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- *************************************************
- * *
- * (C)opyright 1991 *
- * *
- * by Tomi Blinnikka *
- * *
- * DonĀ“t try to understand the code *
- * *
- * Version: See info from main source code *
- * *
- *************************************************
- ;Includes
- INCLUDE "XREF:exec.xref"
- INCLUDE "XREF:dos.xref"
- INCLUDE "XREF:intuition.xref"
- INCLUDE "libraries/reqbase.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
- ; XDEFs
- XDEF Load
- XDEF LoadV
- XDEF VLoad
- XDEF Save
- XDEF SaveAs
- ;XREFs
- XREF FCorruptTxt1
- XREF FileMem1
- XREF FileLeng1
- XREF DesLeng
- XREF InitQAList
- XREF AddQues
- XREF _DosBase
- XREF _IntuitionBase
- XREF SetActivation
- XREF OthActivation
- XREF OthActivation1
- XREF SleepPointer
- XREF NormalPointer
- XREF AddMode
- XREF Mode
- XREF QueCount
- XREF QueCount2
- XREF MenusOff
- XREF MenusOn
- XREF Speaker
- XREF LoadName
- XREF LoadName2
- XREF SaveName
- XREF SaveName2
- XREF FileRequester
- XREF FRPathName
- XREF QueFile
- XREF FileError
- XREF CheckFile
- XREF VCheckFile
- XREF KillQueMem1
- XREF DesMem1
- XREF Find
- XREF SS_Done
- XREF SS_Load
- XREF SS_Load2
- XREF SS_Save
- XREF SS_SaveAs
- XREF NoMem1
- XREF NotSupported
- XREF Game
- XREF DoTeach
- XREF PrintTeach
- XREF SaveQuestion
- XREF AskReplace
- XREF TwoGadRequest
- XREF Que
- XREF GetLength
- XREF Window1
- XREF MainMGad1
- XREF MainMenu
- EOD: EQU $E6 ;End Of Desc
- EOQ: EQU $E7 ;End Of Ques
- EOA: EQU $E8 ;End Of Ans
- EOF: EQU $E9 ;End Of File
- EOL: EQU $EA ;End Of Line
- EOB: EQU $F0 ;End of both (Q+A)
- LoadV: move.w #1,IOMode
- Load: jsr SleepPointer
- cmp.w #$00,Mode
- bne LoadCont1
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l MainMGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- LoadCont1: cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne Load0.1
- move.w NumQ,d6
- clr.w NumQ
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation
- move.w d6,NumQ
- Load0.1: jsr MenusOff
- lea.l SS_Load,a0
- jsr Speaker
- cmp.w #$01,IOMode
- bne Load0.2
- lea.l LoadName2,a5
- jmp Load0.3
- Load0.2: lea.l LoadName,a5
- jsr FileRequester
- tst.l d0
- beq Load_Out1
- lea.l FRPathName,a1
- move.l a1,d1
- cmp.b #$00,(a1)
- beq Load_Out1
- move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
- lib Dos,Open
- move.l d0,QueFile
- bne Load1
- jsr FileError
- jmp Load_Out1
- ;reading "logic"
- Load1: cmp.w #$01,IOMode
- beq VLoad
- jsr CheckFile
- tst.l d0
- beq Load_Out2
- jsr KillQueMem1
- lea.l SS_Load2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- ;Load descriptions (2 lines)
- move.l DesMem1,d4
- Load1.1: move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l d4,d2
- move.l #1,d3
- lib Dos,Read
- tst.l d0
- beq Load5
- move.l d4,a2
- add.l #1,d4
- tst.b (a2)
- bne Load1.1
- move.l DesMem1,d4
- add.l #LineLeng,d4
- Load1.2: move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l d4,d2
- move.l #1,d3
- lib Dos,Read
- tst.l d0
- beq Load5
- move.l d4,a2
- add.l #1,d4
- tst.b (a2)
- bne Load1.2
- ;Then load the questions and answers MAYBE USE 'AddQues'!!!
- move.w #$00,d4
- Load2: move.l #QA_SIZE,d0 ;reserve memory for node
- lib Exec,AllocMem
- tst.l d0
- bne Load2.01
- jmp Load6
- Load2.01: move.l d0,a2 ;Hold node address in a2
- move.l #NextQues,d0 ;Reserve ques-ans memory
- lib Exec,AllocMem
- tst.l d0
- bne Load2.02
- move.l a2,a1 ;No mem. Clear Node mem
- move.l #QA_SIZE,d0
- lib Exec,FreeMem
- jmp Load6
- Load2.02: move.l d0,a3 ;Hold memory info in a3
- lea.l QAList,a0
- move.l a2,a1
- ADDTAIL ;Add Node to list
- move.l a3,QA_Data(a2) ;Add memory info to node
- Load2.1: add.w #1,d4
- cmp.w NumQ,d4
- bne Load2
- move.w #$00,QueCount ;Start from first question
- Load3: move.b #$00,d5 ;d5 = question line counter
- jsr Find ;get mem add of QueCount'th ques
- Load3.1: move.l QueFile,d1 ;file stuff
- move.l a4,d2 ;get question mem address
- move.l #1,d3 ;read one byte only
- lib Dos,Read ;read
- tst.l d0 ;errors?
- beq Load5 ;if so goto Load5
- add.l #1,a4 ;increase memory pointer
- tst.b -1(a4) ;was last read zero?
- bne Load3.1 ;if not continue looping
- ;Read two lines of questions
- cmp.b #$01,d5 ;see if done two questoions
- beq Load3.2 ;if so, goto Load3.2
- add.b #$01,d5 ;no. add ques line counter
- jsr Find ;get start of memory again
- add.l #LineLeng,a4 ;add LineLeng to get next
- jmp Load3.1 ;lines address. Loop.
- ;Read 9 + one fake answers
- Load3.2: jsr Find ;get start of curr memory
- add.l #QueLeng,a4 ;skip questions
- move.w #$00,d5 ;d5 = answer line counter
- Load3.3: move.l QueFile,d1 ;file stuff
- move.l a4,d2 ;move memory address
- move.l #1,d3 ;read one byte only
- lib Dos,Read ;read.
- tst.l d0 ;errors?
- beq Load5 ;If so goto Load5
- add.l #1,a4 ;increase mem address
- tst.b -1(a4) ;was last byte zero?
- bne Load3.3 ;if not continue looping
- cmp.w #8,d5 ;done 9 answers?
- beq Load3.4 ;if so continue at Load3.4
- add.w #$01,d5 ;increase counter
- jsr Find ;get start of current mem
- move.w d5,d1
- add.l #QueLeng,a4 ;Skip questions
- mulu.w #AnsLeng,d1 ;skip read answers
- add.l d1,a4
- jmp Load3.3 ;loop.
- Load3.4: add.w #$01,QueCount ;increase QueCounter
- move.w QueCount,d1 ;compare with NumQ
- cmp.w NumQ,d1 ;to see if done all
- beq Load4
- ;--- CUT ---
- move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l #1,d2
- move.l #0,d3
- lib Dos,Seek
- ;--- CUT ---
- ; bne Load3 ;questions. loop if not
- jmp Load3
- Load4: move.l QueFile,d1 ;Close File
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,QueFile
- move.w #$00,QueCount ;Reset QueCount
- jmp Load_Out ;-->OUT
- ;Come here if read error during des/que/ans
- Load5: jsr FileError
- lea.l SS_ERR_File1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr KillQueMem1
- move.w #00,NumQ
- jmp Load4
- ;Come here if no memory available
- Load6: jsr NoMem1
- lea.l SS_ERR_File1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr KillQueMem1
- move.w #00,NumQ
- jmp Load4
- ;come here if everything ok during load
- Load_Out: lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne Game
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jmp DoTeach
- ;come here if users clicked closewindow or couldn't open that file
- Load_Out1: jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne GoMainMenu
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- ;Incorrect file etc.
- Load_Out2: lea.l SS_ERR_File2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,QueFile
- jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- move.w #$00,NumQ
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne GoMainMenu
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- GoMainMenu: jsr MainMenu
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- SaveAs: jsr SleepPointer
- jsr SaveQuestion
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne SaveAs0.1
- move.w NumQ,d6
- clr.w NumQ
- jsr SetActivation
- move.w d6,NumQ
- jsr OthActivation
- SaveAs0.1 jsr MenusOff
- move.w QueCount,QueCount2
- lea.l SS_SaveAs,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l SaveName,a5
- jsr FileRequester
- tst.l d0
- beq SaveOut
- lea.l FRPathName,a1
- move.l a1,d1
- cmp.b #$00,(a1)
- beq SaveOut
- move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
- lib Dos,Open
- move.l d0,QueFile
- beq Save1 ;file doesn't exist...
- ;The file already exists so we'll ask if the user wants to replace old file
- lea.l SS_ERR_File3,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l AskReplace,a0
- move.l #$00,a1
- jsr TwoGadRequest
- tst.l d0
- beq Save5
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,QueFile
- SaveAsOut: jsr MenusOn
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jsr NormalPointer
- Save: jsr SleepPointer
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne Save0.1
- move.w NumQ,d6
- clr.w NumQ
- jsr SetActivation
- move.w d6,NumQ
- jsr OthActivation
- Save0.1: jsr MenusOff
- jsr SaveQuestion
- lea.l SS_Save,a0
- jsr Speaker
- Save1: tst.l QueFile
- bne Save2
- lea.l FRPathName,a1
- move.l a1,d1
- move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
- lib Dos,Open
- move.l d0,QueFile
- bne Save2
- jsr FileError
- jmp SaveOut
- move.l #"Ques",Que
- Save2: move.l QueFile,d1
- lea.l Que,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- move.l #8,d3
- lib Dos,Write
- cmp.l #-1,d0
- beq SaveError
- ;Save description for questions
- move.l DesMem1,d2
- jsr GetLength
- move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l DesMem1,d2
- lib Dos,Write
- tst.l d0
- beq SaveError
- move.l DesMem1,d2
- add.l #LineLeng,d2
- jsr GetLength
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Write
- tst.l d0
- beq SaveError
- move.w QueCount,QueCount2 ;save position
- move.w #$00,QueCount
- Save3: move.b #$00,d5
- jsr Find
- Save3.1: move.l a4,d2
- jsr GetLength
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Write
- tst.l d0
- beq SaveError
- ;Save two lines of questions
- cmp.b #$01,d5
- beq Save3.2
- add.b #$01,d5
- jsr Find
- add.l #LineLeng,a4
- jmp Save3.1
- ;Save 9 answers
- Save3.2: jsr Find
- add.l #QueLeng,a4
- move.w #$00,d5
- Save3.3: move.l a4,d2
- jsr GetLength
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Write
- tst.l d0
- beq SaveError
- cmp.w #8,d5
- beq Save3.4
- add.w #$01,d5
- jsr Find
- move.w d5,d1
- add.l #QueLeng,a4
- mulu.w #AnsLeng,d1
- add.l d1,a4
- jmp Save3.3
- Save3.4: add.w #$01,QueCount
- move.w QueCount,d1
- cmp.w NumQ,d1
- bne Save3
- ;Close the file
- Save5: move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,QueFile
- move.w QueCount2,QueCount ;Get position
- jsr Find
- jsr PrintTeach
- SaveOut: lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr MenusOn
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jsr NormalPointer
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- SaveError: jsr FileError
- lea.l SS_ERR_File1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp Save5
- ;The Visama .QIZ loader
- ;It reserves memory (size of file), finds descriptions, questions+answers
- ;and puts them into list and dealloctates memory.
- VLoad: jsr VCheckFile
- tst.l d0
- beq VLoad_Out2
- jsr KillQueMem1
- move.w #0,NumQ
- lea.l SS_Load2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- ;Get length
- move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l #00,d2
- move.l #01,d3
- lib Dos,Seek
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Seek
- tst.l d0
- beq VLoad_ERR1
- move.l d0,FileLeng1
- move.l d0,d5
- add.l #12,FileLeng1 ;Just in case
- ;Seek position #$3F, start of description
- move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l #$3f,d2
- move.l #-1,d3
- lib Dos,Seek
- ;Allocate memory
- move.l FileLeng1,d0
- move.l #MEMF_CLEAR!MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;Type of memory wanted
- lib Exec,AllocMem ;Allocate memory
- move.l d0,FileMem1
- beq VLoad_ERR2
- ;Read whole file
- ;d5 = Real file length (not FileLeng1)
- move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l FileMem1,d2
- move.l d5,d3
- lib Dos,Read
- tst.l d0
- beq VLoad_ERR1
- ;Copy descriptions (3 lines)
- ;Copies until reaches End Of Description (EOD) or length = DesLeng
- move.l FileMem1,a0 ;Source is FileMem1
- move.l DesMem1,a1 ;Destination is DesMem1
- move.w #$00,d5 ;Reset character counter
- VLoad1.1: move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;Copy one byte
- add.w #1,d5 ;Increase character counter
- cmp.w #DesLeng,d5 ;See if done maximum amount
- beq VLoad1.2 ;If so goto VLoad1.2
- cmp.b #EOD,-1(a1) ;See if found End Of
- bne VLoad1.1 ;Description
- clr.b -1(a1) ;EOD -> NULL
- ;Change last character of all description lines to NULL
- VLoad1.2: push a0 ;Save start of questions
- move.l DesMem1,a1 ;Get start od descs
- add.l #DLineLeng,a1 ;Find end of 1st line
- clr.b -1(a1) ;Clear
- add.l #DLineLeng,a1 ;Find end of 2nd line
- clr.b -1(a1) ;Clear
- add.l #DLineLeng,a1 ;Find end of 3rd line
- clr.b -1(a1) ;Clear
- ;Find out how many questions we have loaded.
- ;Allocate memory for each node and questions and answer
- ;Then copy the questions and answers into memory
- ; a0 = start of questions
- VLoad2: move.l FileMem1,a1 ;Get end of File
- add.l FileLeng1,a1 ;in memory
- clr.w NumQ ;Clear NumQ
- VLoad2.1: cmp.b #EOF,(a0) ;Found End Of File?
- beq VLoad2.2 ;Yes -> continue
- cmp.l a0,a1 ;Just make sure if EOF
- beq VLoad_ERR3 ;isn't present (no lockup)
- cmp.b #EOQ,(a0)+ ;End Of Question?
- bne VLoad2.1 ;No -> check next byte
- add.w #1,NumQ ;Increase amount of
- jmp VLoad2.1 ;questions
- VLoad2.2: jsr InitQAList ;Initialize QAList
- move.w #$00,d6 ;Reset counter
- move.w AddMode,d5 ;Change add mode
- move.w #0,AddMode ;temporarily to 'add to end'
- VLoad2.3: jsr AddQues ;Add question
- sub.w #1,NumQ ;AddQues increases it!
- add.w #1,d6 ;Increase counter
- cmp.w NumQ,d6 ;Done all?
- bne VLoad2.3 ;No -> do more
- move.w d5,AddMode ;Change add mode back
- ;Copy questions into memory
- pull a0 ;Get start of questions
- move.w #$00,QueCount ;Start from first question
- VLoad2.99: jsr Find ;get mem add of QueCount'th ques
- move.l a4,a1 ;Destination
- VLoad3: cmp.b #EOL,(a0) ;If next byte is EOL
- beq VLoad3.1 ;go get next question
- move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;Copy byte
- jmp VLoad3
- ;Read two lines of questions
- VLoad3.1: move.b #$00,(a1)+ ;Clear EOL
- add.l #1,a0 ;Skip EOL in source
- cmp.b #EOQ,(a0) ;End Of Questions?
- beq VLoad3.2 ;if so, goto VLoad3.2
- jsr Find ;get start of memory again
- add.l #LineLeng,a4 ;add LineLeng to get next
- move.l a4,a1 ;lines address.
- jmp VLoad3 ;Loop
- ;Copy answers into memory
- VLoad3.2: add.l #1,a0 ;Skip EOQ in source
- jsr Find ;get start of curr question
- add.l #QueLeng,a4 ;skip questions
- move.w #$00,d5 ;reset counter
- move.l a4,a1 ;Destination
- VLoad3.3: cmp.b #EOL,(a0) ;If next byte is EOL
- beq VLoad3.4 ;go get next answer
- move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;Copy byte
- jmp VLoad3.3
- VLoad3.4: move.b #$00,(a1)+ ;Clear EOL in dest.
- add.l #1,a0 ;Skip EOL in source
- cmp.b #EOA,(a0) ;End Of Answers?
- beq VLoad3.5 ;Yes -> continue
- add.w #$01,d5 ;increase counter
- jsr Find ;get start of current mem
- move.w d5,d1
- add.l #QueLeng,a4 ;Skip questions
- mulu.w #AnsLeng,d1 ;skip read answers
- add.l d1,a4
- move.l a4,a1 ;Destination
- jmp VLoad3.3 ;loop.
- ;When we get here, we've finished copying a question+answers
- VLoad3.5: move.b #$00,(a1)+ ;Clear EOA in dest.
- add.l #2,a0 ;Skip EOA & Case etc. in source
- add.w #$01,QueCount ;increase QueCounter
- move.w QueCount,d1 ;compare with NumQ
- cmp.w NumQ,d1 ;to see if done all
- bne VLoad2.99 ;questions. loop if not
- VLoad5: move.l QueFile,d1 ;Close File
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,QueFile
- move.w #$00,QueCount ;Reset QueCount
- move.l FileMem1,a1 ;Free temp memory
- move.l FileLeng1,d0
- lib Exec,FreeMem
- move.l #$00,FileMem1
- jmp VLoad_Out ;-->OUT
- ;Come here if read error during des/que/ans
- VLoad_ERR1: jsr FileError
- lea.l SS_ERR_File1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr KillQueMem1
- move.w #00,NumQ
- jmp VLoad5
- ;Come here if no memory available
- VLoad_ERR2: jsr NoMem1
- lea.l SS_ERR_File1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr KillQueMem1
- move.w #00,NumQ
- jmp VLoad5
- ;Come here if couldn't find EOF
- VLoad_ERR3: move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l FCorruptTxt1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2 ;positive text
- lea.l OKTxt,a3 ;a bit the wrong way around but...
- move.l #$00,d0
- move.l #$00,d1
- move.l #$90,d2
- move.l #$40,d3
- lib Intuition,AutoRequest
- lea.l SS_ERR_File4,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr KillQueMem1
- move.w #00,NumQ
- jmp VLoad5
- ;come here if everything ok during VLoad
- VLoad_Out: lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne Game
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jmp DoTeach
- ;come here if users clicked closewindow or couldn't open that file
- VLoad_Out1: jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne GoMainMenu
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- ;Incorrect file etc.
- VLoad_Out2: lea.l SS_ERR_File2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,QueFile
- jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- move.w #$00,NumQ
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne GoMainMenu
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- INCLUDE "FH1:Language/WF/Questions/Que.i"
- APTR QA_Data
- IOMode: dc.w 0 (0=Q, 1=V)