home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;-------------- same as EXAMPLE.C, but in assembler
- incpath include:
- maclib sm.mac
- macfile macro.i
- macfile /lvo/ini.i
- macfile /libraries/ini.i
- ;-------------- open ini.library
- lea iniName(pc),a1 ; libName
- moveq #0,d0 ; version
- movea.l 4,a6 ; execBase
- jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6)
- move.l d0,iniBase ; save library
- ;-------------- setup pointer to dos.library
- movea.l d0,a0
- move.l iniBase_DosBase(a0),dosBase
- ;-------------- open the ini file
- lea fileName(pc),a0 ; fileName
- lea myParser(pc),a1 ; iniParser
- movea.l iniBase(pc),a6
- jsr _LVOini_New(a6)
- tst.l d0 ; fail if not INIERROR_NONE
- ;-------------- same as EXAMPLE.C; we now loop through all entries in the ini file
- lea myParser(pc),a5 ; a5 = myParser
- movea.l LH_HEAD(a5),a5 ; a5 = INILINEINFO *
- FORLOOP: tst.l LN_SUCC(a5) ; fail if no successor
- ;-------------- a5 now is current INILINEINFO; see what it contains
- cmpi.b #INIFLAG_VARIABLE,ili_flags(a5)
- beq ISVAR
- cmpi.b #INIFLAG_HEADER,ili_flags(a5)
- beq ISHEAD
- cmpi.b #INIFLAG_COMMENT,ili_flags(a5)
- ;-------------- default: invalid INILINEINFO (should NOT come up normally)
- move.l #errorInvalidILI,d1
- move.l a5,formatArgs
- move.l #formatArgs,d2
- bsr printf
- ;-------------- print out comment
- ISCOMMENT move.l #commentMsg,d1
- move.l ili_allocated(a5),formatArgs
- move.l #formatArgs,d2
- bsr printf
- ;-------------- print out section header
- ISHEAD move.l #headerMsg,d1
- move.l ili_contents(a5),formatArgs
- move.l #formatArgs,d2
- bsr printf
- ;-------------- print out section variable
- ISVAR move.l #variableMsg,d1
- move.l ili_variable(a5),formatArgs
- move.l ili_contents(a5),formatArgs+4
- move.l #formatArgs,d2
- bsr printf
- ;bra FORNEXT
- ;-------------- get next INILINEINFO
- FORNEXT: movea.l LN_SUCC(a5),a5 ; get next successor
- bra FORLOOP ; continue looping
- ;-------------- close the INIFILE. This must be called ALWAYS after calling ini_New,
- ;-------------- regardless if that function returned an error or not!
- CLOSEINIFILE: lea myParser(pc),a0 ; iniParser
- movea.l iniBase(pc),a6
- jsr _LVOini_Delete(a6)
- ;-------------- close the ini.library
- movea.l iniBase(pc),a1 ; libBase
- movea.l 4,a6 ; execBase
- jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6)
- ;-------------- return to the system
- NOINILIBRARY: moveq #0,d0
- rts
- ;-------------- failure to load ini file, print out error message and return
- INIERROR: movea.l iniBase(pc),a6
- jsr _LVOini_ErrorString(a6)
- move.l d0,formatArgs
- move.l #errorMsg,d1
- move.l #formatArgs,d2
- bsr printf
- ;-------------- printf - print out arguments to CLI (needs OS2). This function
- ;-------------- saves all registers, so you don't have to keep in mind which
- ;-------------- regs you are scratching
- ;--------------
- ;-------------- => d1: STRPTR string to print
- ;-------------- d2: LONG *argument array (only if required by %-style string)
- ;--------------
- printf movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
- movea.l dosBase(pc),a6
- jsr _LVOVPrintf(a6)
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rts
- ;-------------- messages used throughout this example program
- welcomeMsg dc.b "This is a test for the ini.library",10,0
- errorMsg dc.b "%s",10,0
- errorInvalidILI dc.b "UNKNOWN ENTRY AT %0x08lx, PLEASE REPORT",10,0
- variableMsg dc.b 'VARIABLE="%s", CONTENTS="%s"',10,0
- headerMsg dc.b 'HEADER="%s"',10,0
- commentMsg dc.b 'COMMENT="%s"',10,0
- ;-------------- name of the example ini.file
- fileName dc.b "test.ini",0
- ;-------------- name of the ini.library used for OpenLibrary()
- iniName: dc.b "ini.library",0
- even
- ;-------------- ini.library base adress used to call the library functions
- iniBase: dc.l 0
- ;-------------- dos.library base adress (no OpenLibrary because ini.library opens one for us)
- dosBase: dc.l 0
- ;-------------- Parser structure used by the ini functions. This structure
- ;-------------- does not have to be initialized prior to calling ini_New(),
- ;-------------- so you could place it in a BSS section to save some memory
- myParser ds.b ip_SIZEOF
- ;-------------- room for up to 10 printf() args
- formatArgs ds.l 10
- end
- **************************************************************************
- ;--------------