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- * Copyrights
- See the file "COPYRIGHTS" for copyright information for this release.
- * License
- The GNU General Public Licence version 2 (see the file "COPYING") applies
- to the whole distribution, exept for files explicitly stated in
- the file "COPYRIGHTS".
- * About This Distribution
- The revision 2 is still to be considered as a "gamma" version, that is,
- there might still be some bugs left and something will certainly change.
- The e-mail address for bug reports is:
- amitcp-bug@hut.fi
- There is also a mailing list for the developers, it can be joined by
- sending mail to:
- amitcp-request@hut.fi
- Any problems and suggestions can also be discussed on the newsgroup
- comp.sys.amiga.datacomm.
- * About the included FTP and Telnet clients
- The FTP and Telnet clients included in the binary distribution are
- supplied by:
- Mark Tomlinson <mark@garden.equinox.gen.nz>
- Goeff McCaughan <geoff@equinox.gen.nz>
- for who you are free to send any comments about the FTP and the Telnet.
- Source code for these two programs can be found from the Aminet under
- the directory comm/net.
- * To Install AmiTCP/IP:
- You can't install this new version on top of any older version. If
- your disk space allows, leave the old version on the disk and delete
- it when you have the new version running.
- First extract distribution archives (AmiTCP_xxx_20.lha) to a
- directory in your hard disk (e.g. WORK:).
- Before you proceed, you must get some information from your network
- administration. (if you don't get the information, you must modify
- your database afterwards). This information includes:
- * Internet protocol address allocated for your computer. This
- is a series of decimal numbers separated by dots. For
- example, is a legal internet address.
- * Destionation IP address of a point-to-point link. This applies only
- if you use a point-to-point medium, such as a serial line.
- * Netmask for your network. This specifies how many bits in your
- internet address specifies your network address. Netmask is like
- If your network is not sub-netted, then do not have
- to supply this value (a default computed from the IP address is used).
- * Name of your host. This is a mnemonic name which can usually be
- used instead of the internet address to refer to your computer.
- This is like "Amiga1".
- * Domain name of your site. For example, "hut.fi" is the domain name for
- the Helsinki University of Technology in Finland.
- * Address(es) of the Domain Name Server(s) which will be used to translate
- host names to the corresponding internet addresses. A local
- database must be used instead if there is no name server on your
- domain.
- * Address of the default gateway via which to send packets to
- hosts not in your local network. There may be more than one of
- them.
- * The network interface to use. This may be Ethernet, SLIP or
- something else. We assume that you have proper hardware installed
- and the appropriate Sana-II compatible device driver installed in
- directory DEVS:Networks. AmiTCP/IP needs the name of device
- driver in order to use it. The unit number for the device in
- question is also needed (usually this is 0).
- When you are ready, you may start the installation by
- double-clicking the "Install_AmiTCP-2.0"-icon.
- * What Happens in the Installation?
- Here is explained shortly what happens during the installation. This is
- provided to those of you who want to know what happens to their
- computer.
- * First destination is selected.
- * Some files are copied to their proper locations on your system.
- * Information to setup network is asked.
- * Your host name is stored to environment variable HOSTNAME
- * Configuration information is saved in AmiTCP:db/netdb-myhost.
- * Script to start AmiTCP/IP and interfaces is
- created to Amitcp:bin/startnet.
- * s:user-startup is modified to make right assigns and paths.
- * If you select to start AmiTCP/IP when your computer boots,
- command for this is added to s:user-startup.
- Here are examples of startnet and netdb files.
- Sana-2 device driver: slip.device (Serial Line IP)
- Unit: 0
- Name assigned to computer: slip-2
- Name of your Domain: hut.fi
- aliases: amy
- Address assigned to computer:
- Destination address (terminal server):
- Netmask in network:
- Address of gateway:
- Address of primary nameserver:
- AmiTCP:bin/startnet: (comment = ;)
- run AmiTCP:AmiTCP
- SYS:Rexxc/WaitForPort AMITCP
- Wait 2 secs
- ; configure loop-back device
- AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig lo/0 localhost
- ; Configure Devs:Networks/slip.device unit 0
- AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig Devs:Networks/slip.device/0 netmask
- ; Add route to this host
- AmiTCP:bin/route add slip-2.hut.fi localhost
- ; Add route to the default gateway
- AmiTCP:bin/route add default
- run AmiTCP:bin/inetd
- Amitcp:db/netdb-myhost: (comment = ;)
- ; This host
- HOST slip-2.hut.fi slip-2 amy
- ; Domain names
- DOMAIN hut.fi
- ; Name servers
- Your user-startup will contain something along following lines:
- setenv HOSTNAME slip-2.hut.fi
- assign AmiTCP: HardDisk:Work/project/DIST-2.0.24
- path AmiTCP:bin add