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- *************************************************
- * *
- * (C)opyright 1992 *
- * *
- * by Tomi Blinnikka *
- * *
- * DonĀ“t try to understand the code *
- * *
- * Version 0.01 25/12/1992 *
- * *
- * BUGS: *
- * *
- * Version 1.00 26/12/1992 *
- * *
- * BUGS: Not in the program itself... *
- * *
- * Version 1.01 26/12/1992 *
- * *
- * BUGS: *
- * *
- * Version 1.02 26/12/1992 *
- * *
- * Now makes a script and protects it *
- * accordingly. *
- * *
- *************************************************
- INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
- INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
- INCLUDE "XREF:2.0.xref"
- INCLUDE "XREF:exec.xref"
- INCLUDE "XREF:dos.xref"
- nr_Name: EQU 0
- nr_FullName: EQU 4
- nr_Flags: EQU 12
- nr_Task: EQU 16
- nr_SignalNum: EQU 20
- section CS,CODE
- move.l a0,a4
- clr.b -1(a0,d0.l)
- openlib Dos,ShutDown_Out
- cmp.b #'?',(a4)
- beq CmdLineHelp
- cmp.w #'-?',(a4)
- beq CmdLineHelp
- cmp.w #'-h',(a4)
- beq CmdLineHelp
- cmp.b #'h',(a4)
- beq CmdLineHelp
- ;Set stuff for notification request
- sub.l a1,a1 ;Find our task
- lib Exec,FindTask
- move.l d0,OurTask
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Exec,AllocSignal
- move.b d0,SigBit
- bmi NoSigBit
- StartMain: bsr DoNotify
- tst.l d0
- beq ShutDown
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- move.b SigBit,d1
- bset.l d1,d0
- bset.l #SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C,d0 ;and CTRL_C
- lib Exec,Wait
- beq Break ;go break
- ; print <"ClockServer: Received file notification!",13,10> ;DEBUG
- ; print <"Stopping notification.",13,10> ;DEBUG
- bsr StopNotify
- lea.l DateTime1,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- lib Dos,DateStamp
- lea.l DateTime1,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- lib Dos,DateToStr
- tst.l d0
- bne SkipFail1
- lea.l ConvFailText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- bra StartMain
- SkipFail1: lea.l FileName1,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- move.l #1006,d2 ;mode_newfile
- lib Dos,Open
- move.l d0,File1
- bne SkipFail2
- lea.l OpenFailText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- bra StartMain
- SkipFail2: bsr FormatStr
- lea.l OutputBuffer1,a1
- bsr GetLength
- move.l d0,d3
- move.l File1,d1
- lea.l OutputBuffer1,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- lib Dos,Write
- move.l File1,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- clr.l File1
- lea.l FileName1,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- move.l #%1000000,d2
- lib Dos,SetProtection
- bra StartMain
- ;Subroutines
- FormatStr: lea.l OutputBuffer2,a2
- lea.l DateStr1,a0
- lea.l TimeStr1,a1
- FormatStr1: cmp.b #$00,(a0)
- beq FormatStr2
- move.b (a0)+,(a2)+
- bra FormatStr1
- FormatStr2: move.b #' ',(a2)+
- FormatStr2.1: cmp.b #$00,(a1)
- beq FormatStr3
- move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
- bra FormatStr2.1
- FormatStr3: move.b #13,(a2)+
- move.b #10,(a2)+
- clr.b (a2)+ ;here so GetLength knows to stop
- rts
- ;Get length of text in given address
- ;
- ;Input a1 = Address of null terminated text string
- ;
- ;Result d0 = Length (not incl. NULL)
- GetLength: clr.l d0
- cmp.l #$00,a1 ;fixes enforcer hit
- beq GetLength_OUT
- GetLength2: add.l #1,d0
- tst.b (a1)+
- bne GetLength2
- sub.l #1,d0
- GetLength_OUT: rts
- DoNotify: lea.l NotifyReq1,a2
- move.l #NRF_SEND_SIGNAL,nr_Flags(a2)
- move.l OurTask,nr_Task(a2) ;Set task
- move.b SigBit,nr_SignalNum(a2) ;Set signal
- lea.l FileName1,a0
- move.l a0,nr_Name(a2) ;Set filename
- move.l a2,d1
- lib Dos,StartNotify
- tst.l d0
- beq NotNotifying
- move.b #1,UseNotify
- move.l #-1,d0
- rts
- StopNotify: tst.b UseNotify
- beq StopNotify_OUT
- lea.l NotifyReq1,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- lib Dos,EndNotify
- clr.b UseNotify
- StopNotify_OUT: rts
- ShutDown: bsr StopNotify
- move.l File1,d1
- beq ShutDown8000
- lib Dos,Close
- ShutDown8000: clr.l d0
- move.b SigBit,d0
- bmi ShutDown7000
- lib Exec,FreeSignal
- ShutDown7000:
- ShutDown1000: closlib Dos
- ShutDown_Out: move.l #RETURN_OK,d0
- rts
- CmdLineHelp: lea.l UsageText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- bra ShutDown
- NoSigBit: lea.l NoSigBitText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- bra ShutDown
- NotNotifying: lea.l NoNotifyText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- clr.l d0
- rts
- Break: lea.l BreakText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- bra ShutDown
- Printer: printa a0
- rts
- ;Structures & reservations
- SigBit: dc.b -1
- UseNotify: dc.b 0
- OurTask: dc.l 0
- File1: dc.l 0
- ;Filenames and other dos related strings
- FileName1: dc.b "T:CS_DateTime",0
- CmdString1: dc.b "Date TO T:CS_DateTime",0
- ;Error strings etc...
- NoSigBitText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't allocate signal bit!",13,10,0
- NoNotifyText1: dc.b "ERROR: Not getting notification on file!",13,10,0
- ConvFailText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't convert time/date!",13,10,0
- OpenFailText1: dc.b "ERROR: Couldn't open file!",13,10,0
- BreakText1: dc.b "***Break: ClockServer",13,10,0
- ;Information & other strings
- dc.b "$VER: "
- UsageText1: dc.b "ClockServer 1.02 (26.12.92). (C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka",13,10,13,10
- ; dc.b 13,10,"!!! BETA TESTER VERSION !!!",13,10,13,10,13,10
- dc.b "USAGE: ClockServer [?]",13,10,13,10
- dc.b " Where: [?] gives this text",13,10,13,10
- dc.b "Use CTRL-C to stop program.",13,10,13,10
- dc.b "Gives time/date to networked machine(s).",13,10
- dc.b "See docs for more information.",13,10,0
- ds.l 0
- ;library stuff
- libnames
- ;Dos lib stuff
- NotifyReq1: dcb.b 48,0
- ;Buffers
- DateTime1: dc.l 0 ;days past 1978
- dc.l 0 ;mins past 00:00
- dc.l 0 ;ticks past min
- dc.b 0 ;format = DOS (dd-mmm-yy)
- dc.b 0 ;do not substitute etc.
- dc.l 0 ;no day, please
- dc.l DateStr1 ;pointer
- dc.l TimeStr1 ;pointer
- DateStr1: dcb.b 16,0
- TimeStr1: dcb.b 16,0
- OutputBuffer1: dc.b "Date "
- OutputBuffer2: dcb.b 32,0