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- From smtp Mon Sep 13 14:28 MST 1993
- >From bmccnnll Mon Sep 13 22:21:07 +0100 1993 remote from unix1.tcd.ie
- Received: from unix1.tcd.ie by cygnus.com (4.1/SMI-4.1)
- id AA06652; Mon, 13 Sep 93 14:21:19 PDT
- Received: by unix1.tcd.ie (5.65/TCD/1.34)
- id AA06325; Mon, 13 Sep 93 22:21:07 +0100
- Received: from unix1.tcd.ie by fishpond.cygnus.com; Mon, 13 Sep 93 14:28 MST
- Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 22:21:07 +0100
- From: unix1.tcd.ie!bmccnnll (Barry McConnell)
- Content-Length: 35031
- Content-Type: text
- Message-Id: <9309132121.AA06325@unix1.tcd.ie>
- To: cygnus.com!fnf
- Subject: Submission for your disk collection (PriMan)
- Status: RO
- Hi there Fred! Thanks for putting "Aniso" on your collection many moons
- ago -- here's my latest release, which was recently uploaded to Aminet:
- PriMan -- a configurable, Style Guide compliant task priority manager.
- Along the same lines as TaskX, PriMan is font-sensitive, resizeable,
- uses a slider gadget to change the priority of any task, and has buttons
- for sending a Ctrl-C signal to a task, or removing it from memory.
- FreeWare, includes C source.
- Cheers,
- Barry.