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- 20/05-91 SimCity cheat V1.06
- Updated: 19/04-91 - for version 1.00
- Updated: 26-27/04-91 - for version 1.01
- Updated: 27-29/04-91 - for version 1.02
- Updated: 30/04-91 - for version 1.03
- Updated: 01/05-91 - for version 1.04
- Updated: --/05-91 - for version 1.05
- Updated: 20/05-91 - for version 1.06
- Copyright (C) Tomi Blinnikka 1991, All Rights Reserved.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- This program is freely distributable. This means that you can copy it and
- give it to all your friends, upload it to a BBS or include it in a PD-
- library (FISH etc.). The only restrictions are that all of the files are
- included in their original form without additions, deletions, or modifi-
- cations of any kind and that it IS NOT SOLD. THIS INCLUDES GERMAN PD
- SELLERS. If you want to use this program for commercial purposes you
- need written permission. The SimCity cheat program is provided "AS IS"
- without warranty of any kind, and the author is not responsible for
- any damage this software may do.
- ***********************************************************************
- ***********************************************************************
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- With this program you can change the amount of money your city or game
- has. You can add it, or then you can take some of it away. Technically
- all this program actually does, is it changes a few bytes of data in your
- CityMap.DATA/Game.trp file. There are two ways to use this program,
- through DOS (only SimCity) or through intuition. When using the intuition
- interface you have a few nice things that you don't have if using DOS
- (i.e. a command line).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you use the Intuition-interface, you will need the Req.library in your
- LIBS: directory, which is copyright Colin Fox (of Pyramid Designs).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This program has been tested on a few different types of machines. If you
- do have problems, let me know straight away so I can fix the bug. Anyway,
- this program has been tested on the 68000 and 68020 processors (A1000,
- A500, A2000, A2500/20) and a little bit on the 68030, so it should work
- on the A2500/30 and A3000 as well. I have tested it also on Kickstart
- 1.3 and Kickstart 2.0 (37.59). I have tried to make this program 2.0
- compatible. I have tested it with various special 2.0 functions and fixed
- all the bugs I have been able to find.
- The program has been tested with SimCity 1.3 and it works ok.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To use the program, simply run it from the CLI or click on its icon in
- the Workbench. This way, it will open a window on your Workbench screen
- (or a public screen with the Shanghai-mode on). In the window you will
- see a string gadget (the box with the number in it). The amount you see
- in the box is the amount you will have in your game after you have made
- the change. If, for some reason (like running a script for all your
- cities), you would like to use the CLI-interface, run the program with
- the filename of the city after it.
- O.K. If you didn't get that here's the whole thing step by step...
- Running from the WORKBENCH
- --------------------------
- Click on the program's icon. This will run the program, goto 'The
- INTUITION-interface', step 2.
- OR
- Click once on the game file's icon while holding down the SHIFT-key
- and then twice on the SimCheat icon (hold down the SHIFT-key all the
- time, from the point of clicking _ONCE_ on the map's icon to the point
- where you click _TWICE_ on the SimCheat icon.)
- The INTUITION-interface
- -----------------------
- 1. Run the program
- 1> SimCheat
- 2. Choose the game from the menus.
- 3. Give the amount of money you would like to have (in the game of
- course :-)
- 4. Choose CHEAT! from the menus.
- 5. Give the filename of the game
- 6. Click OK. And when it asks 'Cheat on this file?' click
- OK again.
- Here is some more about the windows and menus...
- ---------
- There are two menus in the program. The menu 'Project' has four
- items: CHEAT!, Help, About, Quit.
- CHEAT! Amiga-C - This will ask first for the filename of
- your city and then change it. You can
- choose CANCEL! after selecting a file
- if you feel like it.
- Help Amiga-H - This will give you some help. If
- running under Kickstart 2.0, you can
- also use the Help-key. Press help
- again to get help on the help (see
- section below).
- About Amiga-A - This will give you the copyright notice
- etc.
- Quit Amiga-Q - This will let you leave the program.
- You can also leave the program by click-
- ing on the window's close gadget or by
- pressing the Escape-key.
- The second menu 'Games' has one item (Games 1) and two subitems:
- SimCity and Ports of Call.
- SimCity Amiga-1 - Select this if you want to cheat on
- SimCity.
- Ports Amiga-2 - Select this if you want to cheat on
- of Call Ports of Call.
- The DOS-interface (only SimCity)
- --------------------------------
- 1. Run the program with the filename
- 1> SimCheat Mydisk:MyDir/MyCity
- OR if you have spaces in your directory names or filenames.
- 1> SimCheat "Mydisk:MyDir/My City"
- You can also get some help by running the program from the CLI and add-
- ing a question mark after it.
- 1> SimCheat ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The main difference is that when you use the program through the DOS-
- interface you don't get the windows. One other major thing (using
- intuition) is that you get to choose how much money your city gets.
- Through DOS you'll always get $16, 777 215. Plus you can't (in this
- version) cheat on Ports of Call.
- ~~~~
- Under Kickstart 2.0, pressing the help key, and under 1.3, pressing
- Amiga-H (or choosing it from the menus) you will get some on help on
- using the program. There is listed the min and max amounts a game
- file can have and some special info about using the program with the
- game. Below are listed the commands you can use in the help section.
- To view the next page, press the
- N-key
- Arrow right (KS 2.0)
- Arrow Up (KS 2.0)
- 'Next'-gadget
- To view the previous page, press the
- P-key
- Arrow left (KS 2.0)
- Arrow down (KS 2.0)
- 'Prev'-gadget
- To quit help press the
- Q-key
- ESC-key (ESCAPE)
- 'Quit'-gadget
- Close-gadget
- To get help on help, press the ?-key. Under KS 2.0 press the help-
- key again. You may also scroll through the pages until you get there.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The program checks for just about every possible error, just in case.
- I hate programs that crash my whole system if they couldn't open a
- library etc. I also hate programs that don't give the user any kind of
- message if there has been a file error (say, 'No disk in drive XXX:'),
- and then it gives you something like 'Disk error.', so I have included
- the most important disk errors. The only problem is if run from the
- Workbench. If there is an error, like the program couldn't open lib-
- rary, the texts will go to a device called NIL: (i.e. you won't see
- the error text). If you are having trouble and not getting any error
- texts, to tell you what is going on, run the program from the CLI.
- SimCheat also checks to see if the file you have given it is actually
- a SimCity/Ports of Call game-file. If the file isn't, it will tell you
- about it and ask if you would like to change the file anyway (for
- possible future versions of game datafiles that mess up my great file
- checker).
- ~~~~~~~~
- Here is a list of changes etc. between different versions, starting
- with the newest version.
- Version Size Date Description
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.07 15200 03/10/91 Added some size. Updated version number to
- 1.07. Uploaded to MITS.
- 1.06 11632 01/05/91 Problem with program name not fixed. Rework-
- ed whole help-system (you'll most likely see
- it in my other programs also). File size
- grew a lot though, so if you don't play PoC,
- save version 1.04. New optimization needed,
- _not_ done in this version.
- 1.05 ---- --/05/91 Added stuff for Ports of Call. Thinking about
- renaming again. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION.
- 1.04 7456 01/05/91 Optimized code. Size from version 1.03 (7732)
- to version 1.04 (7556) dropped quite a bit!
- (Don't forget that I ADDED stuff to the pro-
- gram also...) Added ability to handle quotes.
- This means you can have spaces in your file-
- names. Fixed some CSHELL bugs still in code.
- Added version number into CLI help text.
- Fixed menus by 1 pixel :)
- BUGS: Unknown.
- 1.03 7732 30/04/91 Fixed bug that stopped program from working
- with CSHELL. Added some error texts and added
- NIL: so the texts go there if run from WB.
- Changed icon a little bit.
- 1.02 7720 27/04/91 Fixed bug that crashed program when run from
- 28/04/91 the WB and the map was in a directory (!)
- 29/04/91 and not in the root. Fixed font bug. Added
- Zoom gadget for 2.0. Fixed bug that caused
- Workbench to think it has lots and lots of
- visitor windows (_LVOUNLOCKPUBSCREEN =
- _LVOLOCKPUBSCREEN). Added text after the
- change has been made (so you don't start
- wondering why isn't anything happening,
- when its actually been done already...)
- Checked the docs.
- 1.01 6984 26/04/91 Added some Workbench stuff. Now added an
- 27/04/91 icon to the program. Fixed little bug that
- stopped CHEAT! (from menus) from working the
- first time it was selected. Updated docs.
- 1.00 6320 19/04/91 Added a dollar sign into the window. Fixed bug
- that stopped program from working through the
- DOS-interface. Tested program also with 68000.
- Changed string gadget border from image to
- real border. Checked the documents. Added
- check for files when using the DOS-interface.
- Changed name from SimCCheat to SimCheat.
- Added font stuff, so when 60-column mode set
- in prefs, the texts come out OK.
- 0.00a- 6144 18/04/91 Wrote the program. Included DOS- and Intuition
- 0.99a interface, possibility to change amount of
- money for city, tested with 68020, KS 1.3/2.0.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (No, no i'm not going to write an AREXX interface... :)
- Future versions will only have optimized code and possible bug fixes. At
- this moment I have nothing to add to this program :(. But if YOU have
- something you would like to see (a new game added to it etc.), leave me
- some mail, call me or contact me by some other means.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. When using PublicScreens with SimCity be careful when exiting. If your
- PublicScreen is the default screen and it has the SHANGHAI-flag set,
- SimCity (when exiting) will think that it is the Workbench and will not
- re-open the real Workbench screen.
- 2. It seems SimCity will not start when there is a program that uses the
- audio.device, like SetBeep (It plays an IFF-sample when the screen is
- flashed). Remove these before trying to start SimCity.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Thanks go to Kai Sainio for reporting the bug with CSHELL.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Please send donations, bug reports, name suggestions and list of
- features you would like to have included in future versions to
- Tomi Blinnikka
- Syystie 10
- 00780 Helsinki
- If you want the source code (it has some examples how to take care of
- command line inputs, WB selections, menu usage, requesters (req.lib,
- normal, etc. etc. + some special 2.0 stuff) contact me at the address
- above or you can also contact me on the following BBS:
- MITS +358-0-458 2066
- MITS +358-0-458 2077
- MITS +358-0-458 2088 (Paying users with sec. level 40 or higher ONLY)
- "...trademark of Xerox Corporations. Reading legal mush can turn your
- brain to guacamole! Epson is registered trademark of Epson America
- ..." -Amiga RKRM Includes & AutoDocs, fourth page.
- Tomi Blinnikka