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- 27/05-93 ShellTerm V1.19
- Updated: 05/08-92 - for version 1.01 - Preliminary docs
- Updated: 06/08-92 - for version 1.02 - Preliminary docs
- Updated: 08/08-92 - for version 1.03 - Almost finished docs
- Updated: 11/08-92 - for version 1.04 - Release version
- Updated: 14/08-92 - for version 1.05 - Bug fixes
- Updated: 28/08-92 - for version 1.06 - Additions and beta testing
- Updated: 30/08-92 - for version 1.07 - Additions and beta testing
- Updated: 04/09-92 - for version 1.08 - Additions
- Updated: 06/09-92 - for version 1.09 - Release 2
- Updated: 20/10-92 - for version 1.10 - Bug fixes
- Updated: 13/11-92 - for version 1.11 - Private release
- Updated: 01/01-93 - for version 1.12 - Release 3
- Updated: 02/01-93 - for version 1.13 - Additions
- Updated: 06/02-93 - for version 1.14 - Bug fixes
- Updated: 10/02-93 - for version 1.15 - Release 4. 'Feature' removed
- Updated: 24/03-93 - for version 1.16 - Release 5. Major bug fix
- Updated: 25/03-93 - for version 1.17 - Release 6. Additions
- Updated: 22/05-93 - for version 1.18 - Additions
- Updated: 27/05-93 - for version 1.19 - Release 7. Additions
- Copyright (C) Tomi Blinnikka 1993, All Rights Reserved.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- This program is SHAREWARE. This means that you can copy it and give it
- to all your friends, upload it to a BBS or include it in a PD-library
- (FISH etc.). BUT (!!!) if you use this program frequently you must
- pay $5 - $10. The other restrictions are: all of the files must be
- included in their original form without additions, deletions, or
- modifications of any kind and it IS NOT TO BE SOLD. THIS INCLUDES
- GERMAN PD DEALERS. If you wish to use this program for commercial
- purposes, you need written permission. The ShellTerm program is
- provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, and the author is not
- responsible for any damage this software may or may not do.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. What does it do?
- - Short description of what this program does and/or does not do.
- 2. What do you need?
- - A list of software/hardware needed.
- 3. Compatibility
- - A list of computers this program works on.
- 4. Setting up
- - Instructions on how to set up ShellTerm
- 5. How to run it
- - Instructions on starting the program and what arguments it takes.
- 6. Using ShellTerm
- - A short description of all functions
- 6.1 Main menu
- 6.2 Dialer menu
- 6.3 Preferences menu
- 6.4 Serial settings
- 6.5 Terminal settings
- 7. The phonebook
- - Explanation of the autodialer and phonebook.
- 8. Hints & tips
- - Hints & tips. Other programs to enhance using ShellTerm etc.
- 9. Problems
- - Possible problems you may run into.
- 10. Other interesting stuff
- 11. Error messages
- 12. Versions
- - A list of all versions. The newest first.
- 13. Future versions
- 14. Bugs
- - List of bugs found.
- 15. ShareWare fee
- - More information on the ShareWare fee.
- 16. Beta Testers
- - A list of beta testers.
- 17. 'Registered' users
- - A list of users that have payed the ShareWare fee.
- 18. Bug reports etc.
- - How to contact the author
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is a simple terminal program that runs in a CLI/Shell window. Its
- primary use is with dumb terminals hooked up to an AUX-handler. This is
- the reason ShellTerm doesn't open a window or screen. It uses standard
- input and output. I use it as a substitute for JrComm (Copyright John
- P. Radigan) when I'm using my dumb terminal (it's next to my bed... that
- explains most of the stupid mistakes in these docs :) and want to call
- a BBS without having to get out of bed and walk over to my Amiga.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You'll need an Amiga computer (see compatibility list), with Kickstart
- 2.04 (version 37 or higher). Basically you'll also want a HAYES compatible
- modem or some other piece of equipment connected to the device you specify.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ShellTerm will work on any Commodore Amiga, running on Kickstart
- 2.04 or higher. This includes the following: A500(+), A600, A1000, A1200,
- A2000, A2500/20, A2500/30, A3000 (16 MHz or 25 Mhz model), A4000/40,
- A4000/30. The program SHOULD work on any upgrades (based on the Amiga
- Development Guidelines, see Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual (Release 2):
- Includes and Autodocs, introduction). ShellTerm works with all internal
- modems (I have a Supra 2400zi) and extra serial boards that support the
- normal device commands (I also have the A2232 serial board, but I missed
- a bug with it on versions under 1.16 :).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Unpack the archive somewhere and copy the files wherever you wish, but the
- following is recommended:
- Filename Where to copy
- =====================================================================
- ShellTerm C:
- WatchPort C:
- Scripts/ST S:
- Scripts/ShellTerm-StartUp S:
- ShellTerm.DOC Wherever (I use DOCS:)
- ShellTerm.DOC.info Wherever (I use DOCS:)
- CONTENTS Wherever
- CONTENTS.info Wherever
- CHANGES Wherever
- CHANGES.info Wherever
- If for some reason the flags of the files in the directory ShellTerm/Scripts
- are not '-s--rwed', set them with the command 'Protect ShellTerm/Scripts/#?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You can run the program from a CLI/SHELL/etc. but you can't hang an icon on
- it and start it from the Workbench. I decided to drop the Workbench startup
- code to make the program a little bit smaller.
- To run the program, enter the following into your CLI/SHELL/etc.
- FROM specifies the prefs file to load and use.
- PORT specifies a name for the user port to open. See HINTS &
- TIPS 8.
- You cannot, however, redirect input to the program, i.e. ShellTerm <NIL:
- won't work. RUNning is also out of the question and will give the same
- error text as redirecting.
- Or then use the script in the scripts directory. It will take the following
- options:
- FROM [FILENAME] - Same as ShellTerm's
- SCREEN [SCREEN NAME] - A name for the screen to open
- (DEFAULT: ShellTerm Screen)
- DEPTH [SCREEN DEPTH] - The depth of the screen to open
- (DEFAULT: 1)
- WINDOW [WINDOW NAME] - A name for the Shell to open
- (DEFAULT: ShellTerm Window)
- PORT [NAME] - Same as ShellTerm's
- The ST script needs and uses a program called PSX, by Steve Tibbett, to
- open the public screen. You can change this to your favorite public screen
- manager if it allows you to specify the screen specifications from the
- command line.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Once the program has been started, anything typed into the CLI/Shell will be
- sent to the selected device. If the device does not echo the characters, you
- will not see anything. Normally there is a modem at the end of the device
- and you will see whatever was typed. Try typing "AT <RETURN>". If it works,
- you'll receive an OK text from the modem. If however there was terminal
- hooked up, the characters should have appeared on its screen. If this didn't
- work, please check the device's parameters from the Preferences menu.
- Say the characters are messed up, try checking the serial speed.
- Pressing CTRL-P will show you the menus. The CTRL-P sequence is not sent
- over to the device. You will be displayed with the options available. Press
- the key enclosed in parenthesis to select an item. A short description of all
- items follows.
- 6.1 Main menu
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Show statistics Shows how many bytes have been transferred to and
- from the device.
- Clear statistics Clears the "Bytes received/sent" counters.
- Send break Sends a break signal to the device.
- Send CTRL-P Sends CTRL-P to the device. It is not sent when
- the menus are entered. CTRL-P is DLE, decimal #16,
- hex $10, octal &020.
- Reset font Changes the CLI/Shell font to plain (no bold,
- underline, reverse etc.).
- Clear screen Clears the screen and returns back to terminal
- mode.
- Reset modem Resets the modem with the Hayes command "ATZ".
- Hangup line Hangs up line using the Hayes commands. Three
- plus signs (+) are sent first, followed by a delay
- of approx. 3 seconds, after which "ATH" is sent.
- Upload Starts the program you've specified as the
- uploader. Normally SZ.
- Download Starts the program you've specified as the
- downloader. Normally RZ.
- Dialer Goes to the phonebook and autodialer. Explained
- later.
- Preferences Allows you to change the communication parameters
- of the port and some terminal settings. These and
- other functions are described below.
- Open capture Asks for the filename for the capture. All input
- from the device will be copied to this capture
- file. If the file already exists, the new stuff
- will be appended.
- Close capture Closes the capture file.
- Program and author Displays some information on the program and
- information author.
- Quit Quits ShellTerm.
- Exit menus Exits the menus and returns "online".
- 6.2 Dialer menu
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 0 - 9 These keys select or deselect entries 1 - 10.
- Relist entries Shows the entries (numbers) in the phonebook.
- Single dial Asks "Number to dial:". Enter the number you would
- like to dial.
- Dial list Dials the entries selected from the phonebook.
- Clear list Deselects all entries from list.
- All Selects all entries from list for dialing.
- Edit mode Enters edit mode. When this mode is on and an
- entry is selected, the number for this entry is
- asked. To turn it off, select a second time.
- Prefix Asks for the dial prefix.
- Main menu Goes back to the main menu.
- Exit menus Exits the menus and returns "online".
- 6.3 Preferences menu
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Serial settings Goes to the serial settings menu. Described
- below.
- Terminal settings Goes to the terminal settings menu. Described
- below.
- Reset settings Reset settings to defaults: 9600, 8N1, no
- translating and no BS & DEL swapping.
- View settings Shows the current settings. NOTE! These might
- be incorrect if a change of some item could not
- be made. Currently the device name and unit will
- show the device that couldn't be opened.
- Load prefs Loads the preferences and phonebook.
- Write prefs Saves the preferences and phonebook.
- Name prefsfile Names the file used with load and save.
- Upload program Asks for the external program that is to be run for
- uploads. Normally this is a program called SZ (as
- on *N*X machines).
- Download program Asks for the external program that is to be run for
- downloads. Normally this is a program called RZ (as
- on *N*X machines).
- Upload dir(ectory) The directory to CD to before uploads. If not
- found/specified the current directory will be used.
- Download dir(ectory) The directory to CD to before downloads. If not
- found/specified the current directory will be used.
- Assign CTRL-P With this, you can assign CTRL-P to any key. The
- ASCII code of the will be displayed in 'View
- settings'. When you have assigned CTRL-P to
- some key, you can send the CTRL-P sequence over
- to the device with the key you assigned.
- Main menu Goes back to the main menu.
- Exit menus Exits the menus and returns "online".
- 6.4 Terminal settings
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CR translate, OUT Describes what to do every time a CR is to be sent.
- Asks "(N)one, (S)trip, (A)dd LF:". If 'None' is
- selected, a CR is sent. If 'Strip' is selected,
- nothing is sent. If 'Add LF' is selected a CR and
- an LF is sent.
- LF translate, OUT Describes what to do every time an LF is to be sent.
- Asks "(N)one, (S)trip, (A)dd CR:". If 'None' is
- selected, an LF is sent. If 'Strip' is selected,
- nothing is sent. If 'Add CR' is selected a CR and
- an LF is sent.
- CR translate, IN The same as "CR translate, OUT" except it
- affects characters coming from the device to
- the CLI/Shell.
- LF translate, IN The same as "LF translate, OUT" except it
- affects characters coming from the device to
- the CLI/Shell.
- Local echo Toggles local echo on/off. If enabled, everything
- typed into the CLI will be displayed. Default is
- off.
- Swap BS & DEL Swaps BackSpace and DELete, when they are
- entered into the CLI/Shell.
- Ansi mode When this is set on, the screen will be cleared
- before the menus are shown.
- Cursor remap Remaps the Amiga cursor keys as 'EMACS cursor
- keys'. I'm not sure if this totally true, since
- tcsh etc. also use these. But then again there
- might be an EMACS standard.
- Previous menu Goes to the previous menu, Preferences.
- Main menu Goes back to the main menu.
- Exit menus Exits the menus and returns "online".
- 6.5 Serial settings
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Speed Pressing a key from 0 through 9 will change the
- speed used on the device. Possible speeds are:
- (1) 110 bps (2) 300 bps
- (3) 1200 bps (4) 2400 bps
- (5) 4800 bps (6) 9600 bps
- (7) 19 200 bps (8) 38 400 bps
- (9) 57 600 bps (0) 115 200 bps
- If someone REALLY REALLY REALLY (You get the
- point) needs it, I can change the code to ask
- for the baud/bps rate (I think you've guessed
- that you will have to pay the shareware fee
- to get this done.)
- Name and Unit Asks for the device name and unit. After they've
- been given, ShellTerm tries to open it.
- Re-open device This will close the device and try to re-open it.
- Set databits Toggles between 7 and 8 databits.
- Set stopbits Toggles between 1 and 2 stopbits.
- XON/XOFF Turns XON/XOFF handshaking on and off. NOT TESTED!
- Previous menu Goes to the previous menu, Preferences.
- Main menu Goes back to the main menu.
- Exit menus Exits the menus and returns "online".
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ShellTerm has a phonebook and autodialer. The phonebook file is currently
- the same file as the preferences file (changed for version 1.06)
- 'S:ShellTerm.PREFS'. As of version (well, at least IN version) 1.06 the
- phonebook entries are entered with the program itself. Go to the autodialer
- and turn the edit mode on. Then select the entry you wish to edit/give the
- number to. When you're finished just turn of the edit mode and dial away.
- If you wish to save the phonebook, you'll have to go to the preferences
- menu and select 'Save prefs'.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. A scrollback buffer is available simply by using the Console Buffer
- program by William J. Fritz (CB is Copyright (c) 1990 by William J. Fritz).
- 2. If you use my RingDetect program see its docs to see how to quit the
- program from a script and how to restart it again after quitting ShellTerm.
- On a multi-user Amiga (like mine), each user can have their own
- prefs-file by simply making an alias in their '.login' file or the global
- '.login' file. You can use something like this:
- alias st $home/.strc
- Where 'st' will be the alias that starts ShellTerm, '$home' a variable to
- the users home directory and '.strc' the name of the prefs file.
- 3. To emulate 'Quiet' mode, simply enter the menus.
- 4. To do downloads / uploads use one of the RZ and SZ commands available.
- Different protocols are widely available. RZ and SZ are for ZModem
- transfers.
- 5. To use a *N*X, through modem or otherwise, use the ANSI termcap:
- set term = ansi
- setenv TERM ansi
- or
- tset ansi
- This way the Shell will display things correctly (including IRC!). It works
- at least on BSD systems.
- 6. To make sure the modem doesn't hang up if you quit ShellTerm for some
- purpose, set the modem to not hang up when DTR is dropped.
- 7. A program called WatchPort is included with the ShellTerm archive.
- Thanks go to Klaus Seistrup for this program. It will allow a script to
- wait for ShellTerm to quit before continuing. A short quote from him:
- ---Cut Here---
- "Now, my plans for the port of ShellTerm is to use it as an identifier to
- decide when to return to TrapDoor again. I imagine something like this
- might do it:
- FKey "7:SPAWN \"Execute S:ShellTerm.launch\""
- and the script S:ShellTerm.launch:
- NewShell CON:blah/blah/blah FROM S:ShellTerm.bat
- WatchPort ShellTerm_MyPort1
- And S:ShellTerm.bat contains just one line:
- ShellTerm PORT=ShellTerm_MyPort1
- "
- ---Cut Here---
- He uses this combination with trapdoor. It is of course possible to use it
- with other programs that require waiting. See HINTS & TIPS 8.
- 8. To open ShellTerm on its own screen, open a public screen with your
- favorite public screen manager and use a script like the one included in
- this archive in the directory ShellTerm/Scripts.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- The program reads and writes characters to and from the selected serial
- device. If however you have a BBS software, or any other program that
- uses the same device, most characters will go to the other program. You
- may not notice this if you go straight to the dialer and start dialing.
- I have often started to wonder what bug i've managed to get into the
- dialer when it won't recognize a busy... After some debugging I
- realized that half of the characters were going to another task!
- There will most likely be a problem with high speed modems. I doubt very
- much that ShellTerm will keep up with USRobotics (R) HST modems. I don't
- even want to think of the new V.FAST that's coming!
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ShellTerm was written in assembler with the one and only Cygnus Editor. It
- was compiled with A68k and Blink. The size of the source code is ~63000
- bytes, equalling ~3200 lines of code. It is lightly commented. The version
- number is bumped up every time I feel like it, which is usually when I get
- bored of adding things, have found a bug or feel like releasing the whole
- thing.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ShellTerm program will display necessary error messages. I HATE
- ShellTerm doesn't give any output, something is seriously wrong or
- I was lazy :). The only thing ShellTerm won't report is that it won't run
- on anything under 2.04. It will simply quit returning a failure number.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Version Size Date Description
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.19 22600 26/05/93 Added a version number to the prefs file. I
- also added some empty space so newer versions
- will load older prefs files until a radical
- change happens in it.
- Added some stuff to the docs.
- 1.18 22596 22/05/93 Added scripts to archive. Added XON/XOFF, but
- never tested it. Fixed the bug with setting
- parameters. Changed a lot of code that had to
- do with opening/closing devices, creating/
- deleting Requests/MsgPorts.
- 1.17 21864 25/03/93 Added possibility to open a port with a
- specific name. It is specified when ShellTerm
- is run and not in the prefs file! This is to
- save the trouble of making separate prefs
- files for every application.
- 1.16 21736 24/03/93 Fixed a major bug in the routine that opens
- the device. ShellTerm should now work on
- multiple serial boards and maybe some other
- exotic devices.
- 1.15 21828 10/02/93 The dialer won't be in Edit mode if quit.
- Thus you won't accidentally erase an entry
- if you first quit the dialer (while in edit
- mode) and then come back to dial.
- 1.14 ~22000 06/02/93 Fixed a bug in the parser. Had to press
- <ENTER> twice if using CSH (I accidentally
- cleared the last byte of the CLI-args).
- 1.13 21808 02/01/93 Added 'Execute' option.
- 1.12 21668 01/01/93 Release 3. All bugs should be fixed. Should
- work on all machines, not sure about dnet.
- Changed the parser to stand up to Commodore's
- guidelines.
- 1.11 ~22000 13/11/92 Private registered copy.
- 1.10 ~22000 20/10/92 Added public ports. Bug fixes.
- 1.09 21632 06/09/92 Release 2.
- Docs checked.
- 1.08 ~22000 04/09/92 Added: Cursor remap.
- Minor optimization.
- 1.07 ~21000 30/08/92 Tried to get this version out as a release.
- Docs updated a bit more and added 'Hints &
- Tips'.
- Added: Upload/Download programs and dirs,
- capture file.
- 1.06 ~18000 28/08/92 Bugs fixed. The dialer should work, toggling
- between (data/stop)bits are shown correctly
- even if the operation fails, added a greater
- delay while dialing a list/single entry
- (at least my phone line couldn't keep up)
- Added: 'Send Break', preferences file, 'Swap
- BS & DEL', Phonebook entry editor, assigning
- of CTRL-P to a key.
- Docs updated.
- 1.05 16116 14/08/92 Bugs fixed: Send CTRL-P works now.
- 1.04 16116 11/08/92 Bugs fixed: Dialer now knows about NO CARRIER
- and dials after removing an entry.
- Added: Clear screen and Reset font.
- Release version. Forgot to check the docs :(
- 1.03 ~16000 08/08/92 Bugs fixed: Dialer should recognize the BUSY
- and CONNECT texts from the modem now.
- Minor optimization.
- The next version should be a release :)
- 1.02 ~17000 06/08/92 Bugs fixed: Input is now flushed on starting
- to prevent ugly things from happening when
- going into the menus and there has been
- options on the CMDline.
- Added: Preferences (local echo, speed CR/LF
- translating, data & stop bits)
- Minor optimization.
- 1.01 ~10000 05/08/92 A beta tester version, now with phonebook.
- 1.00 ???? 04/08/92 A simple version without many bugs and quite
- slow.
- 0.00a- ???? ??/??/92 Wrote the program basics and main routines.
- 0.99a
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Future version will have the bug fixes for the bugs I haven't found and you
- have :). And if some really needs to use this with the dnet.device (as I've
- heard), mail me some info on it etc. I'll look into it myself if I find the
- time. I have also been pressed towards adding a VT100 emulation... This I'm
- afraid is not going to happen, at least yet... :(. A log for the dialer is
- also one idea I have.
- 14. BUGS
- ~~~~~~~~
- ShellTerm has been run with enforcer and mungwall. It will be run with devmon
- as soon as I can find it again :). In other words, I haven't found any
- bugs, so this part in the docs is totally useless! :)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As of version 1.04, ShellTerm is ShareWare. I am not asking for a huge
- amount of money so I hope I will get some response. The fee is only $5 to
- $10 (USD), or whatever that happens to make at the moment you're reading
- this, in german marks (DM). If you're from Finland a sum of 20 FIM to 50
- FIM is great (Yeah, so what if I changed the $10 to $12 ? You Finnish guys
- don't have to pay so much for postage :). Any amount in Coca-Cola (TM) will
- also do.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Thank you all who beta tested ShellTerm. Thanks go to Radix (thank you for
- the Clear Screen and Reset font ideas), Forge, mlelstv, Arc, Jasper and
- jlaine and MKsa (for the Swap BS & DEL idea and the others i haven't
- implemented). If you wish to become a beta tester contact me at one of the
- addresses below. If a beta tester wishes to be anonymous or the opposite,
- wishes their full name to be listed, please let me know!
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Anyone who pays will get their name here if they wish so.
- Klaus Seistrup -Paid with WatchPort
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Please send donations, bug reports, and list of features you would like to
- have included in future versions to
- Tomi Blinnikka
- Syystie 10
- 00780 Helsinki
- Contact me at the address above or on the following BBS:
- MITS +358-0-458 2066 (MITS - Microdata International Telecomm Service)
- MITS +358-0-458 2077
- MITS +358-0-458 2088 (Sec. level 40 or higher ONLY)
- Email me at 'docbliny@mits.mdata.fi' or catch me on the #amiga conference
- on IRC!
- "...trademark of Xerox Corporations. Reading legal mush can turn your
- brain to guacamole! Epson is registered trademark of Epson America
- ..." -Amiga RKRM Includes & AutoDocs, fourth page.
- Tomi Blinnikka
- docbliny@mits.mdata.fi