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- 04/09-92 Logger V1.05
- Updated: 04/09-92 - for version 1.05 - Preliminary docs
- Copyright (C) Tomi Blinnikka 1992, All Rights Reserved.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- This program is SHAREWARE. This means that you can copy it and give it
- to all your friends, upload it to a BBS or include it in a PD-library
- (FISH etc.). BUT (!!!) if you use this program frequently you must
- pay $5 - $10. The other restrictions are: all of the files must be
- included in their original form without additions, deletions, or
- modifications of any kind and it IS NOT TO BE SOLD. THIS INCLUDES
- GERMAN PD DEALERS. If you wish to use this program for commercial
- purposes, you need written permission. The Logger program is
- provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, and the author is not
- responsible for any damage this software may or may not do.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. What does it do?
- - Short description of what this program does and/or does not do.
- 2. What do you need?
- - A list of software/hardware needed.
- 3. Compatibility
- - A list of computers this program works on.
- 4. How to run it
- - Instructions on starting the program and what arguments it takes.
- 5. Using Logger
- - A short description of all functions
- 6. Hints & tips
- - Hints & tips. Other programs to enhance using Logger etc.
- 7. Problems
- - Possible problems you may run into.
- 8. Error messages
- 9. Versions
- - A list of all versions. The newest first.
- 10. Future versions
- 11. Bugs
- - List of bugs found.
- 12. ShareWare fee
- - More information on the ShareWare fee.
- 13. BetaTesters
- - A list of betatesters.
- 14. 'Registered' users
- - A list of users that have payed the ShareWare fee.
- 15. Bug reports etc.
- - How to contact the author
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Logger is a Yet-Another-Pseudo-Security-System (YAPSS), but this it is also
- a touch more useful, since it allows users to use your Amiga through any
- device. This means you can have as many users using your Amiga as you wish
- (only the hardware limits the amount of simultanous users). It also has the
- capability of answering the phone, so logons through modems are also
- possible.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You'll need an Amiga computer (see compatibility list), with Kickstart
- 2.04 (version 37 or higher).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Logger will work on any Commodore Amiga, running on Kickstart
- 2.04 or higher. This includes the following: A500(+), A600, A1000, A2000,
- A2500/20, A2500/30, A3000 (16 MHz or 25 Mhz model). The program SHOULD
- work on any upgrades (based on the Amiga Development Guidelines, see
- Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual (Release 2): Includes and Autodocs,
- introduction) and future A4000-series. Logger works with all internal
- modems (I have a Supra 2400zi) and extra serial boards that support
- the normal device commands.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You can run the program from a CLI/SHELL/etc. but you can't hang an icon on
- it and start it from the Workbench.
- To run the program, run Logger from your CLI/SHELL/etc. with the desired
- commands and options. Please note that since I haven't written a proper
- parser, you MUST give the options in order.
- USAGE: Logger [-1 | -2 | -3] [-l | -d] [-s Number] [Unit] [Device]
- Where: [-1] log login failures
- [-2] log correct logins
- [-3] log all logins
- [-l] is for local mode
- [-d] for dumb mode (no hayes commands sent)
- [-s Number] speed to use
- [Unit] is the unit number
- [Device] is the device name
- Default: [Device] is serial.device
- [Unit] is 0
- or use
- 1> Logger ? | -? | h | -h
- for the above command line options and copyrights.
- 4.1 Local mode
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Local mode allows you to login from a CLI/Shell window. This command line
- option excludes all others. It will automatically turn on dumb mode, so no
- Hayes commands are sent.
- 4.2 Dumb mode
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When this is set, no Hayes commands are sent to the device. It also stops
- the program from waiting for RINGS and CONNECTS.
- 4.3 Speed to use
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This describes the speed to use on the device. The device will be opened
- with this as the default speed.
- 4.4 Log login failures
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Writes all failed logins to GETTY:Logger.log. The 'GETTY:' will most likely
- be changed to 'LOGGER:'.
- 4.5 Log correct logins
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Logs all correct logins to GETTY:Logger.log. The 'GETTY:' will most likely
- be changed to 'LOGGER:'.
- 4.6 Log all logins
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Logs all incorrect and correct logins to GETTY:Logger.log. The 'GETTY:'
- will most likely be changed to 'LOGGER:'.
- 4.7 Unit number
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Specifies the unit number of the device. Doesn't apply when local mode is
- used.
- 4.8 Device name
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Specifies device to be used.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To actually use logger you will also need the following programs: PassWd,
- Finger (optional), W (optional), Uptime (optional) and Lock (optional).
- 5.1 PassWd
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- PassWd is the program that makes and upholds the password file.
- Examples:
- 1. Logger -3 -s2400 0 modem0.device
- 2. RUN >NIL: Logger -1 -d -s38400 0 serial.device
- 3. Logger -l
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Logger won't hangup if the DTR is dropped, or if the users suddenly hangs
- up...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Logger program will display necessary error messages. I HATE
- Logger doesn't give any output, something is seriously wrong or
- I was lazy :).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Version Size Date Description
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.05 7316 04/09/92 Log now opened just before writing to it and
- closed when finished.
- 1.04 ~7000 15/08/92 Bugfix-version.
- 1.03 ~7000 14/08/92 Added log.
- BUGS: Didn't give correct device to command to
- start.
- 1.02 ???? 09/08/92 Added speed selection.
- 1.01 ???? 08/08/92 Bugfix-version.
- 1.00 ???? 01/08/92 Lotsa bugs left in code. Wouldn't log user on
- properly.
- 0.00a- ???? ??/??/92 Wrote the program basics and main routines.
- 0.99a
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Future version will have real docs and some additions. Bug fixes are also
- welcome.
- 11. BUGS
- ~~~~~~~~
- Logger has been run with enforcer and mungwall. It will be run with devmon
- as soon as I can find it again :). In other words, I haven't found any
- bugs, so this part in the docs is totally useless! :)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As of version 1.05, Logger is ShareWare. I am not asking for a huge
- amount of money so I hope I will get some response. The fee is only $5 to
- $10 (USD), or whatever that happens to make at the moment you're reading
- this, in german marks (DM). If you're from Finland a sum of 20 FIM to 50
- FIM is great (Yeah, so what if I changed the $10 to $12 ? You Finnish guys
- don't have to pay so much for postage :)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (Thank you all who betatested Logger. Thanks go to...)
- If you wish to become a betatester contact me at one of the
- addresses below. If a betatester wishes to be anonymous or the the opposite,
- wishes their full name to be listed, please let me know!
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- No one has paid the shareware fee, but anyone who does will get their
- name here.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Please send donations, bug reports, and list of features you would like to
- have included in future versions to
- Tomi Blinnikka
- Syystie 10
- 00780 Helsinki
- Contact me at the address above or on the following BBS:
- MITS +358-0-458 2066 (MITS - Microdata International Telecomm Service)
- MITS +358-0-458 2077
- MITS +358-0-458 2088 (Sec. level 40 or higher ONLY)
- Email me at 'docbliny@mits.mdata.fi' or catch me on the #amiga conference
- on IRC!
- "...trademark of Xerox Corporations. Reading legal mush can turn your
- brain to guacamole! Epson is registered trademark of Epson America
- ..." -Amiga RKRM Includes & AutoDocs, fourth page.
- Tomi Blinnikka
- docbliny@mits.mdata.fi