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- FPU assembler programming
- By Erik H. Bakke
- Written 13/10-93
- --- I ------------------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------------- I ---
- 1.1 Introduction
- Many people have asked me to explain how to program the 68881/68882/040
- floating point coprocessors, and here it is, a guide in the "magic art"
- I have tried to keep this text as system neutral as possible, but it
- may, as the other articles in this series be influenced by the fact
- that I usually program at Amiga computers.
- If you need more information about the topics discussed herein, please
- contact the author.
- 1.2 Index
- Chapter I--------Introduction--------------------
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Index
- Chapter II-----The Coprocessor interface---------
- 2.1 The Interface mechanics
- 2.2 The Floating Point Coprocessor
- Chapter III----Floating Point Programming--------
- 3.1 Floating Point Data Formats
- 3.2 Floating Point Constant ROM
- 3.3 Floating Point Instructions
- 1...Data transfer instructions
- 2...Dyadic operations
- 3...Monadic operations
- 4...Program control instructions
- 5...System control instructions
- Chapter IV-------The 68040 FPU-------------------
- 4.1 Differences
- 4.2 Instruction set
- Chapter V------------Sources---------------------
- 5.1 Sourcecodes
- --- II -------------------THE COPROCESSOR INTERFACE -------------- II ---
- 2.1 The Interface Mechanics
- A coprocessor may be thought of as an extension to the main CPU,
- extending its register set and instructions.
- Different coprocessors that can be interfaced to the 68020+ CPU's
- are the 68881/2 FPU and 68851 MMU.
- Coprocessor instructions are placed inline with ordinary CPU codes,
- all recognized by being LINE-F instructions. (Having the op-code
- format of $Fxxx) In assembler, they are generally noted as cpXXXX
- instructions.
- The coprocessors require a communication protocol with the CPU for
- various reasons:
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 1. The CPU must recognize that a coprocessor is to receive
- the LINE-F op-code, and establish contact with that
- coprocessor.
- 2. The coprocessor may need to signal it's internal status
- to the CPU.
- 3. The coprocessor may need to read/write data to/from
- system memory or CPU registers.
- 4. The coprocessor may have to inform the CPU of error
- conditions, such as an illegal instruction or divide by
- zero. The CPU will have to process the corresponding
- exceptions.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- This protocol is called the MC68000 coprocessor interface. Knowledge
- of this interface is not required of a programmer who wishes to
- utilize a coprocessor, therefore I will not go into specific detail
- about the interface, but briefly sum up the main mechanisms.
- The coprocessor instructions are F-line instructions that have
- all bits in the upper nibble set to generate $Fxxx op-codes.
- Up to 8 coprocessors may reside on the bus (The Amiga coprocessors
- are NOT part of this system, and should not be counted in).
- Each of these co-processors have their own 3-bit address.
- Two such addresses are reserved by Motorola:
- %000 MC68851 PMMU
- %001 MC68881/2 FPU
- It is perfectly possible to install 6 FPU's in the same
- system.
- The general format of a coprocessor op-code is shown below:
- 15 1211 9 8 6 5 0
- ================================
- 1 1 1 1 Cp-ID Type Instruction dependent
- Followed by a number of coprocessor defined extension words and
- effective address extension words.
- If the instruction is not accepted by the coprocessor it is
- addressed to (if the CP is not present) the CPU will take
- an F-line exception.
- 2.2 The Floating Point Coprocessor
- The Motorola floating point coprocessor has the number 68881 or
- 68882. The 68882 is considerably faster than the 881, due
- to optimized internal design. In addition, the 68040 CPU has an
- internal FPU has is even faster than the 882. There are other
- differences between the 881/2 and the 040, but I'll return to
- those later. The 68881 and 68882 are pin compatible, and available
- in speeds up to 20Mhz and 50MHz respectively
- The FPU implements IEEE compatible floating point formats, and
- implements instructions to perform arithmetics on these formats,
- as well as several trancendental functions, such as SIN(x),E^x
- and so on. In addition the FPU has an on-chip constant ROM where
- different mathematical constants are stored.
- 2.2.1 The floating point registers
- The FPU has 8 floating point registers, each 80 bits wide.
- These are named FP0-FP7, just as D0-D7 in the CPU. In addition
- the FPU have 3 32-bit registers:
- Control Register FPCR
- 31.................15..........7..........0
- Exeception Mode
- Enable Control
- Status Register FPSR
- 31.......23........15..........7..........0
- Condition Quotient Accrued Exception
- Codes Exception Status
- Instruction Address Register FPIAR
- 31.......23........15..........7..........0
- Floating point data registers
- The data registers always contain an 80 bit wide extended precision
- floating point number. Before any floating point data is used in
- calculation, it is converted to extended-precision.
- For example, the instruction FMOVE.L #10,FP3 converts the
- longword #10 to extended precision before transferring it to register
- FP3. All calculations with the FPU uses the internal registers
- as either source or destination, or both.
- Floating Point Status Register
- This register is split in two bytes, the exception enable byte, and
- the mode control byte.
- Exception Enable byte
- This register contains a bit for each of the possible eight
- exceptions that may be generated by the FPU. Setting or clearing
- one of these bits will enable/disable the corresponding exception.
- The exception bytes are organized this way:
- Bit Name Meaning
- ========================
- 7 BSUN Branch/Set on UNordered
- 6 SNAN Signalling Not A Number
- 5 OPERR OPerand ERRor
- 4 OVFL OVerFLow
- 3 UNFL UNderFLow
- 2 DZ Divide by Zero
- 1 INEX2 INEXact operation
- 0 INEX1 INEXact decimal input
- Mode control byte
- This register controls the rounding modes and rounding precisions.
- A result may be rounded or chopped to either double, single or
- extended precision. For most usage of the FPU, however, this
- register could be set to all zeroes, which will round the result
- to the nearest extended precision value.
- Mode control byte:
- Bit Name Meaning
- ========================
- 7 PREC1 Precision bit 1
- 6 PREC0 Precision bit 0
- 5 RND1 Rounding bit 1
- 4 RND0 Rounding bit 0
- 3 ---- -----
- 2 ---- -----
- 1 ---- -----
- 0 ---- -----
- PREC=00 Round to extended precision
- PREC=01 Round to single precision
- PREC=10 Round to double precision
- RND=00 Round toward nearest possible number
- RND=01 Round toward zero
- RND=10 Round toward the smallest number
- RND=11 Round toward the highest number
- Floating point Status Register
- This register is just what you may think it is, the parallell to
- the CPU CCR register, and reflects the status of the last
- floating point computation. The quotient byte is used with
- floating point remaindering operations. The exception status
- byte tells what exceptions that occured during the last operation.
- The accrued exception byte contains a bitmask of the exceptions
- that have occurred since the last time this field was cleared.
- Status bits:
- Bit Name Meaning
- =============================
- 7 ---- -----
- 6 ---- -----
- 5 ---- -----
- 4 ---- -----
- 3 N Negative
- 2 Z Zero
- 1 I Infinity
- 0 NAN Not A Number
- Floating point Instruction Address Register
- This register contains the address of the instruction currently
- executing. The FPU can execute instructions in parallell with
- the CPU, so that time-consuming instrcutions, such as division
- and multiplication don't tie up the CPU unnecessary. This means
- that if an exception occurs in the floating point operation,
- the address that are pushed on to the stack is not necessarily
- the address of the instruction that caused the exception.
- The exception handler would have to read this register to find
- the address of the offending instruction.
- --- III ----------------FLOATING POINT PROGRAMMING ------------- III ---
- 3.1 Floating Point Data Formats
- The FPU can handle 3 integer formats, and 2 IEEE compatible formats.
- In addition, it has an extended-precision format and can handle a
- Packed-Decimal Real format.
- 3.1.1 Integer Formats
- The 3 integer formats that are supported by the FPU are compatible
- with the formats used by the 68000 CPU's. They are Byte (8 bits),
- Word (16 bits), and Longword (32 bits).
- 3.1.2 Real Formats
- The FPU supports 4 real formats, the Single precision (32 bits),
- Double precision (64 bits), Extended precision (80 bits), and
- Packed-decimal string (80 bits)
- Single Precision
- The single precision format is indicated with the extension .S
- It consists of a 23-bit fraction, an 8-bit exponent, and 1 bit
- indicating the sign of the fraction. The Single Precision format
- is defined by IEEE and uses excess-127 notation for the exponent.
- A hidden 1 is assumed as the most significant digit of the fraction.
- The format is defined as follows:
- 30 22 0
- S=Sign of fraction
- E=Exponent
- F=Fraction
- The single precision format takes 4 bytes when written to memory.
- Double Precision
- The double precision format is indicated with the extension .D
- It consists of a 52-bit fraction, an 11-bit exponent, and 1 bit
- indicating the sign of the fraction. As the single precision,
- this format is also defined by the IEEE, and uses excess-1023
- notation for the exponent. A hidden 1 is assumed as the most
- significant digit of the fraction. The format is defined as
- follows:
- 62 51 0
- S=Sign of fraction
- E=Exponent
- F=Fraction
- The double precision format takes 8 bytes when written to memory.
- Extended precision
- The extended precision is indicated with the extension .X
- This is the format that is used in all computations, and
- consists of a 64-bit mantissa, a 15-bit exponent and 1 bit
- indicating the sign of the mantissa. A hidden 1 is not assumed,
- so all digits of the mantissa are present. Excess-16383
- is used for the exponent. When data of this format is written
- to memory, it is "exploded" by 16 zero-bits between the mantissa
- and the exponent in order to make it longword aligned.
- The extended-precision format is defined as follows:
- 79 63 0
- When written to memory, it looks like this:
- 94 80 63 0
- When written to memory, this format takes 12 bytes when written
- to memory
- Packed-decimal string
- To simplify input/output of floating point numbers, a special
- 96-bit packed-decimal format.
- This format consists of 17 BCD digits mantissa, some padding
- bits, 4 BCD digits exponent, 2 control bits, 1 bit indicating
- the sign of the exponent, and 1 indicating the sign of the
- mantissa.
- Bits 68-79 are stored as zero bits unless an overflow occurs
- during the conversion.
- Positive and negative infinity is represented by numbers that are
- outside the range of the floating point representation used.
- If the result of an operation has no mathematical meaning, a NAN
- is produced. In the case of a NAN or infinity, bits 92 and 93
- are both 1.
- 3.2 Floating point Constant ROM
- The FPU have an on-chip ROM where frequently used mathematical
- instructions are stored. How to retrieve these constants will be
- discussed below. Each constant has its own address in the ROM:
- Offset Constant
- =============================
- $00 Pi
- $0b Log10(2)
- $0c e
- $0d Log2(e)
- $0e Log10(e)
- $0f 0.0
- $30 ln(2)
- $31 ln(10)
- $32 10^0
- $33 10^1
- $34 10^2
- $35 10^4
- .
- .
- .
- $3e 10^2048
- $3f 10^4096
- 3.3 Floating Point Instructions
- The FPU provides an extension to the normal 68000 instruction set.
- The floating point instructions can be divided into 5 groups:
- 1...Data transfer instructions
- 2...Dyadic instructions (two operands)
- 3...Monadic instructions (one operand)
- 4...Program control instructions
- 5...System control instructions
- The syntax and addressing modes for these instructions are the same
- as those of the ordinary 68000 instructions.
- 3.3.1 Data Transfer Instructions
- Instruction Syntax Op. Sizes Operation
- ==================================================================
- FMOVE FPm,FPn | X | The FMOVE instruction
- FMOVE <ea>,FPn | B/W/L/S/D/X/P | copies data from the
- FMOVE FPm,<ea> | B/W/L/S/D/X | source operand to the
- | | destination operand
- ==================================================================
- FMOVE FPm,<ea>(#k) | P | When writing a .P real, an
- FMOVE FPm,<ea>(Dn) | P | optional rounding precision
- | | may be specified as a constant
- | | or in a data register
- | | See below for details
- ==================================================================
- FMOVE <ea>,FPcr | L | These two FMOVE's copies
- FMOVE FPcr,<ea> | L | data to/from control registers
- ==================================================================
- FMOVECR #ccc,FPn | X | This instruction retrieves a
- | | constant from the ROM, where
- | | ccc is the offset to be read
- ==================================================================
- FMOVEM <ea>,<list> | L/X | Moves multiple FP registers
- FMOVEM <ea>,Dn | X | The register list may be
- FMOVEM <list>,<ea> | L/X | specified as in 68000 assembler,
- FMOVEM Dn,<ea> | X | or be contained as a bitmask
- | | in a data register
- ==================================================================
- When writing floating point numbers to the memory using the .P
- format, an optional precision may be specified as a constant or
- in a data register.
- Meaning of the precision:
- -64<=k<=0 Rounded to |k| decimal places
- 0<k<=17 Mantissa is rounded to k places
- Register bit mask of the MOVEM instruction:
- Addressing mode Bit 7 Bit 6 -------- Bit 1 Bit 0
- =========================================================
- -(An) | FP7 | FP6 |------| FP1 | FP0 |
- All other modes | FP0 | FP1 |------| FP6 | FP7 |
- =========================================================
- 3.3.2 Dyadic Operations
- Dyadic operations are operations computing with two operands.
- The first operand may be addressed with any addressing mode,
- while the second operand (destination) must be an FPU register.
- Instruction Function
- ===================================================
- FADD | Add two FP numbers
- FCMP | Compare two FP numbers
- FDIV | FP Division
- FMOD | FP Modulo
- FMUL | Multiply two FP numbers
- FREM | Get IEEE remainder
- FSCALE | Scale exponent
- FSGLDIV | Single-precision Division
- FSGLMUL | Single-precision Multiplication
- FSUB | FP Subtraction
- ===================================================
- FSCALE adds the first operand to the exponent of the second
- operand.
- FREM returns the remainder of a division as specified by the IEEE
- definition.
- 3.3.3 Monadic Operations
- Monadic operations are operations computing with only one operand.
- The operand may be addressed with any addressing mode.
- The syntax of monadic operations are:
- Instruction.Size <ea>,FPn
- Instruction Function
- ====================================================
- FABS | Absolute value
- FACOS | FP Arc Cosine
- FASIN | FP Arc Sine
- FATAN | FP Arc Tangent
- FATANH | FP Hyperbolic Arc Tangent
- FCOS | FP Cosine
- FCOSH | FP Hyperbolic Cosine
- FETOX | FP e^x
- FETOXM1 | FP e^(x-1)
- FGETEXP | Get exponent
- FGETMAN | Get mantissa
- FINT | FP Integer
- FINTRZ | Get integer and round down
- FLOGN | FP Ln(n)
- FLOGNP1 | FP Ln(n+1)
- FLOG10 | FP Log10(n)
- FLOG2 | FP Log2(n)
- FNEG | Negate a floating point number
- FSIN | FP Sine
- FSINH | FP Hyperbolic Sine
- FSQRT | FP Square Root
- FTAN | FP Tangent
- FTANH | FP Hyperbolic Tangent
- FTENTOX | FP 10^x
- FTWOTOX | FP 2^x
- ====================================================
- There is one more monadic operation that uses a double
- destination operand, the FSINCOS instruction:
- FSINCOS <ea>,FPc:FPs Calculates sine and cosine
- FSINCOS FPm,FPc:FPs of the same argument
- All trigonometric operations operate on values in
- radians.
- 3.3.4 Program Control Instructions
- Instructions
- This group of instructions allows control of program flow based
- on condition codes generated by the FPU. These instructions are
- parallells to the 68000 instructions with the same names.
- Instruction Formats Operation
- =====================================================================
- FBcc <Label> | W/L | Branch on FPU conditions
- FDBcc Dn,<Label>| W | Test FPU conditions, decrement and branch
- FNOP | | No Operation (Like NOP)
- FScc <ea> | B | Set on FPU conditions
- FTST <ea> | All | Test FP number at <ea>
- FTST FPn | X | Test FP number in FPn
- =====================================================================
- Condition codes
- The FPU condition codes that may be acted upon are divided into two
- groups, with and without NAN exception.
- Condition codes with NAN
- Symbol Meaning
- ===========================================
- GE | Greater or equal
- GL | Greater or less
- GLE | Greater, less or equal
- LE | Less or equal
- LT | Less
- NGE | Not (greater or equal)
- NGL | Not (greater or less)
- NGLE | Not (greater, less or equal)
- NGT | Not greater
- NLE | Not (less or equal)
- NLT | Not less
- SEQ | Signalling equal
- SNE | Signalling unequal
- SF | Signalling Always FALSE
- ST | Signalling Always TRUE
- ===========================================
- Condition codes without NAN
- Symbol Meaning
- ===========================================
- OGE | Ordered and greater or equal
- OGL | Ordered and greater or less
- OR | Ordered
- OGT | Ordered and greater
- OLE | Ordered and less or equal
- OLT | Ordered less
- UGE | Unordered or greater or equal
- UEQ | Unordered or equal
- UN | Unordered
- UGT | Unordered or greater
- ULE | Unordered or less or equal
- ULT | Unordered or less
- EQ | Equal
- NE | Unequal
- F | Always FALSE
- T | Always TRUE
- Notes
- You might wonder why there are different symbols for (unequal) and
- (greater or less).
- Floating point numbers may represent an infinity, something that is
- impossible in the 68000 CPU. In addition, they may represent illegal
- values (NAN).
- For detailed information on how these condition code symbols relate to the
- condition code flags, consult programming references for the 68881 FPU.
- 3.3.5 System Control Instructions
- This group consists of 3 instructions, FSAVE, FRESTORE and FTRAPcc.
- FSAVE and FRESTORE are priviliged instructions and are used to save
- and restore the FPU state frame to memory.
- FSAVE <ea> Copies the internal registers to the specified state frame
- FRESTORE <ea> Loads the internal registers with the specified state frame.
- The TRAPcc instruction can generate an exception dependant on the condition
- codes.
- FTRAPcc If the specified condition is true, TRAP.
- FTRAPcc #<data>.(W/L)
- --- IV --------------------------- THE 68040 FPU ----------------- IV ---
- 4.1 Differences
- The FPU that is built-in in the 040, and indeed in the yet to come 060
- are highly optimized. It omits some instructions that are found on
- the 68881/2, but the ones that are unimplemented, are usually emulated
- in software. By avoiding the emulated instructions, a program can get
- a multiple speed increase when run on the 040.
- The 040 also omits the Packed Decimal format (.P) When it is attempted
- written, the 040 will respond with an illegal format exception.
- 4.2 Instruction set of the FPU-40 (Or whatever it is called)
- 4.2.1 68881/2 instructions that are unimplemented
- Type Instructions
- =================================================================
- Transfer | FMOVECR
- =================================================================
- 4.2.2 68881/2 instructions that WORK on an 040
- --- V ----------------------------- SOURCES ----------------------- V ---
- 5.1 Sourcecodes
- There are no sourcecodes in this text, but in the same archive as you
- got this file there should be an assembler source for a julia fractal
- using the FPU.
- The program is a very simple one, and doesn't use the most advanced
- operations, but illustrates clearly how to program for the FPU.
- The program is written for Amiga computers with AGA chipset and at
- least OS 2.0, but it should be easy to degrade to earlier Amiga
- versions and to other platforms.
- ************************************************************************************************
- * This text was written by Erik H. Bakke 14/10-93 © 1993 Bakke SoftDev *
- * *
- * This text is freely redistributable as long as all files are kept together and in unmodified *
- * form. *
- * Permission is granted to include this text in the HowToCode archive *
- ************************************************************************************************
- * Error corrections, comments and questions should be directed to the author: *
- * *
- * e-mail: db36@hp825.bih.no *
- * phone: +47-5630-5537 (13:00-21:00 GMT) *
- * Post: Erik H. Bakke *
- * Bjørnen *
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