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- YAMFG v1.0 Copyright ©1993 F.Delacroix -FreeWare.
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- Yet Another Mine Field Game
- DISTRIBUTION: These distribution terms are generally known as FreeWare:
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- Free and wide distribution is permitted as long as:
- - No profit is made beyond minimal copy&posting fees
- - ALL files are distributed UNCHANGED
- Of course,I cannot be held responsible for anything that can happen using
- this program.You use it AT YOUR OWN RISK.
- This is just a very small game intending to help beginners to cope up with
- assembly language rather than really entertain them. The source is provided,
- and is heavily commented. The game was inspired by some I saw on a calculator
- (HP 48S),which I found interesting. You will control a tank and make it roll
- through a mine field. You must reach the target without stepping on a mine.
- The tank can move either up,down,left or right,and on a status line is given
- the number of mines around the tank. Try it yourself to have a clear idea.
- YAMFG can be started either from CLI or Workbench. Some menues will help
- you get some informations,quit the game,change the number of mines and the
- width/height of the mine field. Once again,it was mostly designed to help
- beginners. I used the reqtools.library © Nico François,which is in the
- public domain for the requesters,because they look very nice. Enjoy!