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Introduction And General Information
Last modified December 2, 1994
Welcome to comp.sys.amiga.reviews! This is a moderated newsgroup
for reviews of products related to the Commodore Amiga computer. All
reviews are written by YOU, the wonderful readers of USENET, and I invite
you to send me your opinions of any Amiga hardware, software, books, or
whatever else you believe is interesting and relevant to the Amiga.
This document describes:
I. How to write your review.
II. How to submit your review.
III. Special help for non-native English speakers.
IV. How to get copies of previous reviews.
V. How to receive new reviews.
VI. Finding new reviews quickly ("mirrors" please note!).
VII. Policy on vendor responses to reviews.
VIII. Disclaimer and legal stuff.
This is one of several documents describing comp.sys.amiga.reviews.
The others are:
o An index of all reviews.
o A "fill in the blanks" template for writing a review.
o Some guidelines for review writers.
o The newsgroup's charter.
o A list of requested products that need reviews.
You can ftp these from
where they are found in the directory
or request them by e-mail from
Note that this is not a "ListServ" but a live human -- me. :-) They may
also be accessed using WWW/Mosaic at
You do not have to be a "great writer" in order to write a review.
All you need is enthusiasm and some experience with the product you are
reviewing. If English is not your best language, you can arrange to get
special help with English grammar and style (see Part III).
Everybody loves a good review; and by writing one, you are doing a
great service for all your friends in the Amiga community! In addition,
when your review is posted in c.s.a.reviews, its usefulness doesn't end
there. Your review is archived (saved) on a publically accessible computer,
so anybody on USENET can retrieve it and refer to it in the future.
There are three kinds of reviews that you might write. They
are the MINI-REVIEW, the FULL REVIEW, and the SURVEY.
(1) The mini-review
Did you just get a program that, on first impression, looks
really good? Or really terrible? A mini-review is for
exactly this: first impressions.
Write down 2-4 organized paragraphs (or more, if you like)
about the product, describing it briefly, and stating what
you like and don't like about it.
Later, when you know the product better, please consider
writing a full review. After all, your impressions might
change after you have used the product for more time.
(2) The full review
Just like in the magazines, only better... because YOU
wrote it!
You should feel familiar with the product before writing a
full review. It can be in any format you like, and any
length, as long as it is organized and readable. If you are
having trouble organizing your thoughts, I encourage you to
use the "comp.sys.amiga.reviews Full Review Template", which
appears in a separate article posted every month. This is a
"fill in the blanks" form with instructions and hints on how
to organize your review. (You may request a copy from
amiga-reviews-requests@@math.uh.edu any time. Note that this
is not a "ListServ" but a live human -- me. :-))
Even if you don't use the Template, I encourage you to look
at it because it might give you ideas about what to write.
Most importantly, remember that your review is going to be
read by thousands of people. Some of them will base their
buying decisions on your review. So, be as careful and
accurate as you can, and try to make your review interesting
to read.
(3) The survey
Once in a while, a reader will ask USENET for opinions about
an Amiga product. Sometimes, the reader even collects all
the responses and posts a summary. This is a great idea...
but a few months later, the summary is gone and forgotten.
This does not have to happen! After you collect the
responses and organize them, send the results to
comp.sys.amiga.reviews, so they can be archived and made
available to future readers.
I have only a few guidelines for the survey article. First,
make sure you inform everybody (in your original posting)
that you will be making their responses public. Second,
when you write your survey, don't just append everybody's
responses and send it out. Try to summarize and organize
the information in useful ways, perhaps using tables,
or grouping similar pieces of information. Then, at the
end of the survey, you can append everybody's responses if
you like.
If you would like to see an example of a finished survey,
send a request to the "amiga-reviews-requests" address
listed in section II.
No matter what kind of review you write, always include the
following information at the top of the review:
o The name of the product.
o The name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address
(if applicable) of the author or manufacturer. If the
telephone number is an "800" number (toll-free in the USA),
please call it and ask for a non-800 number for our
international friends.
o The list price. Be sure to say what currency units (US
dollars, francs, etc.) you mean, since USENET is
o A short description (1 or 2 sentences) of the product.
o Whether the product is copy-protected and/or installs
on a hard drive.
o Whether or not the product works with accelerated CPU's
(68030, etc.) and the latest version of the Amiga operating
system, if you know.
In addition, please:
o Proofread your review. Run it through a spelling checker
and re-read the whole thing before submitting it.
o Keep all your lines of text shorter than 80 characters.
o Remember to use proper capitalization. For example,
"RAM" and "ROM" are in all capitals because they are
abbreviations; use "MB" for megabytes, not "Mb" nor "mb"
which mean megaBITS (same for K=Kilobytes, k=kilobits);
o Try to avoid abbreviations and slang that are unique to your
country. Remember that people all over the world will read
your review.
o Make program names noticeable. For example, the sentences
I did a list on devs.
Double-click on edit to invoke se.
are more clear if you write:
I did a List on DEVS:.
Double-click on "edit" to invoke "se".
o Use tabs, not spaces, for consistent indenting.
o Put 1 blank line between paragraphs.
o Put two spaces, not just one, at the end of each sentence.
A complete set of helpful writer's guidelines is available in the
"Writer's Checklist" article posted every month. It is also available on
our ftp site in the "doc" subdirectory.
comp.sys.amiga.reviews is a "moderated" newsgroup. This means
that you cannot post anything in the newsgroup directly. Instead,
you send it to the moderator (me) who can accept or reject the review.
When the review is accepted, the moderator posts it.
Mail your completed review to:
In addition, if you want to discuss something with me about a
review, send mail to:
Do not worry whether your review will be accepted or not. As long
as your review is accurate and clear, it will almost definitely be
accepted. My job is really to help make the reviews look "standard" (in the
Subject: line, for example) and readable, keep non-review material out of the
newsgroup, and avoid biased commercial announcements.
If English is not your first lan