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OCR: Workbench Screen Montag der 26-Jun-95 , 01:39 Uhr AmigaShell 3.1 [Shell Process #12] in System: Work 52 % voll, 113 M frei, 124 M belegt Network Neuer Shell-Prozeß 12 DeliTracker V2.14 [System: ]> showconfig_ PROCESSOR: CPU 68040/68040fpu '95-raver's-megamix CUSTOM CHIPS: AA PAL Alice (id=$0023), AA Lisa (id=$00F8) Module: Lime Imm1194848 VERS : Kickstart version 40.68, Exec version 40. 10, Disk vers Format: ProTracker 00:02:55 RAM : Node type $A, Attributes $505 (FAST), at $8000000-$8FF Node type $A, Attributes $505 (FAST), at $7000000-$7FF D- Viewers Dat Node type $A, Attributes $703 (CHIP), at $4000-$1FFFFF StartClient StartServer BOARDS : Board + ROM (HD?) (unidentified): (@$40000000, size 16meg, subsize 512K). Prod=2203/19($89B/$13) K < > 4 [Ram Disk:] Board (unidentified): Prod=2167/11($877/$B) (@$200000 2meg) K Board (unidentified) : [System : ]> savepubscreen256 Media: Grafik/Workbench-Snapshots/emubench. iff Workbench CBM Bridgeboard: Prod=2167/12($877/$C) (@$E90000 64K5 Prod=513/1($201/$1) (@$400000 512K System 49 % voll, 30 M frei, 28 M A etBSD Development Ïs Programm-Manager Datei Optionen Fenster Hilfe Utilities WBStartup AmigaDOS Prefs PrintManager Zubehör Hauptgruppe Datei-Manager Systemsteuerung Druck-Manager Devs Expansion WBMisc Write Paintbrush Terminal Tools Ram Disk 1-2 MS PIF System Storage Papierkorb Network Work Recorder Kartei Kalender MS-DOS- Windows-Setup PIF-Editor < > Eingabeaufforderung Infotanke Multimedia Text Panierkorh ShapeShifter Macintosh Display &User é File Edit Search Session Graphics Help Debug Windows Jhr Objekt-Manager Zeichentabelle 6ª Untitled MuPAD Session 3.1 ROM 17 Daten Kickstart Version 40.68 MuPAD Medien-Wiedergabe Klangrecorder Workbench Version 40.42 Copyright @ 1985-1993 rl Commodore-Amiga, Inc. SSSSSAN System All Rights Reserved. Multi Processing Algebra Data Tool Ok Version 1.2.1 + Media AV Media 80 % voll, 4 Autostart Anwendungen Sieme Video Input P& Copyright @ 1994 University of Pade PC CXHandler Registered to dbalste Grafik Video Fonts Cycle ToMenu 1, 30M free, 28M i DeliTracker MCP V1.04 2*sin(u)*sin(v), NewMode 2*cos(u) ], 1, 199M free, 56MY PatchPointer PowerSnap u = [0, PI], v = [-PI, PI], Musik ʹʹw"w Backup ToolManager Control < > 41, 113M free, 124 ToolsDaemon <>