home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ***
- New
- Name : New
- Function : Clears all the text
- Parameters : No parameter
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Open
- Name : Open
- Function : Loads a text
- Parameters : Name of the text (No parameter: opens a filerequester)
- Returnvalue : Name of the text, if successful, else 10
- ***
- Save
- Name : Save
- Function : Saves a text
- Parameters : No parameter
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- SaveAs
- Name : SaveAs
- Function : Saves a text with a new name (the loaded text keeps his
- name)
- Parameters : 1:New name of the text
- Returnvalue : New name, if successful, else 10
- ***
- Print
- Name : Print
- Function : Sends the text to the printer
- Parameters : Rückgabewer
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- InsertFile
- Name : InsertFile
- Function : Inserts a text
- Parameters : Name of the text
- Returnvalue : Name of the inserted text, if successful, else 10
- ***
- SaveAllAndQuit
- Name : SaveAllAndQuit
- Function : Saves all modified buffers and quits TKEd
- Parameters : No parameter
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- SaveAndQuit
- Name : SaveAndQuit
- Function : Saves a text and quits TKEd
- Parameters : No parameter
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- Quit
- Name : Quit
- Function : Quit TKEd
- Parameters : No parameter (FORCE suppresses the Modified requester)
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Indent
- Name : Indent
- Function : Switches indent on/off
- Parameters : ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- AutoBackup
- Name : AutoBackup
- Function : Switches autobackup on/off
- Parameters : ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- SetCase
- Name : SetCase
- Function : Changes search-options
- Parameter : "CASE", if UPPER # lower
- "NOCASE", if UPPER = lower
- Returnvalue : The values before calling SetCase ("CASE" or "NOCASE")
- ***
- VersionBackup
- Name : VersionBackup
- Function : Switches versionbackup on/off
- Parameters : ON, to switch on, anything else will switch off
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- SetExtension
- Name : SetExtension
- Function : Changes the extension of Backups
- Parameters : String with the extension (up to 10 characters)
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Find
- Name : Find
- Function : Searches a word in the text (forward)
- Parameters : word to search for (No parameter: opens a textrequester)
- Returnvalue : 0 if found, else 10
- ***
- FindBack
- Name : FindBack
- Function : Searches a word in the text (backward)
- Parameters : word to search for (No parameter: opens a textrequester)
- Returnvalue : 0 if found, else 10
- ***
- FindNext
- Name : FindNext
- Function : Searches next occurrence of the word
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if found, else 10
- ***
- FindPrevious
- Name : FindPrevious
- Function : Searches previous occurrence of the word
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if found, else 10
- ***
- FindChange
- Name : FindChange
- Function : Searches for the next occurrence of a word and replaces it
- with another
- Parameters : 1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word (no parameter:
- opens a textrequester)
- Returnvalue : 0 if possible, else 10
- ***
- ChangeNext
- Name : ChangeNext
- Function : Searches for the next occurrence of a word and replaces it
- with another one
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if possible, else 10
- ***
- ChangePrevious
- Name : ChangePrevious
- Function : Searches for the previous occurrence of a word and replaces
- it with another one
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if possible, else 10
- ***
- ChangeAll
- Name : ChangeAll
- Function : Replaces all occurrences of a word with another
- Parameters : 1:Word to search for 2:Replacing word
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- CountOccurrences
- Name : CountOccurrences
- Function : Counts all occurrences of a word in a text
- Parameters : 1:word
- Returnvalue : Number of occurrences
- ***
- MatchingBracket
- Name : MatchingBracket
- Function : See menu 'Matching Bracket'
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if matching bracket found, else 10
- ***
- SetFind
- Name : SetFind
- Function : Set the word to search for
- Parameter : Word to search for
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- SetReplace
- Name : SetReplace
- Function : Set the replacing word
- Parameter : Replacing word
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- GotoBookMark
- Name : GotoBookMark
- Function : Goes to the mark
- Parameters : Number of the mark (0..9)
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- SetBookMark
- Name : SetBookMark
- Function : Sets a new mark
- Parameters : Number of the new mark (0..9)
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- ClearBookMark
- Name : ClearBookMark
- Function : Clears a mark
- Parameters : Number of the mark (0..9)
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- Mark
- Name : Mark
- Function : Marks start of a block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- MarkVertical1
- Name : MarkVertical1
- Function : Marks the left end of a vertical block
- Parameters : Cursorposition of the left end (0..length of the line)
- Returnvalue : 0 if possible, else 10
- ***
- MarkVertical2
- Name : MarkVertical2
- Function : Marks the right end of a vertical block
- Parameters : Cursorposition of the right end (0..length of the line)
- Returnvalue : 0 if possible, else 10
- ***
- MarkAll
- Name : MarkAll
- Function : Marks all lines (see same menu for details)
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Cut
- Name : Cut
- Function : 'Cut' a marked block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Copy
- Name : Copy
- Function : 'Copies' a marked block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Delete
- Name : Delete
- Function : Deletes all lines of a marked block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Paste
- Name : Paste
- Function : See menu 'Paste Block'
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- PasteVertical
- Name : PasteVertical
- Function : 'Pastes' a vertical Block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- BlockRight
- Name : BlockRight
- Function : Moves a marked block one position to the right
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- BlockLeft
- Name : BlockLeft
- Function : Moves a marked block one position to the left
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- UnmarkBlock
- Name : UnmarkBlock
- Function : Unmarks a block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- InsertBlock
- Name : InsertBlock
- Function : Opens a filerequester, to load a saved block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- PrintBlock
- Name : PrintBlock
- Function : Sends a marked block to the printer
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- SaveBlock
- Name : SaveBlock
- Function : Opens a filerequester, to save a block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Foldmarked
- Name : Foldmarked
- Function : Folds a marked block
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Fold
- Name : Fold
- Function : Folds all possible parts of a text (seem menu)
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Unfold
- Name : Unfold
- Function : Unfolds all folded text
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- FoldNext
- Name : FoldNext
- Function : Folds next possible part of a text
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- 20. UnFoldNext
- -Unfolds next folding of a text
- -No parameters
- -Nothing
- ***
- SetFoldOn
- Name : SetFoldOn
- Function : Sets the keyword for the beginning of a folding
- Parameters : The new keyword
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- SetFoldOff
- Name : SetFoldOff
- Function : Sets the keyword for the end of a folding
- Parameters : New keyword
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- PreviousPage
- Name : PreviousPage
- Function : Goes to the previous page
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- NextPage
- Name : NextPage
- Function : Goes to the next page
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- BeginOfFile
- Name : BeginOfFile
- Function : Goes to the very first character of a text
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- EndOfFile
- Name : EndOfFile
- Function : Goes to the end of the text
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- BeginOfLine
- Name : BeginOfLine
- Function : Goes to the very first character of a line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- EndOfLine
- Name : EndOfLine
- Function : Goes to the right end of a line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- GotoLine
- Name : GotoLine
- Function : Goes to a line
- Parameters : Number of the line
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- GotoColumn
- Name : GotoColumn
- Function : Goes to a column
- Parameters : Number of the column
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- NextWord
- Name : NextWord
- Function : Goes to the next word
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- PreviousWord
- Name : PreviousWord
- Function : Goes to the previous word
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Cursor
- Name : Cursor
- Function : Moves the cursor up/down/left/right
- Parameters : UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT (use capital letters)
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Line
- Name : Line
- Function : Moves cursor the specified number of lines up/down
- Parameters : Number of lines (e.g. 23, -45, +6)
- Returnvalue : 10, if the cursor reaches the beginning/end of the text, else 0
- ***
- Column
- Name : Column
- Function : Moves cursor the specified number of characters to the left/right
- Parameters : Number of characters (e.g. 23, -45, +6)
- Returnvalue : 10, if the cursor reaches the beginning/end of the line, else 0
- ***
- GotoByte
- Name : GotoByte
- Function : Jumps to the specified byte (= character). The very first
- byte is no. 0. If the specified byte is beyond the end of
- the text, the TKEd jumps to the very last byte in the text.
- (Remember: The not visible 'Return'-character at the end
- of each line is also one byte)
- Parameters : Number of the byte ( >=0 )
- Returnvalue : 0 if ok, else 10
- ***
- DeleteWord
- Name : DeleteWord
- Function : Deletes the word under the cursor
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- DeleteLine
- Name : DeleteLine
- Function : Deletes the current line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- DeleteToEOL
- Name : DeleteToEOL
- Function : Deletes the current line from the position of the cursor
- to the end of the line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- FirstError
- Name : FirstError
- Function : Displays the first error of an errorfile
- Parameters : If parameter = PROMPT : Shows a requester with the errormessage
- Returnvalue : Errormessage (if exist), else 10
- ***
- NextError
- Name : NextError
- Function : Displays the next error of an errorfile
- Parameters : If parameter = PROMPT : Shows a requester with the errormessage
- Returnvalue : Errormessage (if exist), else 10
- ***
- FunctionKey
- Name : FunctionKey
- Function : Executes one of the user-/ARexx-menus
- Parameters : Number 0 to 19 (F1=0 ... F10=9, Shift-F1=10 ... Shift-F10 = 19)
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- MakeReturn
- Name : MakeReturn
- Function : Same as pressing the 'return'-key
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- del
- Name : del
- Function : Same as pressing the 'Del'-key
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- backspace
- Name : backspace
- Function : Same as pressing the '<-' -key
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- GotoBuffer
- Name : GotoBuffer
- Function : Shows the text in the specified buffer
- Parameters : Number of the buffer (0 to 9)
- Returnvalue : 0 if any text is loaded, 5 if no text is loaded, 10 if
- error
- ***
- GetBufferNr
- Name : GetBufferNr
- Function : Returns the number of the current buffer
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Number of the buffer
- ***
- FindBuffer
- Name : FindBuffer
- Function : Searches a buffer and goes to it (if found)
- Parameters : Name of the buffer (not case sensitive); if no name is
- specified, TKEd switches to the next free buffer (if exist
- any)
- Returnvalue : Number of the buffer (0..9) if found; 10 if not found
- ***
- GetLineNr
- Name : GetLineNr
- Function : Returns the number of the current line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Number of the line
- ***
- GetColumnNr
- Name : GetColumnNr
- Function : Returns the number of the current column
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Number of the column
- ***
- GetChar
- Name : GetChar
- Function : Returns the character at the cursor-position
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 1 character
- ***
- IsChar
- Name : IsChar
- Function : Returns whether the cursor stands on a character or not
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if character (a..z, A..Z), else 10
- ***
- GetLine
- Name : GetLine
- Function : Returns the text of the current line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Text of the line
- ***
- GetLineLen
- Name : GetLineLen
- Function : Returns the length of the current line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Length of the line
- ***
- LastLine
- Name : LastLine
- Function : Returns the number of the very last line of a text
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Number of the last line
- ***
- GetFileName
- Name : GetFileName
- Function : Returns the name of the loaded text (without path)
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Name of the text
- ***
- GetPathName
- Name : GetPathName
- Function : Returns the path to the loaded text (without name)
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Path of the text
- ***
- GetFullPathName
- Name : GetFullPathName
- Function : Returns path and name of the loaded text
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Full pathname of the text
- ***
- FirstMarkedLine
- Name : FirstMarkedLine
- Function : Returns the number of the first marked line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Number of the first marked line or -1 if nothing is marked
- ***
- Language
- Name : Language
- Function : Returns the language used in TKEd
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 'GERMAN' if german language is used and 'ENGLISH' if
- english language is used
- ***
- WriteChar
- Name : WriteChar
- Function : Writes down one character
- Parameters : 1 character
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- WriteString
- Name : WriteString
- Function : Writes down a string
- Parameters : String (up to 255 characters long)
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- Request1
- Name : Request1
- Function : Opens a requester to show a text to the user
- Parameters : Text of the requester. If the keyword 'TKED' is in this
- text, the requester will appear in the window of TKEd.
- If not, the requester will appear in the the active window.
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Request2
- Name : Request2
- Function : Opens a requester with two gadgets to show a text to the
- user
- Parameters : Text of the requester. If the keyword 'TKED' is in this
- text, the requester will appear in the window of TKEd.
- If not, the requester will appear in the active window.
- Returnvalue : 0 after clicking 'OK', 10 after clicking 'Cancel
- ***
- Request3
- Name : Request3
- Function : Opens a requester with a specified number of gadgets to
- show a text to the user
- Parameters : Text of the requester and for the gadgets. If the keyword
- 'TKED' is in this text, the requester will appear in the
- window of TKEd. If not, the requester will appear in the
- active window. A call of Request3 must be in the format:
- Request3 "text|gadget1|gadget2|gadget3|...."
- Returnvalue : The rightmost gadgets returns always 0. The other gadgets
- (if exist) return from left to right 1,2,3,4,...
- -1 means error (no text passed).
- ***
- GetNumber
- Name : GetNumber
- Function : Opens a requester to enter a number
- Parameters : Text at the top of the requester and the text in the window
- of the requester, e.g "text1|text2"
- Returnvalue : Number or 0 if the requester was canceled
- ***
- GetString
- Name : GetString
- Function : Opens a requester to enter a test. (up to 255 characters)
- Parameters : Text at the top of the requester, default Text and text
- in the window of the requester,
- e.g. "titletext|Tom Kroener|windowtext"
- Returnvalue : Text. If the requester was canceled, a '@' will be appended
- to the default text.
- ***
- Beep
- Name : Beep
- Function : Makes a 'beep' to signal the user
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- DisplayBeep
- Name : DisplayBeep
- Function : Makes a 'Displaybeep' to signal the user
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- MakeTitle
- Name : MakeTitle
- Function : Display a text (for a short time) in the titlebar of TKEd
- Parameters : Text to display
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- JoinLines
- Name : JoinLines
- Function : Joins the current line with the previous line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- CloneLine
- Name : CloneLine
- Function : Makes a duplicate of the current line
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- SwapChars
- Name : SwapChars
- Function : Swaps to characters
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- SwapCase
- Name : SwapCase
- Function : See same menu
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- UpperCase
- Name : UpperCase
- Function : Changes the character under the cursor from lowercase to uppercase
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- LowerCase
- Name : LowerCase
- Function : Changes the character under the cursor from uppercase to lowercase
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- EnterAscii
- Name : EnterAscii
- Function : Writes down the ASCII-character belonging to the number
- Parameters : ASCII-number of the character (0 < number < 256)
- Returnvalue : 0 if successful, else 10
- ***
- TKEdtoFront
- Name : TKEdtoFront
- Function : Pushes the screen of TKEd to the front
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- TKEdtoBack
- Name : TKEdtoBack
- Function : Pushes the screen of TKEd to the back
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- WBtoFront
- Name : WBtoFront
- Function : Pushes the workbenchscreen to the front
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : 0 if possible, else 10
- ***
- Rename
- Name : Rename
- Function : Renames the text
- Parameters : New name for the text
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Delay
- Name : Delay
- Function : Waits for the specified time
- Parameters : Time to wait in 1/50 seconds (e.g.'Delay 50' will wait for one second)
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- Sleep
- Name : Sleep
- Function : Makes TKEd 'sleeping' (See menu 'Sleep'). The ARREX-
- program waits as long as TKEd is sleeping; this is an
- easy way to make one AREXX-program to wait for another:
- The second AREXX-program only needs to send any AREXX-
- command to TKEd to 'wake up' TKEd and the first program
- will continue.
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- StripAnsi
- Name : StripAnsi
- Function : Remove all ANSI-codes from the current cursor position to the
- end of the text
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing
- ***
- WaitForKey
- Name : WaitForKey
- Function : Wait for any key (mouse, menus etc. are ignored)
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Rawkey- and ASCII-value in the format value1|value2
- Example: The RETURN-key returns '68|13'
- Cursor-Up-key returns '204|0'
- ***
- WaitForMouse
- Name : WaitForMouse
- Function : Waits for pressing a mousebutton, all other inputs will be
- ignored
- Parameters : Text to display i the titlebar
- Returnvalue : L if left button was pressed, R else
- ***
- Refresh
- Name : Refresh
- Function : Refreshes TKEd's screen
- Parameters : No parameters
- Returnvalue : Nothing