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- #include "defs.h"
- #include "calc.h"
- static char *getvalue (char *pos,int *pvalue);
- static int push (struct node **pstack,int type,int value);
- static int convert (char symbol);
- static int ishigher (char symbol,struct node *pstack);
- static int pop (struct node **pstack,int *pvalue);
- static struct node *makeupn (struct listheader *plabel,char *pos);
- static int docalc (struct node **pstack);
- static int calcupn (struct node *pupn,u_short *pu_short);
- int calcexpr (struct listheader *plabel,char *expr,u_short *pu_short);
- static char *getvalue(char *pos,int *pvalue)
- {
- /*
- * Convert Number in Ascii to Integer format.
- * Find position of following token.
- *
- * RC: found Number is stored in *pvalue
- * Pointer to next non blank character
- */
- *pvalue=atoi(pos);
- while(isdigit(*pos))
- pos++;
- while(isspace(*pos))
- pos++;
- return(pos);
- }
- static int push(struct node **pstack,int type,int value)
- {
- /* Push item on stack. Set 'pstack' to new top of stack .
- *
- * RC: NULL if all went fine,
- * ERROR if malloc() failed();
- */
- struct node *pnode;
- if(!(pnode=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node))))
- {
- printf("Can't allocate memory\n");
- return(ERROR);
- }
- pnode->prev = *pstack;
- pnode->type = type;
- pnode->value= value;
- *pstack = pnode;
- return(NULL);
- }
- static int convert(char symbol)
- {
- /* Convert any Mathematicl Symbol to a priority.
- *
- * RC: Priority, or
- * ERROR if 'symbol' is not a valid mathematical operand.
- */
- switch(symbol)
- {
- case '(' : return(10);
- case '*' :
- case '/' : return(8);
- case '+' :
- case '-' : return(6);
- default : printf("Expect any Mathematical Symbol, not '%c'\n",symbol);
- return(ERROR);
- }
- }
- static int ishigher(char symbol,struct node *pstack)
- {
- /*
- * Checks if has 'symbol' a greater priority as the topmost element
- * on 'pstack'. If 'pstack' is empty so 'symbol' is always higher.
- *
- * RC: TRUE if 'symbol' > 'pstack->value' or if 'pstack' is empty,
- * FALSE else
- */
- int actprio,topprio;
- if(!pstack)
- return(TRUE);
- if((char)pstack->value=='(')
- return(TRUE);
- actprio=convert(symbol);
- topprio=convert((char)pstack->value);
- return( (actprio>topprio)? TRUE : FALSE);
- }
- static int pop(struct node **pstack,int *pvalue)
- {
- /* Get topmost Element from stack. Set 'pstack' to new topmost element.
- * Fill 'pvalue' with value of poped Element.
- *
- * RC: NULL if all went fine, else
- * ERROR if 'pstack' is empty.
- */
- struct node *ptmp;
- if(!*pstack)
- return(ERROR);
- *pvalue=(*pstack)->value; /* get vaule */
- ptmp =(*pstack)->prev; /* save next new element */
- free(*pstack); /* free topmost element */
- *pstack=ptmp; /* set to new topmost element */
- return(NULL);
- }
- static struct node *makeupn(struct listheader *plabel,char *pos)
- {
- /* Parse Mathematical expression pointed by 'pos'.
- * Generate a stack in upn-order (no more brackets).
- *
- * RC: Pointer to upn-Stack if all went fine, else
- */
- struct node *argstack=NULL,*tmpstack=NULL;
- int value,brackets=0,len;
- u_short sval;
- char buffer[BUFSIZ],tmpop[2],*pend;
- while(pos && *pos)
- {
- /* Is 'pos' a label ? calculate length of assumed label */
- if(pend=strpbrk(pos,"+-*/() \t")) /* find end of token */
- len=pend-pos;
- else
- len=strlen(pos);
- if(len)
- {
- strncpy(buffer,pos,len);
- buffer[len]='\0';
- if(!strtoint(plabel,buffer,&sval,PARSE1)) /* is the word a label ? */
- {
- if(push(&argstack,VALUE,(int)sval))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- if(pend)
- pos=pend;
- else
- pos+=strlen(pos);
- while(isspace(*pos))
- pos++;
- continue;
- }
- else
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- }
- else if(*pos=='(')
- {
- if(push(&tmpstack,SYMBOL,(int)*pos++))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- while(isspace(*pos)) /* skip to next token */
- pos++;
- brackets++;
- /* Special case: leading minus */
- if(*pos=='-')
- {
- push(&argstack,VALUE,0);
- push(&tmpstack,SYMBOL,(int)'-');
- while(isspace(*++pos));
- }
- continue; /* continue with next token */
- }
- else if(*pos==')')
- {
- /* move all symbols from 'tmpstack' to 'argstack, until '(' */
- while(tmpstack && tmpstack->value!=(int)'(')
- {
- if(pop(&tmpstack,&value))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- if(push(&argstack,SYMBOL,value))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- }
- if(!tmpstack)
- {
- printf("Open Bracket not found\n");
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- }
- if(pop(&tmpstack,&value))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- brackets--; /* decrease brackets */
- while(isspace(*++pos)); /* skip to next token */
- continue; /* continue with next token */
- }
- else /* no digit,bracket, so it must be a '*+-/' */
- {
- /* Special case: leading minus */
- if( (!argstack) && (*pos=='-'))
- {
- if(push(&argstack,VALUE,0))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- if(push(&tmpstack,SYMBOL,(int)'-'))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- while(isspace(*++pos));
- continue;
- }
- /* check if it is a operator */
- tmpop[0]=*pos; /* generate a string with only first char of buffer*/
- tmpop[1]='\0';
- if(!strpbrk(tmpop,"+-*/"))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- /* It must be an operator */
- if(ishigher(*pos,tmpstack))
- {
- if(push(&tmpstack,SYMBOL,(int)*pos))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- if(*pos++=='(') /* increase brackets */
- brackets++;
- while(isspace(*pos)) /* skip to next token */
- pos++;
- continue; /* continue with next token */
- }
- else
- {
- while(!ishigher(*pos,tmpstack))
- {
- if((char)tmpstack->value=='(') /* special case */
- break;
- /* move Element from 'tmpstack' to 'argstack' */
- if(pop(&tmpstack,&value))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- if(push(&argstack,SYMBOL,value))
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- }
- if(push(&tmpstack,SYMBOL,(int)*pos)) /* push new Element */
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- while(isspace(*++pos)) /* skip to next token */
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if(brackets)
- {
- printf("Brackets don't match\n");
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- }
- while(tmpstack)
- {
- if( pop(&tmpstack,&value) || push(&argstack,SYMBOL,value) )
- return((struct node *)ERROR);
- }
- return(argstack);
- }
- static int docalc(struct node **pstack)
- {
- /* Calculate the topmost two numbers on stack.
- * Push the result on stack
- * If there are still two numbers on stack, recall the procedure.
- *
- * RC: NULL if all went fine, else
- */
- int val1,val2,result=0,symbol,next=TRUE;
- if( pop(pstack,&val1) || pop(pstack,&val2) || pop(pstack,&symbol) )
- return(ERROR);
- if(!next)
- return(NULL);
- while(next)
- {
- switch((char)symbol)
- {
- case '*': result=val1*val2; break;
- case '/': result=val1/val2; break;
- case '+': result=val1+val2; break;
- case '-': result=val1-val2; break;
- default : printf("Unknown symbol in upn-Stack\n");
- return(ERROR);
- }
- if(*pstack && (*pstack)->type==VALUE)
- {
- val1=result;
- if(pop(pstack,&val2) || pop(pstack,&symbol) )
- return(ERROR);
- continue;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if( push(pstack,VALUE,result))
- return(ERROR);
- return(NULL);
- }
- static int calcupn(struct node *pupn,u_short *pu_short)
- {
- struct node *tmpstack=NULL;
- int cnt=0,tmp;
- while(pupn)
- {
- if(pupn->type==SYMBOL)
- {
- cnt=0;
- if( pop(&pupn,&tmp) || push(&tmpstack,SYMBOL,tmp) )
- return(ERROR);
- }
- else
- {
- cnt++;
- if( pop(&pupn,&tmp) || push(&tmpstack,VALUE,tmp) )
- return(ERROR);
- }
- if(cnt==2)
- {
- if(docalc(&tmpstack))
- return(ERROR);
- cnt=1;
- }
- }
- if(pop(&tmpstack,&tmp))
- return(ERROR);
- *pu_short=(u_short)tmp;
- if(tmpstack || pupn)
- {
- printf("Can't solve Expression\n");
- return(ERROR);
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- int calcexpr(struct listheader *plabel,char *expr,u_short *pu_short)
- {
- /*
- * Calculate 'expression'.
- *
- * RC: NULL if all went fine, else
- */
- struct node *upnstack;
- if((struct node *)ERROR==(upnstack=makeupn(plabel,expr)))
- return(ERROR);
- if(calcupn(upnstack,pu_short))
- return(ERROR);
- return(NULL);
- }