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- 'Dynamic Skies' Manual.doc
- What do you need a manual for ? Isn't this program intuitive ? What, No ?
- All right, let's have a complete description of the menus and functions. It's
- only because you insisted.
- -----
- There are seven menus : Project, Modules, Time, Numerical, Visual,
- Libraries and Animations. Visual and Animations are activated only in LOCAL
- SKY or PLANETARIUM modes. Other menus may be deactivated, depending on the
- modes and the version ( Public Domain or Registered ).
- PROJECT menu ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Local Time: Brings a request to set local time and date in our
- good old Gregorian calendar ( whatever the validity
- of this calendar, nothing forbids you to go to year
- 99999 or -99999 if you want ). U.T. ( Universal Time
- is set accordingly, depending on your position, a
- summer hour and politic time shifts ( Position menu
- sets this ).
- Universal Time : Local Time's mate. Sorry for the clumsy old string
- gadgets ; Version 1.1 will handle this better, with
- nice little buttons everywhere. Universal Time is
- the reference time based on the Greenwich meridian.
- Position : Here you set your coordinates in longitude, latitude,
- height and politic time shift. This last is expressed
- in hours, the shift from the meridian local time. It
- is often 0 hours, but sometimes countries adopt 1 more
- or less hour just to please them in their difference.
- Well, sorry, you'll probably have to throw yourself in
- an atlas for now.A later version of Dynamic Skies will
- let you choose your position on the globe or from a
- list. Latitude is between -90 and 90° while longitude
- is between -180° (East) and +180° (West). Your set
- may be saved ( file 'Position.txt' in the 'Configs'
- drawer ). It is a text format which can be altered
- from a text editor if you wish.
- Save configuration: As there are so many numerical and visual options,this
- enables you to save your favorite options set. Next
- time Dynamic Skies is loaded, you won't be sorry.
- The file is 'Config.data' in the 'Configs' drawer. If
- you delete it, a default set is loaded.
- Interlaced screen : ON/OFF switch to double the vertical resolution. This
- option is only activated for map modes.
- NTSC/PAL : This switch reorders screen and windows to make them
- squeeze totally in the chosen mode. This option of
- course doesn't affect the monitor scan rate.
- Languages : Brings a request that lets you choose your language
- for all texts printed on the screen. Menus are also
- handled. The program may pause a few seconds in order
- to recompute every text.
- About : Just for not being forgotten...
- Quit : Back to AmigaDos or WorkBench world.
- MODULES menu -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Numerical Ephemeris: All kind of information on celestial objects.
- Planetarium : Celestial sphere maps in equatorial system.
- Local Sky : Same thing in local system.
- Events : Celestial events predictor.
- TIME menu --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Advance : Advance time with current value of T.
- Go Back : Go back in time with current value of T.
- Update : Load the system time.
- T= XXXX: Brings a request that lets you fix the numerical
- value of a time variation.
- Units : Sub-menus precise the time variation unit.
- ( Centuries, hours, days, ... )
- Follow target : This switch affects target positionning while maps
- are recomputed due to time variations.
- When active, maps stay centered on pointed object or
- sky direction. Otherwise, coordinates are conserved.
- NUMERICAL menu --------------------------------------------------------------
- Precession : Switch for equinox precession correction.
- Nutation : Switch for nutation correction.
- Abberation : Switch for annual abberation correction.
- Apparent positions: Switch for planetary position correction due to the
- light's speed limitation.
- Parallaxe : Switch for parallaxe correction ( stars and planets )
- Refraction/Depression :
- Switch for terrestrial atmosphere refraction and
- surface height corrections.
- Proper movement : Switch for proper movement correction for the stars.
- Current star library must contain proper movement
- data if you want to observe this correction.
- ( mu(alpha) and mu(delta) data ).
- Goto decimal/ : Angular data will be displayed with classical decimal
- sexagedecimal system or with standard arcminutes and arcsecondes.
- Decimals : Sub-menus let you choose the number of decimals after
- the floating point. ( for displaying purpose )
- Planetary theory : Choose between precise planetary theory ( VSOP 87 with
- 1'' precision ) or a fast simplified planetary
- theory. The latter is the only one available for
- Public Domain users.
- Hour mode : This switch affects right ascension format for the
- display, that is between the hour format ( popular
- use ) or the common angular format ( for legal
- systems maniacs ).
- VISUAL Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Deep Sky : Switch for deep sky objects plotting.
- Planets : Switch for planets plotting. The program may pause
- to recompute planets positions if there is need.
- ( as after a time change )
- Target : Switch for the display of a centered little cross.
- Measure mode : In this mode, left mouse button clicking drops an
- anchor point. While maintaining the button down,
- move to the desired position and release pressure to
- drop the second anchor point. The program will then
- compute and display the angular distance separating
- the two points. If you're not in this mode, left
- mouse button clicking centers the map at the mouse
- position; moving the mouse before releasing the
- button lets you zoom in exactly at desired field.
- Full Screen mode : In this mode, PLANETARIUM and LOCAL SKY maps are
- filling the entire display, discarding all
- command buttons.
- Units : Define the step unit ( degree, arcminute, arcsecond )
- for the movement on the maps with the arrows.
- Definitions : Sub-menus will direct you for setting steps or options
- with many add-ons figures and names available for maps
- Figures : Sub-menus will let you choose for an immediate
- drawing of the ecliptic, the horizon, constellations
- patterns and limits or the exact field of view.
- Names : Switchs add or retrieve names for stars, objects,
- planets and constellations, according to formats set
- in the 'Definitions' menu.
- Magnitude Thresholds :
- Set low and high thresholds for magnitude of stars
- and objects.
- Star aspect : Choose between three display formats for stars :
- real, spectral or map.
- Inversion ; You may invert the maps horizontally or vertically
- for telescope simulation purposes.
- Oops! : Go back to last map position.
- LIBRARIES Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Stars : Choose a new library of stars from the 'Starlibs'
- drawer.
- Objects : Choose a new library of deep-sky objects from the
- 'Objectlibs' drawer.
- ANIMATION Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Load : Load a saved animation in memory. ( 'Anims' drawer )
- Save : Save current animation from memory.
- Parameters : Set animations parameters and compute an animation.
- Control : Alter the way of animation playing.
- Some details about animations :
- For memory sake, animations are stored in form of points coordinates. You
- may replay animations with any star aspect this way. Anyway, the screen
- format for replay must reproduce the screen format under which the
- animation was computed ( NTSC/PAL, Interlace, full screen ). The program
- will warn and alter the format if incompatibility arises.
- To replay animations, many options are possible :
- - Speed setting
- - Start and end frames.
- - Perpetual cycle
- - Remanence ( no screen clearing after each frame ).
- - Frame stop.
- At any moment, animation may be stopped with a left mouse button clicking
- ( hold long sometimes ). Right mouse button clicking advances frames if
- frame stop option is active.
- For time step animations, all time parameters are defined in the TIME
- menu ; that is the delta ( T ) and the follow target option.
- For movement animation, time is hold but a camera sweeps across the sky
- in programmable sequences. For each sequence, you may define coordinates
- and zoom variations for spectacular effects. Any sequence can be repeated
- the number of frames you want. ( Ex : RA=RA+1°, D=D, Z=Z ( 3 times ) is a
- sequence which computes 3 frames with increase of the RA coordinate
- ( horizontally ) by 1° every step )
- Lastly, for both of the animations types, 'Total images' sets the total
- number of frames not to outgrow.
- Please note that deep-sky objects are not recorded in animations.
- Some details about 'Dynamic Skies' handling :
- Attention : For PLANETARIUM and LOCAL SKY modules, left mouse button clicking
- in maps centers maps at mouse pointer location. If you keep the
- mouse button down, moving the mouse makes a virtual size box
- that let you zoom in the map. Right mouse button clicking brings
- immediate information on pointed object. Because of this last
- option, menus may appear only when you bring your mouse pointer
- above or below maps. In full screen mode, bring the pointer to
- the menu bar before clicking the right button.
- -If star aspect looks uniform or 'faded' on the screen, magnitude
- thresholds may be ill set. The best set ( with the more colors and
- shapes ) is achieved by a low threshold of -1.6 ( Sirius magnitude )
- and a high threshold corresponding to the lowest magnitude of your
- star library. Sometimes, too, 'Map' star aspect has more diversity.
- -Whenever you switch an option or module, the 'target' object stays
- active.
- -Time is based on the julian millenium computed from the gregorian
- calendar ( you know, the one everybody uses ). Leap years are taken
- in account ( 1 day on February every 4 years, except years ending
- in hundreds and not in 4 hundreds )., and the 10 days update in
- october 1582 also ( try an ephemeris calendar at 1582 october ! ).
- For this first version of 'Dynamic Skies', you have the disagreement
- to enter manually the dates, with a DD.MM.YYYY format ( European style,
- you note ). The year doesn't need to be in 5 digits ( Ex of legal
- formats : 24.05.1993, 12.08.100, 21.01.-1200 ). Time is set in the
- classical HH:MM:SS format.
- -One important point with the difference between local time and U.T.
- ( Universal Time ) : the shift in hours is automatically computed
- from the REAL time zone ( that is, 1 hour every 15° of longitude from
- Greenwich time zone ). But, due to political or boundaries reasons, your
- local time may differ from the one generated by this simple calcul.
- You may for this reason add or substract hours in the Position setting,
- at the command 'Meridian Shift'. You can only enter an integer here.
- Ex : France, although in the same real time zone as Greenwich (England),
- has one more hour in local time, the difference computed being 0 hours.
- Adjustement is then made by entering (+)1 at Meridian Shift command.
- True local time is now U.T. + 1 and not U.T. + 0.
- -Here are the accepted formats for star or object searching :
- Stars :
- -Usual name ( as Sirius, Capella, Rigel, ... )
- It may be incomplete ( Sir for Sirius, Alph for Alpheratz, ... )
- -HD XXXX : this is a popular catalog reference.
- -SAO XXXX : this is another popular catalog reference.
- -Alpha Great Bear ( or Alpha Ursa Major ), Zeta orion ,...
- -21 Andromeda , 45 leo minor, ... ( Flamsteed number )
- Objects :
- -Usual name ( like Crab Nebula ). May be incomplete.
- -NGC XXXX : New General Catalog.
- -M XXXX : Messier catalog.
- If the program doesn't understand you, try another name or designation.
- But you can also search any object or star with formatted listings.
- ( 'Constellation' option ). They are classified by constellations with
- any format your desire ( HD, SAO, NGC, M, names ). If certain stars or
- objects lack identification ( it may happen ), RA coordinate is only
- given.
- -If you want to observe LUNAR eclipses, you probably know that this event
- has one new guest : Earth's shadow. Dynamic Skies materializes this
- object ( named 'Earth's shadow' ) while eclipses are in progress. This
- shadow only includes the umbra, not the penumbra ( you can't really see
- the latter after all, so it isn't important ).
- -If you have a PAL screen and the normal Dynamic Skies screen mode ( not
- the full screen mode ), Local Time, Universal Time and Position settings
- may be run just by clicking on their corresponding display surfaces.
- In normal screen mode with PLANETARIUM and LOCAL SKY modules, 3 boxes of
- command fill the right of the screen :
- - The first one, titled 'Direction', contains 4 directional arrows and a
- center button. If you click one of these arrows, the map shifts of X
- units. X value is one of the 2 boxes right to these arrows, + or -,
- that may be set. If the center button is '+', the unit is the value of
- the '+' box. Same thing for the '-' set. So with just one click on the
- center button, you can switch from large steps to small steps for
- example. The moving unit ( degree, arcminute, arcsecond ) may be
- changed in the 'units' command of the 'visual' menu.
- In the small box below the arrows are displayed the coordinates of the
- center of the map. Clicking in this region brings a requester which
- lets you set exact coordinates and features preset coordinates like
- S, N, W, Zenith, ...
- - Second box, titled 'Field-Zoom', contains 2 buttons '+' and '-' for
- zooming purposes. The multiplying factor is set with the 'x' gadget
- at the right of these buttons. Just below are displayed the current
- values of zoom and field, which are linked together. You may alter one
- of these, but the important one is the field ( of view ). Zoom is in
- fact an indication linked with the apparent field of the current
- optical instrument ( Eyes, Binoculars or Telescope ). The latter can
- be set by the menu ( Visual ) or by the binoculars shaped button just
- here .Left to this button is an 'Oops' button which brings the map at
- last location.
- - The third box, titled 'Extras', contains tiny buttons switching many
- visual options already existant in the 'Visual' menu.
- The first set of six buttons is :
- -Stars : pass to a new star aspect.
- -Objects : switch for deep-sky objects.
- -Planets : switch for planets.
- -Invert map horizontally.
- -Invert map vertically.
- -Target : switch for target cross.
- The next set includes :
- -Grid : draws a user formatted grid in RA and D coordinates.
- -Ecliptic : draws the ecliptic in blue.
- -Horizon : draws the horizon in yellow.
- -Constellation limits ( red )
- -Constellation patterns ( yellow )
- -True field of view : draws the exact disc of the field because
- maps are not square and always have more view laterally.
- If you set the full screen mode, the boxes of commands disappear. Use
- then menus and keys :
- +,- keypad : Zoom
- ESC : Switch to Normal/Full screen.
- Arrows : move the map.
- 0-9 Keypad :
- 0 Sun
- 1 Mercury
- 2 Venus
- 3 Mars
- 4 Jupiter
- 5 Saturn
- 6 Uranus
- 7 Neptune
- 8 Pluto
- 9 Moon
- C : Constellation
- S : Star
- O : Object
- G : Grid
- H : Horizon
- I : Ecliptic
- P : Constellations Patterns
- L : Constellations Limits
- F : True Field of view
- Space Bar : Play animation
- TAB : Coordinates request
- DEL : Oops!