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- 12/09-91 Questions v. N/A (0.99b)
- Updated: 12/09-91 - for preliminary versions
- Copyright (C) Tomi Blinnikka 1991, All rights reserved.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- This program is freely distributable. This means that you can copy it and
- give it to all your friends, upload it to a BBS or include it in a
- PD-library (FISH etc.). The only restrictions are that all of the files
- are included in their original form without additions, deletitions, or
- modifications of any kind and that it IS NOT SOLD. THIS INCLUDES GERMAN
- PD DISTRIBUTERS. If you want to use program for commercial purposes you
- need written permission from the holder of the copyright. The Questions
- program is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, and the author
- is not responsible for any damage (of any kind) the software may cause.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This program is designed to help students learn. It will ask questions
- from the student, verify it with the correct answer(s) and tell the
- student whether or not he/she was correct. It will also keep score of
- the students progress and there is a possibility to save the scores onto
- disk (Not available yet).
- The program is divided into the parts or modes. The first, student
- mode, asks the questions, and the second, teacher mode, allows the
- teacher, or students, to make the questions that are to be asked.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- For the current versions:
- An Amiga computer running on
- Kickstart 2.0 or higher O.S.
- Minimum memory required 512 KB
- And if you intend to write your own questions, you'll need a lot of
- imagination! PLEASE NOTE: Copying questions from school books etc. is
- usually illegal! Please check copyright notices from book etc.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Starting the program
- --------------------
- From the Command Line Interface (CLI) or Shell use:
- CLIPrompt> Questions <RETURN>
- (The Workbench interface is not implemented yet.)
- From the Workbench click twice on the icon under which reads
- 'Questions'. To load a questions set at the same time, hold down the
- SHIFT-key, click once on the question sets icon and double click on the
- programs icon.
- Main screen
- -----------
- In the main screen you have several options. These include the following:
- Menu Item Short cut/key combination
- ---- ---- -------------------------
- Main-menu
- Start Amiga-G
- Enter name Amiga-E
- Load... Amiga-L
- Save Amiga-S
- Save as... Amiga-W
- (Help... Amiga-H, HELP-key)
- About... Amiga-?
- Quit Amiga-Q
- Edit-menu
- Add Amiga-A
- Undo Amiga-U
- Edit all-menu
- Clear Amiga-C
- Move-menu
- First Amiga-F
- Last Amiga-.
- Previous Amiga-P
- Next Amiga-N
- Mode-menu
- Student Amiga-1
- Teacher Amiga-2
- Preferences-menu
- Set prefs... Amiga-3
- (Load prefs Amiga-4)
- (Save prefs Amiga-5)
- (Get defaults Amiga-6)
- Main screen options
- -------------------
- This sections describes all the functions available from the main
- screen. Some of the functions are available at certain times (like the
- save functions are available only in the teacher mode).
- Main-menu:
- - Start
- This starts the asking of questions. If the student hasn't given there
- name yet, the program will ask for it first. If there is no question set
- loaded, again the program will ask the user for it first and load it.
- - Enter name
- When this is selected, the screen is cleared and a box appears in the
- middle of the screen. The user is asked to type in their name for
- further references (saving it to disk). It will not allow a blank name.
- You must input something.
- - Load
- This allows the user to load a question set. A requester (a box with
- filenames in it) appears onscreen waiting for input. The question files
- usually have the ending '.QUE'. By default, no other files will be
- shown, making it easier to find the question files. Using the
- requester is not explained here, it should be taught along with other
- basics of using the Amiga computer.
- - Save (teacher mode only)
- After making changes to questions or after writing them, you will most
- likely want to save them for later use. This option saves the questions
- with the current filename (i.e. the file name given via 'Save as'
- earlier, or via 'Load').
- - Save as (teacher mode only)
- This is basically the same as 'Save' except it prompts for the filename
- first. The same type of requester that is used with load pops up asking
- for the file name. The program does not add the extension '.QUE' which
- indicates that this file is a question file. It is not nessesary, but
- prefered since the load requester normally shows only files that have
- the extension.
- - Help
- The help function built into the program is simply a reference to help
- the user check what a function does or how it works. Using the help
- utility is simple. If in need of help on help, press the help key. Could
- it be simpler? Below is a list of functions available under help:
- - Gadgets (buttons) from left to right
- Prev - Go to PREVious page
- Quit - Quit help and go back to main program
- Next - Go to NEXT page
- The close gadget at the top left of the window acts also as quit.
- - Menus
- Menu Item Short cut/key combination
- ---- ---- -------------------------
- Main-menu
- Previous Amiga-P
- Next Amiga-N
- Help Amiga-H (HELP-key)
- Quit Amiga-Q
- - Keys
- P, arrow left, arrow down, - (minus)
- Q, ESCape
- N, arrow right, arrow up, + (plus)
- - About
- This simply brings up a requester with a copyright notice, version
- number and tells the author. Future versions may have information on the
- state of available memory, but this is uncertain.
- - Quit
- While in the student mode, this function quits the program. It will ask
- if you are sure or not and if so quits. If however, you are in the teacher
- mode, it will return you back to student mode, thus it acts the same as
- selecting 'Student' from the 'Mode'-menu.
- Edit-Menu: (Teacher mode only)
- - Add
- This will add a question to the begining of all questions (NOTE: This WILL
- change! In future versions the question will be inserted after the
- current question). It prepares an empty question and answer and goes to it.
- - Undo
- Selecting this causes changes made to the description and current
- question, after any other action (like Previous, Next, First, etc.), to
- be erased, returning the questions and description to its previous
- states.
- Edit all-menu: (Teacher mode only)
- - Clear
- The name of this function may change. It actually should be something
- like RESET. Selecting this causes all questions and answers and
- the description to be cleared.
- Move-menu: (Teacher mode only)
- - First
- This searches the first question, goes to it and displays it onscreen.
- - Last
- This does same as 'First' except it goes to the last question.
- - Previous
- Goes to the previous question.
- - Next
- Goes to the next question.
- Mode-menu:
- - Student
- This changes the mode to student mode. If already in student mode, this
- has no effect.
- - Teacher
- This changes the mode to teacher mode. If already in teacher mode, this
- has no effect.
- Preferences:
- - Set prefs
- This opens up a window, in which you can change certain things that
- affect the way the program behaves. You can change whether or not you
- would like speech, what the speech file is (will be changed to allow use
- of different devices), what to say, and screen colors.
- - Gadgets
- - boxes with a checkmark when active
- Speech - Speech on/off. Default OFF
- System messages - Say programs actions, disk errors etc. Default
- ON
- Descriptions - Say descriptions. Default ON
- Questions - Say questions. Default OFF
- Answers - Say answers. Default OFF
- Score - Say score. Default OFF
- - boxes with text in it (string gadget)
- Speech 'file' - to which 'file' or 'device' to direct speech
- to. Default 'SPEAK:'
- - normal 'click-on' gadgets
- Set colors - opens a requester in which you can change the
- colors used.
- Defaults - changes all preferences to the defaults
- programmed into the program
- Save - saves the preferences with the current name,
- again given by 'load' or 'save as'.
- - Menus
- Menu Item Short cut Explanation
- ---- ---- --------- -----------
- Preferences
- Load... Amiga-L Load prefs
- Save Amiga-S Save with current name
- Save as... Amiga-W Save given with name
- Get defaults Amiga-D Use defaults
- Quit Amiga-Q Go to main program
- Edit
- Colors Amiga-C Edit colors
- Preferences-menu:
- - Load
- This allows the user to load saved preferences. A requester (a box with
- filenames in it) appears onscreen waiting for input. The default
- directory for the preferences file is ENVARC:. All other system
- preferences are stored here, so so are the Questions programs. The
- default name for the file is 'Questions.prefs'. Again like with the
- question files, other files are not shown. In this case only files which
- have the extension '.prefs' are shown. Using the requester is not
- explained here, it should be taught along with other basics of using the
- Amiga computer.
- - Save
- After making changes to the preferences, you will most likely want
- to save them for later use. This option saves the questions with the
- current filename (i.e. the file name given via 'Save as' earlier, or
- via 'Load').
- - Save as
- This is basically the same as 'Save' except it prompts for the filename
- first. The same type of requester that is used with load pops up asking
- for the file name. The program does not add the extension '.prefs' which
- indicates that this file is a preferences file. It is not nessesary, but
- prefered since the load requester normally shows only files that have
- the extension. NOTE: Since the program loads its preferences on startup,
- in order the program to use your preferences, the name of the file must
- be (including path) 'ENVARC:Questions.prefs', i.e. the default.
- - Get defaults
- This resets all options to the preferences that are programmed into the
- program. The colors are changed to standard Kickstart/Workbench colors
- (version 37.175(KS)/37.59(WB)) and the speech gadgets to preferable
- configurations.
- - Quit
- Quits back to the main program.
- Edit-menu:
- - Colors
- This function brings up a so called 'color requester'. In it you can see
- fours boxes, three sliders and a few other gadgets. To choose the color
- to edit, click on one of the four colored boxes. After that simply use
- the sliders to change the color components of that color. The first
- slider changes the color component red, the second green and the last
- blue.
- - Keys
- Q, ESCape
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As said before there are two modes in the program. They are the student
- mode and the teacher mode. The student mode is the mode normally used.
- The teacher mode is infact an editor.
- ------------
- In this mode the questions are asked. The screen is divided into three
- parts, information, question and answer. The top box is the description
- box. It is divided into two parts, the text side, the bigger part and
- the indicator box, which tells the student various things to note. In
- this box you can see 'PUNC.', 'CASE' and 'ORDER'. These tell whether or
- not to make sure of PUNCtuation, case and order if there are multiple
- answers.
- The next part informs of score, number of questions and whether or not
- there is a timer and if is the time left to answer the question.
- After this comes a two line box in which the question appears. Below
- the question is a ten line box, in which the answer is displayed and
- maybe in the future a multiple select box, from which to choose the
- correct answer(s). Below this is the answer box, in which the student is
- to answer.
- ------------
- In this mode your are able to make your own question sets. The screen is
- almost the same as in the student mode. The only differences are the
- extra gadgets and that the answer gadget from the bottom of the screen
- is missing. The gadgets are, starting from the left and top in the first
- box, First, below that, Last, Prev and Next. In the next box