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- ****************************************************************************
- * *
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- * SHARE MANAGER V2.3 (V2.04 + only) *
- * *
- * © by Ben Muller *
- * *
- * completed on the 30 of September 1993 *
- * *
- * This program remains the copyright of Ben Muller 1993 *
- ****************************************************************************
- * *
- * *
- * This program may be freely distributed as long all files *
- * remain unchanged. If you find this program useful then please *
- * support the programmer and send $10 (or more) to: *
- * *
- * 32 Fortescue st *
- * East Fremantle W.A. 6158 *
- * Australia *
- * *
- * Send bug reports, suggestions, comments etc to the above *
- * address................................................... *
- ****************************************************************************
- * *
- * I accept no responsibility for lost or damaged data due to the *
- * use of this program. By using this program you are accepting it *
- * "as is" and at your own risk. Any information or advice in this *
- * program is only information and should not be acted upon without *
- * other advice. *
- * *
- ****************************************************************************
- Share-Manager is a personal share portfolio manager. If you have trouble
- keeping track of your shares, then this is for you. It is not however for
- very large portfolios with huge amounts of money involved. $10,000,000 is
- the limit for this little package.
- There are bound to be bugs, oversights, limitations, and any other general
- problems. There will however be more updates and any suggestions/criticisms
- from users will be helpfull.
- Since I am an Australian and this program was written for my use, I
- primarily wrote it for use with the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). There
- may be differences between Exchanges in different countries but I have kept
- the program as general as possible. For this reason I have not supplied a
- list of listed companies on the market. If there is anything significantly
- different then please write to me and I will see what I can do.
- There is a limit to the number of different shares you can have. This
- being 200. I don't forsee anyone needing more but if you do then drop me a
- letter and I'll fix it.
- PLEASE NOTE : To make full use of this program you need an internal clock or
- at least have the date set correctly each time you use this
- program. If you don't have the date set correctly then the
- graph will be useless to you.
- 2.1 Windows
- There are four main windows within SM,( Main, Industrial, Mining & Oil,
- Settings).
- These windows display all the information on the current portfolio.
- Main Window
- This window displays the portfolio information.
- Industrial Window
- This window displays all of the industrial shares in the current
- portfolio. This is where the buying and selling of shares takes place.
- Mining & Oil Window
- This is the same as the one above,however it displays the mining & oil
- shares instead.
- Settings Window
- The settings are very few at the moment but will increase.
- LOAD PATH : This is the path in which portfolios are looked for.
- DATA PATH : This is the path in which graph data is saved.
- IGNORE CAPITAL : This will ignore the capital when buying shares.
- CURRENCY : At the moment it does nothing.
- 2.2 Menus
- The main window menu consists of :
- New Industrial Deposit Set Settings What Are Information
- Open Mining & Oil Withdraw Save Settings Help ?
- Save Clear Mrkt Prcls => Australia
- Save As U.S.A
- Delete U.K.
- Print => Portfolio
- About
- Quit
- NEW : This clears the current portfolio and starts a new one.
- OPEN : Opens a portfolio from disk.
- SAVE : Saves the current portfolio to disk.
- SAVE AS : Saves the portfolio using a requester.
- DELETE : Delete a portfolio from disk.
- PRINT : PORTFOLIO : Print the current portfolio to hardcopy.
- ABOUT : No help here.
- QUIT : Non here either.
- INDUSTRIAL : This takes you to the industrial window, where you can buy,
- sell, delete and update shares.
- MINING & OIL : This is the same as above.
- DEPOSIT : This deposits an amount of capital into the portfolio.
- WITHDRAW : Withdraw capital from the portfolio.
- CLEAR : Reset the Capital. Useful at the begining of a financial
- year.
- SET SETTINGS : Set settings for SM.
- SAVE SETTINGS: Save the settings.
- WHAT ARE : This is a glossary of terms used.
- HELP ? : This will turn help on. Select again to turn off.
- PARCELS : This will show you a list of the marketable parcels in the
- three different countries given.
- INFORMATION : This will show a list of companies and when selected
- will show thier details. The ADD gadget will add a new
- company and the DELETE gadget will delete one.
- Limit of 200.
- The Industrial and Mining & Oil menus are :
- Help ? Buy Buy Selected
- Return Sell Sell
- Update Update
- Delete Exercise
- Delete
- HELP : Help on options etc. Select again to turn off.
- RETURN : This will return you to the main window.
- BUY : Buy shares through this option.
- SELL : Sell shares through this option.
- UPDATE : Update the last sale price of shares.
- DELETE : Delete shares if you made a mistake.
- BUY : Buy options through this option.
- SELL : Sell options through this option.
- UPDATE : Update options through this option.
- EXERCISE : Exercise options (convert them to shares).
- DELETE : Delete options if you made a mistake.
- SELECTED : Graph the last sale price and volume traded.
- The first thing you must do when starting a portfolio is to deposit some
- capital into it. You can't buy shares without capital, however you can
- ignore capital from settings. Once this is done you can enter a name for
- your portfolio buy clicking in the string gadget (top left).
- Now you can buy shares and options from either of the two share windows.
- The name of the share has to be unique unless you want it added onto existing
- shares. The HI and LOW values don't have to be supplied.
- The yield and P/E values are now used in calculations. There is also
- another field (Growth Rate) which is also used in calculations.
- The P/E,YIELD and GROWTH RATE are used to find a magic number(See WHATARE).
- This magic number will give you some idea of the shares worth. The magic
- number is a ratio of growth to earnings with dividends taken into account.
- If the outcome is 1 or less then the share is poor.
- If the outcome is from 1 to 1.5 then the share is okay.
- If the outcome is from 1.5 to 2 then the share is well worth a look.
- If the outcome is greater than 2 then don't hesitate.
- This is only a guide and by no means should you invest on this alone.
- NOTE: The P/E, YIELD and GROWTH RATE values do not have to be re-entered
- every time. If you leave them blank the the old value will remain.
- From day to day you may update the share price and volume traded. The data
- is saved to a file called <share name> in a directory called SHAREDATA. The
- graph function uses this file to do the graphing.
- When selling a share you may sell all or some of it.
- When depositing or withdrawing capital you can enter values as follows :
- 300 or 300. or 300.0 or 300.00 = 300 dollars
- 300.50 or 300.5 = 300 dollars and 50 cents
- .5 or .50 or 0.5 = 50 cents
- Share prices are all in cents. Entered as follows :
- 3 or 3.0 or 3.00 = 3 cents
- 3.5 or 3.50 = 3 and a half cents
- .5 or 0.5 or .50 = half a cent
- To graph a share select the share by clicking on the name and then select
- the graph selected option from the menu.
- I still haven't increased the dollar limit to 1 billion, but I still may.
- And of course any bugs will be dealt with.
- Well I hope you find the program usefull and can understand the
- documentation, I can't ! Writing is not my strong point. That's why I
- included online help and a glossary of terms.
- DISCLAIMER : Use this program at your own risk. I will accept no
- responsibility for any lost data or risky investments. This program is only
- suposed to help you analyse your portfolio.
- I wrote the program in assembler using the DEVPAC 3 assembler (the best).
- It is roughly 12,500 lines of code up to V2.3. I wrote all my own routines
- for text display (like printf), conversion routines, sort routines, math
- routines for using decimal places and any other routines I have forgotten.
- If you want the structures of the files or anything else then please write to
- me. There is no gaurantee of a reply, however I will try my best.
- ****************************************************************************
- V1.0 : 07/12/92
- This was the first version. I did not release it as I only used it
- for my personal portfolio. It was very messy.
- ****************************************************************************
- V1.1 : 16/2/93
- I fixed a few bugs and cleaned it up a bit intending to release it
- but I never did. At this stage it didn't have graphs or help etc etc.
- ****************************************************************************
- V2.0 : 03/5/93
- I totally rewrote it and made it V2.04 compatible only. I added ASL
- requesters and V2.04 library functions. This time I really intended
- to release it, but well it never happened.
- ****************************************************************************
- V2.1 : 15/08/93
- I corrected some bugs I found and added the graphing function in.
- I also added the print option.
- This time I did release it !!!!!!
- ****************************************************************************
- V2.11 : 04/9/93
- Nothing very new in this, just did some cleaning up and fixed some
- bugs.
- Better help display by way of windows.
- New Company Information. Exchange code, class etc.
- Added sort routines for alphabetical lists.
- Found out that I was loosing some memory. It was occuring when using
- the GadToolsLibrary functions for creating menus and visual info. I
- don't know why it happens because I clean everything up on exit. I
- can only conclude it has something to do with GadTools.
- So you loose just over 1k of fast mem.
- ****************************************************************************
- V2.2 : 11/09/93
- I rewrote the event testing routines so that it waits for signals
- and not for a port. This means that you can leave several of the
- windows open all of the time. It also means you can flick back to the
- main window and see the changes instantly.
- I am still loosing that memory!!!
- Fixed some more bugs.
- Made the program font sensitive.
- Added the rates of return on main window.
- Added the Growth to Earnings ratio.(Magic Number)
- I also removed the debug hunks. This reduced the size by about 40K.
- Sorry for forgetting to remove them before.
- ****************************************************************************
- V2.3 : 30/09/93
- Added keyboard equivelents for gadgets.
- Changed the windows from GimmeZeroZero to normal. This made the
- window updating faster.
- Made the gadgets font sensitive. Forgot to do it in the last update.
- Fixed a small error which occured when selling shares.
- Fixed an error in the graphing routines.
- Corrected the error handling. It stuffed up on certain errors.
- ****************************************************************************