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Documentation of AntiCicloVir V2.4a: 14.03.1995
==================================== ==========
Table of Contents:
1. Copyright
2. How to use AntiCicloVir
3. Scan memory for viruses
4. Scan directories for viruses
5. How to handle with packers
6. Scan bootsectors for viruses
7. Scan disk-validators for viruses
8. Description of some well-known viruses:
- BGS9
- Bret Hawnes
- Disaster-Master
- Golden Rider
9. Mail
AntiCicloVir is now Public Domain Software and that means, you can use this
viruskiller for personal or commercial work !
You can use this program for scanning in your own system for viruses, or you can
install it on your own Public Domain disks, or sell it to anyone to any prices.
You may read the assembly-language source code, put some routines out from it
into your own program, or change some parts of or add new parts to the source
If you`re programming in assembly-language, then you will see, that it is very
simple, to update the viruskiller, so that he will detect new viruses in memory,
files and on disk !
You may use the source code of AntiCicloVir as base for a new own viruskiller !
But there are some limits !!!!!!
You may not spread such a changed program by using the name `AntiCicloVir`,
because I will write more (& better) versions of AntiCicloVir in the future,
and I think, it won`t be useful, if there exists more than one program using the
same name !!!!!!
Further it is not allowed, to change any part of this documentation or of the
Well, I hope there doesn`t exist any serious, nasty ugly bugs in the assembly-
language source code of AntiCicloVir, but I think, it doesn`t exist any
program without any bug, so that I can`t give any guarantee for the error-free
work of the viruskiller AntiCicloVir ...
I can`t take the responsibility for any damage, directly or indirectly caused
by the correctly or uncorrectly use of AntiCicloVir !
That means for example too, if your hardware or software were damaged by a
virus, which AntiCicloVir didn`t detect, I will not take the responsibility for
that !
But I hope, that something like the above mentioned will not happen.
And now a message from our sponsors:
If you know a virus programmer you can get a reward of $ 1000 for
supplying his name and address. The fact is that the law punishes data
crime very severely. (5 years in jail in most countries).
We are an international group with more than 500 members who have started
trying to stop the spread of virus. Let me give you some example:
1. Our motto is: "Safe Hex", who dares do anything else today?".
2. A virus bank containing more than 1800 Amiga and PC viruses for
supporting good shareware antivirus programs.
3. We help people to get money back lost by virus infection.
4. We write articles about virus problems for about 20 computer
magazines worldwide.
5. We release the newest and the best virus killers around from
about 25 wellknown programmers worldwide.
6. We have more than 35 PC and Amiga "Virus Centers" worldwide
where you can get free virus help by phoning our "Hotline", and
the newest killers translated in your own language at very
little cost.
For more information contact:
SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL (Please send 2 "Coupon-Response
Erik Loevendahl Soerensen International" and a self addres-
Snaphanevej 10 sed envelope, if you want infor-
DK-4720 Praestoe mation about SHI by letter).
Phone: + 45 55 99 25 12
Fax : + 45 55 99 34 98
How to use AntiCicloVir
AntiCicloVir is a small but smart viruskiller, who shall be simple to use like
It isn`t hard to deal with AntiCicloVir.
Today there appears more and more superviruskillers, but more and more novices
have problems, to use this killers efficiencly, because with the time they became
so complicate, so that you at first have, to read Gigabytes of DOC-files, if you
want to know, how to use this superviruskiller most efficiencly ...
If you want to use AntiCicloVir, you have only, to read this small DOC-file and,
to know some things:
AntiCicloVir is more a virushunter than a viruskiller !
It can detect viruses in memory, but it won`t remove them from memory, because
it doesn`t change any vectors !
Today I have not the ROM addresses of all vectors from all ROM versions, because
I have not so many money like some antivirus-freaks, to buy all AMIGA models
selled by Commodore ...
In some cases it will be enough, if you let restore some reset-vectors by
AntiCicloVir, to remove a virus from memory !!!
After that it`s better, to cause a reset, so that the whole virus will be removed
from system, if it doesn`t can survive the reset !!!
Because the small length of AntiCicloVir (27 kB) it will be useful, to call it
up from your startup-sequence.
Copy AntiCicloVir into your subdirectory c and call it up from your startup-
sequence by using the option `-c` for fast memory-check !
Now, while you reboot from this disk, AntiCicloVir will be started and shows the
addresses of some important ROM vectors to you and checks the memory for all
known viruses.
If AntiCicloVir has found any virus in memory, then order the viruskiller, to
restore the reset-vector and cause a reset by yourself !
After one reboot from a clean disk run AntiCicloVir again, to see, if the virus
is still standing in memory !
To scan bootsectors of disk for viruses, please start AntiCicloVir by using
the option `-m` from the Shell or calling it from the Workbench.
AntiCicloVir will check every disk in all connected floppydrives, if you
have insert one !.
AntiCicloVir will not only check the bootsectors of every disk, but the disk-
validator of the inserted disk, too.
If you want to scan your disks for file- and linkviruses, please use AntiCicloVir
from the Shell:
Enter the name of AntiCicloVir and add the pathname of the directory, you want
to scan for viruses !
You see, it is very simple, to use AntiCicloVir !!!
But that`s not all about AntiCicloVir ...
The viruskiller will be much stronger, if you use the antivirus.libraries
from Safe Hex International with him !
These libraries aren`t necessary to get AntiCicloVir started, but they will
modify AntiCicloVir in some important points !
Before you can use these libraries, you have to install them !
You will find all needed libraries in the subdirectory libs from the
subdirectory, which is including AntiCicloVir.
Please copy the contents from this libs-directory into the libs-directory
onto your Workbench Disk !
After that, you have to copy the contents from the subdirectory l, which is
standing too in the same subdirectory like AntiCicloVir, to the subdirectory
l from your Workbench Disk !
These libraries will support AntiCicloVir in the following points:
- The Bootblock.library will support the bootsector-scan, so that AntiCicloVir
now can find more bootblock viruses than `only` the 188, it knows by itself !
Now, it`ll find additional all bootblock viruses, the Bootblock.library knows !
A lot of thanks for this excellent work has to go to:
Johan Eliasson
Baeckgatan 6
60358 Norrkoeping
- The removelink.library will support the directory- and memory-scan, so that
AntiCicloVir now can find more file-, link-, diskvalidator-viruses, trojan
horses and bombs than `only` the 78, it knows by itself !
Now, it`ll find additional all file-, link-, diskvalidator-viruses, trojan
horses and bombs, the removelink.library knows !
A lot of thanks for this excellent work has to go to:
Johan Oehman
Matematikgrand 13B
90733 Umea¢
- The unpack.library now makes it possible, that AntiCicloVir can decrunch
packed files, to find file-, link-, d