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- *************************************************
- * *
- * (C)opyright 1992 *
- * *
- * by Tomi Blinnikka *
- * *
- * DonĀ“t try to understand the code *
- * *
- * Version 0.01 04/07/1992 *
- * *
- * BUGS: None. *
- * *
- * Version 0.02 11/07/1992 *
- * *
- * Added delay. Added informing TTYs. Added *
- * -q(uiet) option *
- * *
- * BUGS: -q didn't work... *
- * *
- * Version 0.03 26/07/1992 *
- * *
- * Version 0.04 28/07/1992 *
- * *
- * Added CTRL_C check. *
- * *
- * Version 0.05 28/12/1992 *
- * *
- * Added quick option. *
- * *
- * Version 1.00 30/12/1992 *
- * *
- * CBM guidelines in parser. *
- * *
- *************************************************
- INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
- INCLUDE "libraries/dos.i"
- INCLUDE "XREF:2.0.xref"
- INCLUDE "XREF:exec.xref"
- INCLUDE "XREF:dos.xref"
- section Reset,CODE
- move.l a0,a4
- clr.b -1(a0,d0.l)
- openlib Dos,NoDos
- lea.l CLTemplate1,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- lea.l CLArray1,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- clr.l d3
- lib Dos,ReadArgs
- move.l d0,RDArgs1
- beq NoRDArgs
- tst.l DevPointer
- beq Start1
- clr.l d4
- WriteLoop: move.l DevPointer,a0
- move.l d4,d3
- mulu.w #4,d3
- add.l d3,a0
- move.l (a0),a0
- cmp.l #$00,a0 ;if pointer is NULL
- beq Start1 ;we don't have a string
- move.l a0,d1
- move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
- lib Dos,Open
- tst.l d0
- beq Start1
- move.l d0,d5
- lea.l ResetText1,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- bsr GetLength ;loads d3 with length
- lib Dos,Write
- move.l d5,d1
- lib Dos,Close
- add.l #1,d4
- bra WriteLoop
- Start1: tst.l Immediate
- beq Wait
- lea.l ResetText2,a0
- bsr Printer
- bra SkipWait
- Wait: lea.l ResetText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- move.l #5*50,d1
- lib Dos,Delay
- SkipWait: clr.l d0
- bset.l #SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C,d1 ;check for CTRL_C
- lib Dos,CheckSignal
- btst.l #SIGBREAKB_CTRL_C,d0
- beq DoReset
- lea.l BreakText1,a0
- bsr Printer
- bra ShutDown
- DoReset: lib Exec,ColdReboot
- ShutDown: move.l RDArgs1,d1
- beq ShutDown1000
- lib Dos,FreeArgs
- ShutDown1000: closlib Dos
- move.l #RETURN_OK,d0
- rts
- NoDos: move.l #RETURN_FAIL,d0
- rts
- NoRDArgs: lib Dos,IoErr
- move.l d0,d1
- clr.l d2
- lib Dos,PrintFault
- bra ShutDown
- Printer: tst.l Quiet
- bne Printer1
- printa a0
- Printer1: rts
- ;Get length of text in given address
- ;
- ;Input a0 = Address of null terminated text string
- ;
- ;Result d3 = Length
- GetLength: push a0
- clr.l d3
- cmp.l #$00,a0 ;fixes enforcer hit
- beq GetLength_OUT
- GetLength2: add.l #1,d3
- tst.b (a0)+
- bne GetLength2
- sub.l #1,d3 ;don't include NULL
- GetLength_OUT: pull a0
- rts
- ;Structures and reservations
- VersionString: dc.b "$VER: Reset 1.00 (30.12.92) (C)opyright Tomi Blinnikka",0
- ResetText1: dc.b 7,13,10,"WARNING! System shutdown begins in 5 seconds!",13,10
- dc.b "Please logon again in a few minutes.",13,10,0
- ResetText2: dc.b 7,13,10,"WARNING! System shutdown!",13,10
- dc.b "Please logon again in a few minutes.",13,10,0
- BreakText1: dc.b "***Break: Reset",13,10,0
- ds.l 0
- ;library stuff
- libnames
- ;Options
- RDArgs1: dc.l 0
- CLArray1:
- Quiet: dc.l 0 ;0=Print texts, 1=Be quiet
- Immediate: dc.l 0 ;0=Wait N secs, 1=Do not wait
- DevPointer: dc.l 0 ;Pointer to devices string
- ;buffers
- Buf1: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf2: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf3: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf4: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf5: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf6: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf7: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf8: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf9: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf10: dcb.b 10,0
- Buf11: dcb.b 10,0