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- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * *
- * --- KingCON 1.0 --- *
- * *
- * --- User Documentation --- *
- * *
- * --- Copyright © 1993 David Larsson --- *
- * *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- =========
- Preface
- =========
- The program and files in this distribution are freely distributable,
- but are also copyright (c) David Larsson. They may be freely
- distributed as long as no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover
- time and copying costs.
- No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the
- author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original
- unmodified form.
- The above is generally known as freeware.
- Please contact me if you have any comments or suggestions:
- E-Mail: f92dala@dd.chalmers.se
- Mail: David Larsson
- Gibraltarg. 82:150
- S-412 79 GÖTEBORG
- Sweden
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯
- ! KingCON needs Kickstart 2.0 or better to run. !
- ==========
- Contents
- ==========
- 1. KingCON compared to CON
- 2. Installation
- 3. Editing
- 4. Filename- command- and device-completion
- 5. Review-buffer
- 6. Menus
- 7. Options when opening the console-window
- 8. To do
- ============================
- 1. KingCON compared to CON
- ============================
- The WB2.0 console-handler - CON: - is really good, but it lacks some
- very handy features that make life easier if you use it a lot.
- KingCON (or KCON) is a replacement that behaves EXACTLY like CON, but it
- also adds these important features:
- * Filename completion. You just type the first letters of a filename,
- press the TAB-key, and - voilà! - the rest of the name is filled
- in for you (or you will be presented a list of alternative files that
- you can choose from). This makes typing MUCH faster and minimises
- frustrating misspellings. You can also bring up a standard
- filerequester and select a file that way.
- DOS-commands and devicenames can be completed in a similar way.
- Some of you might say that the Shell should provide this function
- instead, but since all editing is managed by the console-handler
- anyway, this is only natural. And as a "sideeffect", the filename-
- completion will be available AT ALL TIMES - not only when you are
- standing at the shell-prompt.
- * Review-buffer. A scrollbar in the right windowborder lets you browse
- through all text that has been output to the window at any time.
- (Very useful when your compiler spits out ten pages of errorlistings.)
- The buffer can be turned on and off, and saved to a separate file.
- * Intuition-menus that give you a quick access to the features mentioned
- above. You can control the size of the window, clear it etc.
- * Jump-scroll option, which increases output speed a lot.
- * The mouse can be used for positioning the cursor on the input line.
- * The text can be any (non-proportional) font you like.
- Topaz 44 is a killer.
- * The command-history buffer eliminates identical lines, the window is
- positioned more intelligently etc.
- Please note that KingCON does NOT patch CON in any way, it is written
- completely from scratch. There is a way, however, to mount KingCON as 'CON:'.
- In this way, every program that use 'CON:' will actually be using KingCON
- and all the good it stands for.:-> Of course, this is optional.
- KRAW: is a replacement for RAW:, but the menus, filename-completion and
- review don't work. It has limited use, because you can't run a Shell in it.
- See some DOS-documentation for details about the differences between
- CON: and RAW:.
- =================
- 2. Installation
- =================
- Simply run 'Installation' by double-clicking on its icon.
- The install-script does the following things:
- * Depending on which processor you have, 'KingCON-handler' or
- 'KingCON-handler.020' is copied to L:. Once copied, it is
- always called 'KingCON-handler'.
- * 'KingCON-mountlist' is copied to DEVS:
- * 'KCON:' and 'KRAW:' are mounted.
- * Optionally, the necessary Mount-commands are added to s:user-startup.
- They are:
- Mount KCON: from DEVS:KingCON-mountlist
- Mount KRAW: from DEVS:KingCON-mountlist
- When KCON: is installed and mounted, you can try it (at last!) by
- typing the following in a shell-window:
- Newshell window KCON:
- or:
- Echo "Yes it is!!" >"KCON:////Is this happening?/FONT topaz.22/WAIT/CLOSE"
- (Make sure you get those /'s right!)
- Mounting KCON: as CON:
- ----------------------
- When KingCON is installed, the DOS-devicename for it is 'KCON:' (and
- 'KRAW:' for the unbuffered version). If you want that all your
- shell-windows you open should be KCON-windows, you just change the
- WINDOW-ToolType of the Shell-icon to say KCON: instead of CON:. (See
- your Workbench-documentation.) But in this way, you will only get a
- KCON-window if you start a new shell by double-clicking on the Shell-icon.
- Furthermore, some programs have their own console-windows and won't let
- you change them from CON: to KCON:. (Real3D v2.0 is one example).
- What you need is something that makes every reference to 'CON:'
- actually lead to KingCON. This is done by mounting 'KCON:' as 'CON:'
- instead. BUT, this is normally not possible, since 'CON:' (and 'RAW:')
- are mounted before the startup-sequence is executed.
- This is the solution:
- * Edit the file DEVS:KingCON-mountlist and exchange the words 'KCON:'
- and 'KRAW:' to 'CON:' and 'RAW:'.
- * Change the Mount-commands in the user-startup in the same way.
- * Finally, add these lines BEFORE the Mount-commands in the user-startup:
- Now when you boot, every console-window should be a KingCON-window. There
- is no need to have a special KCON: or KRAW:-device. Enjoy!
- !! WARNING !!
- Before you try the above, PLEASE make sure that the normal installation
- was successful and that you can mount KCON: and KRAW: when rebooting.
- Make sure that you follow the steps carefully. If something for some reason
- goes wrong after the Assign-DISMOUNT-commands, you won't have any console
- at all. A very frustrating situation if you must start your favourite
- text-editor, in order to correct the mistake, from the Shell... Remember
- that you have the Workbench-menu "Execute command" as a final rescue!
- ============
- 3. Editing
- ============
- Note: Everything said here is only true for the "cooked" KCON-console.
- KRAW is "raw" and has no editing capabilities.
- 'KCON:' is probably most often used as output for the Shell, but editing
- works the same if it is a program's private AREXX-console, for example.
- Even the filename-completion is identical.
- I assume some experience of the editing used in 'CON'. Most things are
- identical, the exceptions from this are marked with a (!).
- These keys are used for the line-editing:
- Key Effect
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Any "printable" char. Inserts the character pressed under the cursor,
- shifting the characters right of the cursor one
- step to the right.
- Return or Finishes the line and adds it to the history-buffer,
- Control-M UNLESS it is identical to the previous line.
- Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor and
- shifts the rest of the line to the left.
- Delete Deletes the character under the cursor and shifts
- the rest of the line to the left.
- Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the right.
- Left Arrow Moves the cursor to the left.
- Up Arrow Displays the previous history-line.
- Down Arrow Displays the next history-line.
- Shift-Right Arrow or Cursor to the end of the line.
- Control-Z
- Shift-Left Arrow or Cursor to the beginning of the line.
- Control-A
- Alt-Right Arrow (!) Cursor to the beginning of the next word.
- Alt-Left Arrow (!) Cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
- Left Mousebutton (!) Moves the cursor to to the position on the input-
- line that you clicked on. If you click somewhere
- else in the window, nothing will happen.
- Note that the cursor is moved when the button is
- released and that you must not drag the mouse
- pointer before you release the button.
- You can still select text to be copied to the
- clipboard as usual.
- Shift-Up Arrow Finds the next history-line whose leading characters
- match the first characters in the line up to the
- cursor.
- Shift-Down Arrow Clears the line and puts you at the end of the
- history buffer. (That means that if you then press
- 'Up Arrow', the last line of the history will be
- displayed.)
- Alt-Up Arrow (!) Scrolls backwards one page in the review-buffer.
- See section 5 about the review.
- Alt-Down Arrow (!) Scrolls forwards one page in the review-buffer
- Shift-Alt-Up Arrow (!) Scrolls to the beginning of the review-buffer.
- Shift-Alt-Down Arrow (!) Scrolls to the end of the review-buffer.
- Control-\ Inserts an EOF-character and finishes the line.
- This often means that the window is closed, but it's
- up to the program that opened 'KCON:' to decide.
- Control-U Deletes the line to the left of the cursor.
- Control-W Deletes the word that the cursor is standing on
- to the left.
- Control-B or Deletes the whole line.
- Control-X
- Control-J Adds a linefeed.
- Control-K Deletes the line to the right of the cursor and
- puts the characters in a cut-buffer (NOT on the
- clipboard.)
- Control-Y Inserts the characters deleted with Control-K.
- Control-L (!) Deletes the whole line and clears the console.
- Control-S Halts the output (if you are listing a directory
- for example). This could be done by typing any
- key and then type Backspace to resume output.
- Control-Q Resumes output again.
- TAB (!) Filename-completion. See section 4 for details.
- Shift-TAB (!) Device-completion. See section 4.
- Alt-TAB (!) Command-completion. See section 4.
- =============================================
- 4. Filename- command- and device-completion
- =============================================
- The idea with xx-completion (or TAB-expansion) is to make typing faster
- and more accurate. Once used to it, it will be a great help you don't
- want to live without.
- Filename-completion
- -------------------
- If you want to enter a specific filename (or a complete path), you start
- with entering the first characters in the filename, then press TAB (or
- Amiga-F, see section 6). If only one file or directory relative to the
- current directory matches those leading characters, the rest of the name
- will be filled in for you.
- If more than one file matches the characters you typed, a window with a
- list of possible filenames will be opened. You pick the file you want by:
- * Clicking on it and then choosing 'OK' or
- * Double-clicking on it or
- * Browse through the names with TAB and Shift-TAB or
- Up- and Down-Arrows, then press Return.
- To cancel, you:
- * Press 'Cancel' or
- * Close the window or
- * Press ESC.
- If you didn't type any characters at all before you pressed TAB (or
- Amiga-F), an asl-requester will be opened for you, where you select
- your file or directory.
- By default, .info-files are not shown. This can be toggled by selecting
- the menu Complete->Show .info. See section 6.
- Command-completion
- ------------------
- Command-completion works in the same way as filename-completion. The
- difference is that not only the current directory is searched, but also all
- the command-paths. Only plain executable files are considered in the search.
- If your system has many command-paths, this operation may take a while.
- Command-completion is activated by pressing Alt-TAB or Amiga-M.
- Device-completion
- -----------------
- Device-completion is quite simple, and is invoked by pressing Shift-TAB
- or Amiga-D. All volumes (like 'Workbench:'), assigns ('L:', 'FONTS:' etc)
- and DOS-devices ('PAR:', 'CON:' etc) are searched for a match.
- A few notes on the completion-functions
- ---------------------------------------
- After having read this, two questions comes to our mind (?):
- First, what happens if a path component includes spaces? Let's say you
- want to enter this path:
- My Directory/Program.c
- You start by typing 'my' and then TAB. Now the line looks like:
- My Directory/
- You continue by typing 'pr' and then TAB. Nothing happens! Why? The
- answer is that KingCON thinks you want to complete the name 'Directory/'.
- How should it know that this isn't your intention?
- One way to solve this problem is using the asl-requester. Another is
- to start the input with a " (quotation mark). If the line looks like this:
- "My Directory/
- , KingCON knows that it should complete the name 'My Directory'.
- This is how KingCON finds out which name it should complete:
- If the line contains and ODD number of "'s left of the the cursor, the
- name is taken from the last quotation-mark to the position of the cursor.
- Otherwise, the beginning of the word is taken from the character next
- to the first space, comma, or one of ' = < >. (Dot not included.) If you
- know that the path you are about to enter contains one or more of these
- characters, you should begin by typing a quotation-mark or use
- the asl-requester (just type TAB).
- The second question (remember?) is probably: What is this talk about
- 'current directories' and 'command-paths'? 'KCON:' is just a DOS-device
- and has no 'current dir' like the Shell. Is 'KCON:' some kind of
- shell or what??
- The answer is that KingCON keeps track of which process that opened a
- KCON-window. Every time you invoke filename- or command-completion, KingCON
- looks at which directory is the current directory for the process that
- opened the window. Command-paths are also found this way.
- If the process that opened the window dies before the window is closed
- (this could be the case if it is a WAIT-window. See section 7), KingCON
- keeps the directory that was used last time some kind of completion was
- activated. Command-paths are lost, though.
- I've said it before, but I'll do it again, for the sake of clarity:
- KingCON is NOT a Shell, dispite of the filename-completion and some other
- functions. No interpretation of what you type is done. To the programs
- that use 'KCON:' for input and output, it behaves just like 'CON:'.
- ==================
- 5. Review-buffer
- ==================
- One of the major differences between a CON-window and a KCON-window is
- that the latter has a scrollgadget in the left windowborder, that lets you
- browse through all the text that has been output to it since it was opened.
- When you have done a long directory-listing and want to go back to take
- a look at the first files that were listed, you just grab the knob and
- move it up until you find the place you looked for. The arrows can be used
- to scroll (approx.) one row up and down.
- As soon as you type something on the keyboard or a program wants to
- output something to the window, the "review-mode" is exited and the
- scrollknob moves to the bottom. This means that if you try to scroll while
- a file is being Type'd, the text will jump up and down between the position
- you want to look at and the bottom of the review-buffer. Confusing, maybe,
- but fully normal.
- If you have typed a few characters on the edit-line and then begin to
- scroll before you press Return, the line will disappear. But as soon as
- you type something again, the "review-mode" is exited and the line will
- be visible again.
- Differences between buffered text and original output
- -----------------------------------------------------
- The text shown in the review-buffer doesn't always look like the text
- that originally was output to the window. Control-sequences to move the
- cursor, delete characters etc are not interpretated, which means that some
- programs that do fancy things to their output won't look that fancy when
- you begin dragging the scrollknob. This is not a bug, just a sacrifice
- for speed. :->
- If you specify the NOSTYLES-option, all textstyle control-sequences will
- be filtered. This saves some memory and perhaps speeds up output on plain
- 68000's. The text in the buffer will always be black and white, though.
- Memory-management
- -----------------
- The memory for the buffer is allocated dynamically when something is
- output to the window. The maximum amount of memory allocated for one window
- is currently 100Kb, BUT remember that this isn't allocated immediately
- when the window is opened because of the dynamic nature of the buffer!
- The drawback with this is that you lose memory for every line you write.
- This can be frustrating if you are debugging a program to see if it frees
- all memory when it returns. ('Avail', 'Program', 'Avail', you know.) In
- those situations, you should disable both the history-buffer and the
- review-buffer.
- Some notes on speed (68000-owner, read this!)
- ----------------------------------------------
- You may notice that output is slowed down a bit when the buffer is
- enabled, especially if you have a plain 68000-Amiga. On faster machines,
- it takes more time just to scroll the window than to manage the buffer,
- so it shouldn't be a problem there.
- If you DO find it too slow, there are five things you can do:
- * Enable the jump-scroll. This can be done with the JUMP-option or
- by selecting the "Console » Jump scroll"-menu. Output will be fast
- but maybe a bit jumpy.
- * Specify the NOGADS-option. You will still have a review-buffer as
- usual, but no scrollgadget in the right windowborder. Because the
- updating of the scrollgadget has much overhead, removing it in this
- way is probably enough to solve the speedproblem.
- * Select the "Review » Enabled" menu to disable the buffer temporarily.
- You will still be able to scroll back to text that was buffered
- earlier, though.
- * Specify the NOREVIEW-option. In this way, you won't get any review-
- buffer at all.
- * Specify the NOSTYLES-option. The buffered text will only be black and
- white and you can save a lot of memory this way. Speed is also affected,
- especially if the text that is ouput to the window has a lot of
- fancy colors and styles.
- ==========
- 6. Menus
- ==========
- The menubar contains the following menus and menuitems:
- "Console"-menu:
- ---------------
- Reset (Z) - Clears the console-window and resets all
- styles etc. Use this if a program leaves
- the window in a complete mess.
- Jump scroll - If checked, output speed will be increased
- by scrolling the window several lines
- at the time. By default, jump-scroll
- is disabled, because it isn't 100%
- compatible with programs that do their
- own jump-scrolling, like 'more'.
- Use the JUMP-option to have this function
- enabled when the window is opened.
- Minimize (I) - Makes the window as small as possible.
- This item is disabled if you specify
- the NOSIZE-option. See section 7.
- Normalize (N) - Positions the window at the same place
- with the same size as when it was opened.
- Can be disabled.
- Maximize (A) - Makes the window as big as possible
- within the visible area of the screen.
- Can be disabled.
- Halt (H) - Halts output.
- Resume (R) - Resumes output.
- About... (?) - Opens a requester telling you about the
- current version of KingCON, the author etc.
- Close (Q) - The same as clicking in the window's
- closegadget or typing Control-\. The
- process that owns the window decides if
- it should be closed.
- "Complete"-menu: (See also section 4!)
- --------------------------------------
- Filename (F) - Completes a filename or directoryname.
- The same as pressing TAB.
- Command (M) - Completes a DOS-command. Same as pressing
- ESC.
- Device (D) - Completes a devicename. Same as pressing
- Shift-TAB.
- Show .info - If checked, .info-files will be considered
- when KingCON is looking for matches.
- "Review"-menu: (See also section 5!)
- ------------------------------------
- Enabled - If checked, all text output to the window
- will be saved in the review-buffer. If
- not, you will still be able to scroll
- through old text, but no new text will
- be added.
- Clear buffer - Clears the review-buffer.
- Save plain text as... - Lets you select a file to which the buffer
- will be saved as plain text.
- Save with styles as... - Lets you select a file to which the buffer
- will be saved, including control-sequences
- for text style and color.
- "History"-menu:
- ---------------
- Enabled - If checked, lines typed by you will be
- saved in the command-history buffer.
- If not, no lines are saved, but you will
- still be able to browse through the lines
- that are already in the buffer.
- Clear buffer - Clears the history-buffer.
- The menus are ghosted while the console is in RAW-mode. The NOMENUS-
- option opens a window without a menubar. See section 7.
- ============================================
- 7. Options when opening the console-window
- ============================================
- A KCON-window is opened in the same way as a CON-window. The template
- for the "filename" is:
- KCON:LeftEdge/TopEdge/Width/Height/Title/Options/...
- All keywords are optional. If you want the default-value, you write
- nothing. For example, if you want to specify a title, but no position or
- size, you write: (Don't forget the quotation-marks if you have spaces
- in the filename!)
- "KCON:////My Title"
- The meaning of the keywords are quite obvious. The default is to
- open a window that covers covers the whole horisontal and half the
- vertical visible area of the screen. The window is positioned below the
- menubar of the screen if possible. The default title is 'KingCON'.
- This differs a bit from CON, which always opens a window in the top
- left corner of the screen with a fixed height. I think KingCON's way of
- opening is better. :-)
- The options allow you to customize the window. First the ones that
- are compatible with CON:
- AUTO The window isn't opened until some text is output to it or
- a program wants to read from it.
- It also gets a close-gadget.
- CLOSE The window is equipped with a closegadget.
- BACKDROP The window is opened as a backdrop behind all other
- windows on the screen.
- NOBORDER The window has no border. Very confusing.
- NODRAG The window has no dragbar.
- NOSIZE The window has no sizing-gadget or zoom-gadget. The "Shrink"-
- and "Expand"-menuitems are disabled.
- SIMPLE You can mark and copy text from the console. This is
- the default.
- SMART The opposite of SIMPLE. This is the way the console window
- was before v2.0 of the OS. If the window is scaled down and
- then resized again, you will lose the text that was printed
- on the revealed portions of the window.
- WAIT The window isn't closed until you type Control-\, select
- Quit or click the closegadget.
- SCREEN <name> The window will be opened on a public screen with a
- certain name (case-sensitive!). To open on the screen
- "TERM", you type: .../SCREEN TERM/... or .../SCREENTERM/...
- WINDOW <address> The console is attached to an already open window
- with the address expressed in hexadecimal numbers.
- The review-buffer will be disabled for compability.
- INACTIVE The window isn't activated when it is opened.
- These options are new for KingCON:
- MINI The window is minimized the first time you hit the
- zoom-gadget instead of being resized to fill the
- whole screen.
- NOGADS No scrollgadget in the right windowborder is created. On
- slower machines this will increase the speed of the review-
- buffer noticeably. You can still use the keys described
- in section 3 to scroll through buffered text, of course.
- NOREVIEW The window gets no review-buffer. No scrollgadget is
- created and the "Review"-menu is disabled. If you just
- want to gain speed, first try the NOGADS-option.
- NOSTYLES Control-sequences that control textstyle and -color are
- not saved in the review-buffer. Buffered text will be
- plain black and white.
- NOFNC (Short for No FileName Completion). The TAB, Shift-TAB and
- ESC-keys don't activate any completion-function in order
- to be compatible with CON. Note that you can still
- use the "Completion"-menu!!!
- NOMENUS No menubar is created.
- PLAIN The same as NOREVIEW/NOFNC/NOMENUS. The window will behave
- exactly like a CON-window.
- JUMP Enables jump-scroll. You can also use the
- "Console » Jump scroll" menu to enable it. Note that some
- programs, like 'more', don't like jump-scroll.
- FONT <name.size> Another font than the default-font is used. To specify
- a bigger topaz-font you type: .../FONT topaz.44/... or
- .../FONTtopaz.44/... Note that the font must be monospaced
- or the window will fail to open!
- I suggest that you use the FONT-option to change the font
- instead of the SETFONT-command.
- ==========
- 8. To do
- ==========
- KingCON introduces some very useful features that makes it a worthy
- replacement for CON. But there are still a few things I want to see
- in a future version:
- * Most certainly next version will contain some kind of preference-editor.
- This will let you set the default-options (so you won't have to
- specify CLOSE for every window you open, for example), set the size
- of the buffers etc. I'm also thinking of an extra option where you
- select which preferences you wish to use. I want to hear what you
- think about this!
- * The review-buffer could be more intelligent and interpret cursor-moves.
- * Command-completion should also include resident programs.
- * A new completion-function that completes words from a textfile that
- you specify. All the switches for DOS-commands, for example.
- * Localized menus, Kickstart 3.0-specific functions, smaller, faster...
- Plese help me to continue this list. If the interest is big enough, I
- will do my best to carry out the ideas in a future version of KingCON.
- |\ /|ANY, MANY THANKS, Anders Hammarqvist, for finding every
- | \/ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- | |single bug in the program. :)
- /¯\ David Larsson /¯\ Engineering Physics /¯\_/¯¯¯¯
- / \_/¯\ /¯¯¯\_/ \ Chalmers University of Technology / Sweden
- / \_/ \ /¯\ /¯\ /¯\_/¯\ /
- ¯\ / \ / \_/ \ / \ /
- \_/ f92dala@dd.chalmers.se \__/ \_/ \__/