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File List | 1993-12-21 | 2.5 KB | 74 lines |
- ahem <`0 `is clearing `his throat>
- ahem <`0 ahem`s loudly, hoping that `1 will notice>
- applaud <`0 applaud`s>
- applaud <`0 applaud`s `1>
- Attack <`0 walk`s casually upto and slap`s `1>
- body <`0 `is bodyslamming `1 onto the ground!>
- bolt \c5<A bolt of lightning strikes \c1`1\c5>
- bow <`0 `is bowing humbly>
- bow <`0 `is bowing to `1 humbly>
- brag <`0 `is such a braggart>
- brag <`0 wish`es `1 didn't brag so much>
- Brb <`0 will be right back>
- Bslap <`0 slap`s `1>
- Btoss <`0 toss`es a beer to `1>
- burp <`0 `is burping rudely...inconsiderate slob>
- burp <`0 `is burping at `1, just like an angry lamer>
- bye <`0 `is leaving us!>
- bye <`0 `is bidding `1 goodbye!>
- chant <`0 `is chanting in a monotonous tone of voice>
- cheer <`0 `is cheering with great gusto!>
- cheer \c2`0 \c4<cheering>: \c6`2
- chop <A 500 foot redwood tree just fell on `1!>
- cough <`0 ask`s `1 to turn his head and cough>
- cough <`0 `is coughing up a lung>
- cry <`0 `is crying `his poor little heart out>
- cry <`0 `is crying woefully to `1>
- cuddle <`0 `is cuddling with `1 affectionately>
- curse <`0 curse`s>
- dance <`0 `is dancing around the room>
- dance <`0 `is dancing with `1>
- die <`0 die`s>
- gag <`0 `is gagging>
- gag <`0 gag`s `1 in an attempt to restore peace and quiet>
- gasp <`0 `is gasping with `his mouth wide open!>
- gasp <`0 `is gasping at `1 in sheer amazement!>
- gday \n1\c7<\c2`0 \c7say`s, \c5"Good \v7"\c7>
- gday \n1\c7<\c2`0 \c7say`s, \c5"Good \v7"\c7 to \c3`1\c7>
- giggle <`0 `is giggling uncontrollably>
- groan <`0 `is groaning miserably>
- groan \c4`0 \c5<groaning>: \c2`2
- hello <`0 wave`s hello>
- hello <`0 wave`s hello to `1>
- hide <`0 `is hiding>
- hide <`0 `is hiding from `1>
- hug <`0 could really use a hug right now>
- Hug <`0 throw`s `his arms around `1 and squeeze`s>
- hug2 <`0 `is hugging `1>
- ignore <`0 `is ignoring `1>
- Kick <`0 `is kicking `1 in the `2>
- Kiss <`0 pucker`s up and get`s ready to give `1 a big kiss>
- laugh <`0 `is laughing hysterically!>
- laugh <`0 laugh`s at `1 in amusement!>
- puke <`0 puke`s>
- puke <`0 puke`s on `1>
- puke2 <`0 puke`s `2 on `1>
- Slap <`0 `is slapping `1>
- smell <`0 smell`s `1 in the `2>
- smile <`0 `is smiling happily>
- smile <`0 `is smiling at `1>
- spit <`0 spit`s at `1>
- spit2 <`0 spit`s `2 at `1>
- spit <`0 spit`s>
- thank <Gee, do`esn't `0 get any thanks?>
- thank <`0 `is thanking `1>
- vomit <`0 `is vomiting all over the ground>
- vomit <`0 `is vomiting all over `1!>
- wake <`0 wake`s up>
- Welcome <`0 tip`s `his hat, at `1>
- welcome2 <`0 `is warmly welcoming `1 to the conference>
- yawn <`0 `is yawning>
- yawn2 \c3`0 \c6<yawning>: \c2`2
- yell <`0 `is yelling very loudly!>
- yell \c3`0 \c6<yelling>: \c2`2