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- 2 August 1993
- IF YOU ARE UPDATING and have used John Ruckart's "QMail" function,
- please rename the "qmail" drawer on your BBS to "Friends".
- IF YOU ARE NEW to this software:
- To get an idea of how BBBBS looks, without the need for Baud Bandit,
- (you WILL need the ARexx and rexx-arp libraries listed in BBBBS.doc,
- and at least 1.5 MEGS of RAM. DON'T FORGET THE LIBS OR IT WON'T WORK!),
- Open a CLI (or Shell), and type the following;
- CLI 1> CD RAM:
- CLI 1> lha x BBBBSnn.lha
- CLI 1> COPY libs/#? LIBS: CLONE
- CLI 1> assign BBS: RAM:
- CLI 1> CD BBS:rexx
- CLI 1> rx bbsLOCAL SETUP
- This last command runs the sysop "LOCAL" version of the BBS in "SETUP"
- mode which creates any needed directories.
- When it asks for your name enter "sysop".
- When it asks for your password enter "password".
- From that point on you will be seeing the BBS as the user sees it with
- the addition of all the super-sysop commands. To see which is which,
- read "BBBBS.COMMANDS" in the Information section ("i" from the menu).
- For more detailed command information, instructions on how to install,
- and general operating instructions, read "BBBBS.doc" in the same area.
- Now, logoff, type "rx bbsLOCAL", but this time enter "test name", and
- observe how a new user signs up. If your test user uploads no files, and
- writes no messages, (email is ok), there will be no record of his having
- been there after you sign on (as sysop again) and [K]ill "TEST_NAME".
- bbsLOCAL.rexx is almost exactly equal to BBBBS.baud with some obvious
- exceptions (uload and dload use the arp file requester), and "quick"
- logoff (no prompt for feedback).
- To get the spellchecker that works with this BBS, call Gramma's BBS at
- (206) 744-1254 and look in the "BBSTools" library for "bbsSpell.lzh". Or
- look for it on BBS everywhere.
- Note that Gramma's BBS is using the latest version of this very software!
- - Richard Stockton - sysop, Gramma's BBS
- BBS: 206 744-1254 (PCPusuit Code: WASEA)
- FAX: 206 775-7573
- VOICE: 206 776-1253
- BaudBandit is a registered trademark of Progressive Peripherals.
- Neither Richard Stockton nor Gramma Software has any involvement
- or connection with Progressive Peripherals, and none of us are
- responsible for ANYTHING that might happen as a result of your
- use of this freely distributable BBBBS software.