor/player
- Olt 1.2 PubScreen 'online' timer w/ARexx port
- P-Compress2 2.1 Compression program with 3 modes.
- P-Reader 8.2 Displays texts, pictures, anims, etc.
- P-View 1.2 Tiny ILBM viewer for all Amigas.
- PackIt 1.19 CLI frontend for PowerPacker + wildcards
- pa_amylogos ?.? AMIGA Logos by PirlAGA
- pa_sirds ?.? PirlAGA Sirds Collection Vol.1
- Phonebill 3.3b Log file analyzer-determine call costs
- piCalc 2.5 Program to calculate pi (3.1415...)
- PoolWatch 1.03 Debug tool for pool-allocations (OS3.x)
- PowerPC ?.? 2 Cinema4D rendered images
- ProNET 2 ParNet-like network with modular driver
- PSPRT 1.32 Print PS files on non-PostScript printer
- QCD 1.1 Cd with CDPATH,pcd,cd ..,filereq,cd DF?:
- QuickFile 3.16.1 Powerful, fast and easy database
- RachelFootball 1.0 Rachel Raccoon playing touch football
- RCSGUI 2.41 GUI interface to HWGRCS
- Reflections ?.? Swimming-pool with letters
- Remind 1.51 Reminds you of important dates.
- RoutePlanner 1.4a Highway trip planner
- RunList3 3 Commodity to run programs from a list.
- S-Pack 1.4 Archiver w/multivol, selfextract, & more
- Scout 2.4 System Monitor
- screenghost ?.? 800 x 600 fantasy JPEG picture
- SetBuffers 1.28 GUI based AddBuffers with device info
- SGMLS 1.1.92 SGMLS is THE SGML Parser!
- ShowJPEG 1.6 A JPEG picture viewer for Picasso board.
- SimCityFundsChea 1.03 Changes amount of funds in SimCity City
- SleepingPointers 1.0 Program to animate busy pointer.
- Sort 1.37 Sorts ASCII-Files, many features
- SpaceJest 1.32 Text based adventure game.
- StrikeCommander 1.10 Shoot the other player from the sky!
- StructureGuide 1.0 Guide with links to all structs + info
- subspace ?.? Fantasy JPEG picture - 800 x 600.
- SuperTrail ?.? Guide ball through tricky levels
- SuperView 4.63 Graphics Viewer/Converter/ScreenGrabber
- SystemPrefs 2.20 Preferences for CPU and RAMSEY
- S_WBPic ?.? Picture of Stefan`s WB
- TBOML 1.0s The Big Old Monitor List, Monitor Specs
- TeleTerm 2.2 Fast, full-featured Terminal, XEM, XPR
- Term 4.4 Very nice terminal program.
- TextClock 1.1 Configurable text/font digital clock
- Thankyou ?.? A high quality ray trace by DR_FACT.
- thephoenix ?.? Fantasy JPEG picture - 800 x 600.
- TIFF_dt 39.1b TIFF datatype
- Tommy_Ebbesen ?.? Tommy's 800x600 workbench.
- Triton 1.3 An object oriented GUI creation system.
- TTX_M2S 1.0 TurboText-2.0 AREXX Macros for M2Sprint
- TurboCalc 3.5 Demo of TurboCalc 3.5
- UUxT 3.1 CLI/GUI-based UUEncoder/UUDecoder
- VChess 3.3 Excellent chess game
- VideoTitler 2.0 Create Title/Credits for your own video
- VirusChecker 6.58 A memory/file/bootblock virus detector
- VirusZII 1.16 AntiVirus utility with file decrunching
- VMM 3.1 Virtual memory for Amigas with MMU
- vortix ?.? Fantasy JPEG picture - 800 x 600.
- Voz-Chess 1.1 A Chess based puzzle game
- VT 2.75 A comprehensive virus utility package.
- WarpC++ 1.4 C++ syntax parser for GoldED
- WarpMOD 1.3 Modula/Oberon syntax parser for GoldED
- Watergirl ?.? Amazing Picture by JCS/Neoplasia^Sector7
- waterman ?.? Fantasy JPEG picture - 800 x 600.
- WBStartup+ 1.1 Provides more control over WBStartup
- Where_K 1995A Flexible file utilitiy
- WinKills ?.? A little Windoze gag by LaGuardia!
- Words 2.3 Spell checking package for GoldED
- WrapGuide 1.1 Wrap AmigaGuide lines to given column
- Yak 2.03 A multipurpose commodity
- YourFault 1.4 Replace system error strings - fun!
- ZGIFDataType 39.16 Fast datatype for displaying GIF files.