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- ADis (Advanced Disassembler) User's Guide
- Version 1.1
- $Date: 93/05/16 22:41:50 $
- written by Martin Apel
- email: apel@physik.uni-kl.de
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Command line options
- 3. Hints and Problems
- 4. Reassembly
- 5. Theory of operation
- 6. Future plans
- 7. Miscellaneous
- *************************************************************************
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: This program is copyrighted by Martin Apel, but can
- be freely distributed, providing that the following rules are respected.
- - No change is made to the program nor to the accompanying documentation
- - The package is always distributed in its complete form consisting of
- the 4 files: "ADis", "ADis.doc", "README" and "libs/ixemul.library".
- - Every form of distribution is allowed and encouraged, but no fee can
- be charged for this program except for, possibly, the cost of magnetic
- media and/or disk duplication and shipping.
- - Inclusion in PD software libraries such as Fish Disks is allowed,
- provided the fees charged for these disks are comparable with those
- charged by Fred Fish.
- - The program cannot be distributed in any commercial product without the
- written consent of the author.
- By copying, distributing and/or using the program you indicate your
- acceptance of the above rules.
- *************************************************************************
- ADis is a 68000+ disassembler which can automatically recognize data
- and strings put into the code segment. It also generates only those
- labels that are really referenced. The generated file will often be
- reassemblable. In V1.1 ADis is capable of recognizing all 68020 and
- 68881 instructions even with the 68020's extended addressing modes.
- ADis will also try to resolve addressing relative to a4, which many C
- compilers use in a small memory model.
- If you have ever worked with a usual disassembler, you may have
- wondered about all those nasty ORI.B #0,D0 or BVS $4711 instructions.
- The first example is valid, but not very useful. ADis will recognize
- this and generate a DC.W 0 instead. The second example is even
- illegal, as it branches to an odd address.
- *************************************************************************
- I will list the possible options for a quick look here. They will be
- explained in detail later. The following options are available:
- -b num set buffersize for file buffers in KB
- default: 10 KB
- -c2 enable 68020 instruction disassembly
- -c8 enable 68881 instruction disassembly
- -ce enable extended 68020 addressing modes
- (only in conjunction with -c2)
- -fs put hunks in a single file
- -fm put each hunk in a separate file
- -i print addresses where illegal
- instructions were found
- -lc hex_address disassemble as code
- -ld hex_address disassemble as data
- -ml disassemble using large memory model
- -ms[base_offset] attempt to address code and data
- relative to A4
- -o outfilename filename of output file
- default: <filename>.dec
- -q quick disassembly, no labels
- no data recognition in code segments
- -v verbose
- Option -b n:
- You can set the size of the output buffer to increase the speed of
- writing. Default is 10 KB.
- Option -c2:
- This option will enable 68020 opcodes and address register indirect
- with scaled index addressing modes. If not set, all 68020
- instructions will be recognized as illegal, and printed as data.
- Option -c8:
- This option enables 68881 opcodes. If not set all FPU opcodes will be
- disassembled as data.
- Option -ce:
- This option enables the extended 68020 addressing modes. They are
- disabled by default, because I have never seen a program generated by
- a compiler which really used one of them. To perform well upon data
- recognition, the disassembler relies heavily upon detecting illegal
- instructions. By leaving this option disabled, ADis will detect more
- illegals.
- Option -fs:
- ADis can either put all hunks into a single output file or generate a
- separate file for each hunk. The second option comes in handy when
- disassembled files grow so large that they aren't easily processed any
- further if everything is put together. The default is to generate a
- single file if not more than one hunk of each type exists in the
- program (CODE, DATA, BSS). This default can be overridden by the -fs
- or -fm option. -fs forces ADis to generate a single file even if
- there are multiple hunks of the same type. -fm forces to write a
- separate file for each hunk even if there are only few of them.
- Option -fm:
- See option -fs.
- Option -i:
- This option will cause ADis to print its current address every time it
- steps onto an illegal instruction. This will make it easier for you
- to set additional labels to aid ADis.
- Option -lc hex_address:
- ADis keeps a table of all references. If it doesn't recognize an
- instruction as code, it will print it as data. To help ADis with its
- task to recognize code, you can set a reference at that address
- telling it that this address is meant as code.
- Option -ld hex_address:
- Generates a label in ADis' internal tables, which will force it to
- write a label out for that address and interpret the bit combination
- at that address as being data. However you cannot force something to
- be disassembled as data, if it is valid code. It's simply an aid to
- ADis where to start a new try for disassembly.
- Option -ml:
- By default, ADis assumes that the program to be disassembled has been
- compiled using a small memory model with A4 as its base register.
- Many times this default is very useful, but if either it has been
- compiled with the large memory model or it has been hand-coded
- assembler or the like, the -ml option will forbid this default.
- Option -ms:
- By default, ADis assumes that the program to be disassembled has been
- compiled using a small memory model with A4 as its base register. It
- tries to guess the contents of A4 to generate correct labels. When
- you see many parts of the program being disassembled as data, this
- value is probably wrong. Then you have to look for a "LEA xxx,A4"
- instruction or the like and give the value "xxx" as parameter to the
- -ms option.
- Option -o filename:
- This option is easy to explain: It sets the name of the output file.
- Default is <input file>.dec.
- Option -q:
- Quick disassembly. When this option is set, the analysis will be
- skipped and everything inside the code segment will be disassembled as
- code if possible. Illegal instructions will be printed as "DC.W
- hex_val".
- Option -v:
- Lets ADis display verbose information. Working on long files ADis may
- produce no output for longer time and not access disks, so you might
- think it isn't doing anything. With -v it displays the current
- address it is working on.
- Additionally to those command line options the analysis pass can be
- terminated by pressing CTRL-D. This will cause the not yet analyzed
- part of the program to be disassembled as data.
- *************************************************************************
- Because ADis doesn't really understand the code it is disassembling,
- it is possible that it makes a few mistakes, which in general aren't
- very important, but they can be very annoying. To circumvent this,
- there are a few options which will modify ADis' behaviour in such
- cases. There are four problematic areas, in which ADis may generate
- strange disassemblies:
- - Code generated by switch statements (PC relative)
- - Code referenced only through jump tables (Relocated references)
- - Different optimizations used by the original assembler the code was
- produced with and the assembler you are using for reassembly.
- - Unterminated code threads
- 3.1 Code generated by C switch statements (PC relative)
- ADis can recognize jump tables as such in most cases, but it cannot
- compute the locations it references, because each compiler generates
- different code for jump tables. This might lead to ordinary
- statements disassembled as data, because they are never referenced
- directly by any code. You can change that by looking at the output
- and place a code label at the first address after the jump table with
- the -lc option. To have these switch statements reassembled properly
- you have to modify the output by hand.
- 3.2 Code referenced only through jump tables (Relocated references)
- When the disassembled program uses a function pointers and jump
- tables, ADis will only generate data references for such locations.
- To force these to be disassembled as code you can place a code label
- at a certain address with the -lc option.
- 3.3 Different optimizations used by the original assembler the code was
- produced with and the assembler you are using for reassembly
- Most assemblers do not allow instructions to be specified very
- detailed. A "MOVE $4,A6" instruction (a very common instruction on
- the Amiga) might be assembled as an absolute word or long reference to
- address 4. This will change the length of the code generated and all
- subsequent labels to be moved. If this happens often, it might occur
- that a branch might specifiy a destination outside of its range, i.e.
- a branch to an instruction just below 32K away in the original program
- might lead to an instruction more than 32K away in the reassembled
- one. Compilers do not have this problem, because most of them
- generate JMP or JSR instructions which will be optimized to BRA or BSR
- by the assembler if possible.
- Matter is complicated further, if code length is changed in a C switch
- statement. Then the locations referenced by the offset table will not
- fit anymore. The only solution to this is to find the offending
- instruction which changes the code length and try to specify it more
- detailed (dependent on the assembler you use).
- 3.4 Unterminated code threads
- ADis assumes all code threads to be terminated by a RTS, JMP, BRA...
- instruction, i.e. an instruction that unconditionally changes the
- control flow and does not return. Some compilers such as GNU C
- generate special code for the exit statement: They generate a JSR to
- the exit function, but since this will never return, there is no code
- following the JSR. This will cause ADis to run into the following
- locations, which might be data. Such data often represents illegal
- code and therefore the whole thread will be marked as illegal. The
- same occurs for code sequences such as
- BEQ label1
- BNE label2
- Neither of these instructions is an "end instruction" and the thread
- is assumed to be continued after that. In a future version the second
- possibility might be recognized as terminating a thread. Until now
- there is no option to fix the first case; in a future version I might
- add an option for generating artificial "end instructions".
- *************************************************************************
- Reassembly is somewhat complicated, because I haven't found an
- assembler, which fulfills all requirements. Some of the available PD
- assemblers such as "DAS" from DICE and "NCode" load the whole file
- into memory, which is impossible for the large files, which may be
- generated by ADis. Others (e.g. A68k) will not accept more than one
- segment of each type in one file. Still others (e.g. ASM68k) don't
- support 68020 and 68881 opcodes. When I have found a usable PD
- assembler I will adapt ADis to directly generate code for that
- assembler. For the time being, the disassembled code has to be
- modified to be understood by different assemblers. However the only
- sections that need to be changed should the NEAR and FAR directives
- and maybe cross-references.
- *************************************************************************
- ADis makes three passes through the program. The first one only reads
- the relocation and symbol hunks and enters them into a symbol table.
- The second pass analyzes the code and stores the type of each location
- (code or data) in a temporary file. The third pass writes out the
- code and data using the temporary file generated in the second pass.
- Analysis
- The analysis is sort of a backtracking algorithm. It assumes that the
- first location in the first code segment is executable and traces all
- jumps and branches from there on recursively. When stepping onto an
- illegal instruction it takes back all decisions that lead there and
- flags the offending location as data. There are several heuristics
- which are used when every code thread has been followed and there are
- still undetermined parts of the file. E.g. it will assume the next
- instruction after a RTS or JMP as code, tries to follow it until
- either having followed all threads again or stepping onto an illegal
- instruction. During all this trial and error it takes the labels
- generated so far as an orientation where to try disassembling. By
- inserting labels "by hand" you can modify the behaviour of the
- analysis pass, but you can also mislead ADis, for instance by placing
- a code label at the second word of a legal instruction. This will
- cause ADis to take back all its decisions, because an instruction is
- not allowed to cross a label.
- *************************************************************************
- There are several things I still want to add to ADis including the
- following:
- - Support for 68030/040 and MMU
- - An option for disassembling libraries or devices
- - An option to generate artificial "end instructions" (s. 3.4)
- - Generate labels for switches (s. 3.1)
- *************************************************************************
- Any hints, bugs, praise,... may be addressed to
- apel@physik.uni-kl.de
- When reporting bugs, please include the program that was disassembled
- incorrectly or otherwise revealed a bug in ADis (if possible). Also
- include the version number of ADis that produced the error. Requests
- for future enhancements are also welcome.
- -----------
- Martin Apel