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Release 1
Written by:
Anders Lindgren
Bo Liljegren
A (in our humble opinion) good Emacs starter
o Load files into a running Emacs.
o Option to use a public screen (requiers ScreenManager).
o Full WB support; double-click icons into a running Emacs.
o New icon creating scheme, use different icons depending on what
type of file you are editing.
o Sticky flag, the script doesn't terminate until the requested
buffers are terminated.
Copyright (C) 1993 Anders Lindgren and Bo Liljegren
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, Ma 02139, USA.
The following files are contained in the archive:
COPYING -- The Gnu General Public License
starter.doc -- This file
Emacs.info -- A nice Emacs icon drawn by Bo Liljegren
rexx/emacs.rexx V1.06 -- The main starter script
lisp/sticky.el V1.00 -- ELisp code used when a buffer is started with
the "-sticky" flag
lisp/newicon.el V1.00 -- The ELisp code for the new icon creating scheme
lisp/#?.elc -- Bytecompiled versions of the above files
wbarg/wbarg V1.00 -- A utility which converts WB arguments
to shell dito
wbarg/wbarg.c -- Source code for the above utility
wbarg/makefile -- Rules for building the above with SAS/C 6.x.
icons/def_#?.info -- Icons. All but def_el drawn by Christian A. Weber.
SUGA, Swedish User Group of Amiga is a non-profit nation wide club for
Amiga-freaks in Sweden. It has been operating for many years (I joined
in around -87, and have been more or less active ever since.) A
newspaper with 16 to 20 pages is beeing distrubuted quaterly. A BBS is
runed using the command line program NiKom, which is written by a
member of the club. (Too bad for you non swedish speaking people that
it isn't translated yet.) For the members in Stockholm we have a
meeting every sunday between 11am and 3pm.
Join by inserting only 150:- (less than $20) into the PostGiro account
13 43 32-2. You can also just show up at the "Verksta'n" to see what
it's all about!
Address: SUGA
Disponentvillan, Verkstan
Norrtullsgatan 12k
S-113 27 Stockholm
SUGA BBS:+46 (0)8 34 85 23
+46 (0)8 34 32 76
Copy the files in the "lisp" directory into a directory in the
Emacs load path, for example GnuEmacs:lisp.
Copy the file in the "rexx" directory to REXX:
Copy the file "wbarg/wbarg" into the GnuEmacs:etc directory.
If you would like to use the new icon creating scheme then
create a directory named GnuEmacs:icons and copy the contents
of the "icons" to it and add the following line to your
s:.emacs file.
(load "newicon")
(setq amiga-create-icons t)
Older revisions of the script Emacs.rexx required that the command
(amiga-set-geometry ) were executed in s:.emacs. This is no longer the
case, hence the line should be removed.
If the -screen option should be used, the program ScreenManager must
be installed. The program is not included in this archive since its
license does not allow it to be fully freely distributable, it can be
found one ONE (yes, ONE I understood the license correctly) PD disk
serie, and on AmiNet. If you can't find it you can order it from the
author (you can also inform him of the existence of the Gnu General
Public License):
Bernhard Möllemann
Luisenstraße 17
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1
In the future we might rewrite Emacs.rexx so it uses some other screen
opener, if it turns out that ScreenManager is too difficult to find.
The heart of the Emacs Starter Deluxe is the script emacs.rexx. It loads
files into a running Emacs or starts a new Emacs. It is capable of opening
a public screen by the help of the utility ScreenManager. The resolution
and color of the screen is cloned from the Workbench, although the depth
will always be two bitplanes.
Usage: [rx] emacs [options|+linenumber] [filenames]
-[not]tofront Bring the Emacs window and screes to the front.
Default is -tofront.
-[not]sticky Wait until the filenames requested are killed by
Emacs. Default is -notsticky.
-[no]screen Open a public screen and place Emacs on it.
This option requiers the program "ScreenManager".
Default is -screen.
The script also handles standard Emacs options, even though some are
implemented as no-ops when loading files into a running Emacs.
The meaning of the standard option "-kill" is extended; if a running Emacs
exists it is terminated.
The Emacs Starter Deluxe has full Workbench support. This means that a
file conneted to an icon can be loaded into a running Emacs.
This feature requiers a project icon with the default tool set to
"GnuEmacs:etc/wbarg" and the tooltype:
COMMAND=sys:rexxc/rx emacs
A number of icons with this setup can be found in the icons directory
of this archive.
If no file is connected to an icon which is double-clicked Emacs will
be started, or brought to front, but no file would be loaded.
Note that the icons Emacs normally creates does NOT have the tool and
tooltype set correctly. But, gentle reader, a solution to this problem
can be found in the next section.
To make as life simple as possible for workbench users a new icon
creating scheme has been invented. To activate it please place the
following lines in your s:.emacs file:
(load "newicon")
(setq amiga-create-icons t)
The new scheme checks the extension of the file edited and tries to
find an icon with the name "def_<extension>.el" in the icon path. If
no one is found an icon named "GnuEmacs:icons/def_emacs.el" is used.
As an emergency exit, the old icon creation routine is called.
The icon path is defined to be the directories contained in the list
"amiga-icon-path" and in the directory "GnuEmacs:Icons". Note that the
directories in the list must end in a colon or slash.
Example: If the user would like to use the icons supplied by the SAS
C-complier and the icons supplied by DefaultIcon, the following lines
could be placed in his or hers .emacs file:
(setq amiga-icon-path '("sc:Icons/" "Env:Icons/"))
All programs must have something which isn't working properly, and yes,
there is one thing we don't recomend:
Don't iconify Emacs, since the screen closes automatically when the Emacs
window is closed. There is a way around it though; execute the emacs.rexx
script again to open a new screen and then deiconify Emacs.
If for some reason Emacs fails to start but the screen shows up it must
be closed before the next attempt to start Emacs. This is done by issuing
the command "ScreenManager CLOSE Emacs".
If you would like new features to be added to Emacs Starter Deluxe, or if
you whould d