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- ----------------
- Changes to V1.16
- ----------------
- 1. Max. length of a line changed to 512 characters
- 2. Version string added
- 3. Opens a filerequester when started with a directory as parameter
- 4. New AREXX-command 'WaitForMouse'
- 5. 'File not found' requester (when started from SHELL) can be switched
- of via preferences.
- 6. Modified cursor movement in first/last line.
- 7. 'Next word' / 'Previous word' modified for German 'Umlauts'
- 8. AREXX-command 'IsChar' modified for German 'Umlauts'
- 9. 'Deleteline' modified
- 10. 'Set scriptflag' error removed
- --------------------------
- Changes to V1.14 and V1.15
- --------------------------
- !! A part of my adress will change in July 1993. The correct adress
- !! will be:
- !! Tom Kroener
- !! Richard Wagner Str.40
- !! D-66125 Saarbruecken
- !!
- 1. New parameter -m <filename.cfg> to choose the configurationfile for
- TKEd.
- 2. New AREXX-command 'Refresh'
- 3. New AREXX-command 'Request3': Opens a requester with (nearly)
- unlimited selections.
- 4. New AREXX-command 'Modified'
- 5. New AREXX-commands 'SetFind', 'SetReplace' and 'SetCase'
- 6. With the option -e you can now load an AREXX-script which will
- be execute after starting TKEd.
- 7. AREXX-commands 'GetNumber' and 'GetString' modified.
- 8. AREXX-commands 'FindNext' and 'FindPrevious' modified.
- 9. Executes synchronous AREXX-scripts much more faster
- ---------------------------
- Changes to V1.11 and V1.12:
- ---------------------------
- 1. Added the function 'Delete file...' to the project-menu.
- 2. You can now enter the path for the temporary file needed when
- TKEd decrunches a packed text. (default: 'ram:')
- 3. Menu 'Set current path' uses now the filerequester to choose the
- path
- 4. New parameter -m to open a ScreenModeRequester on the workbench
- while starting TKEd.
- 5. Search requester modified
- 6. Goto mark <-> New mark modified
- 7. A '+' appears in the titlebar if the text is modified
- 8. Error with the combination wordwrap<->auto indent fixed
- 9. Macro recording and saving modified
- 10. New AREXX-command 'WaitForKey' which waits for a key and returns
- the ASCII and the rawkey value of the key.
- ---------------------------
- Changes to V1.09 and V1.10:
- ---------------------------
- 1. TKEd can know use all available OS2.04 Screenmodes. (NTSC, Superhires,
- DblPAL, Euro72, Productivity...)
- 2. Marking with mouse modified and some functions added:
- Clicking a char 2-times: Mark word
- Clicking a char 3-times: Mark line
- Clicking a char 4-times: If the cursor is on a bracket mark the
- text from the bracket to the corresponding
- one
- 3. New menu and ARexx-Command: MarkAll
- 4. Parameters for AREXX-Functions (like On, Off, FileRequest...) are no
- more case-sensitive.
- 5. Two new fonts (8x12 and 12x12) added for superhires and
- superhires/interlaced screenmode (very nice working with
- 110 columns :-)
- 6. Length of a line can be modified.
- 7. Automatic wordwrap when line too long (see 6.)
- 8. New AREXX-command 'Language'
- 9. New AREXX-command 'IsChar'
- 10. Some internal modifications
- 11. TKEd has now a help-mode in which help-texts are displayed for each
- menu you choose
- 12. TKEd opens now an application-window on the Workbench-screen.
- 13. The last visible line before a folding is now displayed in a different
- color.
- 14. If you are in an empty buffer and you open the filerequester, TKEd will
- take the path of the last buffer (path of 8 if you are in buffer 9, path
- of 0 if you are in buffer 1...)
- 15. Using the errortools, TKEd can display the errormessages of the
- following Compilers:
- Oberon : Oberon V2.0 - V2.14 (A+L Ag)
- Assembler : A68K V2.61 (PD)
- C : Aztec C 5.2
- Lattice C V5.1b
- Dice C
- 16. Cursormovement modified.
- 17. Cursormovement with the numeric keypad removed (macros will do
- that better)
- 18. Optional parameters can be added via []{}() to the AREXX-Menus.
- 19. When started from CLI/Shell with a path ended with ':' or '/'
- this path will be used (if possible) as the current path.
- 20. You can now modify the time after which TKEd remembers to save a
- modified text.
- 21. You can now enter an optional path for the backups made when
- a text is saved.
- 22. Marked part of a line can be used as text for searching.
- -----------------
- Changes to V1.08:
- -----------------
- 1. Wrong position of scroll-gadget fixed.
- 2. Caps-Lock handling modified (makes cursor-movement easier)
- 3. Small bug remove from error-display-routines (Occurred when
- file was modified (add or delete a line) and 'Next Error'
- goes to the wrong line).
- 4. Dead-keys-support added (éàÊ ....)
- 5. 'Replace-All' menu moved to the requester of 'Replace'
- 6. Some internal modifications
- 7. Internal error in 'Del' function fixed.
- 8. 'Remove ANSI-codes'-function added
- 9. Bug fixed when called with two or more not-existing filenames.
- 10. Displayproblems of 'Search/Replace' and 'Swap Chars' with fonts > 8
- removed.
- 11. TKEd now shows the current filename when iconified.
- 12. The name of the texts in the User-menus (entered via parameter {})
- can now be modified, e.g. 'Hello.c' can be changed to 'Hello'. Very
- useful for programmers who want to start a program after compiling
- the source without entering the new filename.
- 13. New function to set the current path of TKEd.
- 14. The requester 'More than 15 minutes since last saving' cannot be
- closed via shortcuts. (Has sometimes happened when writing without
- looking at the screen).
- 15. The names of the loaded texts are displayed in the buffer-menu.
- -----------------
- Changes to V1.07:
- -----------------
- 1. Small error with 'Delete line' function removed
- 2. AREXX-function 'GetString' modified
- 3. New ARexx-Function 'MakeTitle'
- 4. New function 'Search current character'
- 5. Some menus re-designed
- 6. Position of the screen and the iconify-window can be changed with
- the mouse (Much easier than testing numerical values !).
- 7. New AREXX-function 'WBtoFront'
- 8. Small bug in AREXX-functions 'Quit', 'SaveAndQuit' and 'SaveAllAndQuit'
- removed (they worked correctly but 'forgot' to quit TKEd)
- 9. Some internal modifications
- -----------------------
- Changes to V1.05/V1.06:
- -----------------------
- 1. TKEd now sets the protection-bits ('sparwed') correctly when
- saving a text.
- 2. You can now set the script-flag when saving a text.
- 3. When started, TKEd checks if the stacksize is >= 10000 and
- stops if not.
- -----------------
- Changes to V1.04:
- -----------------
- 1. Small error with the 'Matching Bracket' function removed.
- 2. If you start TKEd from CLI/Shell with a not existing filename,
- TKEd uses this name as default name for the new text.
- 3. Some internal optimizations.
- -----------------
- Changes to V1.02:
- -----------------
- 1. TKEd has now an 'Undo' function.
- 2. TKEd can fold texts or parts of it. (very nice when programming)
- 3. You can make TKEd invisible ('Sleeping') and restart it
- via a hotkey.
- 4. Now 102 different AREXX-Commands.
- New: 'Sleep'
- 'Fold'
- 'UnFold'
- 'FoldNext'
- 'UnFoldNext'
- 'FoldMarked'
- 'SetFoldOn'
- 'SetFoldOff'
- 5. You can mark all modified lines.
- 6. English and german configuration possible.
- 7. Some internal functions optimized (TKEd is faster and shorter than
- older versions)
- 8. Tabssize > 8 possible.
- 9. Some small changes I can't remember.
- Remark: You always should install TKEd using the program 'Install_TKEd',
- because the name and/or the number of files which belong to
- TKEd may change.
- If you don't want to lose a saved configuration or your defined
- macros, you have to save them first to a different place.
- After copying them to the (new) directory 'TKEd:', you can use
- it after converting the configurationfile ('TKEd.cfg') with
- the tool 'Convert'.
- -----------------
- Changes to V1.01:
- -----------------
- 1. TKEd uses now the 'reqtools.library' instead of the 'req.library'.
- (sorry, Bruce and Colin!)
- 'reqtools.library' looks much more better under OS 2.04
- 2. Macros now use also the qualifiers 'Shift' or 'Alt'.
- So you can specify up to 3 different macros for each key.
- (key, key+shift, key+alt)
- 3. Some OS2.04 features:
- -Gadgets of the screen OS2.04-like
- -Supports autoscroll with overscan screens
- -Supports an appWindow when iconified
- 4. Case sensitive search and use of wildcards possible
- 5. Different filenames as parameters possible.
- When you start TKEd, it will load each file.
- ------------------
- Changes to V1.00a:
- ------------------
- 1. Now 94 different AREXX-commands.
- 2. Blockoperations are changed to the guidelines of the 'Amiga User
- Interface Style Guide'.
- 3. Handles vertical blocks and vertical pasting.
- 4. You can mark every line you want (e.g. line 2, 3, 16, 29...) and
- in each line a different part of it
- (e.g. line 2 : character 1 to 7,
- line 5 : character 17 to 97
- line 100: character 102 to 104...)
- and 'Cut', 'Copy' it to one location.
- 5. AREXX-commands of the blockoperations changed to the guidelines
- of the 'Amiga User Interface Style Guide'.
- 6. Supports scrolling with mouse.
- 7. During the start of TKEd, it checks its own length and makes a
- warning if it is too large. (Could be a linking virus).
- 8. Supports different screen sizes. If you use OS 2.04, you can also enter
- the coordinates of the upper left edge of the screen.
- 9. Supports interlace mode.
- 10. Supports different font sizes.
- 11. No more 'unprinted' characters when writing very fast.
- 12. Some new AREXX-commands :
- 1. GotoByte
- 2. Request1
- 3. Request2
- 4. Beep
- 5. DisplayBeep
- 6. Delay
- 7. GetPathName
- 8. GetFullPathName
- 9. CloneLine
- 13. TKEd's AREXX-port is now synchronous (default). It can be made
- asynchronous by a keyword in the commandtext of the ARexx-menu.
- 14. When you start TKEd, it looks for currently running TKEd's in memory
- and asks to continue or to stop the start, if a running TKEd was
- found.
- 15. 'Safe saves' possible: Renames an existing file before saving
- a newer file with the same name.
- Deletes the original file after 'safe saving'.
- 16. Shows a warning if a filename already exists when using 'Save As'.
- 17. The AREXX-function 'GetFileName' is splitted into the commands
- 'GetFileName', 'GetPathName' and 'GetFullPathName'.
- 18. Iconify-function.
- 19. Some small bugs removed.
- 20. Lots of features I don't remember.
- -----------------
- Changes to V0.91:
- -----------------
- 1. TKEd has now a very comfortable asynchronous AREXX-interface with
- 86 different functions.
- 2. Completely rewritten memory management. Less amount of memory and
- faster than TKEd V0.91.
- 3. Search and Replace of a text 5 times faster than TKEd V0.91.
- If both (search and replace) strings have the same length, TKEd V1.00
- makes this up to 40 times faster than TKEd V0.91 (show me an editor
- which replaces all occurrences of the letter 'e' with another one
- faster than TKEd !!!!)
- 4. Blocks can now be moved to the left and to the right.
- 5. Some new menus: 'SaveAll&Quit'
- 'Screen'
- 'Fonts'
- 'AutoBackup'
- 'VersionBackup'
- 'TimeBackup'
- 'Set Extension'
- 'Count Occurrences'
- 'Matching Bracket'
- 'Block->'
- 'Block<-'
- 'Next Word'
- 'Previous Word'
- 'Delete Word'
- 'SwapCase'
- 'Goto Buffer (0..9)'
- 'ARexx'
- 'Load Macros'
- 'Save Macros'
- 6. Most of the requesters are build up more logically.
- 7. More parameters possible in the User-Menus.
- 8. Paths as parameters in User-Menus can now be entered comfortably
- via filerequesters.
- 9. Length of a line up to 255 characters.
- 10. TKEd now makes a backup of your text (with the ending
- '.bak') while saving a text.
- 11. TKEd can also make different versions of backups of a text.
- 12. TKEd manages now up to 10 different texts. Also possibility to
- copy blocks between the different textbuffers.
- 13. You can load and save the macros.
- 14. Each time you start TKEd, it checks his length and shows you
- a warning if it's longer then normally.
- If the warning appears, TKEd is probably 'infected' by a
- linkvirus.
- Use anti-virus-software to check this.
- 15. Some small bugs removed.