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- Doc.english - Documentation for SOUNDEffect
- (c) 1992, 1993 Sven Bühling
- V 2.10 - October 1993
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Preface
- ----------
- SOUNDEffect is a program which offers many facilities to edit samples.
- It's very useful for musicians with some experience in working with samples.
- Here are some special features:
- 1) User interface with gadgets for all functions. The gadgets are arrenged
- into panels. (It's of course impossible to get all gadgets on one
- screen.)
- 2) Full stereo support in all functions
- 3) Frequency, amplitude and panorama modulation with an envelop waveform wich
- you can paint with the mouse.
- 4) Normal echo and a special reverb effect.
- 5) Free hand editing of the sample is possible.
- 6) Mixing of upto 8 samples in one time (mixer)
- 7) Chorus effect.
- 8) High and low pass filter with adjustable cut off frequency.
- 9) Expander, compresser, limiter.
- 10) Noise generator.
- 11) There are 8 temporary buffers for samples. You can choose to which path
- these buffer are saved.
- 12) All usualy function like copy, paste, cut, insert, delete, loop, swap,
- reverse, change of pitch and volume and much more.
- Thanks to:
- - all registered Users
- - all BEta Testers
- - Matt Dillon for DICE
- - Claudio Zani for TDS
- - Teijo Kinnunen for OctaMED
- - Martin W:Scott for icalc and YAK
- - Stefan Becker for ToolManager
- - Jan van den Baard for GadToolsBox
- - Anders Bjerin for the C-Manual
- - Electronic Arts for DPaint
- 2. Copyright
- ------------
- SOUNDEffect and the Docs are copyrighted by Sven Bühling.
- SOUNDEffect is SHAREWARE. You are only allowed to distribute it
- if:
- - all doc-file of one language are copied together with the program
- - program and doc-files remain unchanged
- - the disk must not cost more than $ 5 (DM 5)
- If you get any damages using my program, I'm not responsible.
- If you like this program you should pay the share. For 20 US$ or 30 DM you will
- become a registered user. That includes mailing of the most recent release
- together with a so called keyfile wich enables protected functions in the
- FD-release. You can pay the share in cash, via Euro-Scheck or International
- Money Order.
- Kontonr.: 46047295 BLZ: 830 544 82 (Kreissp. Stadtroda)
- Address: Sven Bühling, H.-Danz-Str. 9, 07629 Hermsdorf, GERMANY
- Internet: osb@hpux.rz.uni-jena.de IRC: Gobel
- Without a valid keyfile there are following restrictions:
- - Samples wich are longer than 10000 bytes are displayed only three times
- - the preferences can not be saved
- - only one sample can be saved each session
- 3. Updates
- ----------
- Soon I will start working for version 3.0. Then there will be again some important
- changes in the user interface. All panel become draggable windows. So you can
- use every screen mode and you can open as many panels as you like.
- After that I hope to find time to include features like:
- - Fourier transformation
- - optional Audio Device output
- - AIFF-Support / MIDI-Sample-Dump
- - better reverb effect
- - ARexx port
- - support for several samplers
- - internal 16 Bit processing (probably V 4.0)
- If you are registered you do not depend on me to get your updates. You can
- download them for instance from aminet or from Fish disks. If you want to order
- updates directly by the author one update costs 5$ including Disk and mailing.
- 4. Getting started / Screenmode
- -------------------------------
- SOUNDEffect should work on every AMIGA with Kickstart >= 1.3 and at least 1
- MByte RAM.
- INTERLACE - TRUE - opens an interlaced screen
- FALSE - default
- XPOS - x-Position
- YPOS - y-Position
- (To center the screen if your Workbench uses overscan)
- EXTRAMENU - TRUE - if you open an interlace screen you can choosse to
- display the menu panel every time.
- FALSE - default
- Beisp.: Start from CLI for NTSC-Amigas:
- Start from WB:
- YPOS=30
- (Enter these values to the tooltypes field)
- 5. User interface
- -----------------
- There are three general areas on display. On the top of the screen you can see
- the logo and some important informations. There are project name, size of the
- sample and the status line. You should always have a look to this status line.
- In the middle there is the area for sample display or for the big panels. You
- can get back from a big panel to the sample display by pressing the right mouse
- button in this range.
- Below that you can find by default the menu panel where you can select wich
- panel is to be displayed. But there are some small panels too wich cover the menu.
- You can get back again by pressing the right mouse button.
- Most of the big panels have three very important gadgets on the right side.
- They are |LEFT|, |BOTH| and |RIGHT|. With these three gadgets you can select
- whether the current function should affect the left, rigth or both channels of
- the sample.
- 6. The Panels
- -------------
- 6.1. The menu
- """""""""""""
- The menu is displayed at the bottom of the screen. If not, use the right mouse
- button in this range to switch back. You can reach all panels via this menu or
- by the function keys (described later).
- The left gadgets are for the small panels - the right ones for the big panels
- in the middle of the screen.
- 6.2. Sample display
- """""""""""""""""""
- Click the right mouse button in the middle of the screen to get the Sample
- display.
- The first important thing you should know is that you can choose whether one or
- two "windows" shell be displayed, This can be done with the both gadgets on the
- left side in the middle.
- On the left side of each window there are some gadgets to select what you want
- to display in it.
- |L| left channel
- |R| right channel
- |1|..|5| wave buffer 1..5
- On the right side there are the zoom gadgets.
- |(pocket lens)| zoom in
- |(crossed)| zoom out
- |RANGE| show the selected range
- |ALL| show all
- You can select a range in the sample or wave buffer by dragging with the right
- mouse button over this area you want to select. Via LeftShift-RMB you can also
- set the range begin - RightShift-RMB sets the end of the range.
- In the wave buffer you can "draw" directly by dragging with the LMB. The sample
- is a little bit protected against this. To edit the sample by freehand drawing
- you have to hold a shift key while dragging with LMB.
- 6.3. The Disk I/O-panel
- """""""""""""""""""""""
- The panel is used to load or save samples and WAVE-buffers.
- It is similar to other file requestors. You can change text and contents of
- the four directory buttons. This is explained in the paragraph about
- preferences-panel.
- Here and in all other panels the affect gadgets at the right side can be
- used to selected whether the left, the right or both channels of the sample
- should be affected of the current operation.
- File format:
- You can load samples in one of the following formats: IFF, Future-Sound
- (obsolete) or RAW. If the sample is not identified as IFF or Future-Sound
- it will automaticly loaded as RAW. If the IFF-format is corrupt (Action
- Replay!) you can choose if you want to load it RAW. Then you should not
- forget to cut the beginning of the sample because there is the corrupt
- IFF-Header and that does usually not sounde very well.
- You can save your samples either RAW or IFF. In RAW-format you loose all
- additional information like loop, rate or project name. It is not possible
- to save stereo samples as RAW.
- Using IFF-format you will not loose any information. To secure this also
- for stereo samples SOUNDEffect creates upto three additional chunks, wich
- probably cannot be used by any other program. But this doesn't matter
- because other programs will ignore these chaunks and a minimal part of
- information will be lost. That is unavoidable. In the IFF-format wich uses
- for instance Audio-Master both channels have the same length and loop. Data
- behind the end of the loop are not allowed. The three additional chunks
- remove these restrictions. But if you load a stereo sample by SOUNDEffect
- into the Audio-Master you will of course loose data behind the end of the
- loop and the loop values of the second channel.
- If you want to use stereo samples in Tracker programs (Protracker, MED,
- ...) you should save and load it as two different samples because they cannot
- handle stereo samples.
- Now the program has got the ability to load and save 16 Bit RAW samples. After
- loading the program converts them to 8 Bit, but you have the chance to maximize
- the amplitude of the sample before doing that (->better quality).
- 6.4. The Play-panel
- """""""""""""""""""
- Here you can play the sample.
- |SAMPLE| plays the whole sample
- |RANGE| play the selected range only
- |DISPLAY| plays the visible part of the sample
- |STOP| stops output
- |USE LOOP| to choose whether the loop (if set) should be used
- |FILTER| to switch on/off the hardware filter
- Rate, Period, Note - different ways to enter the play rate
- Examples for notes: C-4, H-4, B-4, D#3, Gb3
- (H-4 is equal to B-4 - use Bb4 for the 'german' B)
- Volume the volume
- |1+2| |3+4| wich audio channels should be used
- Project Name - here you can modify the project name
- The audio output is done directly via DMA. Since version 1.25 the audio
- device is not used anymore due to some problems with MED. (No chance to put
- out anything via audio device if MED is loaded.) This time it is not
- possible to put out samples wich are longer than 128K. But you can set a
- range and play it to hear the ending of such very long samples. (Will be
- improved sometimes.)
- 6.5. The Range-panel
- """"""""""""""""""""
- Here you can manipulate the whole sample or a part (range) of it in
- different ways. Ranges can be selected by dragging over the part you wish
- while you keep the right mouse button pressed. Please remeber to the
- meaning of the |LEFT|, |RIGHT| and |BOTH| gadgets. They are very importent
- in the whole program.
- |COPY| copies the range to the copy buffer
- |PASTE| does the opposite thing
- |DELETE| deletes the range (sets all bytes to zero)
- |CUT| cuts the range out of the sample
- |INSERT| inserts the copy buffer at the selected position
- |SAMPLE<->CBUF| exchanges sample and copy buffer
- |REMOVE CBUF| frees the memory allocated by the copy buffer
- |ADD| the contents of the copy buffer is added directly to the
- sample data starting at the selected position
- |MIX| Here it is impossible to get distortions. With the prop-gadget you
- can determine which in ratio the copy buffer is mixeed with the
- sample. The amlitude of the is reduced appropriate.
- |START|, |END| to select whether the begining or the end of the range
- should be affected by the following operations
- |->| shifts 1 byte to the right
- |<-| ...
- |->0| shifts right until a zero in the sample is found
- |0<-| ..
- (By holding of one of the shift keys and clicking with RMB you can set the
- range borders seperatly in the display.)
- |ALL| the whole sample is marked as range
- |NO RANGE| removes range markers
- |REVERSE| the range is reversed
- |SWAP| swaps the range (-27 -> +27)
- |SET LOOP| takes the current range as loop (if you play the sample this
- part is played repeatly). To remove a loop: |NO RANGE| and then
- |GET LOOP| shows the current loop
- by setting the range to its values
- |APPEND| you can enter how many bytes should be appended to the sample
- |SHIFT DOWN| the range is shifted up/down by the entered value
- |AMP| in the Prop-gadget you can enter to wich value the volume of
- the range should be changed (0-200%)
- |MAX| maximal amplitude without distortion
- Via the copy buffer you may exchange data between both channels. Also you
- have the chance to copy/paste between WAVE-buffers and the sample channels.
- Only if you have selected |BOTH| the second channel of the copy buffer is
- used.
- 6.6. The Edit-panel
- """""""""""""""""""
- This panel offers some functions to manipulate the 5 WAVE-buffers wich are
- necessary for several effect functions. It is very similar to the
- range-panel. So I will explain only those functions wich are different.
- Affects |1| |2| |3| |4| |5|
- Here you can select wich WAVE-buffer schould be affected by the current
- operation. (VERY IMPORTANT!!)
- |ECHO BUFFER| There is a special type of WAVE-buffer - the ECHO-buffer.
- ECHO-buffers are only useful for a special echo effect of
- SOUNDEffect. You can draw only beams in them.
- By this gadget you can select whether the current affected
- WAVE-buffer should be an ECHO-buffer or not. The buffer is
- cleared if you click it.
- Standard waveforms:
- The following standard waves are available: sinus, [Sägezahn??], triangle
- and requtangular. They are copied in the range if you have selected one.
- Else the fill the whole buffer.
- |MULTI| multiplies the contents of the range
- SHIFT you can shift the range in all four directions
- ZOOM zooms in both achsises are available (Prop-gadget: 0-200%)
- 6.7. The Preferenceces-panel
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Here you can modify and save some preferences.
- COLOURS screen colours
- |INVERS| inverted sample display
- |TRANSPARENT| transparent sample display
- |FASTDIR| scans directories much faster but does not display them
- while reading
- Button text, directory
- for the four free buttons in the Disk I/O-panel
- |SAVE PREFS| saves the prefs in the file "DEVS:SOUNDEffect.prefs"
- 6.8. The Buffers-panel
- """"""""""""""""""""""
- With this panel you can manage the 8 temporary buffers for samples. They
- are useful to make working (or security) copies of the current sample or
- to mix some samples very comfortable (f.i. to make chords).
- |PLAY| plays the buffer
- |LOAD| loads it
- |SAVE| ...
- |REMOVE| ...
- string gadget Here you can edit the name of the temporary buffer (will be
- the project name after loading it)
- In the mixer you can find a slider for the volume of each buffer. If you
- want to make sure that no distortions occur set the main volume to 100%.
- But notice that the programm will inform you when distortions occur in ALL
- functions (f.i. add, mix, chorus, echo, shift, AM ...).
- You can select between two different mix modi: Using |OLD| the sample data
- are added byte by byte without observing the record rates of the different
- samples. In the |REAL| mode the samples are detuned before mixing them.
- Please notice that the result of the mixing process will be copied into the
- current sample. Make sure that the current sample is long enough. The data
- of the current sample are lost after mixing.
- 6.9. The Modulation-panel
- """""""""""""""""""""""""
- There are four different kinds of modulation available in SOUNDEffect this
- time: AM, FM and panorama modulation.
- |MODULATION| starts computation
- Wave |1|..|5| wich WAVE should be used
- |AMPLITUDE| amplitude modulation
- Strength strength in %
- 100% => modulation between 0 and 200%
- |FREQUENCY| frequency modulation
- Rate +- range of changing the record rate
- |PANORAMA| modulation of panorama position
- Strength 100% is maximum
- |FILTER| filter modulation
- |H| high pass
- |L| low pass
- MIN minimal cut off frquency
- MAX maximal cut off frequency
- Filter enter cut off frequency in Hz
- |LOW| low pass
- |HIGH| high pass filter
- Notice that the result also depends on the current record rate because the
- cut off frequency relates to this play rate.
- Shorten The sample is shortened from the end to the last occurence
- of the entered amplitude (enter in %).
- |DETUNE| The sample can be tuned and detuned using this function.
- The entered rate becomes the new record rate while the
- frequancy you here playing the sample (with RETURN key)
- keeps equal.
- |MIX CHANNELS| useful to decrease the panorama size of a sample (prop
- gadget rigth => two equal mono samples)
- |LEFT->RIGHT| copies the left channel to the right one
- |RIGHT->LEFT| ...
- |LEFT<->RIGHT| exchanges them
- 6.10. The Echo-panel
- """"""""""""""""""""
- |START COMPUTATION| starts computation of the echo/reverb effect
- DATA FROM here you have to select where the data (to mix up)
- shell come from
- |SAMPLE| take the whole sample (for real echo)
- |RANGE| the range only
- |COPY BUFFER| takes the contents of the copy buffer (so you can take
- data wich do not belong to the sample to make a good or
- strange reverb effect)
- DELAY FROM selection where the delay of the echos should come from
- |INPUT| the conventional way - constant time between all echos
- Delay enter in bytes or ms (the ms-value relates to the
- current record rate)
- Strength damping (100% -> all echos have full volume; 50% ->
- 50, 25, 12...);
- Number numer of echos, 0 -> unlimited
- ECHO BUFFER volume and delay of the echos are taken from an
- ECHO-buffer - useful for reverb effects
- Strength maximum volume
- PANORAMA FROM useful for stereo echos (select BOTH)
- |MONO| ...
- |WAVE| take a WAVE-buffer
- |RANDOM| accidental
- Strength 0-100%
- The following functions do all have in common that they usually do not
- increase the quality of the sample. All effects excepting noise have no
- strength gadget. You can use them repeated to increase their efficancy.
- |NOISE| mixes noise to the range
- |COMPRESS| compresses (silent parts become louder - loud parts
- lower
- |EXPAND| the opposite thing
- |LIMITER| makes the sample louder without distorting it
- |DIST1|
- |DIST2| two different distortion effects
- 6.11. The Chorus-panel
- """"""""""""""""""""""
- The chorus effect makes upto four voices wich are a little bit detuned and
- delayed. The they are mixed and you get a fuller sound.
- You can adjust the volume of each voice and the main volume. Moreover you
- have some slider for detuneing, delaying of each voice. If you select BOTH
- you can use the panorama slider too.
- 7. Keyboard shortcuts
- ---------------------
- Like MED you have more than two octaves organized similar to a piano.
- RETURN play the sample with its record rate
- SPACE stops playing
- F1 - F9 to switch between the panels
- F10 switches to sample display
- Del brings menu
- Help start picture