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- Optimizations for the 68020+
- by Erik H. Bakke
- Written 13/10-93
- --- I ------------------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------------- I ---
- 1.1 Introduction
- The 68020+ (from here on 020) has several new registers and commands that
- help speeding up your code.
- This text also mentions some concepts new to the 68010 processor.
- This text contains information on how to use the new instructions, and
- address modes, as well as what modes are available to what instructions,
- and how much space they require.
- However, the timing diagrms for the different instructions are not
- included (I don't know them).
- 1.2 Index
- Chapter I-----------------Introduction-------------------
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Index
- Chapter II------------New Addressing Modes---------------
- 2.1 Extended Address Register Indirect with Index mode
- 2.2 Memory Indirect modes
- Chapter III---------------Improvements-------------------
- 3.1 General Improvements
- 3.2 The CMP2 instruction
- 3.3 Improved Multiply/Divide instructions
- 3.4 The CHK2 instruction
- 3.5 The EXTB instruction
- Chapter IV--------------New Instructions-----------------
- 4.1 The BitField instructions
- 1...Single operand
- 2...Double operand
- 4.2 The RTD instruction
- 4.3 The BCD instructions
- 1...PACK
- 2...UNPK
- 4.4 The MC68040 Block Move instruction (MOVE16)
- 4.5 The 68010 BKPT instruction
- 4.6 The 68020 Module instructions
- 4.7 The CAS/CAS2 instructions
- 4.8 The CoProcessor interface instructions
- 1...User state
- 2...Supervisor state
- 4.9 Conditional TRAP instruction
- Chapter V-------------Addressing mode tables-------------
- 5.1 Allowed Adressing modes
- --- II --------------------- NEW ADDRESSING MODES ---------------- II ---
- First, some new addressing modes:
- The 020 supports 18 different addressing modes, where the 68000 only
- supports 12. The 6 new modes expand memory access.
- - The address register indirect with index now permit the index register
- to be scaled by a factor of 1,2,4 or 8 to allow easy access to byte,
- word, longword and quadword data units. This, in turn greatly improves
- access to arrays of such data.
- - The address register and PC indirect with index modes have been
- extended to a more general syntax, allowind 32-bit displacements.
- Any of the components of these modes are optional, giving us some very
- interesting addressing modes, such as DATA register indirect, called
- base displacement.
- - Another new concept in the 020 is the memory indirect addressing, which
- allows intermediate use of a pointer in memory. The contents of this
- pointer is then used as the base address for further memory access. We
- will see examples of how this is used later.
- The 020 supports a scale factor to be used with the index register.
- This eliminates the need for an additional multiply/rotation instruction
- to compute the correct index value.
- Syntax: 1 (d8,An,Rm.Size*Scale) uses old 8-bit displacement
- 2 (bd,An,Rm.Size*Scale) uses 16 or 32-bit base displacement
- 3 (d8,PC,Rm.Size*Scale) uses old 8-bit displacement
- 4 (bd,PC,Rm.size*Scale) uses 16 or 32-bit base displacement
- 1 <ea>=d8+An+(Rm.Size*Scale)
- 2 <ea>=bd+An+(Rm.Size*Scale)
- 3 <ea>=d8+PC+(Rm.Size*Scale)
- 4 <ea>=bd+PC+(Rm.Size*Scale)
- The addressing mode works just like the old version of it, except that
- you may include the scale factor to multiply the index register by
- 1,2,4 or 8. The old version can be regarded as having a scale factor
- of 1.
- Example:
- "Table" is an array of quadwords (64-bits)
- "Element" (16 bits) is the element number to be looked up. (32-bit)
- move.l (Element,pc),d0
- move.l (Table,pc,d0.w*8),d0
- This code fetches the 32-bit element as indicated by "Element" from the
- table "Table".
- Many forms of this addressing mode is legal, as the different elements
- are optional. Allowed forms may be:
- (bd,An,Rm.Size) Corresponds to the old version
- (bd,Rm.Size*Scale) Omits the address register from the <ea>
- (bd) Equivalent to absolute addressing
- (Dm.l) Data register indirect addressing
- () Just an <ea> of 0
- If you choose to omit the PC, you may have to use the notation ZPC
- and/or note the base displacement with .L, depending on your assembler.
- These modes enables the processor to step on a pointer in memory when
- computing an <ea>. These modes can be divided in two categories,
- Pre-indexed and Post-indexed.
- Syntax: 1 ([bd,An,Rm.Size*Scale],od) Pre-indexed form
- 2 ([bd,An],Rm.Size*Scale,od) Post-indexed form
- 3 ([bd,PC,Rm.Size*Scale],od) Pre-indexed form
- 4 ([bd,PC],Rm.Size*Scale,od) Post-indexed form
- 1 <ea>=Contents of(bd+An+Rm*Scale) + od
- 2 <ea>=Contents of(bd+An) + Rm*Scale+od
- 3 <ea>=Contents of(bd+PC+Rm*Scale) + od
- 4 <ea>=Contents of(bd+An) + Rm*Scale+od
- The same rules apllies to these addressing modes as do for the
- previously described modes.
- All elements are optional and may be omitted.
- Example:
- On Amiga computers, graphics rendering functions need a pointer to a
- rastport.
- To extract this RastPort pointer from a Window sctructure the
- following code would be used:
- move.l ([WindowBase,pc],wd_RPort),a2
- When getting to grips with these addressing modes, they can greatly improve
- the performance of your program, as well as reducing the length of the
- code.
- --- III ---------------------- IMPROVEMENTS --------------------- III ---
- 3.1 General improvements:
- The 020 improves the branch instructions to use an 8, 16 or 32-bit
- displacement.
- 3.2 The CMP2 instruction
- The CMP instructions are extended to compare a register against a pair of
- bounds:
- CMP2.Size <ea>,Rn
- The <ea> is a pointer to the bounds. The bounds are the same size as the
- operation. The lower bound is stored first, then the upper bound.
- If Rn is outside the bounds, the C flag is set, If Rn is equal to either
- of the bounds, the Z flag is set, and both are cleared if Rn is within
- the bounds.
- -This operation may be used on both unsigned and signed data.
- -If Rn is an address register, byte/word data is sign extended before
- comparison
- 3.3 Improved Multiply/Divide instructions
- The 020 greatly improves the multiplication/division instructions.
- Now, you have these possibilities:
- 3.3.1 MULU/MULS instructions
- Instruction Precision
- Syntax:
- 1 MULU.W <ea>,Dn 16b*16b=>32b (68000 instruction)
- 2 MULU.L <ea>,Dl 32b*32b=>32b
- 3 MULU.L <ea>,Dh:Dl 32b*32b=>64b
- The syntax and precision of the MULS instruction are identical
- to those of the MULU instructions.
- MULU.W <ea>,Dn
- This instruction multiplies the 16-bit value indicated by <ea> with
- the 16-bit contents of Dn, and stores the result as a 32-bit value
- in Dn. This is the basic MULU instruction that is found on the
- 68000 processor.
- MULU.L <ea>,Dl
- This instruction multiplies the 32-bit value indicated by <ea> with
- the 32-bit contents of Dl. This produces a 64-bit result of which
- the low 32 bits are discarded. The high 32 bits are then stored in
- Dl.
- MULU.L <ea>,Dh:Dl
- This instruction multiplies the 32-bit value indicated by <ea> with
- the 32-bit contents of Dl. This produces a 64-bit result. The high
- 32 bits are stored in Dh, and the low 32 bits are stored in Dl.
- 3.3.2 DIVU/DIVS
- Instruction Precision
- Syntax:
- 1 DIVU.W <ea>,Dn 32b/16b=>16r:16q (68000 instruction)
- 2 DIVU.L <ea>,Dq 32b/32b=>32q
- 3 DIVU.L <ea>,Dr:Dq 64b/32b=>32r:32q
- 4 DIVUL.L <ea>,Dr:Dq 32b/32b=>32r:32q
- The syntax and precision of the DIVS instruction are identical
- to those of the DIVU instructions
- DIVU.W <ea>,Dn
- This instruction divides the 32-bit contents of Dn with the 16-bit
- value indicated by <ea>, and stores the quotient is stored in the
- lowest word of Dn, and the remainder is stored in the highest.
- This is the basic DIVU instruction that is found on the 68000
- processor
- DIVU.L <ea>,Dq
- This instruction divides the 32-bit contents of Dq with the 32-bit
- value indicated by <ea>, and stores the quotient in Dq. The remainder
- is discarded.
- DIVU.L <ea>,Dr:Dq
- This instruction divides the 64-bit contents of Dr(MSLW):Dq(LSLW)
- with the 32-bit value indicated by <ea> and stores the quotien in
- Dq, and the remainder in Dr.
- DIVUL.L <ea>,Dr:Dq
- This instruction divides the 32-bit contents of Dq with the 32-bit
- value indicated by <ea>, and stores the quotient in Dq, and the remainder
- in Dr.
- 3.4 The CHK2 instruction
- The 020 extends the CHK instruction to check a value against a pair
- of bounds. See the description of CMP2 for information about these
- bounds. If the value is outside the specified bounds, a CHK
- exception is taken.
- 3.5 The EXTB instruction
- The 020 allows the direct sign extension from a byte to a longword.
- Syntax:
- EXTB.L Dn Extend byte to long
- Example:
- The following code:
- ext.w d0
- ext.l d0
- can be replaced with:
- extb.l d0
- --- IV ---------------------- NEW INSTRUCTIONS ------------------- IV ---
- 4.1 Bit Field Instructions:
- The 020 is not confined to addressing data at byte, word or longword
- boundaries, the new bit-field instructions allows access to data at
- any arbitrarily bit position in a data register or memory. The length
- of the data may be from 1 up to 32 bits. These instructions have a
- different bit numbering than the ordinary instructions. The bits are
- numbered from the leftmost digit towards the right.
- To indicate a bit-field, the following syntax is used: {offset:width}
- The "offset" is the number of bits to skip
- The "width" is the number of bits included in the bit-field
- The following bit-field is described as {13:12}
- 31 23 15 7 0 Ordinary bit numbering
- | | | | |
- -------------XXXXXXXXXXXX------- Bit field
- | | | | |
- 0 8 16 24 31 Bit field numbering
- A bit field may also stretch across boundaries in memory, f. eks.:
- 31 23 15 7 031 23 15
- | | | | || | |
- --------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX--------
- | | | | | | |
- 0 8 16 24 32 40 48
- This bit-field would have been described as {26:17}
- In addition, the offset may be negative when used in memory.
- The control of bit-field is supported by 8 instructions, 4 single-
- operand instructions (BFTST,BFCLR,BFSET, and BFCHG), and 4 double-
- operand instructions. (BFFFO,BFEXTU,BFEXTS, and BFINS)
- 4.1.1 Single operand Bit-field instructions
- These instructions can be viewed as extensions of the corresponding
- bit instructions (BTST,BCLR,BSET, and BCHG)
- Syntax:
- 1 BFTST <ea>{offset:width} Test bit-field
- 2 BFCLR <ea>{offset:width} Test bit-field and clear it
- 3 BFSET <ea>{offset:width} Test bit-field and set it
- 4 BFCHG <ea>{offset:width} Test bit-field and invert it
- Each of these instructions first tests the bit-field and sets the
- condition codes accordingly, then perform the action on the data
- (SET,CLR or CHG).
- Condition codes:
- N Set if the most significant digit was 1
- Z Set if all bits are 0
- C Cleared
- V Cleared
- X Not affected
- Only data register direct and control addressing modes are allowed
- for the operand.
- The offset may be either a value from 0-31 or contained as a 32-bit
- signed value in a data register.
- The width may be either a value from 1-32 or contained in the lower
- 5 bits of a data register.
- 4.1.2 Double operand Bit-field instructions
- These instruction provides more control over bit-fields, such as
- inserting, extracting and searching
- Syntax:
- 1 BFEXTU <ea>{offset:width},Dn Extract a bit-field
- 2 BFEXTS <ea>{offset:width},Dn Extract and sign extend
- 3 BFINS Dn,<ea>{offset:width} Inserts a bitfield
- 4 BFFFO <ea>{offset:width},Dn Find First 1 in a BF.
- Condition codes:
- N Set if the most significant bit in the BF is set
- Z Set if all bits in the BF are 0
- C Cleared
- V Cleared
- X Not affected
- The offset may be either a value of 0-31 or contained as a 32-bit
- signed value in a data register.
- The width may be either a value of 1-32 or contained in the lower
- 5 bits of a data register.
- BFEXTU instruction
- This instruction extracts a bit-field from the source operand,
- right-justifies it, and places it in the destination register.
- BFEXTS instruction
- This instruction works just like the BFEXTU ( instruction,
- but sign extends the bit-field to 32-bits before storing it in
- the destination register.
- BFINS instruction
- This instruction extracts the <width> lower bits of the source
- register, and inserts it into the destination bit-field.
- BFFFO instruction
- The bit offset of the most significant 1 in the bit-field is
- stored in the data register. If no 1 is found in the bit-field,
- the sum of the offset and width is stored in the destination.
- The Bit-field instructions can be used for handling floating point
- numbers in software.
- 4.2 The RTD instruction (68010 and up)
- This instruction extends the operation of the RTS instruction.
- It pops the PC off the stack, then a 16-bit displacement is added
- to the SP. This makes it possible to clear parameters pushed on
- to the stack by a calling program.
- Syntax:
- RTD #displacement
- Example:
- A subroutine is called with parameters on the stack.
- The size of these parameters equals <ParamSize>
- The subroutine allocates some stack space for local data.
- The size of this local data equals <LocalSize>
- SubRoutine:
- link a5,#-LocalSize ;Allocate local data space
- movem.l d0-a6,-(sp) ;Save registers
- .
- . ;Do whatever...
- .
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6 ;Restore registers
- unlk a5 ;Deallocate local data space
- rtd #ParamSize ;Deallocate parameter space
- ; and return to caller
- Without this instruction, the stack cleanup would look like this:
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
- unlk a5
- move.l (sp),(ParamSize,sp)
- lea (ParamSize,sp),sp
- rts
- 4.3 The BCD instructions
- The 68000 has some instructions for the manipulating of BCD coded data
- (ABCD,NBCD,SBCD). The 020 extends this command set to include
- instructions for packing/unpacking of such data, the PACK and UNPK
- instructions.
- 4.3.1 The PACK instruction
- This instruction packs data to a format usable by the other BCD
- instructions. When used in memory, the instruction fetches 2 bytes of
- data, adds a displacement, and concatenates bits 11-8 and 3-0 into
- a single byte. When used on a data register, the displacement and the
- contents of the data register is added, then bits 11-8 and 3-0 are
- contatenated to form a byte.
- This instruction is useful for encoding a decimal number stored as a
- string of ascii characters into a usable BCD code.
- Syntax:
- 1 PACK -(An),-(Am),#displacement
- 2 PACK Dn,Dm,#displacement
- Example:
- We want to encode the ascii string "76" ($3736) to BCD.
- Recall that the numeric characters have ascii codes $30-$39.
- "Data" is a pointer to the string we wish to convert.
- move.l (Data,pc),a0
- move.w (a0),d0
- pack d0,d1,#$0000
- Register d1 now contains the hex value $76.
- If we'd wished to, we could have added the BCD 12 to the number in the
- same instruction, like this:
- pack d0,d1,#$0102
- Register d1 now contains the hex value $88
- 4.3.2 The UNPK instruction
- This instruction unpacks a BCD coded number to a less compact version.
- When used in memory, this instruction copies the 2 nibbles of the source
- byte to the low nibble of two separate bytes, the two bytes are
- concatenated into a word, and a displacement is added to the word.
- When used on a data register, the nibbles are copied from the LSB or the
- source register, and the unpacked word is placed in the LSW of the
- destination register.
- Syntax:
- 1 UNPK -(An),-(An),#displacement
- 2 UNPK Dn,Dm,#displacement
- Example:
- We want to unpack the BCD number $76 to a printable ascii string.
- The numberical characters start at ascii $30, so we must add this
- value to both bytes. The displacement is then $3030.
- "Data" is a pointer to the string we wish to fill.
- Register d0 is preloaded with $76
- move.l (Data,pc),a0
- unpk d0,d1,#$3030
- move.w d0,(a0)
- 4.4 The MC68040 Block move instruction (MOVE16)
- This instruction uses the burst mode for rapid movement of a
- block of data. The instruction can be used for fast block copy,
- memory initialization and co-processor communication.
- This instruction aligns all addresses to 16-byte boundaries by masking
- off the lower 4 bits of the addresses. A line of 16 bytes is copied
- from the source to the destination address.
- Syntax:
- 1 MOVE16 (Ax)+,(Ay)+
- 2 MOVE16 xxx.L,(An)
- 3 MOVE16 xxx.L,(An)+
- 4 MOVE16 (An),xxx.L
- 5 MOVE16 (An)+,xxx.L
- For the Amiga computers, some precautions must be taken when using this
- instruction in Chip Memory. Fast Memory works fine, though.
- Example:
- We want to copy an area of 128 bytes from "A" to "B"
- lea (A,pc),a0
- lea (B,pc),a1
- moveq #7,d0
- Loop:
- move16 (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbf d0,Loop
- 4.5 The 68010 BKPT instruction
- This instruction is used for hardware testing, and executes differently
- on the various members of the 68000 family, and is not described here.
- 4.6 The 68020 Module instructions
- These instructions, (CALLM and RTM) appear only on the 68020 processor,
- and the use of them is beyond the scope of this text.
- 4.7 The CAS/CAS2 instructions
- These instructrions are provided for maintaining and protecting critical
- data in a multiprocessor environment. Multiprocessing is beyond the
- scope of this text, but I'll explain these instructions anyway
- Suppose two different processes write to the same memory, and have access
- to a shared variable. This variable may be anything, such as a pointer
- to a list. Process 1 retrieves this variable in d7, and copies it to d0
- as a backup pointer. It then operates upon the pointer in d7.
- Before Process 1 is finished with the operation, it is put to sleep, and
- another process is made ready to run. This process alters the contents
- of our variable. Later, our process is allowed to run again.
- Before it can update the variable, it must test if someone else has
- altered the variable in memory. This is done by comparing the backup
- pointer in d0 with the data in memory.
- -If the values are equal, the variable has not been altered by anybody,
- and the new value can safely be written to the variable.
- -However, if the values are not equal, the process should reload the new
- value of the variable, and rerun it's operation.
- The other process should protect itself in the same way as our process
- did.
- As a final point, the comparison and rewriting must be protected, so
- that the other process doesn't alter the variable between the comparison
- and rewriting. This is done by using an indivisible RMW cycle (RMW=
- Read-Modify-Write)
- 4.7.1 The CAS instruction
- The instruction CAS implements this comparison between global data and
- a register, as well as a data transfer using this RMW cycle.
- Syntax:
- CAS.Size Dc,Du,<ea>
- The <ea> is compared to the contents of register Dc. If they are equal,
- the contents of Du is written to <ea>. If they are not equal, the
- contents of <ea> is copied to Dc. The Z bit reflects the result of the
- comparison.
- 4.7.2 The CAS2 instruction
- The CAS2 instruction works like the CAS instruction except that it
- performs comparisons and updates on two data values.
- Syntax:
- CAS2.Size Dc1:Dc2,Du1:Du2,(Rn1):(Rn2)
- Rn may be any data or address register.
- Only if the contents of Dc1 equals (Rn1) and the contents of Dc2
- equals (Rn2) will the contents of Du1 be written to (Rn1) and
- Du2 be written to (Rn2). This instruction is well suited to
- protect multi-linked lists in a multi-processor environment.
- Like the TAS instruction, the CAS/CAS2 instructions should NOT be
- used on an Amiga, as they are not supported by the hardware.
- The indivisable RMW cycle conflicts with the Amiga's bus system.
- 4.8 The CoProcessor interface instructions.
- These instructions are outside the scope of this text, see the
- "MC68020 CoProcessor support instructions" text by this author
- for information about how to program using these instructions.
- However, here is a list of the instructions:
- 4.8.1 User state coprocessor instructions
- cpBcc Branch on Coprocessor Condition
- cpDBcc Test coprocessor Condition, Decrement and Branch
- cpGEN Coprocessor general function
- cpScc Set on Coprocessor Condition
- cpTRAPcc Trap on Coprocessor Condition
- 4.8.2 Supervisor state coprocessor instructions
- cpRESTORE Coprocessor Restore Functions
- cpSAVE Coprocessor save Function
- 4.9 Conditional TRAP instruction
- The 020 allows conditional traps. If the specified condition is true,
- a TRAPcc exception (exception 7) will be taken.
- Syntax:
- TRAPcc #Data
- The <cc> may be any of the <cc>'s that are supported by the ordinary
- conditional branch instructions.
- --- V ---------------------ADDRESSING MODE TABLES------------------- V ---
- 5.1 Allowed Adressing modes
- CMP2 Compare Register Against Bounds
- Syntax: CMP2 <ea>,Rn
- Size: Byte/Word/Long
- Length: 4 bytes+<ea> data
- Modes: (An)
- (d16,An)
- (d8,An,Xn)
- (bd,An,Xn)
- $xxx.W
- $xxx.L
- (d16,PC)
- (d8,PC,Xn)
- (bd,PC,Xn)
- ([bd,An,Xn],od)
- ([bd,An],Xn,od)
- ([bd,PC,Xn],od)
- ([bd,PC],Xn,od)
- -----------------------------------
- MULU/MULS Multiply (Un)signed
- Syntax: MULU/S.W <ea>,Dn 16b*16b=>32b
- MULU/S.L <ea>,Dl 32b*32b=>32b
- MULU/S.L <ea>,Dh:Dl 32b*32B=>64b
- Size: Word/Long
- Length: 2 bytes+<ea> data (word)
- 4 bytes+<ea> data (long)
- Modes: (both)
- Dn
- (An)
- (An)+
- -(An)
- (d16,An)
- (d8,An,Xn)
- $xxx.W
- $xxx.L
- #<data>
- (d16,PC)
- (d8,PC,Xn)
- (bd,An,Xn)
- ([bd,An,Xn],od)
- ([bd,An],Xn,od)
- (bd,PC,Xn)
- ([bd,PC,Xn],od)
- ([bd,PC],Xn,od)
- -----------------------------------
- DIVU(L)/DIVS(L) Divide (Un)signed
- Syntax: DIVU.W <ea>,Dn 32b/16b=>16r:16q
- DIVU.L <ea>,Dq 32b/32b=>32q
- DIVU.L <ea>,Dr:Dq 64b/32b=>32r:32q
- DIVUL.L <ea>,Dr:Dq 32b/32b=>32r:32q
- Size: Word/Long
- Length: 2 bytes+<ea> data (word)
- 4 bytes+<ea> data (long)
- Modes: (both)
- Dn
- (An)
- (An)+
- -(An)
- (d16,An)
- (d8,An,Xn)
- $xxx.W
- $xxx.L
- #<data>
- (d16,PC)
- (d8,PC,Xn)
- (bd,An,Xn)
- ([bd,An,Xn],od)
- ([bd,An],Xn,od)
- (bd,PC,Xn)
- ([bd,PC,Xn],od)
- ([bd,PC],Xn,od)
- -----------------------------------
- CHK2 Check Register Against Bounds
- Syntax: CHK2 <ea>,Rn
- Size: Byte/Word/Long
- Length: 4 bytes+<ea> data
- Modes: (An)
- (d16,An)
- (d8,An,Xn)
- (bd,An,Xn)
- $xxx.W
- $xxx.L
- (d16,PC)
- (d8,PC,Xn)
- (bd,PC,Xn)
- ([bd,An,Xn],od)
- ([bd,An],Xn,od)
- ([bd,PC,Xm],od)
- ([bd,PC],Xn,od)
- -----------------------------------
- EXTB Extend Byte to long
- Syntax: EXTB.L Dn
- Size: Word/Long
- Length: 2 bytes
- Modes: Dn
- -----------------------------------
- BFxxx BitField instructions
- Syntax: BFTST <ea>{offset:width} BF Test
- BFSET <ea>{offset:width} BF test and Set
- BFCLR <ea>{offset:width} BF test and clear
- BFCHG <ea>{offset:width} BF test and Change
- BFEXTS <ea>{offset:width},Dn BF Extract Signed
- BFEXTU <ea>{offset:width},Dn BF Extract Unsigned
- BFFFO <ea>{offset:width},Dn BF Find First One
- BFINS Dn,<ea>{offset:width} BF Insert
- Both offset and width may be specified as data registers
- Size: The BF instructions are unsized
- Length: 4 bytes+<ea> data
- Modes: Dn
- (An)
- (d16,An)
- (d8,An,Xn)
- (db,An,Xn)
- ([bd,An,Xn],od)
- ([bd,An],Xn,od)
- ([bd,PC,Xn],od)
- ([bd,PC],Xn,od)
- $xxx.W
- $xxx.L
- (d16,PC)
- (d8,PC,Xn)
- (bd,PC,Xn)
- ([bd,PC,Xn],od)
- ([bd,PC],Xn,od)
- -----------------------------------
- RTD Return and Deallocate
- Syntax: RTD #displacement
- Size: Unsized
- Length: 4 bytes
- Modes: #<data>
- -----------------------------------
- PACK Pack BCD data
- Syntax: PACK -(Ax),-(Ay),#displacement
- PACK Dx,Dy,#displacement
- Size: Unsized
- Length: 4 bytes
- Modes: See syntax
- -----------------------------------
- UNPK Unpack BCD data
- Syntax: UNPK -(Ax),-(Ay),#displacement
- UNPK Dx,Dy,#displacement
- Size: Unsized
- Length: 4 bytes
- Modes: See sntax
- -----------------------------------
- MOVE16 Move 16 bytes block
- Syntax: MOVE16 (Ax)+,(Ay)+
- MOVE16 $xxx.L,(An)
- MOVE16 $xxx.L,(An)+
- MOVE16 (An),$xxx.L
- MOVE16 (An)+,$xxx.L
- Size: 1 line (16 bytes)
- Length: 4 bytes (Ax)+,(Ay)+
- 6 bytes The rest
- Modes: See syntax
- -----------------------------------
- CAS/CAS2 Compare And Swap with operand
- Syntax: CAS Dc,Du,<ea>
- CAS2 Dc1:Dc2,Du1:Du2,(Rn1):(Rn2)
- Size: Byte/Word/Long (CAS)
- Word/Long (CAS2)
- Length: 4 bytes+<ea> data (CAS)
- 6 bytes+<ea> data (CAS2)
- Modes: (CAS)
- (An)
- (An)+
- -(An)
- (d16,An)
- (d8,An,Xn)
- (bd,An,Xn)
- ([bd,An,Xn],od)
- ([bd,An],Xn,od)
- $xxx.W
- $xxx.L
- -----------------------------------
- TRAPcc Trap on Condition
- Syntax: TRAPcc
- TRAPcc.W #<data>
- TRAPcc.L #<data>
- Size: Unsized/Word/Long
- Length: 2 bytes (Unsized)
- 4 bytes (Word)
- 6 bytes (Long)
- Modes: #<data>
- -----------------------------------
- ***********************************************************************************************
- * The text in this document is written by Erik H. Bakke *
- * © 1993 Erik H. Bakke/Bakke SoftDev *
- * This document may be freely redistributed as long as it remains unchanged and together with *
- * the FPU programming document *
- ***********************************************************************************************
- *Permission is granted to Michael Glew to incorporate it in his Asp68k project, and eventually*
- * editing it to fit in the Asp68k environment *
- *Permission is granted to include this document in the HowToCode archive as long as it remains*
- * unchanged. *
- ***********************************************************************************************
- * For error corrections, comments etc., the author can be reached at *
- * e-mail: db36@hp825.bih.no *
- * phone: +47-5630-5537 (13:00-21:00 GMT) *
- * post: Erik H. Bakke *
- * Bjørnen *
- * N-5227 SØRE NESET *
- * Norway *
- ***********************************************************************************************