Fresh Fish 10
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accelerators-hardware ?.? Reviews of accelerator products
Reviews of accelerator products:
68000's faster than 7 MHz
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/accelerators/
ACE 2.35 FreeWare Amiga BASIC compiler + extras
ACE is a FreeWare Amiga BASIC compiler which, in conjunction with A68K
and Blink produces standalone executables.
The language defines a large subset of AmigaBASIC but also has many
features not found in the latter such as: turtle graphics, recursion,
SUBs with return values, structures, arguments, include files, a
better WAVE command which allows for large waveforms, external
references, named constants and a variety of other commands and
functions not found in AmigaBASIC.
New features in version 2.0 include: gadgets, three standard requester
types, serial I/O and menus (with optional command-keys for menu
items). New commands and functions for this version include EXIT FOR,
PTAB, SPC, DEF FN, ON ERROR and ERR (these last two handle file and
serial I/O at present). INPUT and PRINT can now be used transparently
for all screen/window combinations.
All user-defined windows are now fully-configurable and may be used in
conjunction with screens as per AmigaBASIC. Window close event
trapping is also a new feature.
In addition to event trapping, ACE now supports WAITing for both menus
and gadgets. Waiting is more operating-system-friendly than event
A simple graphical front-end (Integrated Development Environment) is
also provided with the archive. This is written in ACE.
Author: David Benn
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/basic/ACE/
AGDocs ?.? Docs (up to V40) of AmigaGuide commands
Complete documentation of all known Amigaguide commands, from V33
to V40 AmigaOS. Both AmigaGuide and DVI formats included, along
with texinfo sources
Author: Aric R Caley
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/text/hyper/AGDocs/
AGPrefs 36.89 Program to conrol AmigaGuide preferences
Amigaguide has various preference options. However no preference editor
is supplied to alter them, now you can. This program requires OS36+ (WB2)
if you do not have this then lookup the AmigaGuide documentation to find
out how you can change these preferences. AmigaGuide prefs is very similar
to the C= preference editors, it is therefore easy to use. For more
information on any of the preference options look at the AmigaGuide
documentation in the "Preference" section.
Author: Lee Kindness
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/text/hyper/AGPrefs/
AIBB 6.5 GUI-based CPU performance tester
AIBB is a system performance analysis tool designed with built-in tests
for exercising CPU, FPU, and graphics portions of system performance.
Comparisons to 4 different machines can be displayed, with a default of
the A600, A1200, A3000/25, and A4000/040 contained within AIBB.
The option to create and/or load data files from other systems for
comparison is also included within the program.
Author: LaMonte Koop
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/moni/AIBB/
AIFF_dt 1.11 DataType for AIFF/AIFC sound files
A DataTypes class which permits reading and playing of AIFF
and AIFC format sound files which are very common on Apple
Macintosh machines.
Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/AIFF_dt/
AlertPatch 3.0 Supplies a lot more info during Alert()
A patch into the exec.library/Alert() function to display more
meaningful information to the user. This includes: Alert Type
- Software Failure or DeadEnd; Task - Task address and name;
Error - The alert error being displayed; Caused By - If the
calling routines are known then it will tell you where the
problem lies (eg. "graphics.library"); Cause - Single line
description of what the alert is all about; Task Owner - if
MultiUser FileSystem is installed then the userID and userName
are also displayed; Data Registers - A dump of the CPU data
registers d0...d7; Address Registers - A dump of the CPU address
registers a0...a7; Text Representation - A text representation of
the data and address registers.
Author: David Swasbrook
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/AlertPatch/
AmiCDROM 1.15 ISO-9660 standard CDROM filesystem
AmiCDROM is a CDROM disk filing system for the Commodore Amiga.
It supports the ISO-9660 standard, the Rock Ridge Interchange
Protocol and the Macintosh HFS format.
The CDROM drive is mounted as a DOS device (e.g. CD0:). You can
access files and directories on a CDROM disk by the usual syntax,
e.g. "type cd0:foo/readme.txt".
Author: Frank Munkert
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/cdrom/AmiCDROM/
amigados-reviews ?.? Reviews of AmigaDOS versions.
Reviews of AmigaDOS versions.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/amigados/
AmigaE 3.2a An Amiga specific E compiler
E is a powerful and flexible object oriented / procedural / unpure
functional higher programming language, mainly influenced by
languages such as C++, Ada, Lisp etc., and Amiga E a very fast
compiler for it, with features such as speed of >20000 lines/minute
on a 7 Mhz amiga, inline assembler and linker integrated into
compiler, large set of integrated functions, great module concept
with v40 includes as modules, flexible type-system, quoted
expressions, immediate and typed lists, parametric and inclusion
polymorphism, exception handling, inheritance, data-hiding,
methods, multiple return values, default arguments, register
allocation, fast memory management, unification, LISP-Cells,
gui-toolkit, (macro-) preprocessor, very intuitive and powerful
source-level debugger, easy .library linking, and much more...
Author: Wouter van Oortmerssen
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/e/AmigaE/
AmigaFAQ 94.10.14 'Frequently Asked Questions' about Amiga
Lists some frequently asked questions and trys to give answers. Its
intention is to help new users and to reduce the amount of news that most
experienced users don't like to read anymore. Sections on Hardware,
Software, Programming, Applications, Graphics and more. Formatted in plain
ascii, AmigaGuide, DVI, html, and texinfo. Drawer also contains some useful
text files on ftp sites, newgroups, hardware tips and one on the history of
the amiga.
Author: Jochen Wiedmann
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/misc/AmigaFAQ/
AmigaFAQg 94.10.14 'Frequently Asked Questions' about Amiga
Lists some frequently asked questions and trys to give answers. Its
intention is to help new users and to reduce the amount of news that most
experienced users don't like to read anymore. Sections on Hardware,
Software, Programming, Applications, Graphics and more. Formatted in plain
ascii, AmigaGuide, DVI, html, and texinfo. Drawer also contains some useful
text files on ftp sites, newgroups, hardware tips and one on the history of
the amiga.
Author: Jochen Wiedmann
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/misc/AmigaFAQg/
AmigaGuide 34.6 Commodore AmigaGuide hypertext utility
Archive distribution of the AmigaGuide hypertext utility direct from
Commodore. Contains developer examples and tools for AmigaGuide under
V34/V37 and V39, plus a new free print/sign/send-in distribution
license for AmigaGuide, amigaguide.library, WDisplay, and their icons.
Author: Commodore Business Machines
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/text/hyper/AmigaGuide/
AmigaXv 2.18 Amiga port of the popular unix displayer
This is a port of an X11 program called Xv (v3.10) by John Bradley.
XV is a program that displays image files in GIF87, GIF89, JPEG,
PBM/PGM/PPM, TIFF, PDS/VICAR Sun Rasterfile, and X11 Bitmap formats.
XV runs on nearly ALL X displays: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24, and 32-bit,
color, greyscale, and black/white.
XV displays one image at a time in an output window, or on the root
window. You can arbitrarily stretch or compress the window, and the
picture will be rescaled to fit. You can rotate the picture in
90-degree steps. You can flip the picture vertically and
horizontally. You can repeatedly 'crop' a picture (define a
rectangular 'region-of-interest' and 'throw away' the rest). You can
magnify any portion of the picture by any amount, up to the maximum
size of your screen.
XV allows you click on the picture to determine pixel RGB values and
x,y coordinates. You can perform arbitrary 'gamma correction' on the
picture both in RGB space and HSV space. You can specify the maximum
number of colors that XV should use, for some interesting visual
effects. You can have the program produce a stippled version of the
picture using black and white, or any other pair of colors.
XV can write images in a variety of formats, with many of the
modifications you may have made to the picture saved as well. You can
use XV to do format conversion. XV will also automatically uncompress
compress-ed files, as well as read files from stdin.
Author: John Bradley, Amiga port by Terje Pedersen
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/edit/AmigaXv/
AmiPOP 1.16 A POP 3 client for AmigaDOS.
AmiPOP@ is a POP3 Client for AmigaDOS. It was written directly from
the POP3 RFC (RFC #1225). AmiPOP is only a simple transport mechanism
for moving electronic mail messages between a POP-Host, typically
a mainframe, and your local AmigaDOS system. The advantage of POP
over other transports such as SMTP is that all E-mail can still be
directed to the mainframe system. This is of primary importance when
either a dialup line is used, which has a new IP address for each
connection, or when a user uses many machines, and wishes to be able
to transparently read mail on all of them.
AmiPOP features:
· AUISG compliant (or at least it tries to be!)
· Makes heavy use of 2.0 (and higher) functions such as ReadArgs,
utility.library, GadTools, and 2.0 functions in Amiga.lib.
· Written from RFC 1225, not a port of a Unix or a PC application.
· Small code size, and low system resource usage.
· Commodities interface
Author: Scott Ellis
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/tcp/AmiPOP/
AmiTCP-Demo 4.0 TCP/IP protocol stack
AmiTCP/IP is the most videly used TCP/IP protocol stack for the
Amiga. AmiTCP/IP utilizes the standard Sana-II network device
drivers and provides an application level socket interface to the
Internet protocol suite as an Amiga shared library.
AmiTCP/IP is propiertary, copyrighted product of the NSDi - Network
Solutions Development Inc, Finland. See the file 'LICENCE' included
in the archive for the licence conditions.
This is the demonstration version of the AmiTCP/IP 4.0.
* About the Commercial AmiTCP/IP Version
The commercial version of AmiTCP/IP 4.0 includes:
- Enchanced version of AmiTCP:
- Frendlier logging system with global filter etc.
- Cache for name server replies
- Sana-II 2.0 support
- Full BOOTP support
- Access control for server programs
- Optimized version for '20 and up
- Automatic BOOTP configuration utility
- Printed & online User Manual
- Technical support via email, fax and normal mail
All the new features in the future will be added to the commercial
version only.
Author: AmiTCP/IP Group
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/tcp/AmiTCP-Demo/
AmiTCP-SDK 4.0 Source/Developer Kit for AmiTCP
Include files, some development tools, link libraries (with source)
and programming examples for AmiTCP/IP 4.0.
AmiTCP/IP is proprietary, copyrighted product of the NSDi - Network
Solutions Development Inc, Finland. See the file 'LICENCE.SDK'
included in the archive for the licence conditions.
Author: AmiTCP/IP Group
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/tcp/AmiTCP-SDK/
AmiTCP 3.0ß2 TCP/IP protocol stack for SANA-II.
AmiTCP is a set of programs that enables the Amiga to connect to a TCP/IP
network. AmiTCP lets the user use commands such as ftp, telnet from your
Amiga. AmiTCP also lets remote users connect to your machine from other
TCP/IP hosts. AmiTCP is a TCP/IP protocol stack for implementing basic
Internet protocols on top of any SANA-II network device driver, such as
one for SLIP or Ethernet.
Author: AmiTCP/IP Group and others
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/tcp/AmiTCP/
april-fools ?.? April Fools jokes from 1993.
These "reviews" are April Fools jokes from 1993, all written by
Daniel Barrett, barrett@cs.umass.edu.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/other-reviews/april-fools/
ArqReq 1.2 A RequestChoice clone using Arq
This program builds a requester and waits for a response from the
user, then a result code is returned. The return code is 0 for the
rightmost gadget (usually "Cancel"), and a normal numbering for the
other gadgets (1, 2, 3, ..., N, 0 like RequestChoice). If you use
Arq, you can select the image that will appear in window. (ID option)
You can also get the image from an icon (ICON option). You can also
specify the distance from the top and left borders of the requester
window (TOP & LEFT option).
Author: Alessandro Zummo
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/batch/ArqReq/
ARTM 2.04 Display and control system activity
Amiga Real Time Monitor. Displays and controls system activity such
as tasks, windows, libraries, devices, resources, ports, residents,
interrupts, vectors, memory, mounts, assigns, locks, fonts, hardware,
res_cmds, a little SystemMonitor and display the last Alert.
Author: F. J. Mertens
Dietmar Jansen
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/moni/ARTM/
audio-hardware ?.? Reviews of audio hardware products
Reviews of audio hardware products:
MIDI interfaces
Sound boards
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/audio/
audio-software ?.? Reviews of audio software.
Reviews of audio software products, such as:
MIDI software
MODs and Trackers
Notation programs
Sampling software
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/audio/
AZap 2.40 Binary editor for files, mem, and devs.
AZap is a "new generation" binary editor able to edit files, memory or devices
like hard disks. It can open several windows at the same time, and while this
program cannot be considered as a tool to help you to recover a disk, it has a
lot of useful functions (print block, fill block, search string, etc...).
Author: Denis Gounelle
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/moni/AZap/
Binary_dt 39.11 Datatype for viewing binary files in hex
This is a binary data type for using in MultiView or similar programs!
The datatype loads any binary file and displays it in a hex format!
Author: Stefan Ruppert
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/Binary_dt/
books-reviews ?.? Reviews of Amiga-related books.
Reviews of Amiga-related books.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/other-reviews/books/
Brik 2.0 Compute & use CRC lists to verify files
A general purpose program that calculates both text and binary cyclic
redundancy codes (CRCs). Text mode CRCs calculated by brik are
portable across systems for files that are in the usual text format on
each system. Binary mode CRCs are portable for files that are moved
from system to system without any change. Brik can be used to verify
and update an embedded checksum header in files. It runs under
MS-DOS, UNIX system V, BSD UNIX, VAX/VMS, and AmigaDOS.
Author: Rahul Dhesi
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/brik/
bsplit 1.0 Split files into pieces by byte count
Split binary files into managable pieces as specified by a byte count.
Similar to the UNIX "split" program, which works with lines, not
Author: P. Knoppers
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/bsplit/
BTNTape 3.0 A 'Better-Than-Nothing' scsi tape driver
The "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler. It provides flat-file
access to a SCSI tape drive from application programs using simple calls to
DOS or C library I/O functions. It can also be used with the Amiga TAR
utility for disk backups. It uses your existing SCSI adapter's device
driver for access to the bus. This version fixes a number of bugs and
includes several new features including file number tracking and append-only
and read-only safety modes.
Author: Robert Rethemeyer
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/misc/BTNtape/
business-software ?.? Reviews of business software.
Reviews of business software.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/business/
calendar-software ?.? Reviews of calendar/reminder programs.
Reviews of calendar/reminder programs.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/calendar/
cd-rom-hardware ?.? Reviews of CD-ROM related products
Reviews of CD-ROM related products:
CD-ROM drives.
Commodore CD-ROM machines (CDTV, CD32, etc.)
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/cd-rom/
cd-rom-software ?.? Reviews of CD-ROM software products
Reviews of CD-ROM software products:
CD-ROM discs
CD-ROM filesystems
Some of these files are links to reviews of other Amiga products (like games)
that happen to appear on CD-ROM.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/cd-rom/
chksum 1.0 SVR4 'sum' compatible checksum program
Produces a checksum of a byte stream that should be the same as the
standard SVR4 "sum" program. Note that the "sum" documentation is
misleading, the checksum is NOT simply a 16-bit checksum of all the
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/chksum/
CManual 3.0 Amiga programming documents and examples
A 5 disk distribution of one of the largest collections of documents,
examples, and utilities in C for the Amiga. It consists of six
manuals, with more than 40 chapters, 175 fully executable examples
complete with source code, and several utilities and other goodies.
The manuals describe how to open and work with Screens, Windows,
Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters, Alerts, Menus, IDCMP, Sprites,
VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low Level Graphics Routines, etc. They also
explain how to use your C Compiler and give you important information
about how the Amiga works and how your programs should be designed.
When unpacked, the manuals and examples nearly fill up twelve standard
Amiga floppies.
Author: Anders Bjerin
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/c/CManual/
CodeWatcher 1.4 Keeps track of allocated resources.
Launches programs and keeps track of all invisible allocated resources. Produces
a report of all resources that were used and those that were nor freed, on exit.
This program was developed by Michael Plitkins, programmer of Caligary. He made
CodeWatcher freely available a long time ago in BIX, but it still is a program
that every programmer should use.
Author: Michael Plitkins
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/debug/CodeWatcher/
computers-hardware ?.? Reviews of Amiga computers.
Reviews of Amiga computers.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/computers/
confer-reviews ?.? Reviews of conferences.
Reviews of conferences.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/other-reviews/conferences/
copiers-hardware ?.? Reviews of disk copying hardware.
Reviews of disk copying hardware products.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/copiers/
C_dt 39.11 C datatype, highlights c/c++ keywords
This is a C Source data type for using in MultiView or similar programs.
It displays different parts of a C Source in different style and color,
like comments, keywords, basic types and cpp keywords! This goes all
through a prefs file. If you design a nice preference file, please
submit it to the author, so that anyone can use it!
Author: Stefan Ruppert
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/C_dt/
dacapo ?.? Basic information about dacapo CD
Basic information about the dacapo CD, including any README
type files, INDEX files, long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/dacapo/
database-software ?.? Reviews of databases.
Reviews of databases.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/database/
datacomm-hardware ?.? Reviews of modems and FAXmodems.
Reviews of modems and FAXmodems.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/datacomm/
datacomm-software ?.? Reviews of communications software.
Reviews of telecommunications software products:
Terminal emulators
FAX software
Voice mail
Networking software
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/datacomm/
debug-hardware ?.? Reviews of hardware debugging aids.
Reviews of hardware debugging aids.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/debug/
DefDTIcon 1.7 Changes selected icon images to defaults
This very useful utility installs itself to the Workbench
Tools menu. Any file selected via it will have its icon
images changed to the default for its datatype. Includes
many standard icons.
Author: Lee Kindness
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/DefDTIcon/
Deft_II 1.6 Recursively modify icon default tools
Deft II is an utility to modify the default tools of your icons; you
give to it a set of paths, a set of old/new default tool couples, and
Deft II will recursively scan all these paths to change the default
tools of your project icons according to your preferences.
Deft II is a powerful tool, here are its main features :
- a MUI GUI with all the consequent convenience for the user
(keyboard shortcuts, appwindows, etc)
- multi-paths handling for scanning
- multi-default tools for replacing
- wildcard using for the default tools to replace
- preferences saving
- ARexx support
- online help
Author: Lionel Vintenat
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/wb/Deft_II/
Degrader 1.30 Tries to get badly written progs to work
Degrades your machine to try and get badly written programs
to work. Allows you to block memory, add non-autoconfig
memory at reset, turn audio filter on or off, intercept
privilege violation errors, switch off cache/burst modes and
can slow down a fast machine. Also can swap the boot drive
and force 50Hz or 60Hz. Will do things straight away, after
one reset or after every reset.
Author: Chris Hames
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/Degrader/
DeviceLock 1.2 GUI interface for CLI command 'lock'
This is a GUI interface for the CLI programm 'lock'. You can
lock or allow writing to partitions via gadgets or hotkeys.
You can configure it to your own needs and it should work
with other (CLI-)lock programs, too.
Author: Thomas Wagner
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/cdity/DeviceLock/
disk-software ?.? Reviews of disk-related products
Reviews of disk-related products:
Backup programs
Directory programs, disk organizing programs
Disk repair programs
Software caches
Virtual memory
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/disk/
DiskSalv2 11.32 Disk repair, salvage, and undelete util
A disk repair, salvage, and undelete utility for all standard disk
devices and file system types. Has a full Intuition interface and
runs from Workbench or Shell. It can fix most problems in-place, and
can reverse a partial or QUICK format. It can copy out from disks
that can't be fixed due to physical damage, with a destination going
to any AmigaDOS disk device or pipe (eg, TAPE:). In English, locale
catalogs included for Danish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian,
Finnish, and Swedish, short manuals in English and Swedish.
Author: Dave Haynie
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/salv/DiskSalv2/
DMS 1.11 A popular disk archiver
DISK-Masher is a utility that allows users to compress and archive
entire floppy disks. Offers four different types of compression,
extended virus checking of boot blocks, and data encryption. Requires
at least 512K of memory.
Author: SDS Software
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/arc/dms/
DSound 1.50 Play 8SVX sound samples off hard drive.
A utility to play 8SVX sound samples directly off a hard drive.
Author: Dave Schreiber
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/mus/play/DSound/
emulation-hardware ?.? Reviews of hardware emulators.
Reviews of hardware products for emulating other computers:
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/emulation/
Enforcer 37.62 Tool to monitor illegal memory access.
A tool to monitor illegal memory access for 68020/68851, 68030, and
68040 CPUs. This is a completely new Enforcer from the original idea
by Bryce Nesbitt. It contains many new and wonderful features and
options and no longer contains any exceptions for specific software.
Enforcer can now also be used with CPU or SetCPU FASTROM or most any
other MMU-Kick- start-Mapping tool. Major new output options such as
local output, stdout, and parallel port. Highly optimized to be as
fast as possible.
Author: Michael Sinz
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/debug/Enforcer/
FantaSeas ?.? Basic information about FantaSeas CD
Basic information about the FantaSeas CD.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FantaSeas/
fifolib 37.4 A general fifo library implementation
FIFO: is like PIPE: but is based on fifo.library rather than its own
implementation. Fifo.library is a general fifo library implementation
that supports named fifos, writing to a fifo from a hardware
exception, multiple readers on a fifo with each getting the same data
stream, efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow control.
Programs that require non-blocking IO can access one side of a FIFO:
connection via the fifo.library instead of the FIFO: device.
Author: Matt Dillon
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/libs/FifoLib/
Fish00XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0001-0099.
CONTENTS files from disks 0001-0099, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff00xx/
Fish01XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0100-0199.
CONTENTS files from disks 0100-0199, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff01xx/
Fish02XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0200-0299.
CONTENTS files from disks 0200-0299, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff02xx/
Fish03XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0300-0399.
CONTENTS files from disks 0300-0399, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff03xx/
Fish04XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0400-0499.
CONTENTS files from disks 0400-0499, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff04xx/
Fish05XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0500-0599.
CONTENTS files from disks 0500-0599, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff05xx/
Fish06XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0600-0699.
CONTENTS files from disks 0600-0699, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff06xx/
Fish07XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0700-0799.
CONTENTS files from disks 0700-0799, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff07xx/
Fish08XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0800-0899.
CONTENTS files from disks 0800-0899, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff08xx/
Fish09XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 0900-0999.
CONTENTS files from disks 0900-0999, 10 per text file.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff09xx/
Fish10XXDocs ?.? CONTENTS files from disks 1000-1000.
CONTENTS files from disks 1000-1000, 10 per text file.
(Current highest released disk is 1000, but more are
being worked on.)
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/fishdisks/ff10xx/
Flat 1.3 Handler for block-mapped filing devices
A filing system handler which implements block-mapped filing devices
such as available under Un*x. Read and write calls are mapped to
low-level system IO operations which allow to treat devices such as
df0:, dh0:, rad:, etc. as big data files. These `virtual' files can
be copied, read and written just like any standard AmigaDOS file. It
is even possible to copy a whole disk with the CLI `Copy' command or
to archive disks with LhArc and the like. Written as a supplement for
the Amiga `tar' program.
Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/misc/Flat/
Flush 1.2 Flushes unused libs, devices, and fonts
Flushes unused libraries, devices and fonts from RAM. Options include
flush all, flush one type, report but don't flush, report which got
flushed, and amount of memory regained. Runs from CLI, under AmigaDOS
2.04 or later.
Author: Gary Duncan
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/Flush/
FreshFishVol10Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 10
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 10, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol10/
FreshFishVol1Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 1.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 1, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol01/
FreshFishVol2Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 2.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 2, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol02/
FreshFishVol3Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 3.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 3, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol03/
FreshFishVol4Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 4.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 4, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol04/
FreshFishVol5Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 5.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 5, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol05/
FreshFishVol6Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 6.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 6, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol06/
FreshFishVol7Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 7.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 7, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol07/
FreshFishVol8Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 8.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 8, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol08/
FreshFishVol9Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFish Vol 9.
Basic information about FreshFish Vol 9, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFish-Vol09/
FreshFontsVol1Docs ?.? Basic information about FreshFonts Vol 1
Basic information about FreshFonts Vol 1, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FreshFonts-Vol1/
FrozenFishApr94Docs ?.? Basic information about FrozenFish Apr94
Basic information about FrozenFish Apr 94, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FrozenFish-Apr94/
FrozenFishAug95Docs ?.? Basic information about FrozenFish Aug95
Basic information about FrozenFish Aug 95, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/FrozenFish-Aug95/
FTPDaemon 2.0 An ftp daemon for AmiTCP, with multiuser
An ftpd for AmiTCP v2.0 and up (we use AmiTCP v2.2 ). It has Multi-User
support (we use MultiUser v1.5).
Author: Joran Jessurun
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/tcp/FTPDaemon/
gag-software ?.? Reviews of funny or strange software.
Reviews of funny or strange software.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/gag/
games-software ?.? Reviews of games.
Reviews of games.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/games/
GoldFishVol1Docs ?.? Basic information about GoldFish Vol 1.
Basic information about GoldFish Vol 1, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/GoldFish-Vol1/
GoldFishVol2Docs ?.? Basic information about GoldFish Vol 2.
Basic information about GoldFish Vol 2, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/GoldFish-Vol2/
graphics-hardware ?.? Reviews of graphics hardware
Reviews of graphics hardware:
Animation accelerators
Graphics cards
Video digitizers
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/graphics/
graphics-software ?.? Reviews of graphics software
Reviews of graphics software:
3-D graphics
Animation programs
Paint programs
Picture viewers
Ray tracing
Video software
X window system
Multimedia programs are in the "../multimedia" subdirectory.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/graphics/
HiP 2.00 Multiformat module player, KS 1.2+
HippoPlayer (HiP) is a multiformat module player for the Amiga. It works
perfectly under Kickstart 1.2 and has all the same and even more features
than the players requiring Kick2.0+ to run.
One main reason why I started making this program was that there were no
good Kick1.3 compatible players around, or I didn't know of one. The other
reason was that my good friend Jarno Paananen (Guru/Sahara Surfers) made a
replay routine for Screamtracker ]I[ modules.
The aim was to make a good module player that works on every Amiga
configuration and has lot's of USEFUL features. To achieve speed, little
size and memory usage, HiP is 100% assembler.
"Newcomers will run screaming away", as Nemesis1 stated.
At first HiP may seem complicated. There's no familiar tapedeck symbols,
only some bits of text scattered around. Learn to use HiP, it should be
worth the effort :)...
HiP has good support for Screamtracker ]I[, Fasttracker 1 & 2, Taketracker,
and Multitracker modules (from here onwards referred as PS3Ms), meaning
that you can listen them with a 68000 Amiga with listenable quality. All
are played by the famous replayer by Guru. HiP was the second program to
use the PS3M-routines after Guru's own player.
Some features:
· Screamtracker ]I[, Fasttracker 1 & 2, Taketracker, Multitracker, 1 to 32ch
· SID-emulation by Håkan Sundell & Ron Birk (works even on kick1.2)
· TFMX-modules, normal and the seven channel ones
· A bunch of 4-8 channel sample & synth music formats
· Easy to use, nice 3D-interface
· Keyboard control
· AppWindow
· ARexx
· Public screen support
· Internal multitasking
· Loads and decompresses XPK, FImp, PowerPacker, LhA, Zip and Gzip files
· Tested on:
A500/000, kickstart 1.2, 0.5+0.5m memory
A1200/030, kickstart 3.0, 2+4m memory (with enforcer)
HippoPlayer was/is developed on:
- v1.00-v1.25 A500/010, kickstart 1.3/3.1, 1+2M memory, HD
- v1.27-v1.40 A1200/020, kickstart 3.0, 2+0M memory, HD
- v2.00-v?.?? A1200/030, kickstart 3.0, 2+4M memory, HD
Author: Kari-Pekka Koljonen
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/mus/play/HippoPlayer/
History 37.5 List and control shell command history.
This is a 2.04/3.0/3.1 compatible version of the history command. It
allows listing, saving, loading, and execution of the standard
con-handler command line history.
Author: Andy Finkel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/shell/History/
humor-reviews ?.? Reviews with a humorous basis.
Reviews with a humorous basis.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/other-reviews/humor/
Iconian 2.93 Icon editor that supports OS3.0 funcs.
An icon editor with all the functions of IconEdit under OS3.0, plus more.
Features: Support for sizable windows and custom fonts; Multiple undos;
Appwindows; Custom magnification levels; Up to 256 colors; 3.x palette
sharing; RGB color editing; Integer scaling of oversized brushes; Optional
remapping of IFFs to screen colors; Can save 8 plane icons which stay
"normal" regardless of screen depth; Full range of drawing tools including
beveled boxes; Recolors 1.3 icons; Clipboard support; Extensive keyboard
support; Ability to cut and paste brushes; Drawing with text, including
selectable font and styles; 100% system supported, no external libraries
Author: Chad Randall
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/edit/Iconian/
ide-hardware ?.? Reviews of IDE disk controllers.
Reviews of IDE disk controllers.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/ide/
input-devices-hardware ?.? Reviews of input devices
Reviews of input devices:
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/input-devices/
Installer 1.26 Commodore's Amiga Installer utility
Archive distribution of the Amiga Installer utility direct from
Commodore. Contains V1.24 of the Installer, documen- tation and
examples for developers to use when developing their software. Also
contains various enhancements and fixes detailed in the documentation
enclosed. The documen- tation has also been enhanced and brought up
to date.
Author: Commodore Business Machines
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/Installer/
IO-ports-hardware ?.? Reviews of hardware IO products.
Reviews of hardware devices with input/output ports, such as:
Multi-serial boards
Multi-parallel boards
Ethernet boards
ARCnet boards
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/ports/
JFIF_dt 39.25 Very nice JFIF/JPEG datatype (OS 3.0+)
Starting with OS Release 3 the Amiga has the concept of `datatypes', which
allow reading and viewing files of different types and formats. MultiView
utilizes these datatypes and displays any file for which you have a data
types class installed. Already supplied on your Workbench disk is the ILBM
datatype for loading regular IFF-ILBM pictures.
Using this JFIF datatype you can enhance the functionality of MultiView and
other datatypes-aware applications: The Tower JFIF DataTypes Class allows
you to read and view JFIF files. JFIF is the de facto standard file format
for JPEG compressed images.
Author: Christoph Feck
Matthias Scheler
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/JFIF_dt/
JIV 1.22f Picture viewer GIF/BMP/ILBM/PNM/PCX/JPEG
JIV is a picture viewer. I can imagine that you're wondering
now why I had to write yet another one... well, here's a list
of features that should answer your question:
· JIV supports many different file formats:
- GIF (full GIF87a standard plus a subset of GIF89a).
- BMP (MS-Windows and OS/2 variants, currently only
- IFF-ILBM (including HAM6, HAM8, EHB and 24bit formats).
- PNM pictures (PBM, PGM and PPM in both binary and
ASCII format).
- PCX (8bit/VGA, 24 bit, monochrome and _some_ 4 bit)
- JPEG/JFIF, if the JPEG CODEC is installed.
· JIV supports several types of display hardware:
- all native graphics chipsets (OCS, ECS and AGA).
- Cybergraphics emulation.
- A2024.
- Picasso-II/Village emulation.
- Generic mode, should work with every graphics board that
emulates Workbench/Intuition. Tested with the Picasso-II
emulation and the Cybergraphics emulation.
· JIV supports displaying over-sized images using autoscroll.
· JIV supports multiple filenames and AmigaDOS pattern
· JIV can dither pictures that use more colors than your
display hardware supports.
· JIV offers an endless/slideshow mode that can be used for
(non-interactive) advertising, for example in a shop window.
Please note that JIV is probably not the best choice for
"small" Amiga configurations. It will need a lot of memory and
(in some cases) quite a bit of computing power as well.
The minimum configuration for JIV is:
· 68000 or better.
· AmigaOS 2.04 (V37) or better.
· 1 MByte or more of RAM.
This configuration should allow you to view small to medium-sized
pictures (640x480x8 should just be possible).
The suggested configuration for JIV is:
· 68030 or better.
· AmigaOS 3.1 (V40) or better.
· 4 MBytes of RAM or more.
· Hard disk drive.
This configuration will allow you to view most pictures you're
likely to find. A bit more RAM wouldn't hurt, though. :-) And
of course you'll need a graphics board if you want to display
true-color pictures without dithering.
Author: Jürgen Weinelt
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/show/JIV/
JPEGDataType 39.1 Datatype to convert jpegs to 8 bit data.
Converts jpegs to 8 bit data for multiview and other programs. It's SLOW
and memory hungry, but does quite a reasonable job.
Author: Steve Goddard
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/JpegDataType/
Lens 1.2 A magnifying program for the WorkBench.
Lens is a magnifying program for the workbench (and other screens). To run
Lens from the workbench just click on its icon. From a CLI, just type the
name of the program (i.e. "Run Lens"). There is nothing to install.
What Lens does is read the display graphics in a rectangle centered about
the mouse pointer and magnify it to the dimensions you specify. Lens will
allow you to zoom in and out. Here is a list of the features Lens has:
- Displays the current magnification and mouse coordinates in the title bar.
- Independent zooming in/out of X and Y dimensions.
- Adjustable sampling rate (number of times to update per minute).
- Displays axes (crosshairs) to indicate the mouse position (if desired).
- Allows you to freeze the lens view when the lens window is inactive.
- Has the ability to jump from one screen to another.
- Also allows you to specify just about any screen to open on initially.
Author: John Cowgill
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/wb/Lens/
Less 1.6Z Amiga port of UNIX text file reader
A text file reader, descended from Unix "Less." Less has features
found on no other Amiga file reader; it can use pipes, accepts
multiple filenames, and has many convenient positioning commands for
forward and backward movement, marking positions, etc. This version
adds an option to suppress opening a new window, using the existing
CLI window instead (especially useful with an AUX: shell), and
includes some minor bug fixes.
Author: Ray Zarling et. al.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/text/show/Less/
LhA 1.38 A fast LhArc compatible archiver
A very fast archiver that is compatible with MS-DOS LhArc V1.13 and
LHA V2.13, as well as the Amiga LhArc. LhA is very memory efficient,
has been written with stability and reliability in mind, has carefully
optimized compression and decompression routines, is multitasking
reentrant and pure, handles multiple volume archives (registered
version only), and more.
Author: Stefan Boberg
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/arc/LhA/
LHArc 1.30 Archive program using LZHUF compression
An archive program like Arc and Zoo, with a heavy emphasis maximum
compression for minimum archive size, using LZHUF compression.
Author: Paolo Zibetti
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/arc/LHArc/
LHWarp 1.40 Disk packer for .lhw files
A program which will read tracks directly from your floppy disk,
compress them using adaptive huffman encoding, and output them to a
file. The resulting file can be used by lhwarp to reconstruct an
image of the original disk.
Author: Jonathan Forbes
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/arc/LHWarp/
LightROMVol1Docs ?.? Basic information about LightROM Vol 1.
Basic information about LightROM Vol 1, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/Light-ROM-Vol1/
LightROMVol2Docs ?.? Basic information about LightROM Vol 2.
Basic information about LightROM Vol 2, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/Light-ROM-Vol2/
MacSND_dt 1.7 DataType for Mac 'snd' resource data
A DataTypes class which permits reading and playing of
Apple Macintosh "snd " resource sound data, such as system
Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/MacSND_dt/
magazines-reviews ?.? Reviews of Amiga-related magazines.
Reviews of Amiga-related magazines.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/other-reviews/magazines/
MailQueue 37.2 Monitor number of Messages in SMTPSpool
This is just a little program to use with
the INetUtils for AmiTCP/AS225, especially
for your SMTPSpool directory. The program
will monitor all queued files within the
SMTPSpool directory and display the number
of messages in a small window, you may
position somewhere on your Workbench. As
soon as a message is queued/deleted, the
information will be updated.
Author: Kai Iske
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/net/MailQueue/
MainActor 1.55 A modular animation package
MainActor is a modular animation package which is able to
create/edit/time/play animations (of any size) of the provided
animation modules. Modules included in this release :
IFF-Anim3/5/7/8/Brush/J, FLI, FLC, DL, AVI. You also have a great
number of functions for animation proccessing. MainActor is also able
to read and write Picture Modules : IFF, PCX, GIF, WB-ICON. You can
associate sound effects to every frame of your animations. Support
for the Picasso-II, Retina, Merlin and EGS cards is integrated.
Author: Markus Moenig
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/edit/MainActor/
Man_dt 39.4 Datatype for Unix man pages
This is a unix manual page data type for using in MultiView or similar
programs! The datatype loads any manual page file and displays it!
Author: Stefan Ruppert
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/Man_dt/
memory-hardware ?.? Reviews of memory products
Reviews of memory products:
RAM boards
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/memory/
mg 3b Small GNU EMACS style editor with AREXX
A public domain EMACS style editor, that uses the GNU EMACS command
set. Includes AREXX support.
Author: Mike Meyer, et al.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/edit/mg/
mkisofs 1.00.7 Simple ISO-9660 pre-mastering utility.
A pre-mastering program to generate an ISO-9660 filesystem. It takes
a snapshot of a given directory tree, and generates a binary image
which will correspond to an ISO-9660 filesystem when written to a
block device.
It is also capable of generating the System Use Sharing Protocol
records specified by the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol. This is
used to further describe the files in the ISO-9660 filesystem to a
unix host, and provides information such as longer filenames, uid/gid,
posix permissions, and block and character devices.
Each file written to the ISO-9660 filesystem must have a filename in
the 8.3 format (8 characters, period, 3 characters, all upper case),
even if Rock Ridge is in use. This filename is used on systems that
are not able to make use of the Rock Ridge extensions (such as
MS-DOS), and each filename in each directory must be different from
the other filenames in the same directory.
mkisofs generally tries to form correct names by forcing the unix
filename to upper case and truncating as required, but often times
this yields unsatisfactory results when there are cases where the
truncated names are not all unique. mkisofs assigns weightings to
each filename, and if two names that are otherwise the same are found
the name with the lower priority is renamed to have a 3 digit number
as an extension (where the number is guaranteed to be unique). An
example of this would be the files foo.bar and foo.bar.~1~ - the file
foo.bar.~1~ would be written as FOO.000;1 and the file foo.bar would
be written as FOO.BAR;1. "path" is the path of the directory tree to
be copied into the ISO-9660 filesystem.
(AmigaDOS Note: The AmigaDOS port relaxes the above restrictions to
produce ISO-9660 level 2 compatible ISO images)
Author: Eric Youngdale
Frank Munkert
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/cdrom/mkisofs/
modems-hardware ?.? Reviews of modems.
Reviews of modems.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/modems/
monitors-hardware ?.? Reviews of computer monitors.
Reviews of computer monitors.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/monitors/
MuchMore 4.6 Soft scroll text viewer with xpk-support
A soft scrolling text viewer. Can run in a window on a public screen
or on his own screen. Display mode can be choosen with ASL screen
mode requester. Supports ANSI, pipes, xpk, locale. Includes 7
Author: Fridtjof Siebert
Christian Stiens
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/text/show/MuchMore/
MUI 2.3 Create and maintain user interfaces.
MUI is an object oriented system to create and maintain graphical user
interfaces. From a programmers point of view, using MUI saves a lot of
time and makes life much easier. Thinking about complicated terms like
window resizing or font sensitivity is simply not neccesary.\n
On the other hand, users of MUI based applications have the ability to
customize nearly every pixel of a programs interface according to their
personal taste.\n
This distribution is interesting for both, users and programmers. Please
have a look at the supplied demo programs and at the documentation to
see what MUI has to offer.\n
MUI is an SASG (Standardized Amiga Shareware Group) product.
Author: Stefan Stuntz
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/gui/MUI/
multimedia-software ?.? Reviews of multimedia software.
Reviews of multimedia software.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/multimedia/
MultiPlayer 1.32 Multitasking player for music modules
General-purpose multitasking player for music modules. Supports over
20 Popular module formats such as Protracker and MED.
Provides volume, balance, and speed controls (with NTSC/PAL speed
presets), both master and per-module.
Allows you to build module "programs" which are played in random
order, in sequence, or only when you select them. Allows you to load
and save these programs and use them like normal modules.
Allows module selection through two Workbench 2.0 AppWindows and
Supports 2.0 commodities exchange so it can stay resident without any
windows, and you can pop it up with a hot key.
Provides four optional, individiually selectable "flashy" windows: a
standard note/volume spectrogram, a stereo waveform scope, a
four-channel scope, and a miniature scrolling note display (looks like
a tracker program, but you can't read the notes).
Auto-detaches from the CLI and uses a custom overlay system for
minimal memory usage.
Includes an ARexx port similar to that of RxTracker.
Compatible with any Amiga model, any processor, multitasks well, no
special memory requirements.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/mus/play/MultiPlayer/
MungWall 37.64 Watches for illegal FreeMem's
Munges memory and watches for illegal FreeMem's. Especially useful in
combination with Enforcer. The output can go to either the serial or
parallel port. Includes a new MungList program that examines used
memory areas for MungWall tag info, and outputs a list of who owns the
various pieces of allocated memory, their sizes, etc. Can even
identify the owner of the memory by task name.
Author: Commodore Amiga; submitted by Carolyn Scheppner
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/debug/MungWall/
NDUK-V37 37 Partial CBM Native Developer Update Kit
Portions of the Commodore Native Developer Update Kit that can be
licensed for separate distribution. Includes the "fd" files,
libraries, startups, "C include" files, and tools. Does not include
the autodocs. This material copyright by Commodore-Amiga Inc, is
included under license from Commodore, and has restricted distribution
conditions. It is allowed to make copies from the CD-ROM for personal
use but not for redistribution. See the files included with the
distribution for further details.
Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/cbm/NDUK/NDUK-V37/
NDUK-V39 39 Partial CBM Native Developer Update Kit
Portions of the Commodore Native Developer Update Kit that can be
licensed for separate distribution. Includes the "fd" files,
libraries, startups, "C include" files, and tools. Does not include
the autodocs. This material copyright by Commodore-Amiga Inc, is
included under license from Commodore, and has restricted distribution
conditions. It is allowed to make copies from the CD-ROM for personal
use but not for redistribution. See the files included with the
distribution for further details.
Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/cbm/NDUK/NDUK-V39/
NDUK-V40 40 Partial CBM Native Developer Update Kit
Portions of the Commodore Native Developer Update Kit that can be
licensed for separate distribution. Includes the "fd" files,
libraries, startups, "C include" files, and tools. Does not include
the autodocs. This material copyright by Commodore-Amiga Inc, is
included under license from Commodore, and has restricted distribution
conditions. It is allowed to make copies from the CD-ROM for personal
use but not for redistribution. See the files included with the
distribution for further details.
Author: Commodore-Amiga Inc.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/cbm/NDUK/NDUK-V40/
NewZAP 3.3 Multipurpose file sector editing utility
A third-generation multi-purpose file sector editing utility, from the
author of FileZAP. Displays and edits full 512-byte sectors via a 106
character wide internal font. Includes a search feature to find
specific strings or hex digits, forwards or backwards.
User-customizable, with new printing feature added.
Author: Dallas J. Hodgson
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/moni/NewZAP/
Oberon-A 1.6 A freely-distributable Oberon-2 compiler
Oberon-A is a freely-distributable Oberon-2 compiler. Oberon-2 is a
modern object-oriented language designed by Niklaus Wirth, the creator
of Pascal and Modula-2, and Hanspeter Mössenböck. Oberon-A is an
implementation of the language for the Amiga computer, ported from a
compiler written by Niklaus Wirth.
Author: Frank Copeland
OEL by Johan Ferreira
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/obero/Oberon-A/
PackIt 1.19 CLI frontend for PowerPacker + wildcards
PackIt is a CLI only program to replace the crunch and decrunch commands
that came with PowerPacker (Copyright Nico Francois). PackIt features: 1)
Single command for crunching and decrunching 2) Automatic crunching or
decrunching of data files depending on whether it is allready crunched or
not. 3) Files can be encrypted, and passwords can be entered on the
command line or via a requester. 4) Will not crunch executables, unless
told to do so. Note: PackIt will only crunch the executables as a data
files you will not be able to run them. 5) Automatic replacement of source
file unless a destination is given. 6) Directories can be specified as a
destination, in that case files will be crunched/decrunched into that dir.
7) Allows use of wildcards to crunch/decrunch whole directories. 8)
Automatic adding and removing of .pp suffixes from data files. 9) Icon
files will not be crunched unless you want them to. 10) Default options
can now be stored in ENV:PackIt
Author: Michael J Barsoom
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/pack/PackIt/
PaletteTool 1.4 3.0/AGA public screen palette tool.
Palette tool that opens and operates on the default public screen. Has
gadtools-based user interface, with keyboard equivalents for many of the
program functions. Features include full 8 bit RGB support, full AmigaDOS
3.0-compliant locked pen "protect" mode as well as standard "free" mode,
and fully integrated "color by name" selection, with a built-in database of
507 colors.
Supports the follow actions: color spread (multi-directional), individual
color copy, individual color exchange, rotation of palette in both
direction, cycling of entire palette in both directions with adjustable
cycle speed, and individual color "show" (flash selected color).
The user interface consists of separately controllable windows for main
functions, color palette (2 sizes), and "color by name" selection.
Features a single-level "undo" capability. Iconifiable, with color cycling
controls also available from the programs iconified state
Features ability of pick a pen/color from anywhere on the current screen
(using the mouse pointer and either the space bar or middle-mouse-button).
This type of color "pick" can also be used with the copy, spread, and
exchange actions. Also features a "panic" restore button (and key
equivalent) so you can restore the palette to where it was at program
Author: Timothy B. Kreuzer
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/PaletteTool/
PerfMeter 2.2 CPU usage, load and memory meter
PerfMeter is the X's PerformanceMeter-style little meter, which shows
CPU usage, CPU load, chip, fast and public memory, and uptime. The
items can be selected from the Project menu.
Author: Juha Tuominen
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/moni/PerfMeter/
Play16 1.5 Plays WAV, IFF, MAUD, etc, 14 bit output
Basically, Play16 is capable of playing uncompressed and _some_ compressed
soundfiles through Amiga's standard audio device or an increasing number of
alternative devices. If the actual resolution or playback rate exceeds that
of the Amiga hardware, realtime conversion is done so that the sound is
being played back correctly.
You can even play 16 bit / 44.1 kHz sounds, providing all parts of
your system can keep up with the high data transfer rate and lots
of calculations needed for this task. (In this case an accelerated
Amiga is recommended :-)
The two audio channels at each side can be linked to perform as a single
14 bit channel. Again, this swallows lots of computing power.
Anyway, my Amiga 3000-16MHz is fast enough to play an uncompressed soundfile
with full 44.1kHz/14bit output (productivity) directly from harddisk !!!
I don't want Play16 to be a program that plays each and every exotic format
that exists somewhere. However, I intend to support as many popular file
types as possible.
Features in brief
- autodetects and plays several soundfiles, up to 16 bit / 56 kHz / stereo
- full Workbench support (but not Intuition and no GUI)
- always correct playback speed, even for sounds >28 kHz
- realtime playback from harddisk, optimized assembler routines
- optional 14 bit output (less noise but not as good as true 16 bit)
- automatic or manual audio filter control
- plays mono sounds on *both* channels, not only on the left one
- plays (and loops) files that are larger than memory
- preloading for exactly timed start of playback
- fast uLaw decompression
- system friendly audio channel allocation
- optionally dump the output into a file (can be used to convert sounds)
- supported Filetypes are:
* Microsoft RIFF-WAVE (.WAV) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear / uLaw
* Creative Voice File (.VOC) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear
* Sun/NeXT Audio (.AU) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear / uLaw
* MacroSystem MAUD (.MAUD) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear / uLaw
* Apple/SGI/Amiga AIFF (.AIFF) mono / stereo, 8 / 16 bit, linear
* Amiga IFF-8SVX (.IFF) mono / stereo, 8 bit, linear / FibDelta
* Any raw sound data as long as it matches one of the following:
- 8 bit signed
- 8 bit unsigned
- 16 bit signed, Intel format (LSB first)
- 16 bit signed, Motorola format (MSB first)
- supported output devices are:
* Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 8 bit
* Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 14 bit
* Native Amiga chipset (Paula) 14 bit calibrated (Christian Buchner)
* MacroSystem Maestro Pro 16 bit 44.1kHz and 48kHz only
* IFF-8SVX file dump 8 bit
Author: Thomas Wenzel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/mus/play/Play16/
power-hardware ?.? Reviews of power supplies, etc.
Reviews of power supplies, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), etc.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/power/
PowerPlayer 4.1 User/System friendly module player
A very powerful, user friendly and system friendly module player.
It can handle nearly all module-formats, can read powerpacked &
xpk-packed modules and comes along with its own powerful cruncher
that uses the lh.library. Has a simple to use userinterface and
an ARexx port, has locale-support and a nice installer script for
CBM's installer utility. Binary only.
Author: Stephan Fuhrmann
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/mus/play/PowerPlayer/
PowerSnap 2.2a Commodity to cut and paste text
PowerSnap is a utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark
characters anywhere on the screen and paste them somewhere else, like
in the CLI or in a string gadget. PowerSnap will check what font is
used in the window you snap from and will look for the position of the
characters automatically. It recognizes all non proportional fonts of
up to 24 pixels wide and of any height so this should cover most fonts
used. Snapping and pasting text is done using the mouse, making
PowerSnap fast and easy to use.
Author: Nico François
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/cdity/PowerSnap/
printing-software ?.? Reviews of printing products.
Reviews of printer drivers and printing software.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/printing/
programmer-tools ?.? Reviews of programming software
Reviews of programming software:
Programming environments
Function libraries
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/programmer/
projects-hardware ?.? Reviews of hardware projects.
Reviews of hardware projects.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/projects/
ReqTools 2.2c Very useful shared requester library
A standard Amiga shared runtime library which makes it a lot quicker
and easier to build standard requesters into your programs. Designed
with CBM's style guidelines in mind, so that the resulting requesters
have the look and feel of AmigaDOS 2.0. Includes a demo and glue/demo
Author: Nico Francois
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/libs/ReqTools/
RKRM ?.? Source and executables from 3rd ed. RKM
A distribution of complete source code and executables of all the
examples in the third edition Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manuals,
published by Addison-Wesley.
Author: Commodore CATS
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/c/RKRM/
rom-switchers ?.? Reviews of ROM-switcher devices.
Reviews of ROM-switcher devices that allow an Amiga to run several different
operating system versions.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/rom-switchers/
RRIP ?.? Rock Ridge / System Use Sharing Protocol
The anxiously awaited new, 1.12 versions of the System Use Sharing Protocol
and the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol are now available for review and
comment. The documents are available through anonymous ftp at ftp.ossi.com
in /pub.
The documents are available in both MS Word 6 format (*.doc) and Postscript
format (*.ps). Otherwise, the file names should be self-explanatory. The
files are called: rrip112.doc, rrip112.ps, susp112.doc, and susp112.ps.
If you have comments or constructive criticism of these new versions of the
specifications, please feel free to respond to cdfdf@ymi.com. We are trying
to get these documents to ballot as an IEEE standard soon, so we would
appreciate prompt response. We hope to review all the responses at the next
working group meeting on August 26, 1994, so any responses we gather by end
of business of August 24 will be considered at that meeting.
Author: Andrew Young
President, Young Minds, Inc.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/misc/RRIP/
RSys 1.3 Very comprehensive system monitor
Very comprehensive system monitor. Provides information on just about
everything you could possibly want information on! (Plus some...)
Documentation in German, but program speaks english. Version 1.3,
includes source.
Author: Rolf Böhme
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/moni/RSys/
science-software ?.? Reviews of scientific software
Reviews of scientific software:
The file "morphine.iff" is an IFF image that goes with the review of
"MoG" in this directory.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/science/
scsi-hardware ?.? Reviews of SCSI host adapters.
Reviews of SCSI host adapters.
Hard drive reviews are in the "../storage" subdirectory.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/scsi/
SCSIMounter 2.03 Mount/unmount partitions without reboot.
Most owners of removable media SCSI drives are stuck with the problem
that their software doesn't handle disk changes correctly.
For example, the current Commodore implementation doesn't mount the
partitions on a removable media SCSI drive (e.g. SyQuest or Ricoh)
when there was no cartridge in the drive at boot time.
Even worse, after another cartridge with a different Rigid Disk Block
(i.e. a different partition table) has been inserted, the system
gets totally confused and reports read/write errors when trying
to access the device which can lead to loss of important data on
the cartridge.
Until now, the only possibility to work around this problem was to
reboot the system every time a new cartridge has been inserted.
SCSIMounter allows you to mount and unmount partitions without rebooting
the machine. It sports a nice 2.0-style point-and-click user interface
that makes handling removable media a piece of cake.
Author: Martin A Blatter
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/misc/SCSIMounter/
SCSIUtil 2.02 Send SCSI commands & read digital audio.
This program can send commands to a SCSI device. Supported commands are:
read capacity, reading of digital audio from Apple CD-300/Sony/Toshiba CD-ROM
drives, change medium, inquiry, read CD-ROM data block address header,
allow/prevent medium removal, start/stop motor, mode sense, play audio track,
read sector, seek, display TOC of a CD, read CD-sub-channel, set output volume
of a CD.
This is a corrected archive of version 2.02 with all the files intact (the
previous archive contained an incorrect SCSI_Priv.h)
Author: Gary Duncan
Heiko Rath
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/cdrom/SCSIUtil/
shell-reviews ?.? Reviews of shells and CLI's.
Reviews of command-line interfaces (shells).
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/shell/
ShowJPEG 1.6 A JPEG picture viewer for Picasso board.
A JPEG picture viewer for the Picasso board. Features include: As
compatible to the jpeg-standard as software can be, Supports
greyscaled pictures, Various speed/quality tradeoff settings, Fast,
CLI or WB start, Can be aborted anytime (with Ctrl-C or Escape),
Filerequester, Pattern matching, Nocrop option, and Backdrop-screen.
Author: Roman Hiestand
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/board/ShowJPEG/
shows-reviews ?.? Reviews of Amiga shows and conferences.
Reviews of Amiga shows and conferences.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/other-reviews/shows/
SnoopDos 3.0 System and application monitor
SnoopDos is a utility that allows you to monitor a variety of system
operations carried out by programs on your Amiga. This includes what
files a program is trying to open, what fonts, libraries, devices and
environment variables it is looking for, and so on.
This is very useful if you are trying to figure out why a certain
application won't work properly. Usually, it's because the application
can't find a certain configuration file, library or device.
This version has many new features not present in version 1.7. Among
the most important are a full GUI, support for many new functions,
support for monitoring programs compiled with GNU C, and a packet
debugger for programmers.
Author: Eddy Carroll
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/moni/SnoopDos/
StackMon 1.3 Monitors stack usage of programs
When run StackMon presents a list of all the tasks and processes currently
running. The list is sorted alphabetically, with processes before tasks.
This list is not updated automatically, as constructing this list requires
suspension of multitasking. If you run a program you want to monitor after
starting StackMon, click on the 'Update list' gadget so that it appears in
the list.
If the program you want to monitor was run from the Workbench, its name will
be that of the icon; if run from the shell the name is the exact name typed
into the shell, with path.
Click on the program you wish to monitor and StackMon will begin monitoring.
The display consists of numbers and a fuel gauge showing the current stack
use relative to the size of the stack. The numbers are:
Current: This is the amount of stack in use when the program was last
Largest: The largest recorded stack ever in use by this program.
Stack : The stack allocated for this program.
Author: David Kinder
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/moni/StackMon/
storage-hardware ?.? Reviews of storage devices.
Reviews of hard drives and other storage devices.
CD-ROM drive reviews are in the ../cd-rom directory.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/hardware/storage/
SuperDark 2.1a A very nice modular screen blanker
A screen blanker with some special features. It is similar to the
AfterDark screen blanker in the PC and Mac worlds. Features include a
lot of different screen effects via "modular" screen blankers, a
screen locker, and more.
Author: Thomas Landspurg
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/blank/SuperDark/
SuperDuper 3.13 High-speed disk copier and formatter
SuperDuper is an exciting, high-speed disk copier and formatter. Typical
timings are 99s for a disk-to-disk verified copy, or 38s for a four disk
non-verified format. Also available are buffering in RAM, on a hard disk
image file or on any sector-based Amiga device, like RAD:, VDO:, FMS:, etc.
Real-time compression using the Xpk standard allows to copy in one pass most
disks on 1M Amigas, especially in conjunction with a special utility which
"hides" external drives to the system (but not to SuperDuper). Bells and
whistles include high density floppy support, voice, automatic date
increment, a list of the disks copied, and automatic start of operations
based on disk insertion/ejection sensing. SuperDuper 3.13 is freeware and
works on any Amiga under 2.0 and beyond.
Author: Sebastiano Vigna
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/disk/copy/SuperDuper/
SuperView 4.63 Graphics Viewer/Converter/ScreenGrabber
SuperView is a localized Graphics Viewer/Converter/ScreenGrabber for
the superview.library, with ARexx-Support, GUI, Online-Help, Cx-Support
and many more features.
Converting graphics and "Screen-Grabbing" is possible in a very comfortable
and object-oriented manner, also allows image processing via SVOperators.
Needs at least superview.library V9+, which includes the following
FileFormats, Display Drivers and Operators (V9.12) :
SVObjects : - IFF-ILBM, IFF-ACBM, PCX, GIF, BMP (W*nd*ws), JPEG,
TIFF, FBM (*nix), PNM (*nix), IMG (GEM), WPG (W*rdP*rf*ct),
MAC (M*cPaint), C64 (Koala,Doodle), Targa, Pictor/PCPaint,
SunRaster, IFF-YUVN, WinIcon, SVO (own Format) and
all OS3-Datatypes !
Reads XPK- and PP20-packed data via Unpack.svobject.
SVDrivers : - ECS, AGA, EGS-Cards, OpalVision
SVOperators : - Dither24Bit, 24BitToHam6, HilbertDither256, XOR,
ExtractRed, ExtractGreen, ExtractBlue, ExtractGrayScales,
TopToBottom, LeftToRight
Author: Andreas Ralph Kleinert
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/show/SuperView/
Sushi 37.10 Intercept and display output of KPrintf
A tool to intercept the raw serial output of Enforcer 2.8b, MungWall,
Enforcer.megastack 26.f, and all other tool and application debugging
output that uses kprintf. This makes it possible to use serial
debugging on a single Amiga, without interfering with attached serial
hardware such as modems and serial printers. Sushi also provides
optional signalling and buffer access to an external display/watcher
Author: Carolyn Scheppner
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/dev/debug/Sushi/
svoJPEG 2.3 JPEG svobject for superview library V6+
JPEG svobject for superview.library V6+. Allows switching between 8
and 24 bit output via control pads, writes JPEG (24 Bit) from 1-8 and
24 bit, worked fine with all tested 24 bit JPEGs.
Author: Andreas Ralph Kleinert
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/show/svoJPEG/
SysInfo 3.24 Gives comprehensive system information
A brand new release of this popular program. It reports interesting
information about the configuration of your Amiga, including some
speed comparisons with other configurations, versions of the OS
software, and much more. Binary only.
Author: Nic Wilson
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/moni/SysInfo/
Term 4.4 Very nice terminal program.
A telecommuncations program designed for use with any Commodore-Amiga
computer running Kickstart 2.04 or higher. Its features include:
* Fast built-in VT-220 terminal emulation
* Support for custom terminal emulation modules following the `XEM
2.0' standard
* Operates in any display environment, supports all screen display
* Support for file transfer modules following the `XPR' standard
* File- and printer-capturing functions
* Review-buffer support
* Powerful phone book and dialing functions
* `Amiga User Interface Style Guide' conformant user interface
* Online-help (requires AmigaGuide package)
* Built-in `ARexx' interface
* File upload list, which permits selecting the files to be
transferred before the upload is started.
* Login script learn mode.
* Built-in keyword/response parser which makes it possible to have
`term' respond to BBS prompts and such with the user name,
password, etc. without having to program the ARexx interface.
* Interface for external programs to rendezvous with `term', taking
over serial I/O processing (such as `HydraCom').
Author: Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/term/term/
text-reviews ?.? Reviews of text processing software
Reviews of text processing software:
Text editors
Word processors
Outline processors
Spelling and grammar checkers
TeX and other typesetting software
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/text/
TexturesVol1Docs ?.? Basic information about Textures Vol 1.
Basic information about Textures Vol 1, including any README
type files, CRC list of the files if available, INDEX files,
long CONTENTS files, etc.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/docs/CDs/Textures-Vol1/
ToolType 3.3 Edit ToolTypes easily.
A program to make it easier to edit tooltypes in icons. ToolType will
read the tooltypes from an icon file and let you use your favorite
text editor to change or add to the tooltypes. ToolType can be run
from shell, Workbench, or set up as an appicon. Includes an option to
sort the tooltypes alphabetically.
Author: Michael J Barsoom
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/ToolType/
traceroute 1.0 A 'traceroute' for AmiTCP
traceroute is a networking utility written by Van Jacobson originally
for BSD Unix machines to find out the route ip packets follow,
including round-trip times for each packet, when going to a host of
your choice, which can be of great interest during troubleshooting a
Author: Several, amiga port by Klaus Klein
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/comm/tcp/traceroute/
true 1.0 Simple versions of 'true' and 'false'
Trivially simple versions of "true" and "false" UNIX
like shell commands, for cases where the shell in use
has no equivalent builtin command.
Author: Fred Fish
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/true/
UChess 2.89 Nicely done Amiga port of GNU chess
A powerful version of the program GnuChess version 4PL66 for the Amiga.
Plays a very strong game of chess. Code has been rewritten and data
structures reorganized for optimal efficiency on 32 bit 68020 and
better Amiga systems. Eval/search and clock enhancements from
original gnu port.
Fully multitasking, automatically detects and supports 640X480X256
color AGA mode machines, and does not at any time BUSY wait. Supports
a variety of standard features such as load, save, edit board,
autoplay, swap sides, force move, undo, time limits, hints, show
thinking, and a supervisor mode that will allow two humans to play
with the computer acting as a "supervisor".
Author: FSF
Roger Uzun (amiga port + many enhancements)
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/game/think/UChess/
unix-reviews ?.? Reviews of UNIX related products.
Reviews of UNIX-related products for Amigas:
UNIX implementations
Software that runs under Amiga UNIX implementations
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/software/unix/
vendors-reviews ?.? Reviews of Amiga vendors.
Reviews of Amiga stores and mailorder vendors.
Author: Various; maintained by Daniel Barrett
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/reviews/other-reviews/vendors/
Viewtek 2.1.378 Feature packed picture/animation viewer
A feature packed Picture/Animation Viewer. Shows most ILBM's (including
24-bit ILBM's), most Compuserve GIF format images, most JFIF format JPEG
images and most ANIM Op-5 format animations, with support for different
palettes for each frame. Supports SHAM, CTBL, and PCHG images, full
support of ECS/AGA display modes (ie. show 256 color GIF's directly, show
800x600 HAM animations, etc.). Supports viewing contents of clipboard.
Iconifies to a Workbench AppIcon. Includes versions for DCTV, EGS, IV-24,
Firecracker, OpalVision, Retina, and Picasso
Author: Thomas Krehbiel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/gfx/show/Viewtek/
Vim 3.0 A clone of the UNIX 'vi' text editor
Vi IMproved. A clone of the UNIX text editor "vi". Very useful for
editing programs and other plain ASCII text. Full Vi compatibility
(except Q command) and includes most "ex" commands. Extra features
above Vi: Multilevel undo, command line history, improved command line
editing, command typeahead display, command to display yank buffers,
possi- bility to edit binary files, file name stack, support for Manx
QuickFix, shows current file name in window title, on-line help, text
block operations, etc.
Includes a few bug fixes and new features like tag stack, file marks,
jump list, visual (first select area, then operator), use of cursor
keys in insert mode, column mode copy/cut/paste, macro programming by
example, text formatting, termcap support, etc. Also runs under UNIX
and MSDOS.
Author: Bram Moolenaar, et. al.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/edit/Vim/
VirusChecker 6.58 A memory/file/bootblock virus detector
A virus checker that can check memory, disk bootblocks, and all disk files
for signs of most known viruses. Can remember nonstandard bootblocks that
you indicate are OK and not bother you about them again. Includes an ARexx
port, supports SHI's Bootblock.library. By using this library and its
brainfile you have the ability to add new Bootblock viruses as SHI releases
new brainfiles.
Author: John Veldthuis
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/virus/VirusChecker/
VirusZII 1.16 AntiVirus utility with file decrunching
Release II of this popular virus detector. The filechecker can decrunch
files for testing and the memory checker removes all known viruses
from memory without 'Guru Meditation' and checks memory for viruses
regularly. VirusZ has easy to use intuitionized menus including keycuts
for both beginners and experienced users.
Author: Georg Hörmann
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/virus/VirusZII/
VMM 3.1 Virtual memory for Amigas with MMU
VMM implements a virtual memory manager for Amigas with a 68040, 68030
or 68020+68851 processor. A localized user interface to enter all
parameters and to disable certain tasks and load files from using
virtual memory is also provided. For the user interface MUI 2.3 is
V3.0 includes the ability to swap out program code, memory tracking,
better MMU support, an ARexx port and some other new features.
Author: Martin Apel
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/misc/VMM/
VT 2.75 A comprehensive virus utility package.
A very good virus checker, however all the documentation is in
Author: Heiner Schneegold
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/virus/VT/
WBRun 2.2 Run detached programs in WB mode via CLI
A RunBack style program that runs other programs in WB mode from any
CLI. Programs are fully detached. The program you run must support
WB startup.
Author: Sylvain Rougier
Pierre Carrette
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/cli/WBRun/
WhatIs 3.5 Can detect file types
WhatIs.library can detect file types and is fully parametrable by an
ascii file. You can describe file types and they will be recognized
by the library. A few tools are also included.
Author: Sylvain Rougier
Pierre Carrette
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/cli/WhatIs/
WrapGuide 1.1 Wrap AmigaGuide lines to given column
Converts AmigaGuide files that use Kickstart 3+ style long lines for
wrapped paragraphs so that Kickstart 2 compatible AmigaGuide won't
crash. The column where the wrapping takes place is definable at the
command line. The conversion happens in-place, so that this tool can
serve for floppy installations, too. Now you can write ALL your
Author: Udo Schuermann
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/text/hyper/WrapGuide/
Xoper 2.5 Monitor and control system activity
Very comprehensive program to monitor and control system activity.
Monitor cpu, memory usage, ports, interrupts, devices. Close windows,
screens, show loaded fonts or last Guru code number. Clean up memory,
flush unused libraries, devices, fonts. etc. and a whole bunch more!
Spawns its own process. A very handy background task to have loaded.
Author: Werner Gunther
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/moni/Xoper/
ZGIFDataType 39.16 Fast datatype for displaying GIF files.
A very fast GIF Datatype
Main features:
o SPEED. Try it, after using this you wont want to be without it!
o Supports most gifs (only some esoteric, and mostly unused features
of the GIF8?a standard have been ignored)
o Uses async file reading for greater performance - on an A1200 will
load a picture the same speed off of floppy as off of hard drive!
o 100% Assembly language, very optimised.
o Custom chunky to planar conversion, that is reasonably fast
(a version using WritePixelLine8() runs about 50% the speed of
this version)
o Now works with all 68000 series CPU's (i hope)
o Now supports transparent gifs ('copy' a transparent gif from
multiview and then paste it as a bruch in DPaint - NEAT eh?)
o Its FREE! (this is of course the best bit)
Main limitations: (hey, its not _perfect_ after all)
o OM_WRITE BOOPSI method not yet implemented. Expect this in a future
o Only decodes pictures with a global colour table. Most gif loaders
do the same, and most writers write them.
o Ignores any local colour tables (but still decodes picture). Could
lead to a bad palette.
Author: Michael Zucchi
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/dtype/ZGIFDataType/
zoo 2.1 Portable archiver with good compression
Zoo is used to create and maintain collections of files in compressed
form. It uses a Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm that gives space
savings in the range of 20% to 80% depending on the type of file data.
Zoo can store and selectively extract multiple generations of the same
file. Data can be recovered from damaged archives by skipping the
damaged portion and locating undamaged data with the help of fiz(1).
Author: Rahul Dhesi, et al.
Path: FreshFish-Vol10:Useful/util/arc/zoo/