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- JIStoJi version 1.5 (1993/10/30)
- JIStoJi automatically identifies electronic texts written
- in Old-JIS, New-JIS, Shift-JIS, or EUC-JIS (as well as, of course,
- ASCII) and displays them on screen, or prints them to dot-matix
- printers.
- JIStoJi.LZH may be freely distributed in its current form to,
- and its unarchived contents freely used by, anyone, but neither the
- package nor any part of it is to be sold for profit. The programmer
- retains copyright.
- JIStoJi will run on Kickstart 1.3 and up. On 2.04 and up it
- will use the ASL requesters, and set screen size to the user's Overscan
- Text setting (up to 700 X 500), allowing longer, and more, lines.
- Installation and Running
- ========================
- The file JJ16.fnt must be on a disk or disk partition named
- Nihongo:, or in a directory assigned to Nihongo: (i.e., from
- the CLI, type
- :> copy JJ16.fnt <name of chosen directory or volume>
- :> assign Nihongo: <name of chosen directory or volume>)
- I think it should probably NOT be the Fonts: directory--how would
- Fixfonts react?
- The assignment needs to have been made each time you load JIStoJi;
- it may be worthwhile to add the assignment statement to your
- startup sequence.
- Ideally, JJ16.fnt and JIStoJi would go in a directory on a
- hard disk. Second best might be to load them to RAM: each
- time. Alternatively, one could use a floppy disk named
- Nihongo. A single floppy system will load slowly, and require
- some initial disk switching, but once loaded, the program runs
- reasonably fast.
- If you have 24X24-bit fonts (they must be named JIS24.fnt),
- they should go in the same directory as JJ16fnt. (On a floppy
- there is barely room for the program and 16-dot and 24-dot fonts.
- In this case it would be best to keep only the fonts on a disk
- named Nihongo, and put JIStoJi on a WorkBench disk.)
- Put JIStoJi anywhere you like. Feel free to
- rename it "JJ," to make it easier to call from the CLI, providing
- there is no other file named JJ in the same directory.
- To run from the CLI prompt, type
- [run] jistoji (or jj?) [properly addressed file name]
- where items in [] are optional. If you do not give a file
- argument in the command line, you will need to use the
- "Open" requester later (see below).
- To run from WorkBench, double-click on the JIStoJi icon
- and use the Open menu item to call up the desired text, or
- click once on the JIStoJi icon, hold down the shift-key, and
- click twice on the desired text icon (Kickstart 2+ users can
- employ the Window menu's "Show >>> All Files" item if the file
- has no icon of its own), or be sure that the file's icon infor-
- mation has proper reference to JIStoJi as the default tool,
- and click twice on the file icon only.
- Once a text is called up, to scroll one line down, or up, use
- the up/down arrow keys.
- To scroll just less than one screenful down or up, use shifted
- arrow keys.
- To go to the end or beginning of the text: Alt-downarrow/uparrow.
- Hot keys (with Right_Amiga) for menu items are available.
- Left_Amiga with "M" and "N" have their normal functions of
- cycling screens.
- Menu items
- ==========
- Open Under AmigaDOS 1.3, this calls up a string gadget for
- the name and path of the text file. It may be neces-
- to leave the program temporarily to hunt for a file if
- its path is not known (a good reason to use the "run
- JIStoJi" command). If the user happens to have
- Khalid Aldoseri's kd_freq.library (version 2.0 or
- higher) in libs:, then "Open" will summon that high-tech
- file requester. Under AmigaDOS 2+, Open calls up the
- ASL requester. Those who prefer kd_freq may, of
- course, simply run FR_Bypass before choosing Open.
- Print If JIS24.fnt is available in Nihongo:, those fonts
- will be used for printing. (Be sure a printer that
- emulates Epson's 24-bit graphics is attached to the
- parallel port!) Otherwise, the JJ16.fnt file will be
- used. Since 24X24 printing is faster than 16X16 (the
- latter requires a double pass), there is no reason
- to make this user-selectable. (Of course, the user
- CAN select, by temporarily renaming the 24-bit fonts.
- This might possibly be necessary if, for example, your
- printer does not support the <ESC>k0 command to use
- letter quality Roman font.)
- To stop printing, click the window Close
- gadget once. If your printer has a buffer, it may
- take a while to react (turn it off to clear buffer?).
- This is kind of sloppy, but... (Right^Amiga-Q will
- have no effect on printing, incidentally.)
- ID Code Identifies the type of the most recently handled
- JIS code, if any.
- Quit An alternative to the window Close gadget (except
- for quitting printing).
- About How to get in touch with me.
- Shortcomings
- ============
- Character spacing is not properly balanced between ASCII
- and Japanese, so that mixed lines, including "typewriter"
- graphics made with mixed characters, will not come out right.
- The proportions are, furthermore, different between the screen
- and the printer. JIStoJi, as of vers. 1.5, uses the fonts
- set in Preferences. This could cause overlapping text because
- Topaz 8 was assumed in measuring ASCII character spacing. The
- next update will specifically assign a font.
- Half-width katakana is not implemented yet. Code for
- half-width (hankaku) katakana will be misinterpreted, most often
- as unusual kanji (I have knowingly encountered only one example
- of such in 1 1/2 years of looking at Japanese texts. See
- Shift.sample)
- Hard-copy margins are not adjustable. Top and bottom
- margins are set to approximately one inch on 11" paper. There
- is no left margin; look for a one-inch margin to be implemented
- in the next(?) update. The amount of right margin depends on the
- line lengths in the original document.
- If there are wrapped lines on a screen, scrolling up
- by single lines will sometimes result in line repetitions. The
- workaround is to refresh the screen with full-screen up and down
- (or vice-versa).
- Note: the program prints to par:, not to prt:. It knows nothing
- about your choice of Preference printers. If I hear that this is
- a problem, I will find out how to fix it.
- Acknowledgments
- ===============
- Much of what is right about this program owes to helpful
- responses to my E-mail questions from Shraddhan, Larry Phillips,
- John Foust, Steve Goddard, Khalid Aldoseri, Brian J. Bartlett and
- Freddy Portargent in the AmigaTech forum of CompuServe. Correction
- of bad code in versions 1.4 and 1.5 owes much to Baron K. Fujimoto at
- the University of Hawaii computer center who has checked the program
- with Enforcer and sent me the "hit lists." I only wish I could find
- someone to blame for the remaining defects. :-)
- Changes
- =======
- Version 1.5 (19931030)
- Fixed WorkBench version of the potential crash-on-loading
- problem fixed for CLI in 1.4 (trying to load un-requested
- text files). Fixed bug introduced with change in About
- requester in 1.4.
- Version 1.4 (19931007)
- Repaired bad instructions that caused loading (from CLI)
- crashes on some machines (but miraculously not on others,
- including mine).
- Corrected oversight that allowed non-JIS <ESC>'s (such as
- ANSI escape sequences) to crash program.
- Fixed bug introduced with vers. 1.2 that left line-wrapped
- New/Old JIS code unconverted on one-line scroll downs.
- Fixed bug that changed characters to frownies when looking
- at two different 8-bit-coded documents in succession.
- Version 1.3 (First general release, 19930905)
- Added WorkBench access. Fixed scrolling problem that
- sometimes caused repeated lines when scrolling one line up.
- Fixed bug that cost 32 bytes of memory when calling text file
- from CLI. Removed the weird "color adjuster."
- Version 1.2 (not released): Fixed bug causing dirty characters in
- 24X24 matrix hard copy. Fixed major bug that resulted in
- failure to display half of JIS level 2 from a Shift JIS
- text.
- Version 1.1 (not released): Made sensitive to overscan text size,
- as set by user in Preferences.
- Version 1.0 (not released): Added ASL requester for users of OS 2+.
- Version 0.9: Released with known bugs to individuals by request.
- For temperate complaints, criticisms and suggestions, please contact:
- ======================================
- Bart Mathias (808) 372-3061 (home)
- EALL, Moore 382 (808) 956-2074 (work, voice mail)
- 1890 East-West Road (808) 956-9515 (fax)
- University of Hawaii
- Honolulu HI 96816
- mathias@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu
- mathias@uhunix.uhcc.bitnet
- (Compuserve) 72017,1005
- If you wish to be informed of any updates that might be forthcoming, you
- should be sure I have a valid address for you. (This applies to version
- 0.9 users as well. I am discarding the old list and starting a new one.)