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Text File | 1991-09-22 | 84.1 KB | 4,182 lines |
- *************************************************
- * *
- * (C)opyright 1991 *
- * *
- * by Tomi Blinnikka *
- * *
- * Don´t try to understand the code *
- * *
- * Version 0.01a 25/07/1991 *
- * - 0.98ö 20/09/1991 *
- * *
- * BUGS: A few. (Not finished) *
- * *
- *************************************************
- INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
- INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
- INCLUDE "libraries/reqbase.i"
- INCLUDE "graphics/gfx.i"
- INCLUDE "graphics/gels.i"
- INCLUDE "intuition.i"
- ; INCLUDE "iff.i"
- INCLUDE "dos.xref"
- INCLUDE "gfx.xref"
- INCLUDE "intuition.xref"
- INCLUDE "exec.xref"
- ; INCLUDE "iff.xref"
- ;Gee, don't you just hate XREFs and XDEFs?
- XREF Help
- XREF Load
- XREF Save
- XREF SaveAs
- XREF Prefs20
- XREF PrefsWin1
- XREF NoPrefsWin1
- XREF glist2
- XREF mlist2
- XREF GadMagic2
- XREF MenuMagic2
- XREF glist3
- XREF mlist3
- XREF GadMagic3
- XREF MenuMagic3
- XREF DefPrefs
- XREF Talk
- XREF TalkSys
- XREF TalkDes
- XREF TalkQue
- XREF TalkAns
- XREF TalkScore
- XREF FileRequest2
- XREF SpeakName
- XREF PrefsFile
- XREF SpeakFile
- XREF FRPathName2
- XREF Colors
- XREF ColorsBuf
- XREF P1CheckFile
- XREF PrefsBuf
- XREF CurrentPrefs
- XREF PrefsSize
- XDEF About
- XDEF Find
- XDEF CheckFile
- XDEF DesMem1
- XDEF FRPathName
- XDEF SaveQuestion
- XDEF GetLength
- XDEF KillQueMem1
- XDEF QueCount
- XDEF QueCount2
- XDEF QueFile
- XDEF NoMem1
- XDEF FileRequester
- XDEF PrintTeach
- XDEF DoTeach
- XDEF RememberKey
- XDEF SetActivation
- XDEF OthActivation
- XDEF OthActivation1
- XDEF NoHelpWin1
- XDEF LoadName
- XDEF SaveName
- XDEF LoadCommKey
- XDEF SaveCommKey
- XDEF SaveAsCommKey
- XDEF QuitCommKey
- XDEF QuitMenu1I2Text
- XDEF PrefsM2Text
- XDEF PrefsM3Text
- XDEF PrefsM4Text
- XDEF Speaker
- XDEF vi
- XDEF Screen1
- XDEF ViewPort1
- XDEF SS_Load
- XDEF SS_Load2
- XDEF SS_Load3
- XDEF SS_Save
- XDEF SS_Save2
- XDEF SS_SaveAs
- XDEF SS_SaveAs2
- XDEF SS_Help
- XDEF SS_HelpHelp
- XDEF SS_Next2
- XDEF SS_Prev2
- XDEF SS_Prefs
- XDEF SS_Colors
- XDEF SS_Done
- XDEF SS_Default
- XDEF SS_Next2
- XDEF SS_Prev2
- XDEF SS_Quit
- XDEF SS_Page1
- XDEF SS_Page2
- XDEF SS_Page3
- XDEF SS_Page4
- XDEF SS_Page5
- XDEF SS_Page6
- XDEF SS_Page7
- XDEF SS_Page8
- XDEF SS_Page9
- XDEF SS_Page10
- XDEF SS_Page11
- XDEF SS_Page12
- XDEF SS_Page13
- XDEF SS_Page14
- XDEF SS_Page15
- XDEF SS_Page16
- XDEF SS_Page17
- XDEF SS_Page18
- XDEF SS_Page19
- XDEF SS_Page20
- XDEF Mode
- XDEF Que
- XDEF Game
- XDEF AskReplace
- XDEF ClockPointer1
- XDEF SimpleRequest
- XDEF TwoGadRequest
- XDEF MenusOff
- XDEF FileError
- XDEF MenusOn
- XDEF SleepPointer
- XDEF NormalPointer
- XDEF MenuNull
- XDEF ClearMSGs
- XDEF _GadToolsBase
- XDEF _IntuitionBase
- XDEF _DosBase
- XDEF _GfxBase
- XDEF _ReqBase
- XDEF ShutDown
- XDEF QName
- XDEF Topaz
- XDEF PrefTop
- XDEF Window1
- XDEF MainMGad1
- XDEF MainMenu
- INCLUDE "FH1:Language/WF/Questions/Questions2.0.i"
- DesTop: EQU 14 ;Desciption Y-Top
- QueTop: EQU 67 ;Question Y-Top
- MulTop: EQU 89 ;Multiselect Y-Top
- AnsTop: EQU 190 ;Answer Y-Top
- NameTop: EQU 95 ;Name Y-Top
- TimTop: EQU 36 ;Timer Y-Top
- NumQTop: EQU 46 ;Number(of)Questions Y-Top
- ScoTop: EQU 55 ;Score Y-Top
- OptionTop: EQU 49 ;Option(Teacher BOOL gad) Y-Top
- OptionTop2: EQU 46 ;Option(Teacher BOOL gad) Y-Top
- OptionTop3: EQU 37 ;Option(Teacher BOOL gad) Y-Top
- PrefTop: EQU 25 ;Preference(BOOL gad) Y-Top
- MainMTop: EQU 40 ;Preference(BOOL gad) Y-Top
- StudentMenuN: EQU $F804
- TeachMenuN: EQU $F824
- DGadTools: set 1
- DReq: set 1
- section Q,CODE
- openlib Dos,ShutDown
- lib Dos,Output
- move.l d0,_stdout
- beq ShutDown
- openlib Intuition,ShutDown
- openlib Gfx,ShutDown
- move.l #2,d0
- lea.l _ReqLib,a1
- lib Exec,OpenLibrary
- move.l d0,_ReqBase
- beq NoReq
- lea.l FRPathName2,a1
- move.l a1,d1
- cmp.b #$00,(a1)
- beq PrefsLoad_OUT2
- move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
- lib Dos,Open
- move.l d0,PrefsFile
- bne PrefsLoad1
- jsr FileError
- jmp PrefsLoad_OUT2
- PrefsLoad1: jsr P1CheckFile
- tst.l d0
- beq PrefsLoad_OUT.1
- PrefsLoad2: move.l PrefsFile,d1
- lea.l ColorsBuf,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- move.l #PrefsSize-4,d3
- lib Dos,Read
- tst.l d0
- bne PrefsLoad_OUT1
- jsr FileError
- lea.l SS_ERR_File1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp PrefsLoad_OUT.1
- PrefsLoad_OUT1: lea.l PrefsBuf,a0
- lea.l CurrentPrefs,a1
- move.l #PrefsSize,d0
- lib Exec,CopyMem
- PrefsLoad_OUT.1 move.l PrefsFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,PrefsFile
- PrefsLoad_OUT2: tst.w Talk
- beq OpenLibs
- lea.l SpeakName,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
- lib Dos,Open
- move.l d0,SpeakFile
- beq NoSpeaking
- OpenLibs: ;openlib Iff,ShutDown
- ;Find our task
- move.l #$00,a1
- lib Exec,FindTask
- move.l d0,OurTask
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l $b8(a0),OldTaskWinPtr
- ;To see if we have ks2.0 we'll try to open the gadtools.library
- move.l #37,d0
- lea.l _GadToolsLib,a1
- lib Exec,OpenLibrary
- move.l d0,_GadToolsBase
- beq NoKS20
- jsr Do2.0Magic
- ;Open Window1
- StartWin1: move.l Screen1,d0
- move.l d0,SToW1
- move.l d0,SToW2
- move.l d0,SToW3
- move.l d0,SToW4
- move.l d0,SToW5
- move.l d0,SToW6
- move.l d0,SToW7
- add.l #$2c,d0
- move.l d0,ViewPort1
- move.l ViewPort1,a0
- lea.l Colors,a1
- move.l #$04,d0
- lib Gfx,LoadRGB4
- lea.l NewWindow1,a0
- lib Intuition,OpenWindow
- move.l d0,Window1
- beq NoWindow1
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l $32(a0),RP1
- ;move requesters to Window1
- move.l OurTask,a0
- move.l Window1,$b8(a0)
- ;Reserve memory for description
- ;
- ;We're going to add 12 bytes to the amount of memory to be reserved,
- ;just in case.
- move.l #DesLeng+12,d0
- move.l #MEMF_CLEAR!MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;Type of memory wanted
- lib Exec,AllocMem ;Allocate memory
- move.l d0,DesMem1
- bne AddMens1
- jsr NoMem1 ;Tell user about memory
- jmp ShutDown
- ;Add Menus to Window1
- AddMens1: lea.l SS_Welcome,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l Window1,a0
- move.l mlist,a1
- lib Intuition,SetMenuStrip
- jsr MainMenu
- Window1IDCMP: move.l Window1,a0
- jsr CheckIDCMP
- beq Refresher
- cmp.l #VANILLAKEY,d2
- beq VanillaKeys
- cmp.l #GADGETUP,d2
- beq GotAnswer
- cmp.l #MENUPICK,d2
- beq Win1Menus
- cmp.l #RAWKEY,d2
- beq RawKeys
- cmp.l #ACTIVEWINDOW,d2
- beq GoActivateGads
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- GoActivateGads: cmp.w #$01,Mode
- bne Window1IDCMP
- lea.l AStrGad1,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- lib Intuition,ActivateGadget
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Refresher: move.l Window1,a0
- lib GadTools,GT_BeginRefresh
- move.l Window1,a0
- move.l #TRUE,d0
- lib GadTools,GT_EndRefresh
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- GetName: jsr MenusOff
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l MainMGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- move.l RP1,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Gfx,Move
- move.l RP1,a1
- lib Gfx,ClearScreen
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l NameGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,AddGadget
- lea.l NameGad1,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #$01,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- GetName1: lea.l SS_EName,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l NameGad1,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- lib Intuition,ActivateGadget
- GetName2: move.l Window1,a0
- jsr CheckIDCMP
- cmp.l #GADGETUP,d2
- beq GetName3
- jmp GetName2
- GetName3: tst.b (NameGad1Buf)
- beq GetName1
- GetName_OUT: move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l NameGad1,a1
- lib Intuition,RemoveGadget
- move.l RP1,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Gfx,Move
- move.l RP1,a1
- lib Gfx,ClearScreen
- lea.l NameGad1Buf,a2
- move.l a2,d2
- jsr GetLength
- move.b #$dc,0(a2,d3.l)
- lea.l SS_Welcome2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l NameGad1Buf,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l Window1,a0
- move.l #$00,a1
- lea.l MenuBarName,a2
- lib Intuition,SetWindowTitles
- jsr MenusOn
- rts
- VanillaKeys: cmp.w #$1b,d3
- beq Quit
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne VanillaKeys2
- cmp.w #"a",d3
- beq GoAddQues
- cmp.w #"A",d3
- beq GoAddQues
- cmp.w #"c",d3
- beq GoClear
- cmp.w #"C",d3
- beq GoClear
- cmp.w #00,NumQ
- beq Window1IDCMP
- cmp.w #'/',d3
- beq GoFindFirst
- cmp.w #'*',d3
- beq GoFindLast
- cmp.w #"f",d3
- beq GoFindFirst
- cmp.w #"F",d3
- beq GoFindFirst
- cmp.w #'l',d3
- beq GoFindLast
- cmp.w #'L',d3
- beq GoFindLast
- cmp.w #'-',d3
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.w #"p",d3
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.w #"P",d3
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.w #'+',d3
- beq GoFindNext
- cmp.w #"n",d3
- beq GoFindNext
- cmp.w #"N",d3
- beq GoFindNext
- cmp.w #"u",d3
- beq GoUndo
- cmp.w #"U",d3
- beq GoUndo
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- VanillaKeys2: cmp.w #$00,Mode
- bne Window1IDCMP
- cmp.w #"1",d3
- beq Game
- cmp.w #"2",d3
- beq GoToGetName
- cmp.w #"3",d3
- beq Load
- cmp.w #"4",d3
- beq GoTeacher
- cmp.w #"5",d3
- beq Prefs20
- cmp.w #"6",d3
- beq Help
- cmp.w #"7",d3
- beq About
- cmp.w #"8",d3
- beq Quit
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- RawKeys: cmp.w #$5f,d3
- beq Help
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne Window1IDCMP
- cmp.w #00,NumQ
- beq Window1IDCMP
- cmp.w #$54,d3
- beq GoAddQues
- cmp.w #$55,d3
- beq GoClear
- cmp.w #$50,d3
- beq GoFindFirst
- cmp.w #$51,d3
- beq GoFindLast
- cmp.w #$52,d3
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.w #$53,d3
- beq GoFindNext
- cmp.w #$55,d3
- beq GoUndo
- cmp.w #$4f,d3 ;arrow back
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.w #$4e,d3 ;arrow forward
- beq GoFindNext
- cmp.w #$4d,d3 ;arrow down
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.w #$4c,d3 ;arrow up
- beq GoFindNext
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Win1Menus: jsr MenuNull
- cmp.l #$00,d6
- beq Win1Menus1
- cmp.l #$01,d6
- beq Win1Menus2
- cmp.l #$02,d6
- beq Win1Menus3
- cmp.l #$03,d6
- beq Win1Menus4
- cmp.l #$04,d6
- beq Win1Menus5
- cmp.l #$05,d6
- beq Win1Menus6
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Win1Menus1: cmp.l #$00,d5
- beq Game
- cmp.l #$01,d5
- beq GoToGetName
- cmp.l #$02,d5
- beq Load
- cmp.l #$03,d5
- beq Save
- cmp.l #$04,d5
- beq SaveAs
- cmp.l #$05,d5
- beq Help
- cmp.l #$06,d5
- beq About
- cmp.l #$08,d5
- beq Quit
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Win1Menus2: cmp.l #$00,d5
- beq GoAddQues
- cmp.w #$00,NumQ
- beq Window1IDCMP
- cmp.l #$02,d5
- beq GoUndo
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Win1Menus3: cmp.l #$00,d5
- beq GoClear
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Win1Menus4: cmp.w #$00,NumQ
- beq Window1IDCMP
- cmp.l #$00,d5
- beq GoFindFirst
- cmp.l #$01,d5
- beq GoFindLast
- cmp.l #$02,d5
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.l #$03,d5
- beq GoFindNext
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Win1Menus5: cmp.l #$00,d5
- beq Student
- cmp.l #$01,d5
- beq Teacher
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Win1Menus6: cmp.l #$00,d5
- beq Prefs20
- ; cmp.l #$01,d5
- ; beq LoadPrefs
- ; cmp.l #$02,d5
- ; beq SavePrefs
- ; cmp.l #$03,d5
- ; beq DefPrefs
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- ;GoSetPrefs: jmp Prefs20
- GoToGetName: jsr GetName
- jsr MainMenu
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Student: lea.l SS_Mode1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne Window1IDCMP
- jsr SaveQuestion
- move.w #$00,Mode
- move.l #$f800,d0 ;First, Game!
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$f820,d0 ;Second, Enter name
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$f860,d0 ;Fourth, Save
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$f880,d0 ;Fifth, Save As
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$ff01,d0 ;Second menu list, Edit single
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$ff02,d0 ;Third menu list, Edit all
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$ff03,d0 ;Fourth menu list, Move
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l Window1,a0
- move.l glist,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #$00,a2
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- jsr EmptyPage
- jsr MainMenu
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- GoTeacher: move.l mlist,a0
- move.l #StudentMenuN,d0
- lib Intuition,ItemAddress
- move.l d0,a0
- and.w #~CHECKED,$c(a0)
- move.l mlist,a0
- move.l #TeachMenuN,d0
- lib Intuition,ItemAddress
- move.l d0,a0
- or.w #CHECKED,$c(a0)
- ;Nothing here please!
- Teacher: lea.l SS_Mode2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- cmp.w #$00,Mode
- bne Window1IDCMP
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l MainMGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- move.w #$02,Mode
- move.w #$00,QueCount
- move.l #$f800,d0 ;First, Game!
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$f820,d0 ;Second, Enter name
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$f860,d0 ;Fourth, Save
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$f880,d0 ;Fifth, Save As
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$ff01,d0 ;Second menu list, Edit single
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$ff02,d0 ;Third menu list, Edit all
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$ff03,d0 ;Fourth menu list, Move
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- jsr DoPage
- jsr DoTeachPage
- move.l Window1,a0 ;add buttons
- move.l glist,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #-1,d1
- move.l #$00,a2
- lib Intuition,AddGList
- jsr SetActivation
- jsr OthActivation1
- ;Refresh gadgetlists so they're drawn on the screen (done in subroutine)
- move.l Window1,a0
- move.l #$00,a1
- lib GadTools,GT_RefreshWindow
- Teacher1: jmp DoTeach
- TeacherAction: cmp.w #40,$26(a5)
- beq GoAddQues
- cmp.w #60,$26(a5)
- beq GoClear
- cmp.w #00,NumQ
- beq Window1IDCMP
- cmp.w #10,$26(a5)
- beq GoFindFirst
- cmp.w #15,$26(a5)
- beq GoFindLast
- cmp.w #20,$26(a5)
- beq GoFindPrev
- cmp.w #30,$26(a5)
- beq GoFindNext
- cmp.w #50,$26(a5)
- beq GoUndo
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- GoFindFirst: lea.l SS_First,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr SaveQuestion
- jsr FindFirst
- jsr PrintTeach
- jsr SetActivation
- lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l DesStrGad2,a5
- jmp ActivateGads
- GoFindPrev: lea.l SS_Prev,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr SaveQuestion
- tst.w QueCount
- beq Window1IDCMP
- jsr FindPrev
- jsr SetActivation
- GoFindPrev1: jsr PrintTeach
- lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l DesStrGad2,a5
- jmp ActivateGads
- GoFindNext: lea.l SS_Next,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr SaveQuestion
- move.w NumQ,d0
- sub.w #1,d0
- cmp.w QueCount,d0
- beq Window1IDCMP
- jsr FindNext
- jsr SetActivation
- GoFindNext1: jsr PrintTeach
- lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l DesStrGad2,a5
- jmp ActivateGads
- GoFindLast: lea.l SS_Last,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr SaveQuestion
- jsr FindLast
- jsr PrintTeach
- jsr SetActivation
- lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l DesStrGad2,a5
- jmp ActivateGads
- GoAddQues: lea.l SS_Add,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr SaveQuestion
- jsr AddQues
- jsr PrintNumQ
- jsr PrintTeach
- jsr SetActivation
- lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l DesStrGad2,a5
- jmp ActivateGads
- GoUndo: lea.l SS_SUndo,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr Find
- jsr PrintTeach
- lea.l SS_Done,a0
- jsr Speaker
- lea.l DesStrGad2,a5
- jmp ActivateGads
- GoClear: lea.l SS_AClear2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr AskDoIt
- cmp.l #TRUE,d0
- bne GoClear_OUT
- lea.l SS_AClear,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr Clear
- jsr AddQues
- jsr PrintNumQ
- jsr PrintTeach
- jsr SetActivation
- GoClear_OUT: lea.l AStrGad1,a5
- jmp ActivateGads
- ;
- ;SetActivation subroutine. To be called to turn off gadgets if they can't
- ;be used, i.e. can't use first gadget if at first question etc.
- ; Use also with load and save, with fake NumQ (set to zero) to turn off
- ;gads for loading time.
- ;
- ;inputs (from NumQ, QCount etc.)
- ;
- ;result (said above)
- ;
- SetActivation: move.l Window1,a0
- move.l FirstGad1P,a1
- move.l #7,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- tst.w QueCount ;add menus too
- bne SetActivation2
- move.l FirstGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f803,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l PrevGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f843,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- jmp SetActivation3
- SetActivation2: move.l PrevGad1P,a0
- bclr.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f843,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l FirstGad1P,a0
- bclr.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f803,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- SetActivation3: move.w NumQ,d0
- sub.w #1,d0
- cmp.w QueCount,d0
- beq SetActivation4
- move.l LastGad1P,a0
- bclr.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f823,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l NextGad1P,a0
- bclr.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f863,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- jmp SetActivation5
- SetActivation4: move.l LastGad1P,a0 ;Was last one.
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f823,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l NextGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f863,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- SetActivation5: tst.w NumQ
- beq SetActivation6
- move.l UndoGad1P,a0
- bclr.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f841,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- jmp SetActivation7
- SetActivation6: move.l UndoGad1P,a0 ;Here we turn off all
- bset.l #8,$c(a0) ;gadgets that can't
- move.l #$f841,d0 ;be used if NumQ = 0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l FirstGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f803,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l LastGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f823,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l PrevGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f843,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l NextGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f863,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- SetActivation7: move.l Window1,a0
- move.l FirstGad1P,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #7,d1
- lib Intuition,AddGList
- move.l FirstGad1P,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #7,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- rts
- ;Turns off Add gadget (and menu) + Clear gadget (and menu)
- OthActivation: move.l Window1,a0
- move.l AddGad1P,a1
- move.l #4,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- move.l AddGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f801,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l ClearGad1P,a0
- bset.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f802,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l Window1,a0
- move.l AddGad1P,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #4,d1
- lib Intuition,AddGList
- move.l AddGad1P,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #4,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- rts
- ;Turns on Add gadget (and menu) + Clear gadget (and menu)
- OthActivation1: move.l Window1,a0
- move.l AddGad1P,a1
- move.l #4,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- move.l AddGad1P,a0
- bclr.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f801,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l ClearGad1P,a0
- bclr.l #8,$c(a0)
- move.l #$f802,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l Window1,a0
- move.l AddGad1P,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #4,d1
- lib Intuition,AddGList
- move.l AddGad1P,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #4,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- rts
- ;Get length of text in given address (d2), including 0
- ;
- ;Input d2 = Address of null terminated text string
- ;
- ;Result d3 = Length
- GetLength: move.l #$00,d3
- move.l d2,a0
- GetLength2: add.l #1,d3
- tst.b (a0)+
- bne GetLength2
- rts
- PrintTeach: cmp.w #$00,NumQ
- beq PrintTeach_OUT
- move.l Window1,a0 ;remove gadgets
- lea.l DesStrGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #$00,a2
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- ;Copy description into correct buffers
- move.l DesMem1,a0
- lea.l DesStr1Buf,a1
- move.l #DesLeng,d0
- lib Exec,CopyMem
- ;Copy current questions and answers into gadget buffers
- move.l CurrentQue,a0
- lea.l QueStr1Buf,a1
- move.l #NextQues,d0
- lib Exec,CopyMem
- move.l Window1,a0 ;Add gadgets
- lea.l DesStrGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #-1,d1
- move.l #$00,a2
- lib Intuition,AddGList
- ;Refresh gadget so they're drawn on the screen
- lea.l DesStrGad1,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- jsr PrintScore
- PrintTeach_OUT: rts
- ;Copy description into memory
- SaveQuestion: cmp.w #$00,NumQ
- beq SaveQ_OUT
- lea.l DesStr1Buf,a0
- move.l DesMem1,a1
- move.l #DesLeng,d0
- lib Exec,CopyMem
- ;Copy current question and answers into memory
- lea.l QueStr1Buf,a0
- move.l CurrentQue,a1
- move.l #NextQues,d0
- lib Exec,CopyMem
- SaveQ_OUT: rts
- DoTeach: jsr FindFirst
- jsr PrintTeach
- jsr PrintNumQ
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- ActivateGads: cmp.w #1,$26(a5)
- bne TeacherAction
- move.l (a5),a0
- cmp.l #$00,a0
- bne ActivateGads1
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- ActivateGads1: move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- lib Intuition,ActivateGadget
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Clear: lea.l RememberKey,a0
- move.l #TRUE,d0
- lib Intuition,FreeRemember
- move.w #$00,NumQ
- move.w #$00,QueCount
- move.b #$00,DesStr1Buf
- move.b #$00,DesStr2Buf
- ;Clear description
- tst.l DesMem1
- beq ClearDes1
- move.l DesMem1,a1
- move.l #DesLeng+12,d0
- lib Exec,FreeMem
- move.l #$00,DesMem1
- ClearDes1: move.l #DesLeng+12,d0
- move.l #MEMF_CLEAR!MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;Type of memory wanted
- lib Exec,AllocMem ;Allocate memory
- move.l d0,DesMem1
- bne ClearDes_OUT
- jsr NoMem1 ;Tell user about memory
- jmp ShutDown
- ClearDes_OUT: rts
- AddQues: lea.l RememberKey,a0
- move.l #NextQues,d0
- lib Intuition,AllocRemember
- tst.l d0
- bne AddQues1
- jsr NoMem1
- jsr FindFirst
- rts
- AddQues1: jsr FindFirst
- add.w #1,NumQ
- rts
- FindFirst: move.w #0,QueCount
- jsr Find
- move.l a4,QueBegin
- rts
- FindLast: move.w NumQ,QueCount
- sub.w #1,QueCount
- jsr Find
- rts
- FindPrev: sub.w #1,QueCount
- jsr Find
- rts
- FindNext: add.w #1,QueCount
- jsr Find
- rts
- Find: move.l #$00,d4
- lea.l RememberKey,a4
- move.l (a4),a4
- Find2: cmp.w QueCount,d4
- beq Find3
- add.w #1,d4
- move.l (a4),a4
- jmp Find2
- Find3: move.l $8(a4),a4
- move.l a4,CurrentQue
- rts
- MainMenuSelect: cmp.w #70,$26(a5)
- beq Game
- cmp.w #71,$26(a5)
- beq GoToGetName
- cmp.w #72,$26(a5)
- beq Load
- cmp.w #73,$26(a5)
- beq Teacher
- cmp.w #74,$26(a5)
- beq Prefs20
- cmp.w #75,$26(a5)
- beq Help
- cmp.w #76,$26(a5)
- beq About
- cmp.w #77,$26(a5)
- beq Quit
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- GotAnswer: cmp.w #$00,Mode
- beq MainMenuSelect
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- beq ActivateGads
- lea.l AStrGad1Buf,a3
- move.l CAnsBegin,a5
- move.l QueBegin,a4
- ;
- ;a3 = Gadget buffer start
- ;a4 = Question begin
- ;a5 = Correct answer start
- ;
- move.w #$00,AnsCount
- move.l a3,a1
- move.l a5,a2
- TestAnswer: tst.b (a2) ;If correct answer = 0
- beq TestAnswer2
- cmp.b (a1)+,(a2)+ ;Compare correct & user answer
- beq TestAnswer
- TestAnswer1: cmp.w #09,AnsCount ;See if done last correct answer
- beq WrongAnswer ;If have, user hasn't given correct answer
- add.l #AnsLeng,a5 ;If not, get next correct answer
- move.l a5,a2 ;Move it for checker
- tst.b (a2) ;Next answer is empty
- beq WrongAnswer ;So users answer was wrong
- move.l a3,a1 ;Get start of user answer
- add.w #$01,AnsCount ;Get ready for next correct answer
- jmp TestAnswer
- TestAnswer2: tst.b (a1) ;If correct & user answer
- bne TestAnswer1 ;don't equal 0 answer is wrong
- jmp RightAnswer ;so get next correct answer
- ;Wrong answer
- WrongAnswer: jsr PrintScore
- move.w #$00,LastAns
- jsr GiveAnswer
- move.l ViewPort1,a0
- move.l #$03,d0
- move.l #$0f,d1
- clr.l d2
- clr.l d3
- lib Gfx,SetRGB4
- lea.l NewWrongWin1,a0
- lib Intuition,OpenWindow
- move.l d0,WrongWin1
- beq NoWrongWin1
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l $32(a0),a4
- move.l a4,a0
- lea.l WrongTxt2,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- lea.l SS_Wrong,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l WrongWin1,a0
- push a3-a5
- jsr CheckIDCMP
- pull a3-a5
- move.l WrongWin1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- move.l #$00,WrongWin1
- move.l ViewPort1,a0
- lea.l Colors,a1
- move.l #$04,d0
- lib Gfx,LoadRGB4
- jmp TestAns_OUT
- RightAnswer: add.w #1,Score
- jsr PrintScore
- move.w #$01,LastAns
- jsr GiveAnswer
- move.l ViewPort1,a0
- move.l #$03,d0
- clr.l d1
- move.l #$0a,d2
- clr.l d3
- lib Gfx,SetRGB4
- lea.l NewRightWin1,a0
- lib Intuition,OpenWindow
- move.l d0,RightWin1
- beq NoRightWin1
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l $32(a0),a4
- move.l a4,a0
- lea.l RightTxt1,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- lea.l SS_Right,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l RightWin1,a0
- push a3-a5
- jsr CheckIDCMP
- pull a3-a5
- move.l RightWin1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- move.l #$00,RightWin1
- move.l ViewPort1,a0
- lea.l Colors,a1
- move.l #$04,d0
- lib Gfx,LoadRGB4
- jmp TestAns_OUT
- TestAns_OUT: add.w #$01,QueCount
- ;remove gadget, clear inputs and put it back
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l AStrGad1,a1
- lib Intuition,RemoveGadget
- move.b #$00,AStrGad1Buf
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l AStrGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,AddGadget
- ;Refresh gadget for 1.3
- lea.l AStrGad1,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #1,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- jmp Ask
- PutChProc: tst.b d0
- beq PutChProc_OUT
- move.b d0,(a3)+
- PutChProc_OUT: rts
- PrintTimer: move.l RP1,a1
- move.l #$00,d0
- lib Gfx,SetAPen
- move.l RP1,a1 ;Clear old timer text
- move.l #440,d0
- move.l #TimTop,d1
- move.l #638,d2
- move.l #ScoTop+9,d3
- lib Gfx,RectFill
- move.l RP1,a0 ;Print Timer: No
- lea.l TimerTxt2,a1
- move.l #440,d0
- move.l #TimTop,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- rts
- ;Print score
- PrintScore: lea.l fstrl,a0
- lea.l Score,a1
- lea.l PutChProc,a2
- lea.l ScoreText2,a3
- lib Exec,RawDoFmt
- lea.l fstrl,a0
- move.w QueCount,QueCount2
- add.w #1,QueCount2
- lea.l QueCount2,a1
- lea.l PutChProc,a2
- lea.l ScoreText4,a3
- lib Exec,RawDoFmt
- ;Clear old score
- move.l RP1,a1
- move.l #$00,d0
- lib Gfx,SetAPen
- move.l RP1,a1 ;Question
- move.l #440,d0
- move.l #ScoTop,d1
- move.l #638,d2
- move.l #ScoTop+9,d3
- lib Gfx,RectFill
- ;Print score
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l ScoreTxt1,a1
- move.l #440,d0
- move.l #ScoTop,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- move.l #$DEAFBEEF,d2
- lea.l ScoreText1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- rts
- PrintNumQ: lea.l fstrl,a0
- lea.l NumQ,a1
- lea.l PutChProc,a2
- lea.l NumQText2,a3
- lib Exec,RawDoFmt
- ;Clear old NumQ
- move.l RP1,a1
- move.l #$00,d0
- lib Gfx,SetAPen
- move.l RP1,a1 ;Question
- move.l #440,d0
- move.l #NumQTop,d1
- move.l #638,d2
- move.l #NumQTop+9,d3
- lib Gfx,RectFill
- ;Print NumQ
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l NumQTxt1,a1
- move.l #440,d0
- move.l #NumQTop,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- rts
- ;Print answer
- GiveAnswer: move.l #$DEADBEEF,d2
- lea.l SS_Answers,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.w #$00,d5
- move.l CAnsBegin,a5
- GiveAnswer1: move.l d5,d4
- mulu.w #10,d4 ;Calculate place to print answer
- move.l a5,AnsTextAdd ;Place address of answer text...
- move.l RP1,a0 ;into IText structure
- lea.l AnsTxt1,a1
- move.l #1,d0
- move.l #MulTop,d1
- add.l d4,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- move.l #$DEADBEEF,d2
- move.l a5,a0
- jsr Speaker
- add.w #1,d5
- add.l #AnsLeng,a5
- tst.b (a5)
- bne GiveAnswer1
- cmp.w #$01,LastAns
- bne GiveAnswer_OUT
- jsr HiLite
- GiveAnswer_OUT: rts
- Game: move.l Window1,a0 ;Remove Main menu's gadgets
- lea.l MainMGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- tst.b (NameGad1Buf) ;See if we have the player's name or not
- bne Game1 ;continue if we do
- jsr GetName ;ask for if we don't
- Game1: cmp.w #$00,NumQ
- beq Load
- move.l #$f800,d0 ;Disable menus (first, Game)
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$f820,d0 ;Second, Enter name
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$f840,d0 ;Third, Load
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.l #$ff04,d0 ;Fifth menu list (Student, Teacher)
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OffMenu
- move.w #01,Mode
- jsr DoPage ;Draw the boxes and add gadget
- jsr AddaGad
- jsr PrintNumQ
- jsr PrintDesc ;Print description of questions
- ;(What to do)
- ;
- ;start asking...
- StartAsk: move.w #$00,QueCount ;Reset question counter
- move.w #$00,Score ;Reset score
- jsr PressAnyKey
- jsr PrintScore
- ;Calculate memory address of question (a4) and answer (a5)
- Ask: move.w QueCount,d4
- cmp.w NumQ,d4
- bcc Game_Out ;Check if done all questions
- add.w #$01,d4
- move.w #$00,d3
- lea.l RememberKey,a4
- move.l (a4),a4
- move.l a4,QueBegin
- Ask1: add.w #1,d3
- cmp.w d3,d4
- beq Ask2
- move.l (a4),a4
- jmp Ask1
- Ask2: move.l $8(a4),a4 ;Address of question
- move.l a4,CurrentQue
- move.l a4,a5
- add.l #QueLeng,a5 ;Address of answers
- move.l a5,CAnsBegin
- move.w QueCount,d4
- ;
- ;d4 = QueCount
- ;
- ;a4 = Question address
- ;a5 = Answer address
- jsr ResetPage
- ;Print question
- move.l a4,QueTextAdd
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l QueTxt1,a1
- move.l #1,d0
- move.l #QueTop,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- move.l #$C0FFEE,d2
- move.l a4,a0
- jsr Speaker
- add.l #LineLeng,a4
- move.l a4,QueTextAdd
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l QueTxt1,a1
- move.l #1,d0
- move.l #QueTop+10,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- move.l #$C0FFEE,d2
- move.l a4,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- ;Print description
- PrintDesc: move.l DesMem1,DesTextAdd
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l DesTxt1,a1
- move.l #1,d0
- move.l #DesTop,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- move.l DesMem1,d0
- add.l #80,d0
- move.l d0,DesTextAdd
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l DesTxt1,a1
- move.l #1,d0
- move.l #DesTop+10,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- move.l DesMem1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l #$CADBEEF,d2
- move.l DesMem1,a0
- add.l #80,a0
- jsr Speaker
- rts
- Game_Out: lea.l SS_GameOver,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l #$DEAFBEEF,d2
- lea.l SS_Score,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l #$DEAFBEEF,d2
- lea.l ScoreText1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.w QueCount,d0
- ; add.w #1,d0
- cmp.w Score,d0
- bne Game_OUT1
- move.l #$DEAFBEEF,d2
- lea.l SS_Score2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- Game_OUT1: jsr PressAnyKey
- jsr ClearPage
- move.w #$00,Mode
- move.l #$f800,d0 ;Enable menus
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$f820,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$f840,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- move.l #$ff04,d0
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,OnMenu
- jsr MainMenu
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- PressAnyKey: lea.l NewAnyKeyWin1,a0
- lib Intuition,OpenWindow
- move.l d0,AnyKeyWin1
- beq NoAnyKeyWin1
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l $32(a0),a3
- move.l a3,a0
- lea.l AnyKeyTxt1,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- lea.l SS_AnyKey,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l AnyKeyWin1,a0
- jsr CheckIDCMP
- move.l AnyKeyWin1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- move.l #$00,AnyKeyWin1
- rts
- ;Clear question area. Now a subroutine.
- ResetPage: move.l RP1,a1
- move.l #$00,d0
- lib Gfx,SetAPen
- move.l RP1,a1 ;Question
- move.l #1,d0
- move.l #QueTop,d1
- move.l #638,d2
- move.l #QueTop+19,d3
- lib Gfx,RectFill
- move.l RP1,a1 ;Multibox
- move.l #01,d0
- move.l #MulTop-1,d1
- move.l #638,d2
- move.l #MulTop+98,d3
- lib Gfx,RectFill
- ;Print numbers again
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l Num1Txt1,a1
- move.l #00,d0
- move.l #MulTop,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- rts
- ;Clean the screen of all text and Answer-Gadget
- ClearPage: move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l AStrGad1,a1
- lib Intuition,RemoveGadget
- move.l RP1,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Gfx,Move
- move.l RP1,a1
- lib Gfx,ClearScreen
- rts
- ;Draw main menu
- MainMenu: move.l RP1,a1
- move.l #$03,d0
- lib Gfx,SetAPen
- move.l RP1,a1
- move.l #50,d0 ;*1
- move.l #MainMTop,d1 ;*2
- move.l #590,d2
- move.l #MainMTop+100,d3
- lib Gfx,RectFill
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l MainMBorder1,a1
- move.l #50,d0 ;*1
- move.l #MainMTop,d1 ;*2
- lib Intuition,DrawBorder
- ;Print 'Please select option:' etc.
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l SelectTxt1,a1
- move.l #50+7,d0 ;*1
- move.l #MainMTop+4,d1 ;*2
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- ;Add gadgets
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l MainMGad1,a1
- move.l #00,a2
- move.l #-1,d0
- move.l #-1,d1
- lib Intuition,AddGList
- ;Refresh gadget so its drawn on the screen
- lea.l MainMGad1,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- rts
- ;Clear everything.
- EmptyPage: move.l RP1,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Gfx,Move
- move.l RP1,a1
- lib Gfx,ClearScreen
- rts
- ;Clear screen and add boxes to Window 1. Now a subroutine.
- DoPage: move.l RP1,a1
- clr.l d0
- clr.l d1
- lib Gfx,Move
- move.l RP1,a1
- lib Gfx,ClearScreen
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l TwoLineBox1,a1 ;What-to-do box
- move.l #0,d0
- move.l #DesTop,d1
- lib Intuition,DrawBorder
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l TwoLineBox1,a1 ;Question box
- move.l #0,d0
- move.l #QueTop,d1
- lib Intuition,DrawBorder
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l TenLineBox1,a1 ;Multi-question box
- move.l #0,d0 ;and answer
- move.l #MulTop,d1
- lib Intuition,DrawBorder
- jsr PrintTimer
- rts
- DoTeachPage: move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l MoveBorder1,a1 ;Draw borders around option
- move.l #0,d0 ;gadgets
- move.l #OptionTop-13,d1
- lib Intuition,DrawBorder
- ;Add all the texts to Window1
- move.l RP1,a0
- lea.l MoveTxt1,a1
- move.l #00,d0
- move.l #OptionTop-12,d1
- lib Intuition,PrintIText
- rts
- ;Add Gadget to Window 1
- AddaGad: move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l AStrGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,AddGadget
- ;Refresh gadget so its drawn on the screen
- lea.l AStrGad1,a0
- move.l Window1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2
- move.l #$01,d0
- lib Intuition,RefreshGList
- rts
- About: jsr MenusOff
- jsr SleepPointer
- cmp.w #$00,Mode
- bne AboutCont1
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l MainMGad1,a1
- move.l #-1,d0
- lib Intuition,RemoveGList
- AboutCont1: lea.l SS_About,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l AboutTxt1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2 ;positive text
- lea.l OKTxt,a3 ;a bit the wrong way around but...
- move.l #$00,d0
- move.l #$00,d1
- move.l #320,d2
- move.l #$50,d3
- lib Intuition,AutoRequest
- jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- cmp.w #$00,Mode
- bne Window1IDCMP
- jsr MainMenu
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- Quit: lea.l SS_Quit,a0
- jsr Speaker
- cmp.w #$01,Mode
- beq Game_Out
- cmp.w #$02,Mode
- bne Quit2
- jsr SaveQuestion
- jsr MenusOff
- move.l mlist,a0
- move.l #StudentMenuN,d0
- lib Intuition,ItemAddress
- move.l d0,a0
- or.w #CHECKED,$c(a0)
- move.l mlist,a0
- move.l #TeachMenuN,d0
- lib Intuition,ItemAddress
- move.l d0,a0
- and.w #~CHECKED,$c(a0)
- Quit1.1: jsr MenusOn
- jmp Student
- Quit2: jsr MenusOff
- jsr SleepPointer
- lea.l SS_Quit2,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jsr AskDoIt
- cmp.l #TRUE,d0
- bne Quit3
- jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- jmp ShutDown
- Quit3: jsr MenusOn
- jsr NormalPointer
- jmp Window1IDCMP
- FileRequester: move.l a5,FRTitle
- move.l d5,FRFlags
- lea.l FileRequest1,a0
- lib Req,FileRequester
- FROut: rts
- ;d4 = Position to HiLite
- HiLite: move.w AnsCount,d4
- mulu.w #10,d4
- move.l RP1,a0
- move.l #01,d0
- move.l #MulTop-1,d1
- add.l d4,d1
- move.l a0,a1
- move.l d0,d2
- move.l d1,d3
- move.l #637,d4
- move.l #10,d5
- move.l #$30,d6 ;replace with inverted source
- lib Gfx,ClipBlit
- HiLite_Out: rts
- CheckFile: move.l QueFile,d1
- move.l #0,d2
- move.l #-1,d3
- lib Dos,Seek
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lea.l Que,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- move.l #$08,d3
- flib Dos,Read
- tst.l d0
- bne CheckFile1
- jsr FileError
- move.l #0,d0
- rts
- CheckFile1: move.l Que,d0
- cmp.l #"Ques",d0
- bne CheckFile2
- tst.w NumQ
- beq CheckFile3
- move.l #-1,d0
- rts
- CheckFile2: move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l WrongTxt1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2 ;positive text
- lea.l OKTxt,a3 ;a bit the wrong way around but...
- move.l #$00,d0
- move.l #$00,d1
- move.l #$90,d2
- move.l #$40,d3
- lib Intuition,AutoRequest
- rts
- CheckFile3: jsr NoQues
- rts
- KillQueMem1: lea.l RememberKey,a0
- move.l #TRUE,d0
- lib Intuition,FreeRemember
- KillQM1_Out: rts
- AskDoIt: move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l DoItTxt1,a1
- lea.l OKTxt,a2 ;Positive text
- lea.l CancelTxt,a3 ;Negative text
- move.l #$00,d0
- move.l #$00,d1
- move.l #200,d2
- move.l #$30,d3
- lib Intuition,AutoRequest
- rts
- NoMem1: lea.l SS_ERR_Mem1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l NoMemTxt1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2 ;positive text
- lea.l OKTxt,a3 ;a bit the wrong way around but...
- move.l #$00,d0
- move.l #$00,d1
- move.l #320,d2
- move.l #$40,d3
- lib Intuition,AutoRequest
- rts
- NoQues: lea.l SS_ERR_Que1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l NoQuesTxt1,a1
- move.l #$00,a2 ;positive text
- lea.l OKTxt,a3 ;a bit the wrong way around but...
- move.l #$00,d0
- move.l #$00,d1
- move.l #320,d2
- move.l #$40,d3
- lib Intuition,AutoRequest
- rts
- ShutDown: move.l OurTask,a0
- move.l OldTaskWinPtr,$b8(a0)
- tst.l _DosBase
- beq ShutDown9200
- lea.l SS_Quiting,a0
- jsr Speaker
- ShutDown9200: tst.l PrefsFile
- beq ShutDown9100
- move.l PrefsFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,PrefsFile
- ShutDown9100: tst.l SpeakFile
- beq ShutDown9000
- move.l SpeakFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,SpeakFile
- ShutDown9000: tst.l QueFile
- beq ShutDown8100
- move.l QueFile,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- move.l #$00,QueFile
- ShutDown8100: tst.l DesMem1
- beq ShutDown8000
- move.l DesMem1,a1
- move.l #DesLeng+12,d0
- lib Exec,FreeMem
- move.l #$00,DesMem1
- ShutDown8000: jsr KillQueMem1
- ShutDown7300: tst.l PrefsWin1
- beq ShutDown7100
- move.l PrefsWin1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- ShutDown7200: tst.l AnyKeyWin1
- beq ShutDown7100
- move.l AnyKeyWin1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- ShutDown7100: tst.l WrongWin1
- beq ShutDown7000
- move.l WrongWin1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- ShutDown7000: tst.l RightWin1
- beq ShutDown5000
- move.l RightWin1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- ShutDown5000: tst.l Window1
- beq ShutDown4900
- move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,ClearMenuStrip
- move.l Window1,a0
- jsr ClearMSGs
- ShutDown4900: jsr Clean2.0Magic
- ShutDown4500: tst.l Screen1
- beq ShutDown3000
- move.l Screen1,a0
- lib Intuition,CloseScreen
- ShutDown3000: tst.l _ReqBase
- beq ShutDown2000
- lea.l FileRequest1,a0
- lib Req,PurgeFiles
- lea.l FileRequest2,a0
- lib Req,PurgeFiles
- ShutDown2000:
- ShutDown1100: tst.l _IntuitionBase
- beq ShutDown1000
- lib Intuition,OpenWorkBench ;For that xtra touch
- ShutDown1000: closlib Intuition
- closlib GadTools
- closlib Req
- closlib Gfx
- ; closlib Iff
- closlib Dos
- ShutDownOut: move.l #RETURN_OK,d0
- rts
- NoKS20: print <"This program requires Kickstart 2.0 or higher!",13,10>
- lea.l SS_ERR_KS20,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoInt: print <"Couldn't open intuition.library!",13,10>
- lea.l SS_ERR_Lib1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoGfx: print <"Couldn't open graphics.library!",13,10>
- lea.l SS_ERR_Lib1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoReq: print <"You need req.library 2.5 or higher!",13,10>
- move.l #$00,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l SS_ERR_Lib1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoScreen1.1: print <"Couldn't open (TagList) Screen1!",13,10>
- move.l #$00,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l SS_ERR_Scr1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- rts
- NoWrongWin1: print <"Couldn't open Wrong-Window1!",13,10>
- move.l Screen1,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l SS_ERR_Win1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoRightWin1: print <"Couldn't open Right-Window1!",13,10>
- move.l Screen1,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l SS_ERR_Win1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoAnyKeyWin1: print <"Couldn't open AnyKey-Window1!",13,10>
- move.l Screen1,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l SS_ERR_Win1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- rts
- NoWindow1: print <"Couldn't open Window1!",13,10>
- move.l Screen1,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l SS_ERR_Win1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoHelpWin1: print <"Couldn't open Help-Window!",13,10>
- move.l Screen1,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l SS_ERR_Win1,a0
- jsr Speaker
- jmp ShutDown
- NoSpeaking: move.l #$00,a0
- lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
- lea.l NoSPEAKText1,a0
- move.l #$00,a1
- jsr SimpleRequest
- move.w #$00,Talk ;Disable talking
- jmp OpenLibs
- SleepPointer: move.l Window1,a0
- lea.l ClockPointer1,a1
- move.l #16,d0
- move.l #0,d1 ;WHAT-THE-HECK IS THIS FOR?
- move.l #-6,d2
- move.l #0,d3
- lib Intuition,SetPointer
- rts
- NormalPointer: move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,ClearPointer
- rts
- MenusOn: move.l Window1,a0
- move.l mlist,a1
- lib Intuition,SetMenuStrip
- rts
- MenusOff: move.l Window1,a0
- lib Intuition,ClearMenuStrip
- rts
- MenuNull: move.l d3,d6
- ror.l #5,d6
- lsr.l #8,d6
- lsr.l #8,d6
- lsr.l #8,d6
- lsr.l #3,d6
- move.l d3,d5
- ror.l #5,d5
- ror.l #6,d5
- lsr.l #8,d5
- lsr.l #8,d5
- lsr.l #8,d5
- lsr.l #2,d5
- move.l #$00,d4
- move.w d3,d4
- lsr.l #5,d4
- lsr.l #6,d4
- rts
- CheckIDCMP: move.l $56(a0),a2 ;Give it the window structure in a0
- move.l #0,d1
- move.b $0f(a2),d1
- move.l #0,d0
- bset.l d1,d0
- lib Exec,Wait
- C2GetMsg1: move.l a2,a0
- lib GadTools,GT_GetIMsg
- tst.l d0
- beq C2GetMsg2
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l $14(a1),d2 ;answers with Class in d2,
- move.w $18(a1),d3 ;Code in d3 and
- move.w $1a(a1),a4 ;Qualifier in a4
- move.l $1c(a1),a5 ;IAddress in a5
- lib GadTools,GT_ReplyIMsg
- jmp C2GetMsg1
- C2GetMsg2: move.l #-1,d0
- rts
- ClearMSGs: move.l a0,d0
- tst.l d0
- beq C2ClearMsg3
- move.l a0,a3
- lib Exec,Forbid
- move.l $56(a3),a2 ;Give it the window structure in a0
- C2ClearMsg1: move.l a2,a0
- lib GadTools,GT_GetIMsg
- tst.l d0
- beq C2ClearMsg2
- move.l d0,a1
- lib GadTools,GT_ReplyIMsg
- jmp C2ClearMsg1
- C2ClearMsg2: move.l a3,a0
- move.l #$00,d0
- lib Intuition,ModifyIDCMP
- lib Exec,Permit
- move.l a3,a0
- lib Intuition,CloseWindow
- C2ClearMsg3: rts
- INCLUDE "FH1:Language/WF/Questions/QFileRequester.i"
- INCLUDE "FH1:Language/WF/Questions/DosError.i"
- Do2.0Magic: lea.l NewScreen1,a0
- lea.l Screen1TagList,a1
- lib Intuition,OpenScreenTagList
- move.l d0,Screen1
- beq NoScreen1.1
- ;New style gadget stuff
- lea.l glist,a0
- lib GadTools,CreateContext
- move.l d0,ContextGad
- beq Do2.0Magic2
- move.l Screen1,a0
- lea.l Screen1TagList,a1
- lib GadTools,GetVisualInfoA
- move.l d0,vi
- move.l glist,a0
- lea.l NGFirstGad,a1
- move.l #BUTTON_KIND,d0
- move.l vi,gng_VisualInfo(a1)
- lea.l GadTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,CreateGadgetA
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,FirstGad1P
- add.w #GADGDISABLED,$c(a0)
- lea.l NGLastGad,a1
- move.l #BUTTON_KIND,d0
- move.l vi,gng_VisualInfo(a1)
- lea.l GadTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,CreateGadgetA
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,LastGad1P
- add.w #GADGDISABLED,$c(a0)
- lea.l NGPrevGad,a1
- move.l #BUTTON_KIND,d0
- move.l vi,gng_VisualInfo(a1)
- lea.l GadTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,CreateGadgetA
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,PrevGad1P
- add.w #GADGDISABLED,$c(a0)
- lea.l NGNextGad,a1
- move.l #BUTTON_KIND,d0
- move.l vi,gng_VisualInfo(a1)
- lea.l GadTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,CreateGadgetA
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,NextGad1P
- add.w #GADGDISABLED,$c(a0)
- lea.l NGAddGad,a1
- move.l #BUTTON_KIND,d0
- move.l vi,gng_VisualInfo(a1)
- lea.l GadTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,CreateGadgetA
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,AddGad1P
- lea.l NGUndoGad,a1
- move.l #BUTTON_KIND,d0
- move.l vi,gng_VisualInfo(a1)
- lea.l GadTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,CreateGadgetA
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,UndoGad1P
- add.w #GADGDISABLED,$c(a0)
- lea.l NGClearGad,a1
- move.l #BUTTON_KIND,d0
- move.l vi,gng_VisualInfo(a1)
- lea.l GadTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,CreateGadgetA
- move.l d0,ClearGad1P
- move.b #1,GadMagic
- ;New style menu stuff
- Do2.0Magic2: lea.l MNMainMenu1,a0
- lea.l MenuTagList,a1
- lib GadTools,CreateMenusA
- move.l d0,mlist
- Do2.0Magic3: move.l mlist,a0
- move.l vi,a1
- lea.l MenuTagList,a2
- lib GadTools,LayoutMenusA
- move.b #1,MenuMagic
- Do2.0_OUT: rts
- Clean2.0Magic: tst.b GadMagic
- beq Clean2.0M2
- move.l glist,a0
- lib GadTools,FreeGadgets
- Clean2.0M2: tst.b MenuMagic
- beq Clean2.0M3
- move.l mlist,a0
- lib GadTools,FreeMenus
- Clean2.0M3: tst.b GadMagic2
- beq Clean2.0M4
- move.l glist2,a0
- lib GadTools,FreeGadgets
- Clean2.0M4: tst.b MenuMagic2
- beq Clean2.0M5
- move.l mlist2,a0
- lib GadTools,FreeMenus
- Clean2.0M5: tst.b GadMagic3
- beq Clean2.0M6
- move.l glist3,a0
- lib GadTools,FreeGadgets
- Clean2.0M6: tst.b MenuMagic3
- beq Clean2.0M7
- move.l mlist3,a0
- lib GadTools,FreeMenus
- Clean2.0M7: tst.l vi
- beq Clean2.0_OUT
- move.l vi,a0
- lib GadTools,FreeVisualInfo
- Clean2.0_OUT: rts
- ;Give this subroutine the address of the text in d2
- ;
- ;It will then write the text to the SPEAK: device
- ;
- ;This will hopefully be changed to something doing with narrator.device
- ;
- Speaker: cmp.l #$00,a0
- beq Speaker_OUT
- tst.w Talk
- beq Speaker_OUT ;No speech wanted
- move.l SpeakFile,d1
- beq Speaker_OUT ;If we couldn't get SPEAK:
- Speaker1: tst.w TalkDes
- beq Speaker2
- cmp.l DesMem1,a0
- beq SpeakerDo
- cmp.l #$CADBEEF,d2
- beq SpeakerDo
- Speaker2: tst.w TalkQue
- beq Speaker3
- cmp.l #$C0FFEE,d2
- beq SpeakerDo
- Speaker3: tst.w TalkAns
- beq Speaker4
- cmp.l #$DEADBEEF,d2
- beq SpeakerDo
- Speaker4: tst.w TalkScore
- beq Speaker5
- cmp.l #$DEAFBEEF,d2
- beq SpeakerDo
- Speaker5: move.l a0,d2
- jsr GetLength
- tst.w TalkSys
- beq Speaker_OUT
- move.l d2,a0
- cmp.b #$dc,0(a0,d3.l)
- beq SpeakerDo
- jmp Speaker_OUT
- SpeakerDo: move.l a0,d2
- jsr GetLength
- lib Dos,Write
- Speaker_OUT: rts
- INCLUDE "FH1:Language/WF/Questions/Que.i"
- INCLUDE "FH1:Language/WF/Questions/QueSpeak.i"
- ;question file stuff - a straight copy of the .Que files and vice versa
- ds.l 0
- Que: dc.b "Ques" ;Header
- NumQ: dc.w 0 ;Number of questions (max 65535?)
- Type: dc.b 0 ;Multiple correct, One correct etc.
- Timer: dc.b 0 ;0=No timer, 1-255 Seconds
- ;Pointers
- ;GadTools stuff
- vi: dc.l 0
- mlist: dc.l 0
- GadMagic: dc.b 0 ;using new gadgets? (0=No, 1=Yes)
- MenuMagic: dc.b 0 ;using new menus? (0=No, 1=Yes)
- ContextGad: dc.l 0
- FirstGad1P: dc.l 0
- LastGad1P: dc.l 0
- PrevGad1P: dc.l 0
- NextGad1P: dc.l 0
- AddGad1P: dc.l 0
- UndoGad1P: dc.l 0
- ClearGad1P: dc.l 0
- ;Display stuff
- Screen1 dc.l 0
- ViewPort1 dc.l 0
- Window1 dc.l 0
- RP1 dc.l 0
- WrongWin1 dc.l 0
- RightWin1 dc.l 0
- AnyKeyWin1 dc.l 0
- ;Library stuff (well what's needed anymore)
- libnames
- ;_IffBase dc.l 0
- ;_IffLib dc.b "iff.library",0
- ; ds.l 0
- ;File stuff
- _stdout dc.l 0
- ;IffFile dc.l 0
- QueFile dc.l 0
- ;Memory stuff
- DesMem1: dc.l 0 ;Address of description
- RememberKey: dc.l 0 ;Our editing memory list of
- dc.l 0 ;questions & answers
- dc.l 0 ;1=NextRemember, 2=Size, 3=Memory
- ;Other question stuff
- QueCount: dc.w 0 ;Asking QueCount'th question
- AnsCount: dc.w 0 ;Checking AnsCount'th answer,
- ;also used for printing
- Score: dc.w 0 ;Player score
- QueCount2: dc.w 0 ;out of QueCount'th questions
- LastAns: dc.w 0 ;Wrong (0) or right (1)?
- QueBegin: dc.l 0 ;Question begin
- CAnsBegin: dc.l 0 ;Correct answer begin
- CurrentQue: dc.l 0 ;Current question
- ;Task stuff
- OurTask dc.l 0
- OldTaskWinPtr dc.l 0
- ;Other stuff XIV
- Mode: dc.w 0 ;0=Waiting, 1=Running, 2=Editing
- ;Texts, Part I
- QName dc.b "Questions (C)opyright 1991 Tomi Blinnikka",0
- LoadName dc.b "Load quiz.",0
- SaveName dc.b "Save quiz.",0
- NoSPEAKText1 dc.b "Couldn't open SPEAK: device! No speaking available",0
- ds.l 0
- ;Structures
- ;New screen & new window structures
- NewScreen1 dc.w 0,0 ;X,Y POS
- Screen1MaxCol dc.w 640 ;724 ;WIDTH
- Screen1MaxRow dc.w 200; 283 ;HEIGHT
- dc.w 2 ;DEPTH
- dc.b 0,1 ;COLORS
- dc.l Screen1Font ;FONT
- dc.l QName ;DEFULT TITLE
- dc.l 0 ;GADGETS
- Screen1TagList: dc.l SA_Pens,default_pens
- dc.l SA_Width,640
- dc.l SA_Height,200
- dc.l TAG_DONE,0
- default_pens dc.w ~0
- Screen1Font dc.l Screen1FontN ;NAME
- dc.w 8 ;SIZE
- dc.b 0 ;STYLE
- dc.b 0 ;FLAGS
- ds.l 0
- Screen1FontN dc.b "topaz.font",0
- ds.l 0
- NewWindow1 dc.w 0,0 ;X,Y POS
- dc.w 640 ;724 ;WIDTH
- dc.w 200 ;283 ;HEIGHT
- dc.b 0,1 ;PENS
- dc.l 0 ;TITLE
- dc.l 0 ;BITMAP
- dc.w 640,200,724,283 ;MINIMUM SIZE
- NewWrongWin1 dc.w 150,40 ;X,Y POS
- dc.w 80 ;WIDTH
- dc.w 25 ;HEIGHT
- dc.b 0,1 ;PENS
- dc.l 0 ;TITLE
- dc.l 0 ;BITMAP
- dc.w 80,25,80,25 ;MINIMUM SIZE
- NewRightWin1 dc.w 150,40 ;X,Y POS
- dc.w 80 ;WIDTH
- dc.w 25 ;HEIGHT
- dc.b 0,1 ;PENS
- dc.l 0 ;TITLE
- dc.l 0 ;BITMAP
- dc.w 80,25,80,25 ;MINIMUM SIZE
- NewAnyKeyWin1 dc.w 150,50 ;X,Y POS
- dc.w 130 ;WIDTH
- dc.w 25 ;HEIGHT
- dc.b 0,1 ;PENS
- dc.l 0 ;TITLE
- dc.l 0 ;BITMAP
- dc.w 130,25,130,25 ;MINIMUM SIZE
- AgainWin1 dc.w 150,50 ;X,Y POS
- dc.w 130 ;WIDTH
- dc.w 25 ;HEIGHT
- dc.b 0,1 ;PENS
- dc.l 0 ;TITLE
- dc.l 0 ;BITMAP
- dc.w 130,25,130,25 ;MINIMUM SIZE
- ;Fonts
- Topaz dc.l FontName
- dc.w 8
- dc.b 0
- dc.b 0
- FontName dc.b "topaz.font",0
- ds.l 0
- ;Gadget TagLists
- GadTagList: dc.l GT_Underscore,'_'
- dc.l TAG_DONE,0
- ;Gadet labels Part I
- ;New gadget structures
- NGFirstGad: dc.w 13 ;gng_LeftEdge
- dc.w OptionTop3 ;gng_TopEdge
- dc.w 50 ;gng_Width
- dc.w 12 ;gng_Height
- dc.l FirstGadText2 ;gng_GadgetText
- dc.l Topaz ;gng_TextAttr
- dc.w 10 ;gng_GadgetID
- dc.l PLACETEXT_IN ;gng_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gng_VisualInfo
- dc.l 0 ;gng_UserData
- NGLastGad: dc.w 13 ;gng_LeftEdge
- dc.w OptionTop3+14 ;gng_TopEdge
- dc.w 50 ;gng_Width
- dc.w 12 ;gng_Height
- dc.l LastGadText2 ;gng_GadgetText
- dc.l Topaz ;gng_TextAttr
- dc.w 15 ;gng_GadgetID
- dc.l PLACETEXT_IN ;gng_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gng_VisualInfo
- dc.l 0 ;gng_UserData
- NGPrevGad: dc.w 133 ;gng_LeftEdge
- dc.w OptionTop3 ;gng_TopEdge
- dc.w 50 ;gng_Width
- dc.w 12 ;gng_Height
- dc.l PrevGadText2 ;gng_GadgetText
- dc.l Topaz ;gng_TextAttr
- dc.w 20 ;gng_GadgetID
- dc.l PLACETEXT_IN ;gng_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gng_VisualInfo
- dc.l 0 ;gng_UserData
- NGNextGad: dc.w 133 ;gng_LeftEdge
- dc.w OptionTop3+14 ;gng_TopEdge
- dc.w 50 ;gng_Width
- dc.w 12 ;gng_Height
- dc.l NextGadText2 ;gng_GadgetText
- dc.l Topaz ;gng_TextAttr
- dc.w 30 ;gng_GadgetID
- dc.l PLACETEXT_IN ;gng_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gng_VisualInfo
- dc.l 0 ;gng_UserData
- NGAddGad: dc.w 200 ;gng_LeftEdge
- dc.w OptionTop2 ;gng_TopEdge
- dc.w 50 ;gng_Width
- dc.w 15 ;gng_Height
- dc.l AddGadText2 ;gng_GadgetText
- dc.l Topaz ;gng_TextAttr
- dc.w 40 ;gng_GadgetID
- dc.l PLACETEXT_IN ;gng_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gng_VisualInfo
- dc.l 0 ;gng_UserData
- NGUndoGad: dc.w 260 ;gng_LeftEdge
- dc.w OptionTop2 ;gng_TopEdge
- dc.w 50 ;gng_Width
- dc.w 15 ;gng_Height
- dc.l UndoGadText2 ;gng_GadgetText
- dc.l Topaz ;gng_TextAttr
- dc.w 50 ;gng_GadgetID
- dc.l PLACETEXT_IN ;gng_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gng_VisualInfo
- dc.l 0 ;gng_UserData
- NGClearGad: dc.w 327 ;gng_LeftEdge
- dc.w OptionTop2 ;gng_TopEdge
- dc.w 50 ;gng_Width
- dc.w 15 ;gng_Height
- dc.l ClearGadText2 ;gng_GadgetText
- dc.l Topaz ;gng_TextAttr
- dc.w 60 ;gng_GadgetID
- dc.l PLACETEXT_IN ;gng_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gng_VisualInfo
- dc.l 0 ;gng_UserData
- glist: dc.l 0 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 0 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w 0 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 0 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 0 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w 0 ;activation
- dc.w 0 ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 0 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- ;Gadget text strings
- FirstGadText2: dc.b "_" ;Must be before Text1
- FirstGad1Text1: dc.b "First",0
- LastGadText2: dc.b "Last",0
- PrevGadText2: dc.b "_" ;Must be before Text1
- PrevGad1Text1: dc.b "Prev",0
- NextGadText2: dc.b "_" ;Must be before Text1
- NextGad1Text1: dc.b "Next",0
- AddGadText2: dc.b "_" ;Must be before Text1
- AddGad1Text1: dc.b "Add",0
- UndoGadText2: dc.b "_" ;Must be before Text1
- UndoGad1Text1: dc.b "Undo",0
- ClearGadText2: dc.b "_" ;Must be before Text1
- ClearGad1Text1: dc.b "Clear",0
- MainMText1: dc.b "1. Start quiz",0
- MainMText2: dc.b "2. Enter name",0
- MainMText3: dc.b "3. Load quiz",0
- MainMText4: dc.b "4. Teacher mode",0
- MainMText5: dc.b "5. Set preferences",0
- MainMText6: dc.b "6. Help",0
- MainMText7: dc.b "7. About Questions",0
- MainMText8: dc.b "8. Quit",0
- ds.l 0
- NameGad1: dc.l 0 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w NameTop ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l OneLineBox1 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l OneLineBox1 ;select rendering
- dc.l NameGadTxt1 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l NameGadInfo ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- NameGadInfo: dc.l NameGad1Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w NameLeng-2 ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- NameGadTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 0,-10 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l NameGad1Text ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- NameGad1Text: dc.b "Please enter your name:",0
- ds.l 0
- DesStrGad1: dc.l DesStrGad2 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w DesTop ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l DesStr1Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- DesStr1Info: dc.l DesStr1Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- DesStrGad2: dc.l QueStrGad1 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w DesTop+10 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l DesStr2Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- DesStr2Info: dc.l DesStr2Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- QueStrGad1: dc.l QueStrGad2 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w QueTop ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l QueStr1Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- QueStr1Info: dc.l QueStr1Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- QueStrGad2: dc.l MulStrGad1 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w QueTop+10 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l QueStr2Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- QueStr2Info: dc.l QueStr2Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad1: dc.l MulStrGad2 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr1Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr1Info: dc.l MulStr1Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad2: dc.l MulStrGad3 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+10 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr2Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr2Info: dc.l MulStr2Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad3: dc.l MulStrGad4 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+20 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr3Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr3Info: dc.l MulStr3Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad4: dc.l MulStrGad5 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+30 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr4Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr4Info: dc.l MulStr4Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad5: dc.l MulStrGad6 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+40 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr5Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr5Info: dc.l MulStr5Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad6: dc.l MulStrGad7 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+50 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr6Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr6Info: dc.l MulStr6Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad7: dc.l MulStrGad8 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+60 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr7Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr7Info: dc.l MulStr7Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad8: dc.l MulStrGad9 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+70 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr8Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr8Info: dc.l MulStr8Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad9: dc.l MulStrGad10 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+80 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr9Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr9Info: dc.l MulStr9Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MulStrGad10: dc.l 0 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MulTop+90 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l MulStr10Info ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MulStr10Info: dc.l MulStr10Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w LineLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- AStrGad1: dc.l 0 ;MultiGad1 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 1 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w AnsTop ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 638 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 9 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w 0 ;flags
- dc.w STRGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l OneLineBox1 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l OneLineBox1 ;select rendering
- dc.l 0 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l Gad2StrInfo ;special info
- dc.w 1 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- Gad2StrInfo: dc.l AStrGad1Buf ;Gadget Buffer
- dc.l GadUnBuf ;Gadget Undo Buffer
- Gad2PosInBuf: dc.w 0 ;Pos in Buffer
- dc.w AnsLeng ;Max. Chars in Buffer
- dc.w 1 ;Buffer Pos. of 1st disp. char
- dc.w 0 ;Intuition takes care of these.
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.w 0
- dc.l 0
- MainMGad1 dc.l MainMGad2 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+15 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt1 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 70 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt1 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- MainMGad2 dc.l MainMGad3 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+25 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt2 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 71 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt2 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText2 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- MainMGad3 dc.l MainMGad4 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+35 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt3 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 72 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt3 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText3 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- MainMGad4 dc.l MainMGad5 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+45 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt4 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 73 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt4 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText4 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- MainMGad5 dc.l MainMGad6 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+55 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt5 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 74 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt5 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText5 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- MainMGad6 dc.l MainMGad7 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+65 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt6 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 75 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt6 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText6 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- MainMGad7 dc.l MainMGad8 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+75 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt7 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 76 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt7 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText7 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- MainMGad8 dc.l 0 ;Next Gadget
- dc.w 54 ;"hit-box" left edge
- dc.w MainMTop+85 ;"hit-box" top edge
- dc.w 533 ;"hit-box" Width
- dc.w 10 ;"hit-box" Height
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation
- dc.w BOOLGADGET ;gadget type
- dc.l 0 ;gadget rendering
- dc.l 0 ;select rendering
- dc.l MMGadTxt8 ;gadget text
- dc.l 0 ;mutual exclude
- dc.l 0 ;special info
- dc.w 77 ;gadget ID (user definable)
- dc.l 0 ;ptr to general purpose user data
- MMGadTxt8 dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 3,1 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l MainMText8 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- ;Menu TagList(s)
- MenuTagList: dc.l GTMN_TextAttr,Topaz
- dc.l GTMN_Menu,MNMainMenu1
- dc.l TAG_DONE,0
- ;Menu texts
- Menu1Name: dc.b "Main",0
- StartMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Start!",0
- StartCommKey: dc.b "G",0
- ENameMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Enter name",0
- ENameCommKey: dc.b "E",0
- LoadMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Load...",0
- LoadCommKey: dc.b "L",0
- SaveMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Save",0
- SaveCommKey: dc.b "S",0
- SaveAsMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Save as...",0
- SaveAsCommKey: dc.b "W",0
- HelpMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Help...",0
- HelpCommKey: dc.b "H",0
- AboutMenu1I1Text: dc.b "About...",0
- AboutCommKey: dc.b "?",0
- QuitMenu1I2Text: dc.b "Quit",0
- QuitCommKey: dc.b "Q",0
- Menu2Name: dc.b "Edit",0
- AddMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Add",0
- AddCommKey: dc.b "A",0
- UndoMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Undo",0
- UndoCommKey: dc.b "U",0
- Menu3Name: dc.b "Edit all",0
- ClearMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Clear",0
- ClearCommKey: dc.b "C",0
- Menu4Name: dc.b "Move",0
- FirstMenu1I1Text: dc.b "First",0
- FirstCommKey: dc.b "F",0
- LastMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Last",0
- LastCommKey: dc.b ".",0
- NextMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Next",0
- NextCommKey: dc.b "N",0
- PrevMenu1I1Text: dc.b "Previous",0
- PrevCommKey: dc.b "P",0
- Menu5Name: dc.b "Mode",0
- Menu2I1Text: dc.b " "
- StuMenu1Text: dc.b "Student",0
- StudentCommKey: dc.b "1"
- Menu2I2Text: dc.b " "
- TeachMenu1Text: dc.b "Teacher",0
- TeacherCommKey: dc.b "2"
- Menu6Name: dc.b "Preferences",0
- PrefsM1Text: dc.b "Set prefs",0
- PrefsCommKey: dc.b "3"
- PrefsM2Text: dc.b "Load prefs",0
- PrefsCommKey2: dc.b "4"
- PrefsM3Text: dc.b "Save prefs",0
- PrefsCommKey3: dc.b "5"
- PrefsM4Text: dc.b "Get defaults",0
- PrefsCommKey4: dc.b "6"
- ds.l 0
- ;NewMenus
- MNMainMenu1: dc.b NM_TITLE ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l Menu1Name ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNStartMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l StartMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l StartCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNEnterNMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l ENameMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l ENameCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNLoadMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l LoadMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l LoadCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNSaveMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l SaveMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l SaveCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_ITEMDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNSaveAsMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l SaveAsMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l SaveAsCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_ITEMDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNHelpMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l HelpMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l HelpCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNAboutMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l AboutMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l AboutCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNSepMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l NM_BARLABEL ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNQuitMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l QuitMenu1I2Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l QuitCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNMenu2: dc.b NM_TITLE ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l Menu2Name ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_MENUDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNAddMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l AddMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l AddCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNSepMenu2: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l NM_BARLABEL ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNUndoMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l UndoMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l UndoCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNMenu3: dc.b NM_TITLE ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l Menu3Name ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_MENUDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNClearMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l ClearMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l ClearCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNMenu4: dc.b NM_TITLE ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l Menu4Name ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_MENUDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNFirstMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l FirstMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l FirstCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNLastMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l LastMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l LastCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNPrevMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l PrevMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l PrevCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNNextMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l NextMenu1I1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l NextCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNMenu5: dc.b NM_TITLE ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l Menu5Name ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNStudentMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l StuMenu1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l StudentCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w CHECKIT+CHECKED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l ~1 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNTeacherMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l TeachMenu1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l TeacherCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w CHECKIT ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l ~2 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNMenu6: dc.b NM_TITLE ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l Menu6Name ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNPrefsMenu1: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l PrefsM1Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l PrefsCommKey ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNPrefsMenu2: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l PrefsM2Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l PrefsCommKey2 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_ITEMDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNPrefsMenu3: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l PrefsM3Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l PrefsCommKey3 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_ITEMDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNSepMenu3: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l NM_BARLABEL ;gnm_Label
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w 0 ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- MNPrefsMenu4: dc.b NM_ITEM ;gnm_Type
- dc.b 0 ;gnm_Pad
- dc.l PrefsM4Text ;gnm_Label
- dc.l PrefsCommKey4 ;gnm_CommKey
- dc.w NM_ITEMDISABLED ;gnm_Flags
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_MutualExclude
- dc.l 0 ;gnm_UserData
- dc.w 0 ;ITEM_END?
- ;Borders, Images etc...
- OneLineBox1 dc.w -1 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w -2 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 5 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY1 ;XY's
- dc.l 0 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY1 dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 639,0
- dc.w 639,11
- dc.w 0,11
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- TwoLineBox1 dc.w 0 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w -2 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 5 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY2 ;XY's
- dc.l 0 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY2 dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 639,0
- dc.w 639,22
- dc.w 0,22
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- TenLineBox1 dc.w 0 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w -2 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 5 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY3 ;XY's
- dc.l 0 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY3 dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 639,0
- dc.w 639,101
- dc.w 0,101
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- MoveBorder1 dc.w 6 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w 0 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 5 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY4 ;XY's
- dc.l OneBorder1 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY4 dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 184,0
- dc.w 184,27
- dc.w 0,27
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- OneBorder1 dc.w 193 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w 0 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 5 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY5 ;XY's
- dc.l AllBorder1 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY5 dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 124,0
- dc.w 124,27
- dc.w 0,27
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- AllBorder1 dc.w 320 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w 0 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 5 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY6 ;XY's
- dc.l 0 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY6 dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 64,0
- dc.w 64,27
- dc.w 0,27
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- MainMBorder1 dc.w 0 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w 0 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 2,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 3 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY7 ;XY's
- dc.l MainMBorder2 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY7 dc.w 0,100
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 540,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- MainMBorder2 dc.w 3 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w 2 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 2,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 3 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY8 ;XY's
- dc.l MainMBorder3 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY8 dc.w 0,96
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.w 534,0
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- MainMBorder3 dc.w 0 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w 0 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 3 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY9 ;XY's
- dc.l MainMBorder4 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY9 dc.w 540,1
- dc.w 540,100
- dc.w 0,100
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- MainMBorder4 dc.w 3 ;Initial offsets from the origin
- dc.w 2 ;LeftEdge and TopEdge
- dc.b 1,2 ;Pens
- dc.b 1 ;Draw Mode
- dc.b 3 ;Line Count (XY)
- dc.l BorderXY10 ;XY's
- dc.l 0 ;Next Border
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- BorderXY10 dc.w 534,1
- dc.w 534,96
- dc.w 0,96
- dc.b 0
- ds.l 0
- ;Texts, Part II
- AboutTxt1: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 10,10 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l AboutText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l AboutTxt2 ;NEXTTEXT
- AboutTxt2: dc.b 3,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 10,20 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l AboutText2 ;TEXT
- dc.l AboutTxt3 ;NEXTTEXT
- AboutTxt3: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 10,30 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l AboutText3 ;TEXT
- dc.l AboutTxt4 ;NEXTTEXT
- AboutTxt4: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 10,50 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l AboutText4 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- DoItTxt1: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 6,3 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l DoItText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- OKTxt: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 6,3 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l OKText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- CancelTxt: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 0 ;MODE
- dc.w 6,3 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l 0 ;FONT
- dc.l CancelText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- WrongTxt1: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 10,10 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l FWrongText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- NoMemTxt1: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 10,10 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l NoMemText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- NoQuesTxt1: dc.b 3,1 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 10,10 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l NoQuesText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- DesTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 1,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- DesTextAdd: dc.l 0 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- QueTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 1,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- QueTextAdd: dc.l 0 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- AnsTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 30,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- AnsTextAdd: dc.l 0 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- WrongTxt2: dc.b 3,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 17,13 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l WrongText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- RightTxt1: dc.b 3,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 12,13 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l RightText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- AnyKeyTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
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- dc.l Num1Text1 ;TEXT
- dc.l Num2Txt1 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.w 4 ;MODE
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- dc.l Num3Txt1 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.w 4 ;MODE
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- dc.l Num3Text1 ;TEXT
- dc.l Num4Txt1 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.l Num7Txt1 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.w 4 ;MODE
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- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l Num7Text1 ;TEXT
- dc.l Num8Txt1 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.w 4 ;MODE
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- dc.l Num10Txt1 ;NEXTTEXT
- Num10Txt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 2,90 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l Num10Text1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- ScoreTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 2,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l ScoreText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- NumQTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 2,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l NumQText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- TimerTxt1: dc.b 1,2 ;PENS
- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 2,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l TimerText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 0,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l TimerText3 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.w 4 ;MODE
- dc.w 83,0 ;LEFT+TOPEDGE
- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l MoveText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l OneTxt1 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.l OneText1 ;TEXT
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- dc.l AllText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
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- dc.l Topaz ;FONT
- dc.l SelectText1 ;TEXT
- dc.l 0 ;NEXTTEXT
- NoMemText1: dc.b "Out of memory, can't load!",0
- NoQuesText1: dc.b "There aren't any questions",0
- FWrongText1: dc.b "Not a question-answer file!",0
- DoItText1: dc.b "Are you sure?",0
- OKText1: dc.b "OK",0
- CancelText1: dc.b "CANCEL!",0
- WrongText1: dc.b "Wrong!",0
- RightText1: dc.b "Correct",0
- AnyKeyText1: dc.b "Press any key",0
- AgainText1: dc.b "Try again?",0
- Num1Text1: dc.b "01.",0
- Num2Text1: dc.b "02.",0
- Num3Text1: dc.b "03.",0
- Num4Text1: dc.b "04.",0
- Num5Text1: dc.b "05.",0
- Num6Text1: dc.b "06.",0
- Num7Text1: dc.b "07.",0
- Num8Text1: dc.b "08.",0
- Num9Text1: dc.b "09.",0
- Num10Text1: dc.b "10.",0
- MoveText1: dc.b "Move",0
- OneText1: dc.b "One",0
- AllText1: dc.b "All",0
- TimerText1: dc.b "Timer: "
- TimerText2: dc.b " 0",0
- TimerText3: dc.b "Timer: No",0
- NumQText1: dc.b "No. of questions "
- NumQText2: dc.b " 0",0
- ScoreText1: dc.b "Score "
- ScoreText2: dc.b " 0 "
- ScoreText3: dc.b "out of "
- ScoreText4: dc.b " 0",0
- fstrl: dc.b "%5.d",0
- SelectText1: dc.b "Please select option:",0
- AboutText1: dc.b " Questions -The Amiga version-",0
- AboutText2: dc.b " v.0.99d by",0
- AboutText3: dc.b " Tomi Blinnikka",0
- AboutText4: dc.b " (C)opyright 1991",0
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- Section Q,DATA,CHIP
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