Fresh Fish 2
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## ##
## ##
Programme Overview
Personal Details Window
Personal Window Gadgets
Family Details Window
Family Window Gadgets
Project Menu
Print Menu
Prefs Menu
Extras Menu
Free-form Notes
Viewing Pictures
ARexx Interface
Hints, Tips & Questions
LDS Compatibility
Programme Specification
Version Information
Errors Messages
## ##
## Overview ##
## ##
The Personal Details Window is used to enter and/or edit details about the
people that make up the database, and the Family Details Window is used to
establish the family relationships between these people.
Details on the various people making up the database should be entered
FIRST and then the relationships between them can be established.
Scion Genealogist has been written in a totally non-sexist and secular
manner, has no checking on sex (to allow for unconventional
relationships), and has no name checking (to allow for adopted children).
Because of the non-sexist nature of the programme, the partners of a family
group (or marriage) are referred to as "Principal" and "Spouse". Either
partner can be the Principal. However, to conform with genealogical
conventions, when reports are printed the male partner is automatically
"promoted" to Principal and male parents are displayed first.
Every person and family in the database is identified by a unique number:
IRN - Individual Record Number
FGRN - Family Group Record Number
IRN - Individual Record Number
Every person in the database is automatically assigned a unique IRN. These
numbers will NEVER change, even if people are deleted from the database. A
deleted person's IRN will be automatically reassigned whenever a new person
is added to the database.
FGRN - Family Group Record Number
Every family in the database is automatically assigned a unique FGRN.
These numbers will NEVER change, even if families are deleted from the
database. A deleted family's FGRN will be automatically reassigned whenever
a new family is added to the database.
## ##
## Personal Details Window ##
## ##
The Personal Details Window is used to enter and/or edit details about the
people that make up the database.
Details on the various people making up the database should be entered
FIRST and then the relationships between them can be established.
If, at any time, the Personal Details Window you move to has all the fields
"ghosted", this means that somebody's record has been deleted from the
database. What you are seeing is the position that was "reserved" for that
person, and this will be reassigned when a new person is added to the
database. Just step over the disabled window using the usual gadgets.
Entering and Editing Personal Information
When a new person is added to the database (by clicking the mouse on the
Add New Person
gadget) or when an existing database is opened, the
Personal Details Window displayed is where information about each person
may be edited or added.
To enter or edit information in a particular field, just click on that
field. For example, to enter the birth date just click on the Birth Date
field and then type in the date. Pressing RETURN or TAB will automatically
take you to the next field (in this example, the Birth Place field).
Pressing Shift-TAB will take you to the preceding field. See also
To reduce the amount of typing required, and to help ensure that Last Names
are consistent, use the
gadget located beside the Last Name entry
field. Select (from the list displayed) the Last Name that you want entered
into the Last Name field.
See also "Carry-over last names" under
Set Behaviour
All date fields are "free form" fields, to allow for entries such as
"About 1983", and NO checking is carried out on the date entered. However,
it is strongly recommended that you enter dates in the format
"3 Jan 1956". Do NOT use dates such as "3/1/56". This could mean either
3 January 1956 or 1 March 1956. Equally it could mean 1856 and not 1956.
Date fields are limited to 12 characters which enforces the use of the
genealogical convention of using three character names for the months.
For example, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr....
Again to conform to general convention, the date field could contain one
of the following "modifiers":
Bef (or Before) Actual date is before the given date
Abt (or About) Actual date is approximately the given date
Aft (or After) Actual date is after the given date.
Where an event date is known to be within a range (such as between 1876
and 1879), enter the FIRST date in the appropriate date field, and make
a note in the "comments" field about the possible range.
Where an event date is uncertain or unverified, add a question mark as
the last character of the date. For example, 5 Jun 1974?
If this convention is adhered to, Scion Genealogist will list the children
of a family group sorted by date of birth.
23 Jan 1873
About 1923
Aft 1907
4 Apr 1765? (Unverified/uncertain date "format")
1945 (Comment: Date between 1945 and 1947)
Before 1987
Navigating Around the Personal Database
The move around the Personal Database, use the "SELECT PERSON" gadgets:
Select the first person (in IRN numerical order)
Select the previous person (in IRN numerical order)
Display selection list of the people in the database
Select the next person (in IRN numerical order)
Select the last person (in IRN numerical order)
The IRN (Individual Record Number) of the currently displayed database
entry is displayed at the bottom centre of the window.
To go directly to a particular person's record when their IRN is known,
click on the
gadget at the bottom centre of the screen and type in
the IRN for that person. (Remember to press <RETURN>)
To search for (and go to the entry for) a particular person in the
database, the
Personal Search
gadget can be used.
To locate a particular ancestor, and go to the entry for a particular
ancestor, use the
(Ancestors) gadget.
To locate a particular descendant, and go to the entry for a particular
descendant, use the
(Descendants) gadget.
To locate the current person's father, and go to his entry, use the
(Father) gadget.
To locate the current person's mother, and go to her entry, use the
(Mother) gadget.
To move to Family Details Windows, use the "SELECT FAMILY" gadgets:
Select the person's parent's Family Details Window
Select the Family Details Window for the current
person's first marriage
Family List...
Select a family from a list of families
Go to Family...
Select a family using a known FGRN
## ##
## Personal Details Window Gadgets ##
## ##
Pick Gadget
Every time that the <RETURN> key is pressed while in the Last Name entry
field, that last name is checked against a list of names maintained in the
"Last Name Pick List". If the current name is unique, it is added to that
pick list. This list maintains the 8 most recent unique last names entered.
To transfer a last name from the pick list into the Last Name entry field,
simply click on the appropriate name in the list. That name will then be
transferred into the Last Name field where it may be accepted or edited.
This reduces the amount of typing required, and also ensures consistent
spelling of last names.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "K" (not shown in gadget).
"|«" (First Person) Gadget
Clicking on the "|«" (First Person) gadget will take you to the window for
the first person in the database (in IRN numerical order).
If the "|«" (First Person) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
you are already at the first person in the database and the gadget will do
"««" (Previous Person) Gadget
Clicking on the "««" (Previous Person) gadget will take you to the window
for the preceding person (in IRN numerical order).
If the "««" (Previous Person) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means
that you are at the first person in the database and the gadget will do
List People Gadget
Clicking on the "LIST" gadget will display a list of every person in the
By default, the list of people is in IRN numerical order. If you would
prefer the list to be in alphabetical order, before displaying the list,
from the menu bar and choose the
Sorting On/Off
menu item.
If the lists are sorted, an [S] marker will be displayed in the window
title bar. If the lists are not sorted, this marker will be absent.
If you are using a colour monitor, males will be displayed in blue and
females will be displayed in red. If a person's sex has not been defined,
their entry in the list will be displayed in yellow.
To display a particular person's Personal Details Window, simply click on
that person in the list. Selecting "Cancel" will return you to the
original window.
The number displayed at the bottom centre of the Personal Details Window is
the current IRN.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "L".
"»»" (Next Person) Gadget
Clicking on the "»»" (Next Person) gadget will take you to the window for
the next person (in IRN numerical order).
If the "»»" (Next Person) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
there are no more people in the database and the gadget will do nothing.
"»|" (Last Person) Gadget
Clicking on the "»|" (Last Person) gadget will take you to the window for
the last person in the database (in IRN numerical order).
If the "»|" (Last Person) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
there are no more people in the database and the gadget will do nothing.
Edit Notes Gadget
Clicking on the "Edit Notes" gadget will display a file requester where
you can enter the name of the free-form note that you wish to edit. The
editor that will be used is defined using the
Choose Editor
option under
By default the notes are assigned the name PNx.database, where "PN" stands
for "Personal Notes", "x" is the IRN of the current person displayed, and
"database" is the name of the database. The name of the database is defined
when you save the database.
The default name can be ignored, and the notes file can be given any name.
(Note that the "pattern" field in the file requester may have to be
changed so that you can see files with other than the default names. Enter
#? as the pattern to see ALL files.)
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "N".
View Picture Gadget
Clicking on the "View Picture" gadget will display a file requester where
you can enter the name of the IFF picture file that you wish to view. The
viewer that will be used is defined using the
Choose Viewer
option under
By default the pictures are assigned the name PPx.database, where "PP"
stands for "Personal Picture", "x" is the IRN of the current person
displayed, and "database" is the name of the database. The name of the
database is defined when you save the database.
The default name can be ignored, and the picture file can be given any
name. (Note that the "pattern" field in the file requester may have to be
changed so that you can see files with other than the default names. Enter
#? as the pattern to see ALL files.)
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "V".
Personal Search Gadget
This gadget allows you to search for a particular individual in the
After clicking on the "Personal Search" gadget you will be presented
with a requester asking for "Last Name" and "First Names". Type the
name of the person you are trying to find into these fields, and then
click on "Find First" to find (and display) the Personal Details
Window for the first person in the database matching your entries.
If the name fields already contain the name(s) that you want (from a
previous search) click on "Find Next" to move to the Personal Details
Window for the next person in the database matching your entries, or
click on "Find Prev" to move to the Personal Details Window for the
previous person in the database matching your entries.
To "browse" the database for people with the same last name (for example),
from the Personal details window (with no data entry field active)
press "P" to bring up the search requester, and then either "N" or "P" to
find the next or previous person with that same last name.
In this way, repeatedly pressing "P" then "N" will progressively display
the next person in the database with the name of interest.
NOTE: This same technique may be used to "browse" families, but
the search will be initiated by pressing the "F" key (for
"Family Search", and then followed by "N" or "P".
On first starting the programme, the Last Name and First Name(s)
fields will contain "?*". This represents a
matching ANY
person in the database. In this (default) case, clicking on "Find Next"
will take you to the Personal Details Window for the next person in IRN
numerical order.
If the screen flashes when carrying out a search, that means that there are
no more matching entries in the database.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "P".
Add New Person Gadget
To add a new person to the database, click on the "Add New Person" gadget.
After confirming that that is what you want to do, you will be presented
with a blank Personal Details Window (assigned the next available IRN) and
information about the new person can immediately be entered.
If the programme behaviour is set to "no confirmation" (using the
"Confirm 'Add Person'" option), the programme will not ask to confirm the
addition of the new person. See
Set Behaviour
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "A".
Delete Person Gadget
To remove a person from the database, click on the "Delete Person" gadget.
You will be asked to confirm your actions before the record is actually
removed. Not only will the person's Personal Details Window data be
deleted, but ALL references to that person as a child of a family or a
partner in a marriage will also be removed. Any marriages that the person
was a partner in will be dissolved, and the person will no longer be a
parent of any of the children of that family group.
WARNING: Once you have removed a person from the database, their
information is irretrievably lost, and their IRN and
corresponding Personal Details Window are available for
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "D".
Set 1st Marriage Gadget
If there are no marriages recorded for the current person, clicking on the
"Set 1st Marriage" gadget will, after confirmation, create a family group
corresponding to the first marriage of this person. A spouse and any
children may then be added to the resulting family group.
If the gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that the first marriage
has already been established for this person and the gadget will do
nothing. You can go to the Family Details Window for the (established)
first marriage by clicking on the
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "M".
Parents/Siblings Gadget
Clicking on the "Parents/Siblings" gadget will take you to the Family
Details Window for the person's parents where the person's siblings
(brothers and sisters) are also displayed.
People have their parents established when a person is added to a family
group as a child.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "S".
Spouse/Children Gadget
If a family group (marriage) is established for this person, clicking on
this gadget will take you to the first Family Details Window for that
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "C".
Family List Gadget
Clicking on the "Family List..." gadget will display a list of every family
in the database. The list of families is in FGRN numerical order.
To display a particular family's Family Details Window, simply click on
that family in the list. Selecting "Cancel" will return you to the
original window.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "F".
Go to Family Gadget
If the FGRN of a family of interest is known and you want to move directly
to their Family Details Window, click on this gadget and type in the FGRN
for that family. When the <RETURN> key is pressed, the Family Details
Window for that family will be displayed.
To return to the Personal Details Window for the current person, select
the "Cancel" gadget.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "G".
Go to Father Gadget
Clicking on the "Fath" gadget will move to the Personal Details Window
for the father of the currently displayed person.
NOTE: If there is no father defined (only a mother), then clicking on
this gadget will cause the screen to flash. Similarly, if the father's
"sex" field does not contain an "M" (for male), clicking on this gadget
cause the screen to flash.
Go to Mother Gadget
Clicking on the "Moth" gadget will move to the Personal Details Window
for the mother of the currently displayed person.
NOTE: If there is no mother defined (only a father), then clicking on
this gadget will cause the screen to flash. Similarly, if the mother's
"sex" field does not contain an "F" (for female), clicking on this gadget
cause the screen to flash.
Ancestors Gadget
Clicking on the "Anc" gadget will display an on-screen ancestor chart
for the current person. To move to the Personal Details Window for a
particular ancestor, click on their name in the ancestor chart. To return
to the Personal Details Window for the current person, select the "Cancel"
Descendants Gadget
Clicking on the "Desc" gadget will display an on-screen descendant
chart for the current person. To move to the Personal Details Window for
a particular descendant, click on their name in the descendant chart. To
return to the Personal Details Window for the current person, select the
"Cancel" gadget.
"^" Select IRN Gadget
If the IRN of a person of interest is known and you want to move directly
to their Personal Details Window, click on this gadget and type in the IRN
for that person. When the <RETURN> key is pressed, the Personal Details
Window for that person will be displayed.
To return to the Personal Details Window for the current person, select
the "Cancel" gadget.
## ##
## Family Details Window ##
## ##
The Family Group Window displays the Principal, Spouse and children making
up a family group and is where information about each family group may be
edited or added.
When you select "Spouse/Children" or "Parents/Siblings" from a Personal
Details Window, you will automatically change to the appropriate Family
Details Window.
You will also automatically change to the appropriate Family Details
Window when you create the first marriage for a person by selecting the
"Set 1st Marriage" gadget.
NOTE: Details on the various people making up the database should be
entered FIRST and then the relationships between them can be
If, at any time, the Family Details Window you move to has all the fields
"ghosted", this means that some family's record has been deleted from the
database. What you are seeing is the position that was "reserved" for that
family, and this will be reassigned when a new family is added to the
database. Just step over the disabled window using the usual gadgets.
Entering and Editing Family Information
When a new family is added to the database or when an existing database is
opened, the Family Details Window is where information about each family
may be edited or added.
To enter or edit information in a particular field, just click on that
field. For example, to enter the wedding date just click on the Wedding
Date field and then type in the date. Pressing RETURN or TAB will
automatically take you to the next field (in this example, the Wedding
Place field). Pressing Shift-TAB will take you to the preceding field.
See also
Navigating Around the Family Database
The move around the Family Database, use the "SELECT MARRIAGE" and
"SELECT FAMILY" gadgets:
Select the first marriage of the current Principal
Select the previous marriage of the current Principal
Display selection list of the marriages of current Principal
Select the next marriage of the current Principal
Select the last marriage of the current Principal
Exchange Principal and Spouse
Select the first family (in FGRN numerical order)
Select the previous family (in FGRN numerical order)
Display selection list of the families in the database
Select the next family (in FGRN numerical order)
Select the last family (in FGRN numerical order)
The FGRN (Family Group Record Number) of the currently displayed database
entry is displayed at the bottom centre of the window.
To go directly to a particular family's record when their FGRN is known,
click on the
gadget at the bottom centre of the screen and type in
the FGRN for that family. (Remember to press <RETURN>)
To search for (and go to the entry for) a particular family in the
database, the
Family Search
gadget can be used.
To move to Personal Details Windows, use the "P" (Principal), "S" (Spouse),
"C" (Child), "People List..." and "Go to Person..." gadgets:
Select the current Principal's Personal Details Window
Select the current Spouse's Personal Details Window
Select the currently highlighted child's Personal Details Window
People List...
Select a person from a list of people
Go to Person..
Select a person using a known IRN
NOTE: If a family group is dissolved using the
Dissolve Family
you will be returned to the Personal Details Window for the current
## ##
## Family Details Window Gadgets ##
## ##
"P" (Select Principal) Gadget
Clicking on the "P" (Select Principal) gadget will take you to the Personal
Details Window for the Principal of the currently displayed family group.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "P".
"S" (Select Spouse) Gadget
Clicking on the "S" (Select Spouse) gadget will take you to the Personal
Details Window for the Spouse of the currently displayed family group.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "S".
"C" (Select Child) Gadget
Clicking on the "C" (Select Child) gadget will take you to the Personal
Details Window for the currently highlighted child of the currently
displayed family group.
To highlight a child, click on the child in the list immediately above the
"C" (Select Child) gadget. This child will then be displayed next to the
If you are using a colour monitor, males will be displayed in blue and
females will be displayed in red. If a person's sex has not been defined,
their entry in the list will be displayed in yellow.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "C".
Child List
This area contains a list of all the children attached to this family
group sorted by date of birth. See also
To highlight a child, click on the child in this list. The selected child
will then be displayed in the box immediately below this list. You can
then use the
gadget to take you to the Personal Details Window for
the selected child.
Clicking on the
Remove Child
gadget also allows you to remove the
selected child from the family group.
If you are using a colour monitor, males will be displayed in blue and
females will be displayed in red. If a person's sex has not been defined,
their entry in the list will be displayed in yellow.
Exchange Gadget
Clicking on the "Ex" (Exchange) gadget will exchange the Principal and
Spouse in the current Family Details window. By using this gadget, you can
trace the marriages of either partner in a family group.
People List Gadget
Clicking on the "People List..." gadget will display a list of every person
in the database.
By default, the list of people is in IRN numerical order. If you would
prefer the list to be in alphabetical order, before displaying the list,
from the menu bar and choose the
Sorting On/Off
menu item.
If the lists are sorted, an [S] marker will be displayed in the window
title bar. If the lists are not sorted, this marker will be absent.
If you are using a colour monitor, males will be displayed in blue and
females will be displayed in red. If a person's sex has not been defined,
their entry in the list will be displayed in yellow.
To display a particular person's Personal Details Window, simply click on
that person in the list. Selecting "Cancel" will return you to the
original window.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "E".
Go to Person Gadget
If the IRN of a person of interest is known and you want to move directly
to their Personal Details Window, click on this gadget and type in the IRN
for that person. When the <RETURN> key is pressed, the Personal Details
Window for that person will be displayed.
To return to the Family Details Window for the current family, select
the "Cancel" gadget.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "G".
"|«" (First Marriage) Gadget
Clicking on the "|«" (First Marriage) gadget will take you to the window
for the first marriage in the database for the current Principal.
If the "|«" (First Marriage) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means
that you are already at the first marriage for the current Principal and
the gadget will do nothing.
"««" (Previous Marriage) Gadget
Clicking on the "««" (Previous Marriage) gadget will take you to the window
for the preceding Marriage of the current Principal.
If the "««" (Previous Marriage) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means
that you are at the first marriage for the current Principal and the gadget
will do nothing.
List Marriages Gadget
Clicking on the "LIST" gadget will display a list of the spouses of every
marriage in the database for the current Principal.
If you are using a colour monitor, male spouses will be displayed in blue
and female spouses will be displayed in red. If a spouse's sex has not been
defined, their entry in the list will be displayed in yellow.
To display a particular marriage's Family Details Window, simply click on
that marriage in the list. Selecting "Cancel" will return you to the
original window.
"»»" (Next Marriage) Gadget
Clicking on the "»»" (Next Marriage) gadget will take you to the window
for the next marriage of the current Principal.
If the "»»" (Next Marriage) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
there are no more marriages for the current Principal and the gadget will
do nothing.
"»|" (Last Marriage) Gadget
Clicking on the "»|" (Last Marriage) gadget will take you to the window for
the last marriage in the database for the current Principal.
If the "»|" (Last Marriage) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
there are no more marriages for the current Principal and the gadget will
do nothing.
"|«" (First Family) Gadget
Clicking on the "|«" (First Family) gadget will take you to the window for
the first family in the database (in FGRN numerical order).
If the "|«" (First Family) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
you are already at the first family in the database and the gadget will do
"««" (Previous Family) Gadget
Clicking on the "««" (Previous Family) gadget will take you to the window
for the preceding family (in FGRN numerical order).
If the "««" (Previous Family) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means
that you are at the first family in the database and the gadget will do
"^" Select FGRN Gadget
If the FGRN of a family of interest is known and you want to move directly
to their Family Details Window, click on this gadget and type in the FGRN
for that family. When the <RETURN> key is pressed, the Family Details
Window for that family will be displayed.
To return to the Family Details Window for the current family, select
the "Cancel" gadget.
List Families Gadget
Clicking on the "LIST" gadget will display a list of every family in the
database. The list of families is in FGRN numerical order.
To display a particular family's Family Details Window, simply click on
that family in the list. Selecting "Cancel" will return you to the
original window.
The number displayed at the bottom centre of the Family Details Window is
the current FGRN.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "L".
"»»" (Next Family) Gadget
Clicking on the "»»" (Next Family) gadget will take you to the window for
the next family (in FGRN numerical order).
If the "»»" (Next Family) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
there are no more families in the database and the gadget will do nothing.
"»|" (Last Family) Gadget
Clicking on the "»|" (Last Family) gadget will take you to the window for
the last family in the database (in IRN numerical order).
If the "»|" (Last Family) gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey) it means that
there are no more families in the database and the gadget will do nothing.
Edit Notes Gadget
Clicking on the "Edit Notes" gadget will display a file requester where
you can enter the name of the free-form note that you wish to edit. The
editor that will be used is defined using the
Choose Editor
option under
By default the notes are assigned the name FNx.database, where "FN" stands
for "Family Notes", "x" is the FGRN of the current family displayed, and
"database" is the name of the database. The name of the database is defined
when you save the database.
The default name can be ignored, and the notes file can be given any name.
(Note that the "pattern" field in the file requester may have to be
changed so that you can see files with other than the default names. Enter
#? as the pattern to see ALL files.)
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "N".
View Picture Gadget
Clicking on the "View Picture" gadget will display a file requester where
you can enter the name of the IFF picture file that you wish to view. The
viewer that will be used is defined using the
Choose Viewer
option under
By default the pictures are assigned the name FPx.database, where "FP"
stands for "Family Picture", "x" is the FGRN of the current family
displayed, and "database" is the name of the database. The name of the
database is defined when you save the database.
The default name can be ignored, and the picture file can be given any
name. (Note that the "pattern" field in the file requester may have to be
changed so that you can see files with other than the default names. Enter
#? as the pattern to see ALL files.)
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "V".
Family Search Gadget
This gadget allows you to search for a particular family in the database.
After clicking on the "Family Search" gadget you will be presented with a
requester asking for "Last Name" and "First Names" of one of the partners
in a marriage. Type the name of the person whose marriages you are trying
to find into these fields, and then click on "Find First" to find (and
display) the Family Details Window for the first marriage in the database
matching your entries.
If the name fields already contain the name(s) that you want (from a
previous search) click on "Find Next" to move to the Family Details Window
for the next marriage in the database matching your entries, or click on
"Find Prev" to move to the Family Details Window for the previous marriage
in the database matching your entries.
To "browse" the database for families with the same spouse (for example),
from the Family details window (with no data entry field active)
press "F" to bring up the search requester, and then either "N" or "P" to
find the next or previous family with that same spouse.
In this way, repeatedly pressing "F" then "N" will progressively display
the next family in the database with the spouse of interest.
NOTE: This same technique may be used to "browse" people, but
the search will be initiated by pressing the "P" key (for
"Personal Search", and then followed by "N" or "P".
On first starting the programme, the Last Name and First Name(s)
fields will contain "?*". This represents a
matching ANY
person in the database. In this (default) case, clicking on "Find Next"
will take you to the Family Details Window for the next marriage in FGRN
numerical order.
If the screen flashes when carrying out a search, that means that there are
no more matching entries in the database.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "F".
Set Spouse Gadget
To add a Spouse to a family group when there is no spouse already defined,
(thereby establishing a "marriage" between the Principal and the Spouse),
click on the "Set Spouse" gadget. A list of all the people in the
database will be displayed.
If you are using a colour monitor, males will be displayed in blue and
females will be displayed in red. If a person's sex has not been
defined, their entry in the list will be displayed in yellow.
Click on the Spouse you wish to add to the family group. The selected
Spouse will then be displayed near the top of the Family Details Window
next to the "S" (Select Spouse) gadget.
Selecting "Cancel" from the list of people displayed will abort this
If there is already a spouse defined for the family group, and you wish
to delete or change that spouse (maybe you had the wrong person), clicking
on the "Set Spouse" gadget will ask if you wish to remove the existing
spouse and (optionally) replace with a new spouse. If you select "yes",
the existing spouse will be removed, a list of all the people in the
database will be displayed, and you can select the "replacement" spouse
as outlined above.
If, at this point, you select the "Cancel" gadget in the list of people,
the original spouse will have been removed (deleting them from the family
If you wish to re-instate a deleted spouse to the family group, click
on the "Set Spouse" gadget again and add them to the family group
as outlined above.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "O".
Add Child Gadget
To add a child to a family group (thereby establishing the Principal and
Spouse as the child's parents), click on the "Add Child" gadget. A list of
all the people in the database will be displayed.
If you are using a colour monitor, males will be displayed in blue and
females will be displayed in red. If a person's sex has not been defined,
their entry in the list will be displayed in yellow.
Click on the child you wish to add to the family group. The selected child
will then be displayed at the bottom of the list of children immediately to
the left of this gadget.
Selecting "Cancel" from the list of people displayed will abort this
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "A".
Remove Child Gadget
To remove a child from a family group:
(1) Highlight the child to be removed by clicking on the chosen child
from the list displayed immediately to the left of the "Remove
Child" gadget. The selected child will then be displayed in the
position below the list (next to the "C" gadget).
(2) Click on the "Remove Child" gadget. You will be asked to confirm
that you wish to remove the child from the family group. Replying
"no" will cancel the operation. Replying "yes" will remove the
child from the family group.
The child removed will become an "orphan".
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "R".
Dissolve Family Gadget
To remove a family from the database, click on the "Dissolve Family"
gadget. You will be asked to confirm your actions before the record is
actually removed. Not only will the family's Family Details Window data be
deleted, but ALL references to that family will also be removed. Children
specified as part of the family group will become "orphans", and the
original Principal and Spouse will be "divorced".
WARNING: Once you have removed a family from the database, the
information is irretrievably lost, and the original FGRN and
corresponding Family Details Window are available for
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "D".
New Marriage Gadget
This gadget allows you to establish additional marriages (family groups)
for the current Principal. Clicking on this gadget will, after
confirmation, display a new Family Details Window corresponding to a new
marriage for the Principal. A spouse and children may now be added to
this family group as for the first marriage.
(To move between marriages, use the "marriage navigation" gadgets at the
bottom-left of the Family Details Window.)
If this gadget is "ghosted" (shaded grey), it means that the Principal has
already been married for the maximum number of times permitted, and this
gadget will do nothing.
The keyboard shortcut for this gadget is "M".
## ##
## Project Menu ##
## ##
Selecting "New" will, after requesting confirmation, delete the existing
Selecting "Open..." will, after requesting confirmation, display a
standard file requester. Select the database you wish to load, and
click on the "Open" gadget to bring that database into Scion
Genealogist. If you do not wish to load the selected database, click on
the "Cancel" gadget.
Selecting "Save" will save the existing database immediately to disk
without asking for confirmation or whether you wish to overwrite an
existing copy of that database.
NOTE: When you save a database using the
Save As...
option, the
filename that you give the database will become the default name
that will be used by this "Save" option.
If there is no database name, or the database is called "Unnamed",
this "Save" option will ask that you name the database first.
Save As...
Selecting "Save As..." will, after requesting confirmation, display a
standard file requester. Select the database you wish to save (or type
in the name for a new database file) and click on the "Save" gadget to
save that database. If you do not wish to save the database, click on
the "Cancel" gadget.
NOTE: When you save a database, the filename that you give the database
will become the default name for the database. If you do not
enter a database file name, the database name will default to
Selecting "Info..." will display a requester containing the following
Project name: The name set when you save a database, see
Save As...
otherwise will be "unnamed"
Editor name: The name of your selected editor. See
Choose Editor
option under the
Prefs Menu
Viewer name: The name of your selected viewer. See
Choose Viewer
option under the
Prefs Menu
Programme version: The current version number of Scion Genealogist.
ARexx port name: The ARexx port name for this instance of the programme.
Current number of people: The current number of people.
Current number of families: The current number of families.
Remaining space: The approximate amount of space (in people) remaining
in the database.
Selecting "About..." will display a requester containing information about
the programme.
Selecting "Quit" will, after requesting confirmation, exit the programme.
## ##
## Print Menu ##
## ##
Print List of People
This menu item will print a list of the people currently defined in the
database. If sorting is on, the list will be printed in alphabetical
order, otherwise the list will be printed in numerical order.
Sorting On/Off
option under the
Extras Menu
Printing can be aborted at any time.
Print List of Families
This menu item will print a list of the families currently defined in the
Printing can be aborted at any time.
Print Personal Summary
This menu item will print a detailed summary of all the information in the
database about the specified person.
The "Current" option will print details on the current person.
The "Range..." option will display a requester where you can enter the
starting IRN and ending IRN for a printed range of personal summaries.
The "All" option will print personal summaries for all people in the
Printing can be aborted at any time.
Print Family Group Sheet
This menu item will print a Family Group Sheet containing all the
information in the database about the specified family.
The "Current" option will print a Family Group Sheet for the current family.
The "Range..." option will display a requester where you can enter the
starting FGRN and ending FGRN for a printed range of Family Group Sheets.
The "All" option will print Family Group Sheets for all families in the
Printing can be aborted at any time.
Print Descendant Chart
This menu item will print a Descendant Chart for the current person.
The "With IRNs" option will print the chart with each person's IRN attached
to the end of their entry.
The "Without IRNs" option will omit the printing of IRNs for every person.
Printing can be aborted at any time.
Print Pedigree Chart
This menu item will print a Pedigree Chart for the current person.
Printing can be aborted at any time.
## ##
## Prefs Menu ##
## ##
Choose Editor
This allows you to choose the editor to use to create and edit "free-form"
Selecting this item will display a standard file requester. Select the
editor that you wish to use, and then click on "Use It" in the requester.
The editor that you choose is remembered when you save a database, and will
be restored when that database is re-loaded.
See also
Tested Editors
Choose Viewer
This allows you to choose the picture viewer to use to view any pictures
you may have.
Selecting this item will display a standard file requester. Select the
viewer that you wish to use, and then click on "Use It" in the requester.
The viewer that you choose is remembered when you save a database, and will
be restored when that database is re-loaded.
Set User Labels
This allows you to choose the labels for the last three data entry fields
in the Personal Details Window and the last two data entry fields in the
Family Details Window. The default labels for the personal fields are:
Label 1 = "Occupation", Label 2 = "Comments" and Label 3 = "References".
The default labels for the family fields are: Label 1 = "Celebrant" and
Label 2 = "Comments". These labels are displayed immediately to the left
of the appropriate data entry fields.
Selecting this item will display a data entry requester. The gadgets will
display the current settings for the five user-defined labels. To change
any label, activate the appropriate entry gadget and type in the new label
(up to 13 characters per label). When you are happy with your labels,
click on the "Accept" gadget. The new labels will then be displayed in the
Personal Details Window and Family Details Window in place of the default
If you do NOT wish to change the labels, click on the "Cancel" gadget in
the requester.
Your user-defined labels will be stored with your database, and be
restored the next time you load that database.
Set Behaviour
This allows you to control some of the behaviour of the programme.
(1) Confirm "Add Person"
By default, the programme will always ask you to confirm if you wish
to add a new person when you click on the "Add New Person" gadget.
When the Confirm "Add Person" checkbox is ticked, this is the
behaviour that will occur. If the chechbox is NOT ticked, the
programme will NOT ask you to confirm if you wish to add a new person.
(2) Capitalize first names
By default, the programme will force all names in a "first name(s)"
field to lower-case with the initial letter of every name capitalized.
When the "Capitalize first names" checkbox is ticked, this is the
behaviour that will occur. If the checkbox is NOT ticked, any entries
in a "first name(s)" field will be left as typed.
(3) Capitalize event place names
By default, the programme performs NO processing of the data entered
into an event place field (for example, Birth Place). When the
"Capitalize event place names" checkbox is ticked, the programme will
force all words in an "event place" field to lower-case with the
initial letter of every word capitalized. If the checkbox is NOT
ticked, any entries in an "event place" field will be left as typed.
(4) Carry-over last names
By default, when a new person is added to the database (using the
"Add New Person" gadget), the Last Name field will be blank. If the
"Carry-over last names" checkbox is ticked, the programme will fill
in the Last Name field of a new person with the last name of the
most recently displayed person. This shortcut is often useful when
adding a number of people with the same last name. When the checkbox
is NOT ticked, any new person added will start out with a blank
Last Name field.
See also the
## ##
## Extras Menu ##
## ##
Sorting On/Off
This will toggle sorting on and off. If sorting is on, an [S] marker will
be displayed in the window's title bar, and any lists of people will be
displayed in alphabetical order. If sorting is off, there will be no marker
in the window's title bar, and lists of people will be displayed in IRN
numerical order.
Sorting also applies to printed "List of People" reports. With sorting on,
the list will be printed in alphabetical order. If sorting is off, the list
will be printed in IRN numerical order.
At programme start-up, sorting is OFF by default. If sorting is on when you
save your database, this fact is remembered, and the next time you load
your database, sorting will be turned on.
NOTE: Sorting ONLY applies to lists of people. It does NOT affect the
order of the people in the database.
Add People
Instead of adding people to the database one at a time (using the "Add
Person" gadget in the Personal Details Window), you can "bulk" add space
for people by using this menu item.
There are two sub-items in this menu -
- Make space for 10: This will add 10 "blank" people to the database,
if space is available.
- Make space for 20: This will add 20 "blank" people to the database,
if space is available.
This allows you to "customize" the colour of the display from a pre-defined
selection. To choose a particular colour, select that colour from this
menu. The screen will immediately change colour to reflect your new choice.
Colours are remembered when you save a database, and will be restored when
that database is re-loaded.
## ##
## ARexx Interface ##
## ##
Scion Genealogist provides an ARexx interface for reading and modifying the
information contained in a database.
The default ARexx port name is SCIONGEN. If this name is not unique, or
more than one copy of Scion is running, the default ARexx port name will be
suffixed with a digit from 1 to 9. For example, SCIONGEN3. Therefore, up to
10 copies of Scion can be run, each with a unique ARexx port name.
To determine the actual ARexx port name in use, select the "Info" item in
the Project menu.
The available ARexx commands are:
GETDBNAME command:
result: Name of current database (could be "Unnamed").
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
GETDBNAME /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Current database name is " RESULT
result: Total number of people in the database.
NOTE: This also includes any deleted people.
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
GETTOTALIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Number of people in database = " RESULT
result: Total number of family groups in the database.
NOTE: This also includes any dissolved family groups.
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
GETTOTALFGRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Number of families in database = " RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: YES if specified person exists in database
NO if specified person does NOT exist in database
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
EXISTPERSON MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
if RESULT = 'YES' then
Say "Person was found in database
Say "That person does not exist in the database"
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The last name of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETLASTNAME MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's last name is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The first name(s) of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETFIRSTNAME MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's first name is:" RESULT
GETSEX command:
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The sex (gender) of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETSEX MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's gender is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The date of birth of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETBIRTHDATE MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's date of birth is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The place of birth of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETBIRTHPLACE MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's place of birth is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The date of death of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETDEATHDATE MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's date of death is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The place of death of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETDEATHPLACE MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's place of death is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The date of burial of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETBURIALDATE MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's date of burial is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The place of burial of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETBURIALPLACE MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's place of burial is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The contents of the "user 1" field of the specified person.
By default, this field corresponds to "occupation"
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETPERSUSER1 MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Person's occupation is:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The contents of the "user 2" field of the specified person.
By default, this field corresponds to "Comment"
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETPERSUSER2 MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Personal comment:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The contents of the "user 3" field of the specified person.
By default, this field corresponds to "References"
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETPERSUSER3 MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "References:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: The FGRN (Family Group Record Number) for the parents
of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
GETPARENTS MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Parent's FGRN:" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database, and
MarriageNum is the marriage number for specified person
(ie. 1, 2, 3, etc. for first, second, third, etc. marriage)
result: The FGRN (Family Group Record Number) for the specified
marriage number of the specified person
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
MarryNum = 3 /* Examine 3rd marriage of this person */
GETMARRIAGE MyIRN MarryNum /* Issue command */
Say "FGRN of person's marriage number" MarryNum ":" RESULT
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
result: YES if specified family exists in database
NO if specified family does NOT exist in database
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
EXISTPERSON MyIRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
if RESULT = 'YES' then
Say "Family was found in database
Say "That family does not exist in the database"
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database, and
result: The IRN of the Principal of the specified family
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
GETPRINCIPAL MyFGRN /* Issue command */
Say "IRN of principal of family:" RESULT
GETSPOUSE command:
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database, and
result: The IRN of the Spouse of the specified family
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
GETSPOUSE MyFGRN /* Issue command */
Say "IRN of spouse of family:" RESULT
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
result: The date of marriage for the specified family
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
GETMARRIAGEDATE MyFGRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Date of marriage is:" RESULT
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
result: The place of marriage for the specified family
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
GETMARRIAGEPLACE MyFGRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Place of marriage is:" RESULT
GETFAMUSER1 command:
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
result: The contents of the "user 1" field of the specified family.
By default, this field corresponds to "celebrant"
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
GETFAMUSER1 MyFGRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Marriage celebrant was:" RESULT
GETFAMUSER2 command:
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
result: The contents of the "user 2" field of the specified family.
By default, this field corresponds to "comment"
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
GETFAMUSER2 MyFGRN /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
Say "Family comment:" RESULT
GETCHILD command:
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database, and
ChildNum is the "number" of the specified child
(ie. 1, 2, 3, etc. for first, second, third, etc. child)
result: The IRN (Individual Record Number) for the specified
child "number" of the specified family
The result is returned in the ARexx variable RESULT.
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
ChildNum = 3 /* Examine 3rd child of this family */
GETCHILD MyFGRN ChildNum /* Issue command */
Say "IRN of family's child number" ChildNum ":" RESULT
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the last name of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "Last Name"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTLASTNAME MyIRN "Smith" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the first names of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "First Names"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTFIRSTNAME MyIRN "John Robert" /* Issue command */
PUTSEX command:
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the sex of the specified person in the database
to male ("M") or female ("F"). Any other value is
indeterminate (but permitted).
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTSEX MyIRN "M" /* Issue command to Scion Genealogist */
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the birth date of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "Birth Date"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTBIRTHDATE MyIRN "14 Jun 1893" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the birth place of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "Birth Place"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTBIRTHPLACE MyIRN "St Helen's Maternity" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the Death date of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "Death Date"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTDEATHDATE MyIRN "14 Jun 1903" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the death place of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "Death Place"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTDEATHPLACE MyIRN "Public Hospital" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the Burial date of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "Burial Date"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTBURIALDATE MyIRN "17 Jun 1903" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the burial place of the specified person in the database
to the quoted string "Burial Place"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTBURIALPLACE MyIRN "King Cemetery" /* Issue command */
SYNTAX: PUTPERSUSER1 CurrentIRN "Field contents"
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the "user 1" field of the specified person in the
database to the quoted string "Field contents".
By default, this field is labelled "Occupation"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTPERSUSER1 MyIRN "School teacher" /* Issue command */
SYNTAX: PUTPERSUSER2 CurrentIRN "Field contents"
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the "user 2" field of the specified person in the
database to the quoted string "Field contents".
By default, this field is labelled "Comment"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTPERSUSER2 MyIRN "Hanged for murder" /* Issue command */
SYNTAX: PUTPERSUSER3 CurrentIRN "Field contents"
where: CurrentIRN is the IRN of the person
of interest in the Scion database
Set the "user 3" field of the specified person in the
database to the quoted string "Field contents".
By default, this field is labelled "References"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyIRN = 5 /* Set MyIRN to person 5 */
PUTPERSUSER3 MyIRN "1876 BDM Index #19536" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
Set the Marriage date of the specified family in the
database to the quoted string "Marriage Date"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
PUTMARRYDATE MyFGRN "23 Feb 1897" /* Issue command */
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
Set the Marriage place of the specified family in the
database to the quoted string "Marriage Place"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
PUTMARRYPLACE MyFGRN "Catholic Cathedral" /* Issue command */
PUTFAMUSER1 command:
SYNTAX: PUTFAMUSER1 CurrentFGRN "Field contents"
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
Set the "user 1" field of the specified Family in the
database to the quoted string "Field contents".
By default, this field is labelled "Celebrant"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
PUTFAMUSER1 MyFGRN "Rev John Smith" /* Issue command */
PUTFAMUSER2 command:
SYNTAX: PUTFAMUSER2 CurrentFGRN "Field contents"
where: CurrentFGRN is the FGRN of the family
of interest in the Scion database
Set the "user 2" field of the specified Family in the
database to the quoted string "Field contents".
By default, this field is labelled "Comment"
result: none (database updated)
MyPort = "SCIONGEN" /* Point at Scion Genealogist port */
Address value MyPort /* Change ARexx address to that port */
MyFGRN = 5 /* Set MyFGRN to family 5 */
PUTFAMUSER2 MyFGRN "No children recorded" /* Issue command */
## ##
## Search Wildcards ##
## ##
In either the "Personal Search" or "Family Search" requesters, the use of
"wildcards" is permitted in both name fields.
? - matches any single character
c* - matches zero or more occurrences of character c
?* - matches zero or more occurrences of ANY character
(ie. matches anything. These are the default wildcards)
c+ - matches one or more occurrences of character c
\? - matches a question mark (?)
\* - matches an asterisk (*)
\+ - matches a plus sign (+)
"tom" - matches only "tom" anywhere in a name
"to*m" - matches "tm", "tom" or "toom", etc.
"to+m" - matches "tom", "toom" or "tooom", etc.
"to?*m" - matches any part of a name beginning with "to"
and ending in "m", e.g. "toejam"
"ab\+c" - matches only "ab+c"
Note that the search patterns are "un-anchored" - this means that the name
entered in a field will match that name ANYWHERE in the database. For
example, a search for a Last Name of "Smith" will match with "Smithson" and
"Blacksmith" as well as "Smith".
## ##
## Free Form Notes ##
## ##
Scion Genealogist allows you to create and edit note files of any size
using any editor of your choice. The editor to use is set up by selecting
Choose Editor
option from the
Personal notes are accessed by clicking on the
Edit Notes
gadget in the
Personal Details Window, and family notes are accessed by clicking on the
Edit Notes
gadget in the Family Details Window.
See also
Tested Editors
Tested Editors
The following editors have been tested for compatibility with Scion
These DO work:
1: "Mg2a" (formerly MicroGnuEmacs) Text Editor. Copyright various
2: "Mg3a" (formerly MicroGnuEmacs) Text Editor. Copyright various
3: "MicroEMACS" V2.1 Text Editor. Copyright © 1986 by Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
(Authors David Conroy & Andy Finkel). Supplied with Amiga computer
4: "Scribble!" V2.00 Word Processor. Copyright © by Micro-Systems Software
5: "TurboText" Text Editor. Copyright © 1991 by Martin Taillefer
6: "MicroEMACS" V3.9 Text Editor. Copyright © 1987 by David M Lawrence
7: "CygnusEd Professional" Text Editor. Copyright © by CygnusSoft Software
8: "VizaWrite" Word Processor. Copyright © Viza Software
9: "Excellence!" Word Processor. Copyright © by Micro-Systems Software
10:"Ed" V2.0 Text Editor. Copyright © 1991 by Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
(Authors David Conroy & Andy Finkel). Supplied with Amiga computer
11:"Final Copy II". Copyright © by Softwood Inc.
12:"DME". Copyright © by Mathew Dillon.
13:"PageLiner". Copyright © by Soft-Logik Publishing Corp.
14:"Articel Editor". Copyright © by Gold disk.
My thanks to Peter Billing of Yinnar, Australia, for supplying me with
"compatibility" information for numbers 11 - 14 inclusive.
These do NOT work:
1: "QED" V1.0 Text Editor. Copyright © 1989 by Darren M. Greenwald
2: "Text Plus" V3.0 Text Editor. Copyright © by Martin Steppler
3: "WordPerfect" Word Processor. Copyright © by WordPerfect Corporation
4: "Textra" V1.13 Text Editor. Copyright © 1993 by Mike Haas
## ##
## Viewing Pictures ##
## ##
Scion Genealogist allows you to view IFF picture files using any picture
viewer of your choice. The viewer to use is set up by selecting the
Choose Viewer
option from the
Personal pictures are accessed by clicking on the
View Picture
gadget in
the Personal Details Window, and family pictures are accessed by clicking
on the
View Picture
gadget in the Family Details Window.
## ##
## Hints, Tips & Questions ##
## ##
Make sure that you have ALL possible information available
before you start (with all the inter-personal and family relations
sorted out). It will make things MUCH easier if you have a good
idea what you are planning to do before you start!
It is recommended that you enter all the information you can about
the various people making up your database FIRST, working in the
Personal Details Windows. Then establish the relationships between
these people by "marrying" couples and adding children to the
resulting family groups. Parents are established by adding people
to a family group as children.
Before printing the report, select
from the menu bar and
choose the
Sorting On/Off
menu item.
If the report is to be printed alphabetically, an [S] ("sorted")
marker will be displayed in the window title bar. If the report is
to be printed in IRN numerical order, this marker will be absent.
Use the AmigaDOS command "CMD" to re-direct printer output to a file.
Refer to your Amiga manual for more information.
NOTE: The pedigree charts printed by Scion Genealogist rely on
the back-spacing capability of your printer. Pedigree charts
printed to a file might not be readily interpreted.
Use the printing features of your chosen text editor to print the
notes. If your editor does not support printing, use the AmigaDOS
command "PrintFiles". Refer to your Amiga manual for more
When you select the
Save As...
item from the
menu you are
presented with a file requester. Simply type the new name for your
database in the box near the bottom of the requester. The name of
the database will also be used as a "suffix" for your free form
notes and picture files.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you "name" your database as
soon as you start working on it. For example, add one person
to the database and then save the database with a suitable
name. This will then establish its name (for notes, etc).
It probably means that your database file is too big for the
remaining memory in your computer. Either:
(1) you created the database on a computer with more memory, in
which case you will need to continue with the other computer
or buy more memory, or
(2) you have one or more other application programmes running at
the moment, in which case you should close them down to free
up some memory.
(1) your specified editor is not available (have you removed the
disk, where it is located, from your disk drive?), or
(2) you do not have enough memory left to run the editor, or
(3) your chosen editor will not run from this environment (try
using a different editor).
Tested Editors
(1) the picture file you have specified does not exist, or
(2) your specified picture viewer is not available (have you
removed the disk, where it is located, from your disk drive?),
(3) you do not have enough memory left to run the picture viewer
(try using a different viewer), or
(4) your chosen picture viewer will not run from this environment.
You have probably 'launched' Scion Genealogist via one of the
utility 'launching' programmes such as "AmiDock", "ToolsDaemon",
or "ToolsManager" with Scion Genealogist specified as a 'CLI'
type of programme.
These 'launching' programmes require you to specify whether the
programme you wish to launch is a "CLI" or "Workbench" type of
programme. To eliminate these "Error 103 detected" messages when
using one of these 'launching' programmes, make sure you specify
Scion Genealogist as a "Workbench" type programme.
WHAT ARE THE FILES NAMED "PN1.unnamed", "FN1.unnamed", ETC. THAT I
You have created free form notes without first naming the database.
Refer to
Edit Personal Notes
Edit Family Notes
Establish the first marriage for the person by clicking on the
Set 1st Marriage
gadget in the Personal Details Window for
that person. This will place you in the first Family Details Window
with that person as "Principal".
To create another marriage for that Principal, click on the
New Marriage
gadget in the Family Details Window. You will be
asked if you want to create a new family group for that Principal.
Answer "yes" and continue as you did for the first marriage by first
adding a new Spouse (for the second marriage) and then adding the
children of the second marriage.
(1) Click on the
(Exchange) gadget in the Family Details window,
(2) From the Family Details Window, click on the
(Select Spouse)
gadget. You will be returned to the Personal Details Window for
the Spouse. Now click on the
gadget for that
person. You will be returned to the Family Details Window with
the person now listed as the Principal.
From the appropriate Family Details Window, click on the
Set Spouse
gadget. You will be asked if you wish to remove
the existing spouse and (optionally) replace with a new spouse.
Answer "yes".
You will then be presented with a list of the people currently in
the database. Click on the name of the person that you wish to be
the new spouse.
From the appropriate Family Details Window, click on the
Set Spouse
gadget. You will be asked if you wish to remove
the existing spouse and (optionally) replace with a new spouse.
Answer "yes".
At this point the existing spouse will be removed, and you will be
presented with a list of the people currently in the database. Click
on the "Cancel" gadget at the bottom of the list. The original
spouse has now been removed from the family group.
NOTE: If you need to re-instate the original spouse to the family
group, click on the "Set Spouse" gadget again and add
them (from the displayed list) to the family group.
Click on "Personal Search" gadget, and enter the last name in which
you are interested into the Last Name field of the requester. Click
on "Find First", "Find Next" or "Find Prev" to locate the next
From the Personal details window (with no data entry field active)
press "P" to bring up the search requester, and then either "N" or
"P" to find the next or previous person with that same last name.
In this way, repeatedly pressing "P" then "N" will progressively
display the next person in the database with the name of interest.
NOTE: This same technique may be used to "browse" families, but
the search will be initiated by pressing the "F" key (for
"Family Search", and then followed by "N" or "P".
Split your database in half. For example, if you are tracing your
OWN family tree, try making one database starting with your father
and another database starting with your mother.
## ##
## LDS Compatibility ##
## ##
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS for short), requires
that additional information particular to that church be recorded.
To achieve a level of LDS compatibility, use the user-defined field labels
in the following manner:
Select the
Set User Labels
option under the
Set Personal Label 1 to "Baptism"
Set Personal Label 2 to "Endowment"
Set Personal Label 3 to "C/P Sealing"
Set Family Label 1 to "W/H Sealing"
Use these fields to enter information as follows:
Baptism - enter baptism date and temple.
Eg. "23 May 1947 Temple: Hamilton, NZ
Endowment - enter endowment date and temple.
Eg. "23 Jun 1983 Temple: Hataitai, NZ
C/P Sealing - enter child to parents sealing date and temple.
Eg. "14 Aug 1972 Temple: Christchurch, NZ
W/H Sealing - enter wife to husband sealing date and temple.
Eg. "11 Nov 1957 Temple: Wellington, NZ
(Don't forget to type the word "Temple:" into the entry field!)
## ##
## Programme Specification ##
## ##
Database stored in RAM for maximum speed.
Works with floppy and/or hard disk drives.
Maximum number of people per database = 999
Maximum number of marriages per person = 10
Maximum number of children per family group = 40
Available reports:
List of People (in IRN numerical order or alphabetical order)
List of Family Groups
Personal Summary
Family Group Sheet
Pedigree Chart
Descendant Chart
1 Mbyte of RAM required for maximum sized database. Reduced size
databases possible with 512 kbytes.
Kickstart/Workbench v2.04 (or later) required.
Any preferences supported printer capable of printing 80 columns
in normal mode, and 130 columns in condensed (fine) mode. Back-
spacing capability required for printing pedigree charts.
Version Information
for more about the features of each release
version of the programme.
Version Information
Version Information
3.04: This was the first public release of the programme, when it was
known as ArJay Genealogist.
3.05: Internal beta release of 3.06 (see below). Not released publicly.
3.06: Programme renamed to Scion Genealogist.
- Some bug fixes:
(1) Programme did not support shortcut keys correctly
with European mapped keyboards. This has now been
corrected, and shortcut keys are "simple" keyboard
characters (rather than ALT characters) to conform
with interface guidelines.
(2) There was a very subtle bug that got past ALL my
debugging tools (including enforcer - which SHOULD
have found it!). This bug caused the programme to
think that a child (being added to a family group)
was (erroneously) a parent of one of its own parents.
HOPEFULLY this has been fixed.
(3) Circumvented a bug in "amigaguide.library"® (it didn't
release a lock on the help file). The disk icon will
now go away when the disk is ejected.
(4) Some very minor bugs that nobody reported or probably
even noticed!
- New features:
(1) "Pick list" of last names added to reduce typing and
to help ensure name spelling is consistent. See
(2) Database loading is now about 2½ times faster.
(3) Can now type in IRN (or FGRN) to go directly to a
particular record (using the
gadget in the Personal
Details Window, or the
gadget in the Family
Details Window).
(4) "Add Spouse" gadget changed to
Set Spouse
. This gadget
now permits removal of an existing spouse (without
dissolving the whole family group), the changing of an
existing spouse to another, or adding a new spouse (as
(5) An additional data field has been added to the Personal
Details Window.
(6) The last three data fields in the Personal Details
Window and the last two fields in the Family Details
Window now have user configurable labels. (Possible
LDS compatibility)
(7) The original
gadget is now purely a
"navigation" gadget and will take you to the Family
Details Window for the current person's spouse and
children. To establish the FIRST marraige (family
group) for the current person, use the new
Set 1st Marriage
Similarly in the Family Details Window, the "».." (next
marriage) gadget is also now purely a "navigation" gadget.
To establish further marriages for the current principal,
use the new
New Marriage
(8) Some changes to the menus layout.
(9) "Find Previous" gadget added to search requester. Search
requester can now be conveniently used as a "browser".
(10) Option to print IRN's of each person on a descendant
(11) New
Go to Family
Go to Person
gadgets to go
directly to the appropriate details window when the FGRN
or IRN is known.
(12) New
(Go to Father) and
(Go to Mother)
gadgets to go directly to the Personal Details Window for
the currently displayed person's father or mother.
(13) New
Set Behaviour
menu item that allows the user to set:
- Whether confirmation is required on "Add New Person"
- Whether first names should be capitalized
- Whether event place names (such as Birth Place) should
be capitalized
- Whether the current Last Name should automatically be
carried over into the Last Name field of a new person.
(14) New "Save" menu item (in addition to "Save As..." option).
(15) Children of a family group are sorted by date of birth.
See also
This programme is FREEWARE and is NOT to be sold (although a nominal
charge may be made for copying). If you would would like to make a
contribution to its author, or report on any bugs or suggested
enhancements, please address any correspondence to:
Robbie J Akins
P.O.Box 98
PHONE: +64 +4 +382 6000
FAX: +64 +4 +382 6066
Thanks to my beta testers for assistance and suggestions - especially
Chris Woodhouse and Dave Hicks. Thanks also to Jan van den Baard for
"GadToolsBox" © Copyright 1991,92 Jaba Development - it certainly made
programming the user interface a lot less painful!
Thanks also to Freddy Aries in Harreveld, The Netherlands, and to Peter
Billing in Yinnar, Australia for valuable suggestions (and, I hate to
admit, a couple of bug reports!).
## ##
## Error Messages ##
## ##
Explanation of Error Message Returned by Scion Genealogist
"Couldn't allocate the about gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display the "about" requester.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the ancestor gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display the on-screen ancestor chart.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the family gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display family details. Probably due to
memory running short. Fatal error.
"Couldn't allocate the list Gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the list window
used by Scion Genealogist to display people, family and marriage
lists. Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the number gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to get IRN or FGRN input from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the person gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display personal details. Probably due to
memory running short. Fatal error.
"Couldn't allocate the pick gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display last name pick list. Probably due
to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the range gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the range window
used by Scion Genealogist to get range information from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the search gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the search window
used by Scion Genealogist to get search information from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the SetBehave gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window
used by Scion Genealogist to get user-definable behaviour from
the user. Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't allocate the SetUser gadgets"
Programme was unable to allocate the gadgets in the window
used by Scion Genealogist to get user-definable information from
the user. Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't attach family menus"
Programme was unable to attach the programme menus to the window
used by Scion Genealogist to display family details. Probably
due to memory running short. Fatal error.
"Couldn't attach person menus"
Programme was unable to attach the programme menus to the window
used by Scion Genealogist to display personal details. Probably
due to memory running short. Fatal error.
"Couldn't initialize the about gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display the "about" requester.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the ancestor gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display the on-screen ancestor chart.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the family gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display family details. Probably due to
memory running short. Fatal error.
"Couldn't initialize the list Gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the list window
used by Scion Genealogist to display people, family and marriage
lists. Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the number gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to get IRN or FGRN input from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the person gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display personal details. Probably due to
memory running short. Fatal error.
"Couldn't initialize the pick gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window used
by Scion Genealogist to display the last name pick list. Probably
due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the range gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the range window
used by Scion Genealogist to get range information from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the search gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the search window
used by Scion Genealogist to get search information from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the SetBehave gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window
used by Scion Genealogist to get user-definable behaviour from
the user. Probably due to memory running short.
"Couldn't initialize the SetUser gadgets"
Programme was unable to initialize the gadgets in the window
used by Scion Genealogist to get user-definable information from
the user. Probably due to memory running short.
"Database was saved using a more modern version of the programme. You will
need to update Scion!"
The file that you tried to load was created using a more modern
version of Scion Genealogist than you are currently using. Change
to the correct (or later) version of the programme.
"Editor not defined"
You tried to edit a file without first defining the editor to use.
Define the editor by selecting "Choose Editor" from the
"Prefs" menu.
"Editor or viewer filename too long"
The name of the editor or viewer that you have chosen is too long.
"Error number <number> detected"
This error message will be displayed if AmigaDOS detects an error.
Refer to your AmigaDOS manual for an explanation of the error
"Error saving file"
An error occurred while you were attempting to save a database
file. Refer to your AmigaDOS manual for more information.
"File is write protected"
The database file you tried to save has its 'protected from
writing' flag set. Use the AmigaDOS 'protect' command to change
this protection bit. Refer to your AmigaDOS manual for more
"Incomplete file has been deleted"
The destination disk became full when you saved a database and the
resulting incomplete file has been deleted. Try saving your
database to a different disk with more available space.
"Invalid range specified"
The range that you specified in a 'print range' requester is
invalid. The end of the range must be greater than the start of
the range, the start range must be less than or equal to the total
number of people or families in the database, and neither the start
range nor end range may be zero or negative.
"Maximum number of children reached"
The current family group already has 40 children, the maximum
number permitted for any one family group.
"Maximum number reached"
Either: (1) You have reached the maximum number of people you
can have in a database (999), or,
(2) you have reached the maximum number of families you
can have in a database (999).
"Maximum number would be exceeded"
When you attempted to 'bulk add' people to the database using
the 'Add People' option under the 'Extras' menu, the number you
tried to add would have exceeded the limit of the programme (999).
"No database name specified"
You did not specify a database name when you tried to save that
database. Either select an existing database from the "Save As..."
file requester, or type in a new name for the database in the file
"No database name specified. Save using "Save As" option."
When you tried to save a database using the "Save" option, there
was either no database name already defined, or else the name of
the database was the default "Unnamed". Use the "Save As..."
option to save the database with a name.
"No family notes file specified"
You have not specified a note file to edit. Enter an appropriate
name in the file requester displayed when you click on the "Edit
Notes" gadget in the Family Details Window.
"No family picture file specified"
You have not specified a picture file to view. Enter an
appropriate name in the file requester displayed when you click on
the "View Picture" gadget in the Family Details Window.
"No personal notes file specified"
You have not specified a note file to edit. Enter an appropriate
name in the file requester displayed when you click on the "Edit
Notes" gadget in the Personal Details Window.
"No personal picture file specified"
You have not specified a picture file to view. Enter an
appropriate name in the file requester displayed when you click on
the "View Picture" gadget in the Personal Details Window.
"Not a valid Scion database"
The file that you tried to load was not a valid Scion database.
Make sure that you selected the correct file.
"On-line help is not currently available"
'amigaguide.library' could not be opened when the programme was
started, and therefore on-line help is not available.
"On-line help will not be available"
The 'amigaguide.library' could not be opened, and hence on-line
help will not be available. Make sure that you have installed the
supplied 'amigaguide.library'.
"Out of memory"
You ran out of memory when trying to 'bulk add' people to the
database using the 'Add People' option under the 'Extras' menu.
"Printer is not online"
Either: (1) The printer is not on-line, or,
(2) the printer is not turned on, or,
(3) the printer cable is not connected.
"Printer is out of paper"
The printer is out of paper.
"The person selected already has parents defined"
The child you tried to add to a family group (using the "Add Child"
gadget) already has it's parents defined by being a member of
another family group.
"The person selected has been deleted from the database"
You have tried to select the record corresponding to a person
who has subsequently been deleted from the database.
"The selected child is a parent of the Principal"
The child you tried to add to a family group (using the "Add Child"
gadget) is a parent of the Principal of the current family group.
"The selected child is a parent of the Spouse"
The child you tried to add to a family group (using the "Add Child"
gadget) is a parent of the Spouse of the current family group.
"The selected spouse has already been married for the maximum number of
The spouse that you have selected for a family group (using "Add
Spouse") has already been married 10 times, the maximum number
of marriages permitted for any one individual.
"The selected spouse is a child of one of the children of the family"
The spouse that you have selected for a family group (using "Add
Spouse") is actually a child of one of the children of that family
"The selected spouse is already one of the children of the family"
The spouse that you have selected for a family group (using "Add
Spouse") is actually one of the children of that family group.
"Unable to gain access to the printer. Maybe it is in use?"
When trying to print a report, the programme was unable to gain
access to the printer. Maybe another programme is using the printer
or has not released it properly after use.
"Unable to get VisualInfo from the screen"
Programme was unable to obtain information about the custom screen
used by Scion Genealogist. People, family and marriage lists will
not be available. Possibly due to memory running short. If this
error occurs during startup, it is a fatal error.
"Unable to open 'library' version 'version number' (or greater)"
The programme was unable to open the AmigaDOS library 'library'
with a version number of 'version number' (or later).
If 'rexxsyslib.library' could not be opened, ARexx functions will
not be available. All other library open failures are 'fatal'. The
required libraries are either not present, or the library version
is not modern enough.
"Unable to open about window"
Programme was unable to open window used by Scion Genealogist to
display the "about" requester. Probably due to memory running
"Unable to open ancestor window"
Programme was unable to open window used by Scion Genealogist to
display the on-screen ancestor chart. Probably due to memory
running short.
"Unable to open family window"
Programme was unable to open the window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to display family details. Probably due to memory
running short. Fatal error.
"Unable to open help file"
There was a problem detected when 'amigaguide' help system tried
to open the Scion.guide help file.
"Unable to open list window"
Programme was unable to open the list window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to display people, family and marriage lists. Probably
due to memory running short.
"Unable to open number window"
Programme was unable to open the window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to get IRN or FGRN input from the user. Probably
due to memory running short.
"Unable to open personal window"
Programme was unable to open the window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to display personal details. Probably due to memory
running short. Fatal error.
"Unable to open pick window"
Programme was unable to open the window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to display the last name pick list. Probably due to
memory running short.
"Unable to open range window"
Programme was unable to open the range window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to get range information from the user. Probably
due to memory running short.
"Unable to open screen"
The programme could not open its required custom screen. Probably
due to a shortage of memory. Fatal error.
"Unable to open search window"
Programme was unable to open the search window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to get search information from the user. Probably
due to memory running short.
"Unable to open SetBehave window"
Programme was unable to open the window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to get user-definable behaviour from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Unable to open SetUser window"
Programme was unable to open the window to be used by Scion
Genealogist to get user-definable information from the user.
Probably due to memory running short.
"Unable to open Topaz font"
The programme could not open the system font 'topaz 8'. Fatal
error (this font should always be available!).
"Unique ARexx port could not be created. ARexx functions will not be
The programme could not create a unique ARexx port name. Only 10
possible unique names are supported.
"Viewer not defined"
You tried to view a picture file without first defining the viewer
to use. Define the viewer by selecting "Choose Viewer" from the
"Prefs" menu.
"WARNING: Memory is almost exhausted! Recommend saving your database NOW!"
Scion Genealogist has detected that memory is running low. Save
your database AT ONCE as functions (including the ability to save
the database) may cease to be available if you continue adding
people and/or families to the database. If you have other
applications running, close them down to free up some more memory.
"You are trying to make one of the parents their own child"
The child you tried to add to a family group (using the "Add Child"
gadget) is already defined as either the Principal or Spouse
of the current family group.
"You are trying to marry the Principal of this family to themselves!"
The spouse that you have selected for a family group (using "Add
Spouse") has already been set as the principal of that family
## ##
## AmigaGuide® Help ##
## ##
AmigaGuide® Help: Buttons
Contents - Display the Table of Contents document for the current database.
Index - Display the index document for the current database.
Help - Display the help document for the current database. If the
database doesn't have a Help document of its own, then the
global Help database will be used instead.
Retrace - Go back to the previous node.
Browse - Step through the documents in sequential order, in the order
they appear in the database.
AmigaGuide® Help: Menus
Print - Print the current document to the current print
Close Window - Close the active document window.
Quit - Close all windows for the current database, and exit.
Mark - Start marking a block of text for copying to the
Copy - Copy the current document to the clipboard.
Select All - Select all the lines of the current document.
Clear Selected - Unselect all the lines of the current document.
Print Selected - Print the selected lines to the current print device.
Find Document... - Locate a document.
Find Text... - Locate all occurrences of text within the current
Find Next - Show the Find Text document.
Set Bookmark - Save the current location to the bookmark file.
Go To Bookmark - Go to the location indicated by the bookmark file.
AmigaGuide® Help: Keystrokes
TAB - Cycle forward through the buttons.
Shift-TAB - Cycle backwards through the buttons.
HELP - Display this document in its own window.
ESC - Close the active AmigaGuide® window.
Backspace - Scroll backwards a page.
RETURN - Activate the default button (the highlighted one).
Shift-RETURN - Activate the default button (the highlighted one).
If it is a document, then load it in a new window.
SPACE - Scroll forwards a page.
> - Go to the end of the current document.
< - Go to the beginning of the current document.
AmigaGuide® Help: Arrow Keys
Up - Scroll up through the document.
Down - Scroll down through the document.
Shift-Up - Go up a page in the document.
Shift-Down - Go down a page in the document.
Alt-Up - Go to the beginning of the document.
Alt-Down - Go to the end of the document.
Left - Scroll left through the document.
Right - Scroll right through the document.
Shift-Left - Scroll left one window-full through the document.
Shift-Right - Scroll right one window-full through the document.
Alt-Left - Go to the extreme left of the document.
Alt-Right - Go to the extreme right of the document.
AmigaGuide® Help: Function Keys
F9 - Activate Next Window.
F10 - Cycle active AmigaGuide® window front to back.
AmigaGuide® Help: Mouse
Select - Over a node, will activate the node.
Shift-Select - Over a node, will activate the node. If it is a document,
then load the document in a new window.
AmigaGuide® Help: Environment Variables
Use the DOS command, SetEnv to set any of the following variables.
This variable contains the list of path names that AmigaGuide®
should search through when it attempts to open a database.
For example:
SetEnv AmigaGuide/Path "Workbench:Autodocs Workbench:Includes"
Gives you control over the colors that AmigaGuide® uses to
render the text and link points with.
SetEnv AmigaGuide/Pens <abcdefgh>
a = Background pen
b = Button text pen
c = Button background pen
d = Highlighted button text pen
e = Highlighted button background pen
f = Outline pen
g = Highlight outline pen
h = Text on background pen
For example:
SetEnv AmigaGuide/Pens 21213001
SetEnv AmigaGuide/Text BOLD
will give a very sharp look.
Enables you to determine what the link points look like.
SetEnv AmigaGuide/Text <style>
where style can be one of the following: