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- /*rx
- * Compile.ced ... ARexx program to compile and review error/warning
- * messages in SAS/C 6.3 programs while within CED Pro 3.5.
- * Requires (minimum tested versions): ARexx 1.15, SAS/C 6.3, CED Pro 3.5
- *
- * Copyright © 1992, 1993 Loren J. Rittle
- * Copyright © 1993 Andreas Scherer
- *
- * Use as you will, just document your changes and keep the copyright and
- * header comment notice intact. SAS and ASDG have explicit permission to
- * include this work in their respective compiler/editor packages. All
- * other commercial use is prohibited. This ARexx program must be
- * distributed in source form. This work is provided in the hopes that
- * it will be useful, but no warranty is implied or given.
- *
- * Based upon past non-scmsg based versions of Compile.ced,
- * Copyright © 1990, 1991 Loren J. Rittle
- *
- * Loren J. Rittle (rittle@comm.mot.com)
- * Sun Apr 18 03:06:46 1993
- *
- * This script works with Cygnus Ed Professional V3.5+ and is
- * incompatible with earlier versions of this fine editor.
- * Changes for CED 3.5 support are
- * Copyright © 1993 Andreas Scherer
- *
- * Sun Oct 10 15:00:00 1993
- *
- * Notes:
- *
- * Your env:sc/SCMSG file should contain lines that look something
- * like the following to work with CED 3.5:
- *
- * PORTNAME rexx_ced
- * GOTOFILE OW "%f\n"
- * GOTOLINE LL "%l\n" DM %m
- *
- * Your env:sc/SCOPTIONS file should contain the following line:
- *
- *
- * I bind this macro to F7. Hit once to compile (actually (s)make),
- * then again to step through the errors. Every visited error is
- * removed from the message database. If the last error was visited,
- * the message database can be rebuilt. To quit the loop in this
- * script, send the 'quit' command to SCMSG (via DOS or ARexx)
- */
- options results
- options failat 31
- /*
- * Somehow the working paths of CED and SCMSG aren't the same.
- * Force this to be the path of the current CED view.
- */
- Status 19
- IVOL = Index(FULLNAME,":")
- IDIRS = LastPos("/",SubStr(FULLNAME,1+IVOL))
- IBASE = LastPos(".",FILEONLY)
- If 0 = IBASE Then
- Else
- Pragma('Directory',PATHNAME)
- /*
- * Make sure that SCMSG is running. The error messages are not
- * displayed in a SCMSG window but in the information line of CED 3.5.
- * This feature can not be used with earlier versions of CED.
- */
- address command 'run <nil: >nil: sc:c/scmsg rexxonly'
- address command 'waitforport SC_SCMSG'
- address SC_SCMSG 'errnum'
- if "" = RESULT then do
- DM
- 'okay2' 'Rebuild error/warning database?'
- if result then
- do
- address SC_SCMSG 'clear'
- some_changes = 0
- status 66; views = result
- do i = 1 to views-1
- 'next view'
- status 18; changes = result
- if changes ~= 0 then
- some_changes = 1
- end
- 'next view'
- if some_changes then
- do
- 'okay2' 'Save all changes?'
- if result then
- 'save all changes'
- else
- do
- status 18; changes = result
- if changes ~= 0 then
- do
- 'okay2' 'Save changes to this one file at least?'
- if result then
- 'save'
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- status 18; changes = result
- if changes ~= 0 then
- do
- 'okay2' 'Save changes to this file?'
- if result then
- 'save'
- end
- end
- 'getstring' "'smake <nil: >nil: -sk "||FILENAME||"' 'Enter command to rebuild database:'"
- commandline = result
- if word(commandline,1) = 'smake' then
- if ~exists('makefile') & ~exists('smakefile') then
- do
- 'okay2' 'Warning: No [s]makefile, continue?'
- if ~result then
- commandline = 'RESULT'
- end
- if commandline = 'RESULT' then
- do
- status 19; filename = result
- commandline = 'sc' filename
- 'okay2' 'Would you like to execute "'commandline'" instead?'
- if ~result then do
- DM
- exit 0
- end
- end
- address command commandline
- commandrc = rc
- address SC_SCMSG 'errnum'
- if "" = RESULT then do
- if commandrc = 0 then
- 'okay1' 'No errors/warnings.'
- else
- 'okay1' 'Improper build or bad command.'
- DM
- exit 0
- end
- end
- else
- do
- address SC_SCMSG 'errnum'
- if result = '' then do
- DM
- exit 0
- end
- 'okay2' 'Recycle through error/warning database?'
- if result then
- address SC_SCMSG 'next'
- else
- do
- address SC_SCMSG 'prev'
- DM
- exit 0
- end
- end
- end
- address SC_SCMSG 'file'
- file = result
- address SC_SCMSG 'line'
- line = result
- OW file
- LL line
- address SC_SCMSG 'altfile'
- altfile = result
- if altfile ~= '' then
- do
- address SC_SCMSG 'altline'
- altline = result
- if PATHNAME||altfile = FULLNAME Then
- split view
- else
- OW altfile
- LL altline
- end
- address SC_SCMSG 'errnum'
- errornumber = result
- address SC_SCMSG 'class'
- class = result
- address SC_SCMSG 'text'
- DM class errornumber':' result
- address SC_SCMSG 'delete'