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- [0m[0 p [0;1;33;40mY A L C !!![0m
- [0;1;33;40m===========[0m
- [0;1m(Yet Another Lode Runner Clone?)[0m
- Yes, but wait! Mine Runner is a special one!
- * Nearly original play feeling!
- * Nearly original graphics!
- * Nearly original sound effects!
- * Selected original levels!
- * Up to four player simultanous game!
- * Supports four player joystick adapter!
- * Supports two button joysticks!
- * Doesn't stop multitasking!
- * Saves highscores!
- * Freeware - You can copy it for non-commercial purpose!
- [0;1;4mHow do I play it?[0m
- No problem! Simply collect all gold using your joystick and escape to the
- top of the level. Pushing the button enables your hero to dig in some
- walls.
- [0;1;4mHow do I use two button joysticks?[0m
- Two button joysticks (e.g. the sega mega drive joypad) can be used in the
- standard mouse or joystick port. If you push the second button to start
- (instead of the standard button), you will be in the two button mode:
- standard button digs at your left side, second button on your right side.
- The pins for the second button are not connected on most four player
- adapter ports (at least, they're not at mine :^) and so, they're not
- supported, sorry.
- [0;1;4mSpecial keys:[0m
- · Del: Kills all players on a level. (If someone is in a dead end)
- · Esc: Quits the game.
- · F1-F4: Selects the number of players.
- · F5: Pauses the game.
- · F6-F9: Selects extra levels. (not included yet)
- · F10: (Re)start the game.
- · A2024 users can start in A2024 mode with "MineRunner A2024"!
- [0;1;4mTesting:[0m
- Tested on...
- · Amiga 1200 (14.18 Mhz 68EC020, PAL Alise, 2 MB chip, 4 MB fast, KS 3.0)
- (should run on any Amiga, don't worry :^)
- [0;1;4mHistory:[0m
- · V1.0 [26.Oct.1993] Only 50 selected original levels are included,
- because of my lazy level tester. Look out for V1.1 which hopefully is
- equiped with more levels.
- [0;3mInterested in other 4 player games? Take a look at Zerberk![0m
- Did you like the game? If you want to encourage me to write more games like
- this or if you have any suggestions, bug-reports or other old games then
- let me hear!
- Future projects may be [0;3mStar Defender[0m or [0;3mWizard of Wor deluxe[0m...
- E-Mail:
- matt@vax.rz.uni-wuerzburg.d400.de
- or starfox@incubus.sub.org (prefered)
- _
- Matthias Bock | _ //
- Mähderweg 16 | \X/
- 97225 Zellingen | Thank you, Amiga...
- Germany |
- [0m[1 p