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Wheel of Fortune 3.9 6-19-92
This game is setup to run on Richard Stockton's BBBBS software.
This program is freely distributable as long as the Credits at
the beggining of the game remain intact and you don't make any
money off it!
WOF 2.0 Written by Nick Brenkle 10-1-90
written to run on Skyline BBS
WOF 2.5 Re-written to run on BBBBS by Matt English 11-10-91
WOF 2.6 by Matt English 12-1-91
Features added:Shows who the previous player was;
shows what the current puzzle number is;
shows who wrote the current puzzle
WOF 3.0 by Matt English 1-30-92
Features added:New Stats option tracks and displays Who's
played the most, Who's won the most, Who's won the most money total,
and who's won the most money in a single game.
Also each players stats can be veiwed,
including the players winning percentage.
There are now two seperate games "Wheel_BW" and "Wheel_Color"
@'s that covered the puzzle are now +'s for easier readability.
The user will now be notified when only vowels remain in the puzzle.
WOF 3.5 additons by Richard Stockton
Made MORE freindly to BBBBS.local mode.
Added a color control scheme to automatically determine
if the callers colors are on or off, eliminating WOF.B&W.
WoF 3.6 by Matt English 4-15-92
New function added in the stats to show ALL players stats.
If the Author of the puzzle plays, he will now get to see
the progress of his puzzle before Vanna kicks him out.
After the winner beats the puzzle and enters the new puzzle,
he will get the option to change his puzzle. (A few people
misspelled or goofed puzzles and I thought this way they could fix it!)
The money values have been raised and "Free Spin", "Bankrupt"
and "Lose Turn" have been added to the wheel.
Vowels now cost $250 but you need to have at least
$750 cash to buy any.
WoF 3.7 by Matt English 5-3-92
There was a small bug with the "Free Spin".
It's now fixed!
Vowels cost $250 and now you can buy one as soon as you have $250!
No matter how many vowels you get, it only costs you $250!
This is more like the TV show.
WoF 3.8 by Matt English 6-13-92
A few more bugs fixxed, hardly worth mentioning
but they were bugs.... I "think" I got them all!
WoF 3.9 by Matt English 6-19-92
I fixxed a spelling mistake..Dan Quail will be proud of me.
Now, the person who solves the puzzle can either enter the
new puzzle or have the BBS generate a new puzzle. If the puzzle is
supplied by the BBS, the player will be allowed to play the new
puzzle AFTER someone else has played.
The BBS puzzles are in the file "Rexxdoors/Data/WoF.puzzles".
You can edit the file to add more puzzles if you want.
Just follow the format: puzzle | clue
If you have any suggestions or new ideas, give me a call
at The Alternative BBS. 503-761-3043
I'm starting to run out of ideas...
The file "Wheel_of_Fortune.rexx" belongs in your RexxDoors directory.
Put all of these files in your RexxDoors/Data directory:
After you put these files in their places, the game should take
off and maintain itself nicely! Since the winner of a puzzle gets
to enter the next puzzle, you'll want to check the Wof.dat file
from time to time to make sure somebody didn't screw it up!
If that happens, just edit the file in this format:
Assuming the puzzle you want to put in is "Jimmy Stewert"
23 (this is the puzzle number)
+++++ +++++++ (this is the COVERED puzzle)
JIMMY STEWERT (the puzzle, use CAPS)
(letters that have been guessed, starts out empty)
MATT_ENGLISH 23 (the author of this puzzle and the number of
the next auto-generated puzzle.)
JOE BLOW (the last player)
JIMMY STEWERT (the un-guessed letters left in the puzzle)
The basic rules - you can't play twice in a row, and you can't play if
you are the one who made the puzzle. You must have more than $250 to
guess any vowels. It costs $250 to buy vowels, no matter how many
you find.
The game is very easy, and my users have told me it's quite fun!
If you find any bugs, have any suggestions, or just wanna chat
you can contact me as "SYSOP" at:
The Alternative BBS
Portland Oregon
Have Fun! Matt English