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- ;
- ; AlertHelp V0.55 Thursday, 23-Sep-1993
- ;
- ; (c) 1993 by Jan Hagqvist
- ;
- ;
- ; V0.05 Monday, 28-Jun-1993
- ; V0.35 Tuesday, 29-Jun-1993
- ; V0.40 Saturday, 03-Jul-1993 Now includes task name & address
- ; V0.45 Sunday, 19-Sep-1993 Guru, Reboot, Suspend / Thank you!
- ; V0.50 Monday, 20-Sep-1993 Some more specifics
- ; V0.55 Thursday, 20-Sep-1993 The rest of the specifics from exec/alerts.i
- ;
- XREF _LVOOldOpenLibrary
- XREF _LVOCloseLibrary
- XREF _LVOEasyRequestArgs
- XREF _LVOSetFunction
- XREF _LVOFindTask
- XREF _LVOSignal
- XREF _LVOAllocSignal
- XREF _LVOFreeSignal
- XREF _LVOSetTaskPri
- XREF _LVOColdReboot
- InstallAlertHelp
- move.l 4,a6
- lea IntuitionName,a1
- jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6)
- move.l d0,IntuitionBase
- tst.l d0
- beq RemoveAlertHelp
- lea TaskName,a1
- jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
- move.l d0,a5
- tst.l d0
- bne.s TaskFound
- sub.l a1,a1
- jsr _LVOFindTask(a6)
- move.l d0,a5
- move.l #TaskName,10(a5)
- move.l a5,a1
- move.b #-5,d0
- jsr _LVOSetTaskPri(a6)
- move.l #AlertHelp,d0
- move.l a6,a1
- move.w #-$6c,a0
- jsr _LVOSetFunction(a6)
- move.l d0,OldAlert
- move.l #-1,d0
- jsr _LVOAllocSignal(a6)
- move.l d0,88(a5)
- DummyLoop
- jsr _LVOWait(a6)
- move.l OldAlert(pc),d0
- move.l a6,a1
- move.w #-$6c,a0
- jsr _LVOSetFunction(a6)
- move.l 88(a5),d0
- jsr _LVOFreeSignal(a6)
- RemoveAlertHelp
- move.l 4,a6
- tst.l IntuitionBase
- beq.s RemoveAlertHelp2
- move.l IntuitionBase,a1
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
- RemoveAlertHelp2
- moveq.l #0,d0
- rts
- TaskFound
- move.l IntuitionBase,a6
- sub.l a0,a0
- lea EasyStruct2,a1
- move.l a0,a2
- lea ArgList2,a3
- jsr _LVOEasyRequestArgs(a6)
- cmp.b #1,d0
- beq.s TaskFound2
- move.l 4,a6
- move.l 88(a5),d0
- move.l a5,a1
- jsr _LVOSignal(a6)
- TaskFound2
- bra.s RemoveAlertHelp
- AlertHelp
- move.l d7,AlertNum
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
- move.l 4,a6
- move.l $114(a6),a0
- move.l a0,AlertTask
- move.l 10(a0),AlertTaskName
- move.l #GadgetFormat1,EasyStruct1Gadget
- move.l #Recovery,AlertType
- cmp.l #$80000000,d7
- bmi.s ParseAlert
- sub.l #$80000000,d7
- move.l #DeadEnd,AlertType
- move.l #GadgetFormat0,EasyStruct1Gadget
- ParseAlert
- lea SpecificAlerts,a0
- ParseAlert2
- cmp.l #0,(a0)
- beq.s ParseAlert3
- cmp.l (a0)+,d7
- beq.s Specific
- addq.l #4,a0
- bra.s ParseAlert2
- ParseAlert3
- lea GeneralAlerts,a0
- move.l d7,d6
- and.l #$00ff0000,d6
- ParseAlert4
- cmp.l #0,(a0)
- beq.s Unknown
- cmp.l (a0)+,d6
- beq.s Specific
- addq.l #4,a0
- bra.s ParseAlert4
- Unknown
- move.l #UnknownAlert,AlertText
- bra.s ParseSource
- Specific
- move.l (a0),AlertText
- ParseSource
- move.l #UnknownSource,AlertSource
- move.l d7,d6
- and.l #$ff000000,d6
- swap d6
- asr.l #8,d6
- lea Sources,a0
- ParseSource2
- cmp.l #$ffffffff,(a0)
- beq.s ParseSource4
- cmp.l (a0)+,d6
- beq.s ParseSource3
- addq.l #4,a0
- bra.s ParseSource2
- ParseSource3
- move.l (a0),AlertSource
- ParseSource4
- Inform
- move.l IntuitionBase,a6
- sub.l a0,a0
- lea EasyStruct,a1
- move.l a0,a2
- lea ArgList,a3
- jsr _LVOEasyRequestArgs(a6)
- tst.b d0 ; Suspend (Thank you!)?
- beq.s Quit2 ; Yep
- cmp.b #2,d0 ; Reboot?
- beq.s Quit3 ; Yep
- Quit
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- dc.w $4EF9 ; jmp
- OldAlert
- dc.l 0
- Quit2
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rts
- Quit3
- move.l 4,a6
- jsr _LVOColdReboot(a6) ; Never returns!
- IntuitionBase dc.l 0
- EasyStruct dc.l 20,0,AlertTitle,TextFormat
- EasyStruct1Gadget dc.l GadgetFormat1
- EasyStruct2 dc.l 20,0,AlertTitle,TextFormat2,GadgetFormat2
- ArgList
- AlertTaskName dc.l 0
- AlertNum dc.l 0
- AlertTask dc.l 0
- AlertSource dc.l 0
- AlertText dc.l 0
- AlertType dc.l 0
- dc.l 0
- ArgList2 dc.l 0
- Sources
- dc.l $0,Processor,$1,Exec,$2,Graphics,$3,Layers,$4,Intuition,$5,Math
- dc.l $7,Dos,$8,Ram,$9,Icon,$A,Expansion,$B,DiskFont,$C,Utility
- dc.l $10,Audio,$11,Console,$12,GamePort,$13,Keyboard,$14,TrackDisk
- dc.l $15,Timer,$20,Cia,$21,Disk,$22,Misc,$30,BootStrap,$31,Workbench
- dc.l $32,DiskCopy,$33,GadTools
- dc.l $ffffffff
- GeneralAlerts
- dc.l $00010000,NoMemory,$00020000,MakeLib,$00030000,OpenLib
- dc.l $00040000,OpenDev,$00050000,OpenRes,$00060000,IOError
- dc.l $00070000,NoSignal,$00080000,BadParm,$00090000,CloseLib
- dc.l $000A0000,CloseDev,$000B0000,ProcCreate
- dc.l 0
- SpecificAlerts
- ; Processor
- dc.l $00000002,BusError,$00000003,AddrError,$00000004,IllegalInst
- dc.l $00000005,DivZero,$00000006,ChkError,$00000007,TrapError
- dc.l $00000008,Supervisor,$00000009,Trace
- ; Exec
- dc.l $01000001,ExcptVect,$01000002,BaseChkSum,$01000003,LibChkSum
- dc.l $01000005,MemCorrupt,$01000006,IntrMem,$01000007,InitAPtr
- dc.l $01000008,SemCorrupt,$01000009,FreeTwice,$0100000A,BogusExcpt
- dc.l $0100000B,IOUsedTwice,$0100000C,MemoryInsane,$0100000D,IOAfterClose
- dc.l $0100000E,StackProbe,$0100000F,BadFreeAddr
- ; Graphics
- dc.l $02010000,GfxNoMem,$02010001,GfxNoMemMspc,$02010006,LongFrame
- dc.l $02010007,ShortFrame,$02010009,TextTmpRas,$0201000A,BltBitMap
- dc.l $0201000B,RegionMemory,$02010030,MakeVPort,$0200000C,GfxNewError
- dc.l $0200000D,GfxFreeError,$02011234,GfxNoLCM,$02000401,ObsoleteFont
- ; Layers
- dc.l $03010000,LayersNoMem
- ; Intuition
- dc.l $04000001,GadgetType,$04010002,CreatePort,$04010003,ItemAlloc
- dc.l $04010004,SubAlloc,$04010005,PlaneAlloc,$04010006,ItemBoxTop
- dc.l $04010007,OpenScreen,$04010008,OpenScrnRast,$04010009,SysScrnType
- dc.l $0401000A,AddSWGadget,$0401000B,OpenWindow,$0400000C,BadState
- dc.l $0400000D,BadMessage,$0400000E,WeirdEcho,$0400000F,NoConsole
- ; Dos
- dc.l $07010001,StartMem,$07000002,EndTask,$07000003,QPktFail
- dc.l $07000004,AsyncPkt,$07000005,FreeVec,$07000006,DiskBlkSeq
- dc.l $07000007,BitMap,$07000008,KeyFree,$07000009,BadChkSum
- dc.l $0700000A,DiskError,$0700000B,KeyRange,$0700000C,BadOverlay
- dc.l $0700000D,BadInitFunc,$0700000E,FileReclosed
- ; RamLib
- dc.l $08000001,BadSegList
- ; Expansion
- dc.l $0A000001,BadExpansionFree
- ; Console
- dc.l $11000001,NoWindow
- ; Trackdisk
- dc.l $14000001,TDCalibSeek,$14000002,TDDelay
- ; Timer
- dc.l $15000001,TMBadReq,$15000002,TMBadSupply
- ; Disk
- dc.l $21000001,DRHasDisk,$21000002,DRIntNoAct
- ; BootStrap
- dc.l $30000001,BootError
- ; Workbench
- dc.l $31000001,WBBadStartupMsg1,$31000002,WBBadStartupMsg2,$31000003,WBBadIOMsg
- dc.l $31010004,WBInitPotionAllocDrawer,$31010005,WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus1,$31010006,WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus2
- dc.l $31010007,WBLayoutWBMenusLayoutMenus,$31010008,WBAddToolMenuItem,$31010009,WBReLayoutToolMenu
- dc.l $3101000A,WBinitTimer,$3101000B,WBInitLayerDemon,$3101000C,WBinitWbGels
- dc.l $3101000D,WBInitScreenAndWindows1,$3101000E,WBInitScreenAndWindows2,$3101000F,WBInitScreenAndWindows3
- dc.l $31010010,WBMAlloc
- TaskName dc.b 'AlertHelpTask',0
- IntuitionName dc.b 'intuition.library',0
- VersionString dc.b '$VER: AlertHelp V0.55 (23.09.93/13:33:00/055) ©1993 by Jan Hagqvist',0
- AlertTitle dc.b 'AlertHelp V0.55 23-Sep-1993',0
- Recovery dc.b 'RECOVERY',0
- DeadEnd dc.b 'DEADEND',0
- Processor dc.b 'The Processor',0
- Exec dc.b 'Exec',0
- Graphics dc.b 'Graphics',0
- Layers dc.b 'Layers',0
- Intuition dc.b 'Intuition',0
- Math dc.b 'Math',0
- Dos dc.b 'Dos',0
- Ram dc.b 'Ram',0
- Icon dc.b 'Icon',0
- Expansion dc.b 'Expansion',0
- DiskFont dc.b 'Diskfont',0
- Utility dc.b 'Utility',0
- Audio dc.b 'Audio',0
- Console dc.b 'Console',0
- GamePort dc.b 'Gameport',0
- Keyboard dc.b 'Keyboard',0
- TrackDisk dc.b 'Trackdisk',0
- Timer dc.b 'Timer',0
- Cia dc.b 'Cia',0
- Disk dc.b 'Disk',0
- Misc dc.b 'Misc',0
- BootStrap dc.b 'Bootstrap',0
- Workbench dc.b 'Workbench',0
- DiskCopy dc.b 'Diskcopy',0
- GadTools dc.b 'Gadtools',0
- UnknownSource dc.b 'an unknown source',0
- UnknownAlert dc.b 'Sorry, but I cannot help you',0
- GadgetFormat0 dc.b ' Guru |Reboot|Suspend',0
- GadgetFormat1 dc.b 'Thank you!',0
- TextFormat dc.b 'Notice:',10
- dc.b '-------',10,10
- dc.b 'A software failure has occurred in',10
- dc.b '%s.',10,10
- dc.b 'The alertnumber is #%08lx.',10
- dc.b 'Task address is #%08lx.',10,10
- dc.b 'The message from %s:',10
- dc.b '%s.',10,10
- dc.b 'This is a %s alert.',0
- GadgetFormat2 dc.b 'Cancel|Remove',0
- TextFormat2 dc.b 'AlertHelp already installed.',10
- dc.b 'Do you want to remove it?',0
- NoMemory dc.b 'No memory',0
- MakeLib dc.b 'Unable to create library',0
- OpenLib dc.b 'Unable to open library',0
- OpenDev dc.b 'Unable to open device',0
- OpenRes dc.b 'Unable to open resource',0
- IOError dc.b 'Input/Output error',0
- NoSignal dc.b 'NoSignal',0
- BadParm dc.b 'Bad parameters',0
- CloseLib dc.b 'Unable to close library',0
- CloseDev dc.b 'Unable to close device',0
- ProcCreate dc.b 'Process creation failed',0
- BusError dc.b 'Bus error',0
- AddrError dc.b 'Address error',0
- IllegalInst dc.b 'Illegal instruction',0
- DivZero dc.b 'Division by zero',0
- ChkError dc.b 'Chk-instruction',0
- TrapError dc.b 'Trapv-instruction',0
- Supervisor dc.b 'Supervisor instruction from',10,'User state',0
- Trace dc.b 'Trace',0
- ExcptVect dc.b '68000 exception vector checksum',0
- BaseChkSum dc.b 'Execbase checksum',0
- LibChkSum dc.b 'Library checksum failure',0
- MemCorrupt dc.b 'Corrupt memory list detected in',10,'FreeMem',0
- IntrMem dc.b 'No memory for interrupt servers',0
- InitAPtr dc.b 'InitStruct() of an APTR source',0
- SemCorrupt dc.b 'A semaphore is in an illegal state',10,'at ReleaseSemaphore()',0
- FreeTwice dc.b 'Freeing memory already freed',0
- BogusExcpt dc.b 'Illegal 68xxx exception taken',0
- IOUsedTwice dc.b 'Attempt to reuse active IORequest',0
- MemoryInsane dc.b 'Sanity check on memory list failed',10,'during AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)',0
- IOAfterClose dc.b 'IO attempted on closed IORequest',0
- StackProbe dc.b 'Stack appears to extend out of range',0
- BadFreeAddr dc.b 'Memory header not located. [Usually',10,'an invalid address passed to FreeMem()]',0
- GfxNoMem dc.b 'Graphics out of memory',0
- GfxNoMemMspc dc.b 'MonitorSpec alloc, no memory',0
- LongFrame dc.b 'Long frame, no memory',0
- ShortFrame dc.b 'Short frame, no memory',0
- TextTmpRas dc.b 'Text, no memory for TmpRas',0
- BltBitMap dc.b 'BltBitMap, no memory',0
- RegionMemory dc.b 'Regions, memory not available',0
- MakeVPort dc.b 'MakeVPort, no memory',0
- GfxNewError dc.b 'GfxNewError',0
- GfxFreeError dc.b 'GfxFreeError',0
- GfxNoLCM dc.b 'Emergency memory not available',0
- ObsoleteFont dc.b 'Unsupported font description used',0
- LayersNoMem dc.b 'Layers out of memory',0
- GadgetType dc.b 'Unknown gadget type',0
- CreatePort dc.b 'Create port, no memory',0
- ItemAlloc dc.b 'Item plane alloc, no memory',0
- SubAlloc dc.b 'Sub alloc, no memory',0
- PlaneAlloc dc.b 'Plane alloc, no memory',0
- ItemBoxTop dc.b 'Item box top < RelZero',0
- OpenScreen dc.b 'Open screen, no memory',0
- OpenScrnRast dc.b 'Open screen, raster alloc, no memory',0
- SysScrnType dc.b 'Open sys screen, unknown type',0
- AddSWGadget dc.b 'Add SW gadgets, no memory',0
- OpenWindow dc.b 'Open window, no memory',0
- BadState dc.b 'Bad State Return entering Intuition',0
- BadMessage dc.b 'Bad Message received by IDCMP',0
- WeirdEcho dc.b 'Weird echo causing incomprehension',0
- NoConsole dc.b 'Could not open the Console Device',0
- StartMem dc.b 'No memory at startup',0
- EndTask dc.b 'EndTask did not',0
- QPktFail dc.b 'Qpkt failure',0
- AsyncPkt dc.b 'Unexpected packet received',0
- FreeVec dc.b 'Freevec failed',0
- DiskBlkSeq dc.b 'Disk block sequence error',0
- BitMap dc.b 'Bitmap corrupt',0
- KeyFree dc.b 'Key already free',0
- BadChkSum dc.b 'Invalid checksum',0
- DiskError dc.b 'Disk error',0
- KeyRange dc.b 'Key out of range',0
- BadOverlay dc.b 'Bad overlay',0
- BadInitFunc dc.b 'Invalid init packet for CLI/Shell',0
- FileReclosed dc.b 'A filehandle was closed more than',10,'once',0
- BadSegList dc.b 'Overlays are illegal for library',10,'segments',0
- BadExpansionFree dc.b 'Freeed free region',0
- NoWindow dc.b 'Console cannot open initial window',0
- TDCalibSeek dc.b 'Calibrate: Seek error',0
- TDDelay dc.b 'Delay: Error on timer wait',0
- TMBadReq dc.b 'Bad request',0
- TMBadSupply dc.b 'Power supply -- no 50/60hz ticks',0
- DRHasDisk dc.b 'Get unit: Already has disk',0
- DRIntNoAct dc.b 'Interrupt: No active unit',0
- BootError dc.b 'Boot code returned an error',0
- WBBadStartupMsg1 dc.b 'Bad startup message 1',0
- WBBadStartupMsg2 dc.b 'Bad startup message 2',0
- WBBadIOMsg dc.b 'Bad IO message',0
- WBInitPotionAllocDrawer dc.b 'Init Potion Alloc Drawer',0
- WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus1 dc.b 'Create WBMenus 1',0
- WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus2 dc.b 'Create WBMenus 2',0
- WBLayoutWBMenusLayoutMenus dc.b 'Layout WBMenus',0
- WBAddToolMenuItem dc.b 'Add ToolMenu-Item',0
- WBReLayoutToolMenu dc.b 'ReLayout ToolMenu',0
- WBinitTimer dc.b 'Init timer',0
- WBInitLayerDemon dc.b 'Init layer demon',0
- WBinitWbGels dc.b 'Init Workbench gels',0
- WBInitScreenAndWindows1 dc.b 'Init screen and windows 1',0
- WBInitScreenAndWindows2 dc.b 'Init screen and windows 2',0
- WBInitScreenAndWindows3 dc.b 'Init screen and windows 3',0
- WBMAlloc dc.b 'MAlloc',0