home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define MAXLABEL 32
- #define MAXCMD 5
- #define MAXOBCODE 0xFFFF
- #define NEWITEMOFF 5 /* should be greater in future (64) */
- #define MAXBYTESIH 16 /* maximum of Data Bytes in any INTELHEX row */
- #define FILL_CHAR 0xff /* character to fill DEFS space */
- #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
- #define ABS(x) ((x<0)?(-(x)):(x))
- #define ERROR -1
- #define SERIOUS -2
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define RETURN_OK 0 /* No problems, success */
- #define RETURN_WARN 5 /* A warning only */
- #define RETURN_ERROR 10 /* Something wrong */
- #define RETURN_FAIL 20 /* Complete or severe failure*/
- struct item_file
- {
- struct item_file *prev; /* Previous Item */
- char filename[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Filename of pushed/poped File */
- long filepos; /* Absolute Filepostion (seek) */
- long lnr; /* Actual linenumber in this file */
- };
- struct labelitem
- {
- u_short value;
- BOOL valid;
- int type;
- char name[MAXLABEL+1];
- };
- struct listheader
- {
- int nitem; /* Total number of item's in list */
- int actitem; /* Next/First unused item */
- int sizeitem; /* Size of one item */
- int newnitem; /* Size of list to small ? => Alloc 'n' new items */
- int userdata; /* until yet not used */
- void *list; /* data */
- };
- /* Note: Size of Objectcode is 'lastbyte-firstbyte', so unfilled ranges
- generated with 'ORG' directives are also counted.
- To get actual 'objbuffer' address you must always subtract 'firstbyte' !
- */
- struct objsize
- {
- int firstbyte; /* Start address of used Range */
- int actbyte; /* Actual address */
- int lastbyte; /* End address */
- u_char *objbuffer; /* Pointer to object buffer */
- };
- #define OBJADABS 1 /* set Object Adress absolute */
- #define OBJADREL 2 /* set Object Adress relativ */
- /* Label Types */
- #define L_EQU 1 /* directive type : EQU, constant declaration */
- #define L_DEFL 2 /* directive type : EQU, constant declaration */
- #define L_POSITION 3 /* directive type : Adress/Memory assignment */
- #define PARSE1 1 /* flag */
- #define PARSE2 2
- #define ORG 0 /* */
- #define EQU L_EQU /* */
- #define DEFL L_DEFL /* */
- #define DEFB 3 /* */
- #define DEFW 4 /* */
- #define DEFS 5 /* */
- #define DEFM 6 /* */
- #define INCLUDE 7
- #define END 8
- #define LIST 9
- #define LIST_OFF 10
- #define LIST_ON 11
- #define COND 12
- #define ENDC 13
- #define EJECT 14
- #define MACLIST 15
- #define HEADING 16
- #define MACRO 17
- #define ENDM 18
- /*
- * Definitions for Commands
- */
- #define BRA_Z 0x00000001
- #define BRA_NZ 0x00000002
- #define BRA_C 0x00000004 /* same as REG_C */
- #define BRA_NC 0x00000008
- #define BRA_PO 0x00000010
- #define BRA_PE 0x00000020
- #define BRA_P 0x00000040
- #define BRA_M 0x00000080
- #define REG_A 0x00000001
- #define REG_B 0x00000002
- #define REG_C 0x00000004 /* same as BRA_C */
- #define REG_D 0x00000008
- #define REG_E 0x00000010
- #define REG_F 0x00000020
- #define REG_H 0x00000040
- #define REG_I 0x00000080
- #define REG_L 0x00000100
- #define REG_R 0x00000200
- #define REG_AF 0x00000400
- #define REG_BC 0x00000800
- #define REG_DE 0x00001000
- #define REG_HL 0x00002000
- #define REG_SP 0x00004000
- #define REG_IX 0x00008000
- #define REG_IY 0x00010000
- #define BRA 0x00020000 /* Mne makes a branch (means flags) */
- #define NBR 0x00040000 /* Mne uses all other than branches */
- #define OFF 0x00080000
- #define IND 0x00100000 /* Indirekt Adressing */
- #define IMODE0 0x00200000 /* works together with UNM3 */
- #define IMODE1 0x00400000 /* works together with UNM3 */
- #define IMODE2 (IMODE0|IMODE1) /* works together with UNM3 */
- #define EXMASK (IND|IMODE2|OFF|NBR|BRA) /* Bits with must be equivalent with argument */
- #define RST 0x04000000 /* only for RST Mnemomic */
- #define JMPREL 0x08000000 /* Jump Offset must be relativ to current position */
- #define UNM3 0x10000000
- #define UNM8 0x20000000
- #define UNM16 0x40000000
- #define NOPAR 0x80000000
- #define UNM (UNM3|UNM8|UNM16)
- #define BYTE1 0x00
- #define BYTE2 0x01
- #define BYTE3 0x02
- #define BYTE4 0x03
- #define BYTE(A) ((A)&0x03)
- #define BIT0 0x00
- #define BIT1 0x04
- #define BIT2 0x08
- #define BIT3 0x0C
- #define BIT4 0x10
- #define BIT5 0x14
- #define BIT6 0x18
- #define BIT7 0x1C
- #define BIT(A) (((A)&0x1C)>>2)
- #define MNELE1 0x00 /* Length of the Mnemomic */
- #define MNELE2 0x20
- #define MNELE3 0x40
- #define MNELE4 0x60
- #define MNELEN(A) ((((A)&0x60)>>5)+1)
- #define NOE 0x80
- #define LOBYTE(A) ((u_char)(A))
- #define HIBYTE(A) ((u_char)((A)>>8))
- struct command
- {
- char *name; /* name of Mnemomic */
- u_long pa1, /* first Parameter */
- pa2; /* second Parameter */
- u_char order1, /* 0,1:Byte Nr / 2,3,4:Bit position/ 5,6:Mnemomic Length */
- order2; /* 0,1:Byte Nr / 2,3,4:Bit position */
- u_char obj[4]; /* Object Code */
- u_short cycle; /* Number of Clock Cycles */
- };