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- EXCELSIOR! Professional Bulletin Board Software
- -----------------------------------------------
- © 1992-1993 Sycom Design Software Release 1.0
- July 4, 1993
- Release 1 of EXCELSIOR! BBS is now available. This program is the finest
- available for the Amiga computer. It is designed under Release 2 of
- AmigaDOS O/S. The BBS offers features not found on any other BBS software
- package currently available.
- EXCELSIOR! operates in a dynamic environment of data structures. Like the
- Amiga executive, EXCELSIOR! is very flexible and open-ended by eliminating
- artificial boundries on internal data. The system is open-ended. It
- supports as many lines as you want (not 24 or 100, etc).
- EXCELSIOR! was in the beta-test stage for over one year. Its enthusiatic
- beta-testers have helped to make it a very stable system. Very little
- "hands-on" maintenance is needed to keep a system running smoothly.
- However, you have complete control over the day-to-day activity of the
- BBS allowing for complete customization to your requirements. The BBS has
- been tested on Amiga 1000's through Amiga 4000's. It also runs fine under
- AmigaDOS Release 3+ as well.
- Take a look at the enclosed features list. The BBS offers many
- powerful features, some of which are state-of-the-art.
- EXCELSIOR! is now being distributed with:
- --------
- The Amiga's premier front-end mailer. TrapDoor is a FidoNet-compatible
- front mailer for Amiga systems. It transfers mail from/to other FidoNet-
- compatible systems using WaZoo DietIfna and ZedZap techniques as well as
- the lowest common FidoNet protocol, FTS-0001 (Lotek). It also features
- the latest EMSI (Electronic Mail Standard Identification) handshake that
- allows two mailers to exchange lots of interesting information at session
- startup, such as AKA addresses.
- This EXCELSIOR!-exclusive TrapDoor handles both sending and receiving of
- files and mail packets and is fairly easy to set up and use. It works
- well with high-speed modems, and includes all the features found on
- standard FidoNet mailers, such as making and processing of filerequests,
- password-protected mail sessions, automatic nodelist lookup and much
- more.
- ------
- EXCELSIOR!'s own FidoNet mail processor. This allows users on FidoNet
- and other compatible networks to run full-featured systems. This mail
- processor allows you to access Areafix/raid, internal '.tic' support to
- local sub-boards (and exporting to down-stream nodes), full-logic routing
- for import and point destinations and much more. It is configured and
- updated by an easy-to-use GUI. Adding and editing new echos has never
- been easier. Taking full advantage of the Amiga's GUI, you simply
- click gadgets to add/remove echos, feed sites, etc. XMAIL!, like the BBS,
- supports multi-domained configurations as well as single-domain. Again,
- there is no limit to the number of echos, export sites, route-configs your
- system can support. The newest "5d" address format is also supported.
- ------
- State-of-the-art linking system. This allows you to link up other
- EXCELSIOR! systems via standard telephone lines. Once connected, these
- systems allow users on other systems to communicate with the users on any
- other system in the link. You can link up as many systems as you want and
- have as many users on each system! Unlike others BBS software packages,
- EXCELSIOR! allows you to link up more than just conference rooms. Users
- can talk in real-time chat, send InterUser messages, get user info on any
- user in the link, plus much more! The link will fully auto-configure.
- SysOps do not need to be present to link up systems or perform tiresome
- "link procedures" to link up their systems. Its logic-controlled scripts
- allow your system to stay linked during hours YOU specify (even if
- connections are broken for some reason)!! SysOps on linked-systems
- enjoy special privileges. You can lock-out individual Sysop-functions
- between linked systems as well. Users are actually logged into all linked
- systems whenever they log onto a system in the link. They appear in every
- SysOps BBS monitor window and can be controlled via GUI from there. Huge
- 24-hour linked networks are possible. Sysops running EXCELSIOR! with
- only a few lines can link into other BIG systems giving them many more
- nodes their users can communicate with. You can call the support site
- at +1-313-772-6442 to view the link. It usually has 4-5 other
- EXCELSIOR! sites linked up with more than 15 lines accessible!
- While other BBS are continuously charging you for updates, EXCELSIOR!
- offers more features and expandability than these packages. The features
- listed below come with the EXCELSIOR! Professional BBS package. You do
- not have to "register" other programs to gain these features.
- The complete BBS package is currently available for $139 (US Funds). Sycom
- is also currently offering a "TRADE-UP" program. Owners of any other BBS
- program (excluding public-domain) can trade-up their current software to
- EXCELSIOR! The current trade-up price is $109 (US Funds). Users will
- receive the complete package for this price if the following is done:
- In order to qualify for the EXCELSIOR! Trade-Up Program you must mail
- either: (a) The manual of the current BBS software you are running, or
- (b) the original disks for that software to Sycom.
- Mail all trade-ups to:
- Sycom
- Attn: Trade-up program
- PO Box 452
- St. Clair Shores, MI 48080-0452
- Pricing effective 7/4/93
- For a limited time only
- EXCELSIOR! Professional BBS 1.0 $139 (MSRP: $199)
- EXCELSIOR! Professional BBS 1.0 w/Trade-Up $109
- All funds must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank. You must include
- the following shipping charges (call Sycom if you have any questions):
- USA and Canada: $13
- Europe $21
- Australia/NZ/Asia $25
- Overnight and international express shipping is available. Please call
- Sycom to obtain exact shipping charges.
- COD orders add $4.
- VISA/MASTERCARD gladly welcome.
- Personal check (allow up to five (5) working days to process).
- Money Orders also accepted.
- The complete demo version is available from the sites listed below. You
- may also send $9 to receive complete demo version on disk by mail.
- -------
- Sycom
- P.O. Box 452
- St. Clair Shores, MI USA 48080-0452
- ------------
- USA Toll Free Customer Service
- 1-800-243-1230 (VOICE) M-F 9am-8pm (EST) -4 GMT DST
- International Customer Service
- +1-313-774-2153 (VOICE) M-F 9am-8pm (EST) -4 GMT DST
- Multi-line BBS Support
- +1-313-77-AMIGA [772-6442] 2400 24hrs
- +1-313-772-5802 USR DUAL 16.8 HST 24hrs
- FIDO/AmigaNet
- -------------
- excel@1:120/298
- excel@40:711/16
- --------
- excel@tcedge.mi.org
- ---
- site: sycom.mi.org!tcedge
- file: bms:pub/ebbsdemo.lha
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- -E X C E L S I O R ! F E A T U R E S L I S T-
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Registered SysOps receive:
- --------------------------
- o Free inner-revision upgrades. The software is always being updated
- to keep it "state-of-the-art".
- o Complete 230+ page hard-cover manual.
- o Guaranteed error-free copy of the BBS.
- This applies to any full release version of the BBS. At any time,
- if you encounter ANY "bugs", you may contact Sycom and receive a
- "fixed" copy of your BBS version or a FREE update to the next
- version.
- o Online BBS and voice technical support.
- o Updates are available for downloading from the support BBS.
- Overview
- --------
- o Requires at least AmigaDOS Release 2 O/S software.
- o Works on all 68000 generation processors.
- o Full featured multi-node capability (UNLIMITED).
- o Easy AmigaDOS installer allows for fast installation of EXCELSIOR!
- and all updates.
- o GUI configure program allows easy modification of system options and
- pre-sets.
- o Configurable Output (All text is completely modifiable).
- o Advanced User Interface.
- o Written in optimized SAS/C with Assembly routines.
- o Uses standard XPR Libraries for file transfering. ASCII,
- Xmodem/CRC/1K, YModem CRC/G, and Zmodem included.
- o 100% residentable (including XPR routines).
- o Runs with floppy system configurations.
- o Uses dynamic memory allocation.
- o Multi-tasking friendly. System can run in the background; never
- interupting or affecting system performance.
- o Supports all serials cards (ASDG, Supra, Commodore, GVP I/O, etc)
- Security
- --------
- o Password Protect sub-boards and directories.
- o 32 configurable AccessGroup templates.
- o AccessGroups can be cloned and transposed.
- o AccessGroup configurable lines (i.e. for High-speed numbers).
- o Allow certain baud rate logins only (daily or hourly).
- o Lock users out of system (permanent, or pending SysOp review).
- o Complete user capturing for certain users, accesgroups, or everyone.
- o Keep logs on transfers, doors executed, files read, etc.
- o Keep logs on CB module activity (per individual channel).
- o Password protect a node's login.
- o Full-feature "shuttle" login for private systems allowing:
- o Mail to and from SysOp.
- o Password match required login to normal system.
- o New user applications.
- o Auto-callback validation optional on new users (TOLLSAVER option).
- o Unlimited SubOp availability for each area.
- o Global SubOps definable for message/file bases.
- o Age restrictions available for each area.
- o Gender restrictions available for each area.
- o Time restrictions available for each area.
- o Users CAN remotely "WATCH" other users. Actually see what is
- going on and interact with the user.
- o Full featured listing of users online (Exactly where user is,
- what they are doing--Including transfers rates & times, etc.).
- User Interface
- --------------
- o IPL (Integrated Programming Language). Allows users to use system
- variables for displaying output, changing colors, and other
- powerful functions.
- o User can custom configure the system to their specifications.
- Including time zone's, numeric output, plus all terminal settings.
- o Full system parser.
- o Powerful ranging system allowing "#-#, #, #" values for reading,
- marking, scanning items, etc.
- o Full support for arguments such as "READ SINCE 4-1-93",
- o Complex arguments for scanning, reading, batching such as: BYME,
- o Forwards and backwards message and response reading.
- o Users can get extended help for commands by entering "COMMAND ?".
- o Each user can be allowed:
- o Personal File Area (limits definable).
- o Individual Plan Files.
- o Personalize signatures for:
- Message Area.
- Transfer Area.
- Internet public & private.
- FidoNet public & private.
- o Much more
- o User definable macro-keys.
- o Helpful CTRL key functions easing user inputs, similiar to AmigaDOS
- Shell features.
- o Full cursor key support (including unlimited command history buffer).
- Door/Expansion Support
- ----------------------
- o Full EXCELSIOR! 'C' door support. Object-oriented interface
- allowing compatibility from revision to revision no matter how many
- changes.
- o ARexx Interface. Full support to allow programs written in ARexx
- to be accessable to available system functions & information. Now
- supports mulitple BBS formats for compatibility with little or no
- modification.
- o ABBERexx support.
- o Paragon and CNet(ARexx) door compatible.
- o Allows any AmigaDOS program that run in a standard shell to be run
- as an EXCELSIOR! door (DOS DOORS).
- o Internal BBS commands can be replaced by external modules.
- Configurability
- ---------------
- o Allow different BBS' running on same machine. Using new text output
- files, userlogs, etc.
- o Full command parser for sysop customization.
- o Multiple (unlimited) translation tables for foreign and custom
- I/O translation.
- o Full command aliasing, allowing you to "alias" any command, to an
- already popular command. Configurable commands for each
- AccessGroup.
- o Multi-lingual compatible.
- o Expansive sysop definable/creatable commands.
- o Commands can be accessed globally (available at every prompt).
- o Replacable online editor, allowing for 3rd party programs to
- replace standard EXCELSIOR! editor. User can choose what editor
- they want to use.
- o Configurable local editor (such as CED, TurboText, etc)
- o Easy to use GUI (point and click) system for fast initial
- configuration, including one-touch install option.
- o Full support for any baud rate.
- Enhanced Features
- -----------------
- o Sysop capture buffering.
- o Standard offline batching for new items.
- o Activity graph that plots system activity and trends.
- o Full Event scheduler controlling all aspects of each node.
- o Full password-protected online AmigaDOS® shell.
- o Standard AmigaDOS shell programs control node activity automatically
- via a standard CRON program.
- o Global/individual features allows users to be rewarded bytes for
- their uploads for each time their file is downloaded.
- o Full accounting control, allowing detailed billing for your users.
- o Internal online Full Screen ANSI Editor.
- o Full featured message line editor.
- o Full online/offline GUI (point & click) userlog editor.
- o Full online GUI sub-board editor.
- o Online configurable Mail Distribution Queues (MDQ) for mail
- bundling.
- o Mass-mailer utility allows users to send mail to specfic ID or
- AccessGroup ranges (Sysop restrictable).
- o Mouse-control support.
- o Unlimited user/sysop questionaires.
- o Each node can be opened as a window or a custom screen.
- o Full palette configuration.
- o Alternate fonts available.
- o Automated scripts allow the BBS to shutdown and open specific lines
- when other lines are active/inactive.
- o Audible tones available.
- o User-selectable keymaps.
- o Full support for true response-threading and response-appending.
- o Full pull-down Amiga Menus
- o Iconify the BBS in "zoomed" mode and as an AppIcon on the WB.
- o Examine archives online (arc, lha, zoo, zip, etc..)
- o Built-in BBSLIST database.
- o Activity can be buffered to printer.
- o Users can forward their email to local, UseNet, or FidoNet
- user addresses.
- o Sysop can create macros to spawn other processes from within the
- BBS.
- Multi-Node Features
- -------------------
- o Unlimited nodes creatable/available.
- o "Master" control allows complete sysop control of all nodes online.
- All users logged in (including network-link connections) appear in
- one separate window.
- o One-touch GUI support allows Sysop to control any user.
- o "Real time" interuser chat.
- o CB Module allows users to communicate with each other in a
- public or private environment.
- o Private CB channels can be created for exclusive entrance.
- o CB Module "ACTION" commands. Both user & system
- definable/creatable allow users to send pre-defined phrases to other
- users on the channel.
- o Allow XLink to "link up" other EXCELSIOR! BBS systems.
- o The most powerful linking system available.
- o Users can see and communicate with other users on other systems.
- o Real-time InterUser chatting between systems.
- (Not just conference rooms like on other systems)
- o Sysops sees logons/logoffs via their monitor window.
- o Users sees logons/logoffs via system monitor messages
- o Users on other linked-systems actually are logged into every
- system in the link.
- o No need for a sysop to "update" the link status. XLINK! is
- completely auto-configuring.
- o Automatic link-up and stay-linked option during the days and
- hours you want!
- o User restrictable InterUser Messaging System.
- o Personalized CB channel settings including:
- o Alternate handle for CB only (Sysop restrictable).
- o Own private channel settings.
- o Personalized "Action" commands.
- o Entry/Exit Messages.
- o Dial-out access allowing users to dial out from your system on
- another line (detailed restrictions). Specific numbers can be
- created for users to call. Complete charging for connect and
- per minute connection can be configured for each number.
- Message/File System
- -------------------
- o Full QWK support for message and file areas for offline reading and
- responding.
- o User definable automated QWK batch times, bundled messages can be
- programmed to be waiting for the user any day at any time.
- o Unlimited sub-boards. Sub-boards can be stored in a directory
- structure for complete organization.
- o Unlimited items allowed in each sub-board.
- o Sysop definable max-items for each sub-board (old items are
- automatically removed as new ones arrive).
- o Direct-DOS exchanges available (i.e. CD-ROM).
- o CD-ROM buffering system for multi-disk changers.
- o Users will be notified when users receive messages publicly
- addressed to them.
- o Allow unlimited alternate file paths for easy area separation
- between DOS partitions and sub-boards. (CD-ROM friendly)
- o Sub-boards can be created that only users that have been "asked" or
- "invited" may enter.
- o Individual users can be restricted from any sub-board.
- o BBS notifies SysOps of new unvalidated uploads upon logon.
- o Allows full support of resumable/batch protocols.
- o Areas can be scanned or read, globally & locally.
- o Search pattern matching on all functions (scan, read, etc).
- o Keyword message scanning (message body, title, description).
- o Online ANSI Quote Machine allowing users to read, download and
- quote items via ANSI highlight bars and cursor keys.
- o Multiple output formats for File Scans/Message Headers.
- o Individual IO translations tables for each sub-board can be created.
- o Areas Can Be Flagged to:
- o Automatically add files to this area at maintenance.
- o Convert all files in area to "preferred" archive format.
- o Test archives for errors.
- o Enforce minimum baud rates for each area, allowing restrictions
- for areas containing "large files" per line.
- o Order Preferences allowing several formats:
- o Alphabetical
- o Newest First
- o Oldest First
- o Seperated
- o Auto and force joined for mandatory reading sub-boards.
- o Newscan/Newread date offsetting.
- o Internal UseNet Support:
- o Full compatibility with AmigaUUCP and WCNews.
- o Full support for private and public posting.
- o Configure UseNet newsgroups inside standard sub-boards.
- o Allow integrated Internet mail to users local mailbox.
- o Allow Internet mail forwarding to/from local & remote accounts.
- o Create accounts on BBS to allow UUCP feeds (no "getty" needed).
- o Support for moderated newsgroups.
- o FAQ help files can be displayed to each user for each
- sub-board/newsgroup.
- o Internal "owndevunit.library" support. "Polling for news" is
- automatic.
- o FidoNet Support:
- o 5d address format configuration.
- o External (two-stage) BBS importer available allowing you to use
- external mail "tossers" rather than XMAIL!
- o Direct support with TrapDoor mailer.
- o XMAIL! processor allowing internal support for:
- o Areafix/raid support including:
- o "RESCAN" (with date and day of week arguments)
- o Configuration request.
- o Quick command parser.
- o Full password protection.
- o Individual domain echo forwarding of requests.
- o Crashmail reply option.
- o Crashmail request auto-forwarder.
- o Tic's support for sub-boards.
- o File sending/attaching.
- o Echo classes for site separation.
- o Point and click configuration.
- o On-the-fly exporting for pass-thru echos (no wasted disk
- space).
- o Multiple-domain support.
- o Auto-spooling and queuing.
- o Netmail, HUB, and direct routing.
- o Internal FidoNet areas using standard sub-boards.
- o Individual origin's and domain addresses for each sub-board.
- o Crash mail support (access definable).
- o FidoNet email (netmail) support (access definable).
- o File request/attach support.
- o Auto-routing points support.
- o Direct importing of FidoNet email (netmail) into standard user
- mailbox.
- o System can notify your users that there have been new responses
- or posts addressed to them from ECHOMAIL areas.
- --
- 7/4/93
- (C)opyright 1993 Sycom Design Software, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- This file may not be altered, broken-up, or modified in anyway.
- TrapDoor® is a trademark of Maximilian Hantsch and Martin Laubach
- Amiga® and AmigaDOS® are registered trademarks of Commodore-Amiga Inc.