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- /* Startup script for Mand2000. */
- /* This script is supplied with the Mand2000 demo and release */
- /* versions and may be freely distributed. */
- /* Copyright 1993 Cygnus Software. */
- /*
- If this script is put in the rexx: directory, it will
- automatically be run each time Mand2000 starts up, allowing you to
- customize Mand2000 by changing settings, adding menus, or whatever you want
- to do. This startup script relies on several other scripts being in the
- rexx: directory also. These scripts should be distributed and installed
- together with this one.
- */
- portname = address() /* Retrieve the current port name. */
- /* If the portname does not start with MAND2000 then this script must */
- /* have been run with rx, rather than from Mand2000. Therefore we */
- /* need to set the port name. We do not always set the port name */
- /* because it is better to let Mand2000 set it for us, so that */
- /* this script can be used with windows other than the one with */
- /* port name MAND2000.1. */
- if (left(portname, 8) ~= "MAND2000") THEN
- address 'MAND2000.1'
- /* Uncomment this and put in the name of a picture you want loaded */
- /* at startup. This can be very handy not only for loading a */
- /* favourite picture, but also for all of the settings that go with */
- /* it, like fractal type, colour mapping, palette, etc. */
- /*open 'filename=yourpicture'*/
- /* Clear all user menus - this is in case this startup script is called */
- /* a second time, after the user menus have been built up. */
- clearmenus
- /* Add commands to the user menu. The first parameter is the title */
- /* that appears in the menus. The optional `Shortcut' commands can */
- /* be used to specify a keyboard shortcut. Make sure it isn't one */
- /* that's already been used. The rest of the line is the command */
- /* that should be sent to ARexx when this menu is selected, typically */
- /* an ARexx script name (the .mnd2 is assumed) and some parameters. */
- menu '"Start Iter Movie"' itermovie start
- menu '"Start Julia Movie"' juliamovie start
- menu '"Start Sequence"' calcsequence start
- menu '"Zoom in 10%"' Shortcut 1 Zoom10percent
- menu '"Zoom out 10%"' Shortcut 2 ZoomOut10percent
- menu '"Set Max Iters"' Shortcut X setmaxiters
- menu '"Print Project Attributes"' PrintAttr project
- menu '"Print Global Attributes"' PrintAttr global
- menu '"Print Project Commands"' PrintCommands project
- menu '"Print Global Commands"' PrintCommands global
- menu '"Start custom colour map"' CustomColourMap start
- menu '"Stop custom colour map"' CustomColourMap stop
- /* This command makes the title bar visible, if it is currently hidden. */
- /*titlebar on*/
- /* This command moves Mand2000 to the workbench screen. */
- /*workbench on*/
- /* Tell Mand2000 to print error messages on bad ARexx commands. */
- /* In this mode Mand2000 will print a message whenever it is */
- /* passed a command it doesn't understand. A lot of the messages */
- /* generated this way will be unavoidable extraneous messages, caused */
- /* by commands that are meant for somebody else. Remove this line */
- /* to make your ARexx scripts execute silently. */
- /* Note also that if you want your ARexx scripts to be able to print */
- /* anything out, you must either run Mand2000 from the shell, or else */
- /* have a 'window=con:0/0/600/150/Mand2000...' tool type in your icon. */
- /* Mand2000's icon has such a tooltype by default. */
- verbose on