Fresh Fish 10
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Text File
448 lines
; Installationsskript für LControl 1.50
; $VER: LControl Install 1.50 (09.06.95)
; (c) 1995 Michael Watzl
(set version 1)
(set revision 50)
; *********** Zuerst Strings sprachenabhängig initialisieren **
(if (= @language "deutsch")
; //+ detusch
(set @abort-button "Installation abrrechen!")
(set @error-msg "Fataler Fehler!")
(set #welcome (cat
"Wilkommen zur Installation von " @app-name "\n\n"
"© 1993-1995 Jürgen Frank und Michael Watzl\n"
"All rights reserved."))
(set #versionerror (cat
"Tut mir leid!\n\n"
" benötigt mindestens Amiga-OS 2.04!\n"))
(set #uncompress
"Entpacke ")
(set #cantuncompress
"Fehler beim Entpacken von ")
(set #install
"Installiere ")
(set #hardware
(set #whichdrawer (cat
"Wo soll " @app-name " installiert werden?"))
(set #whichdrawer_help (cat
"Ein Verzeichnis namens '" @app-name "' wird erzeugt."))
(set #asklibs
"Welche Libraries sollen installiert werden?")
(set #asklibs_help (cat
"Zum Steuern von LANC-Kameras über die Parallelporthardware (LControl).\n\n"
"Zum Steuern von LANC-Kameras über die Serialporthardware (SControl).\n\n"
"Zum Steuern von 5-Pin-Edit über die Parallelporthardware (PControl)."
"(Die Hardware von LControl und PControl sind nicht kompatibel!\n\n"
"Täuscht eine Kamera nur vor." ))
(set #main
(set #main_help (cat
"Das Hauptprogramm heißt zwar LControl, doch mit der "
"entsprechenden library wird es zu PControl, SControl..."))
(set #icon
"Piktogramm" )
(set #project_help (cat
"Die Piktogramme versorgen das Hauptprogramm (LControl) mit den passenden Parametern."))
(set #docs
(set #docs_help
"Amiga-guide-Datei, DVI-File und LIZENZ-Informationen")
(set #docs_pattern
(set #guide
(set #dvi
(set #bye (cat
"Viel Spaß mit " @app-name
" wünschen\n"
"Jürgen Frank und Michael Watzl"))
; //-
; //+ englisch
(set #welcome (cat
"Welcome to the Installation of " @app-name "\n\n"
"© 1993-1995 Jürgen Frank and Michael Watzl\n"
"All rights reserved."))
(set #versionerror (cat
"Sorry!! " @app-name " requires Amiga-OS 2.04 of better!\n"))
(set #uncompress
"Uncompress ")
(set #cantuncompress
"Error while uncompressing ")
(set #install
"Installing ")
(set #hardware
(set #whichdrawer (cat
"Where should " @app-name " be installed?"))
(set #whichdrawer_help (cat
"A new drawer named '" @app-name "' will be created."))
(set #asklibs
"Which libraries should be installed?")
(set #asklibs_help (cat
"controls LANC-players via the parallelport harware (LControl).\n\n"
"controls LANC-players via the serialport hardware (SControl).\n\n"
"controls 5-Pin-Edit-players via the parallelport hardware (PControl)."
"(The PControl-hardware and the LControl-hardware are not compatible!)\n\n"
"Fakes a camera" ))
(set #main
"main program")
(set #main_help (cat
"The main programm is named LControl. However together with "
"the correct library it becomes PControl, SControl..."))
(set #icon
"icon" )
(set #project_help (cat
"The icons start the main programm (LControl) with the correct parameters"))
(set #docs
(set #docs_help
"Amigaguide file, DVI-file and some licence information.")
(set #docs_pattern
(set #guide
(set #dvi
(set #bye (cat
"Jürgen Frank and Michael Watzl\n"
"wish you a lot of fun with\n"
; //-
(message #welcome)
(complete 0)
; ***********************************************
; Amiga-OS Versionscheck
; ***********************************************
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #version_error)
; ***********************************************
; Zielverzeichnis erzeugen
; ***********************************************
(set ziel
(prompt #whichdrawer )
(default "Work:")
(help #whichdrawer_help )
(set @default-dest ziel )
(set ziel (tackon ziel @app-name ))
(makedir ziel (infos))
; ***********************************************
; Libs & Hardware entpacken (wenn vorhanden)
; => was wird eigentlich installiert?
; ***********************************************
; nach dem entpacken der hw wird eine vorauswahl
; initialisiert (bitweise):
; 1. LANC
; 2. SLANC
; 3. EDIT
; 4. DEBUG
(set options %1000) ; default: DEBUG
; libs entpacken
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress "libraries"))
(set rc (run "libs.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress "libraries"))
(set L 0)
(set S 0)
(set E 0)
(set D 0)
(if (exists "hardware.run")
; hardware entpacken
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #hardware))
(set rc (run "hardware.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #hardware))
(if (exists "T:hardware/LANC.iff")
(set options (bitor options %0001)) ; options |= LANC
(if (exists "T:hardware/SLANC.iff")
(set options (bitor options %0010)) ; options |= SLANC
(if (exists "T:hardware/EDIT.iff")
(set options (bitor options %0100)) ; options |= EDIT
(set x (askoptions
(prompt #asklibs)
(help #asklibs_help)
(choices "LANC.library" "SLANC.library" "EDIT.library" "DEBUG.library")
(default options)
(if (<> 0 (bitand x %1000)) ; DEBUG
( (set D 1)
(source "t:libs/DEBUG.library")
(dest "libs:")
(if (<> 0 (bitand x %0100)) ; EDIT
((set E 1)
(source "T:libs/EDIT.library")
(dest "libs:")
(if (<> 0 (bitand x %0010)) ; SLANC
((set S 1)
(source "T:libs/SLANC.library")
(dest "libs:")
(if (<> 0 (bitand x %0001)) ; LANC
((set L 1)
(source "T:libs/LANC.library")
(dest "libs:")
;cleanup libs
(run "delete t:libs#? all quiet")
; *****************************************************
; Hauptprogramm und Projects entpacken und installieren
; *****************************************************
; libs entpacken
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #main ))
(set rc (run "LControl.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #main))
(prompt #main)
(help #main_help)
(source "T:")
(choices "LControl")
(dest ziel)
(confirm "expert")
(complete 10)
(if( (= L 1))
(prompt (cat "LControl-" #icon))
(help #project_help)
(source "T:")
(choices "LANC.info")
(dest ziel)
(confirm "expert")
(dest (tackon ziel "LANC"))
(if( (= S 1))
(prompt (cat "SControl-" #icon))
(help #project_help)
(source "T:")
(choices "SLANC.info")
(dest ziel)