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- /** ----------------------------------------------------
- ** ARexx program to count the number of words in a file
- ** ----------------------------------------------------
- ** AREXX-Programm, das die Wörter eines Textes zählt
- ** ----------------------------------------------------
- **
- ** © Tom Kroener '92
- **
- **/
- options results
- address 'TKEd.1' /* Portname of the first started TKEd */
- LF = '0A'X /* 'Linefeed' */
- BeginOfFile /* Go to start */
- LastLine /* Get number of the last line */
- LastLineNr = result
- Words = 0 /* Counter for the words */
- LineNr = 1 /* Counter for the lines */
- DO WHILE LineNr <= LastLineNr /* Counts until it reaches the last line */
- GetLine /* Returns the current line of the text */
- Words = Words + WORDS(result) /* Add the number of words of this line */
- Cursor "DOWN" /* Goto next line */
- LineNr = LineNr + 1 /* Increment linecounter */
- LineNr = LineNr - 1
- Request1 "Counted" Words "Words in" LineNr "Lines"
- /* Brings up a requester with a message */
- /* "TKED" forces the requester to
- appear on TKEd's screen */
- EXIT 0