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Written in 1993 by Jürgen Frank & Michael Watzl
© 1993 in 1993 by Jürgen Frank & Michael Watzl
This package is shareware - it may be freely distributet.
But if you want to use it frequently you have to register...
The prices:
This package + documents for the hardware $15 / 25 DM
This package + documents + pieces $25 / 40 DM
This packege + complete hardware $40 / 60 DM
1. What it does
2. Installation
3. IR-Editor
3.1 Menus
3.2 Toolbox
3.3 A word about learning IR
4. IR-Runner
4.1 Starting the runner
4.2 Arexx port
1. What it does
The IRMaster is a package which enables you to control nearly any
appliance working via a remote control (infra red). You can use
the IR-Editor to create a window with gadgets - your remote control
on the Amiga screen. Then you can make your Amiga learn the
With the IR-Runner you can bring up the window you edited and control
e.g. your tv set by the Amiga.
2. Installation
The IR-Master package works with Kick/WB 1.2/1.3/2.x/3.0...
Copy the req.library to your LIBS: drawer of your boot disk.
Create a directory for the IR-Editor and the IR-Runner.
Copy them to this directory.
3. The IR-Editor
With the IR-Editor you can create a remote control on your Amiga screen.
3.1 Menus
"Load..." Pops up a requester to load a saved set of gadgets.
"Save" Saves the current set of gadgets.
"Saves as..." Pops up a requester to save the current gadget.
"Info" Gives some information like the used memory etc.
"About" Credits...
"Quit" Quits the editor.
3.2 Toolbox
Creates a | NEW | \/ | Kills the active
new gadget | | /\ | gadget
Moves the | | | ||_ | Sizes the active
act. gadget | \|/ | |_|| gadget
Ataches a | :-) |+---+| Refreshes the
Icon to the |+---+|+---+| display
act. gadget +-----+-----+
Attaches | TEXT| ? | Pops up a requester
text to the | | | to change the IR-prefs for this gadget
act. gadget +-----+-----+
Waits for | |/_ |_|/_ | Sends the learned IR-Data
a IR-Impulse|HH |+|__ |
to learn +-----+-----+
The funtions of the toolbox are pretty self explaining. You can create
new gadgets, kill gadgets, move & resize gadgets ...
Gadget & text/graphic
You can either attache text or an icon to the gadget. In the first
case it will have a 3D-border and the text will be centered inside
the gadget. In the other case or you can select any icon (.info file)
as image information for the gadget.
There will be no border so if you want some you have to draw your own in the
The gadget will be automatically resized to the icon's size but you can resize
it afterwards.
3.3 A word about learning IR
Learn ir-commands:
- click on the gadget you created -> gadget is activated
- click on "learn" in the toolbox -> pointer is frozen
- point your remote control to the ir-sensor
(distance ca. 1-15 cm)
- push on button until the pointer can be
moved again
Test ir-commands
- click on gadget you want to test -> gadget is active
- hold transmitter in direction to the ir-receiver of the
implement with a distance of 1-30 cm.
- click on "test" in the toolbox -> command will be sent
Important notes
- It is possible that the implement (like CD, Videorecorder, TV set, ...)
won't react on the ir-master the first time.
In this case you have to change the parameters in the config-requester.
To get to the configrequester you must:
- click on the gadget the config should be changed
- click on the config gadget in the toolbox (the '?')
All the changes (exept wobbelcode) can be testet without learning
it again.
Config menu:
37 kHz -> Carrier frequency of the ir signal is 37 kHz
matches for ca. 70% of all implements
45 kHz -> Carrier frequency is 45 kHz
matches for ca. 10%
Unpulsed -> no carrier frequency
ca. 8%
Send command slider
This inicates how often the ir command should be sent.
Normally 3-5 times is enough.
This is a special form of the ir code. An implement
which uses Wobbelcode (e.g. Grundig tools) sends
code A the first time and the next time it sends
(for the same function) code B.
In this case you have to learn twice. To learn this type
of code you must click on Wobbelcode in the config menu
and then click on learn and follow the messages in the
status bar.
You can recognize Wobbelcode implements when the implement
reacts the first time at once but the second time it
does nothing or it reacts very late.
- The learning of ir commands depends on the distance between
remote control and ir sensor. After a fault try you should
attempt it again with different distances of 0 - 20 cm.
- If the batteries of the remote control are weak you should
use new batteries.
- If you can't control an implement at all, you should assert,
whether the implement can be controlled directly by the remote
control - some remote controls can switch between differten ir codes.
- In general all (!) impements can be controlled exept Telefunken.
For this type of implements we offer a special hardware - simply
contact Jürgen Frank (address is given below).
- Finally:
The parameters in the config menu are the most common but if it
does not work - use trial an error. You can't damage your
hardware by changing the parameters...
If you own a Akai, Blaupunkt, Fisher, Technics, Philips, Grundig,
Panasonic, Sony... you can learn the command set by nearly 100%.
(tested very (!) often...)
4. IR-Runner
4.1 Starting the IR-Runner
If you have created a